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  1. |        Spaceships in Conway's Life (Part 1)
  2. |            by David I. Bell
  3. |            dbell@pdact.pd.necisa.oz.au
  4. |            28 Aug 1992
  5. |
  6. |This is the first of a series of articles on recent results in Conway's
  7. |Game of Life.  There are many aspects of Life that are interesting and
  8. |have recent developments, such as glider guns, spaceships, puffer trains,
  9. |large period oscillators, and the construction of objects with desired
  10. |properties.
  11. |
  12. |I am restricting this set of articles to spaceships because of two reasons.
  13. |Firstly, since the earliest days of Life around 1970, no truly new spaceships
  14. |had been discovered until just about three years ago, and therefore this area
  15. |is very new and exciting.  And secondly, I have had a part in developing
  16. |this area, and therefore know first hand about some of the results.  But I
  17. |will touch on several of the other areas as I go.
  18. |
  19. |Almost all of the new spaceship results I will be describing were found by
  20. |one of three people.  Possibly others have independently discovered some of
  21. |these things, and if so, we certainly should share credit with them.  But
  22. |until I know otherwise, the credit for the discoveries belongs to the people
  23. |I mention.  These people are Dean Hickerson, David Bell (myself), 
  24. |and Hartmut Holzwart (listed in order of involvement).
  25. |
  26. |Most of the new spaceships were found by computer search.  The size and
  27. |complexity of most of the discoveries are such that they would not be
  28. |expected to turn up by running random patterns, or by manually trying a
  29. |set of possibilities.  However, some of the "fine tuning" of the results
  30. |are the work of human thinking and manipulating pieces of the found results.
  31. |
  32. |
  33. |Some Techspeak
  34. |
  35. |Firstly, I should define some terminology.  A spaceship is a finite pattern
  36. |of live cells in Life that after a certain number of generations reappears,
  37. |but translated in some direction by a nonzero distance.   Translation is
  38. |measured by the shortest king-wise connected path between two cells.  So two
  39. |cells adjacent to each other are one cell apart, whether or not the cells
  40. |are adjacent orthogonally or diagonally.  The process of translating after
  41. |a certain number of generations is called moving or traveling.
  42. |
  43. |The number of generations before the pattern reappears (but translated)
  44. |is called the period of the spaceship.  (This is analogous to the period of
  45. |stationary oscillators.)  Many spaceships appear to be the same pattern
  46. |after a number of generations, but on closer examination are not really
  47. |the same.  Instead of being merely translated, they are also reflected (or
  48. |flipped) as in a mirror.  After twice that number of generations, the
  49. |spaceship does reappear in its original form, with just a translation.
  50. |The period always measures this full number of generations.  Spaceships
  51. |which show their mirror image after half their period are called glide-
  52. |reflection spaceships.
  53. |
  54. |Spaceships can travel orthogonally (straight left-right or up-down), or
  55. |diagonally.  All known diagonal spaceships travel the same distance left-
  56. |right as they do up-down.  There is no reason why a spaceship could not
  57. |travel (for example) two units across and one unit up for its translation.
  58. |However no example of such a spaceship is known.  Theoretically, we could
  59. |build ships with any translation by using a universal computer/constructor.
  60. |But they would be very large and slow.
  61. |
  62. |The translated distance divided by the period is the speed of the spaceship.
  63. |Since the maximum speed of propagation of a signal in Life is one cell per
  64. |generation, this speed is known as c (the speed of light).  This speed is
  65. |also the fastest possible growth of any finite object for a finite number
  66. |of generations (think of a long line of ON cells).  However, growth (or
  67. |even just movement) of a finite object for an infinite time cannot occur
  68. |at this speed.  It was proven in the early days of Life that the maximum
  69. |possible speed of any spaceship is c/2 for orthogonal spaceships, and c/4
  70. |for purely diagonal spaceships.  More generally, if a spaceship moves A
  71. |cells across and B cells up, then its period must be at least 2 * (A + B).
  72. |This means (for example) that an orthogonal spaceship might move by one cell
  73. |in two generations, or two cells in four generations, or three cells in six
  74. |generations, and so on.  But no spaceship (for example) can move by one cell
  75. |in one generation, or two cells in three generations, or three cells in four
  76. |generations.
  77. |
  78. |Whenever I list spaceships or puffers, I will follow some standard rules.
  79. |Since most known spaceships move orthogonally, that movement will not be
  80. |explicitly mentioned.  They will always be drawn so as to move from right
  81. |to left.  The few diagonal spaceships will be marked as such, and will
  82. |move in the indicated direction.
  83. |
  84. |To begin with and to be complete, I will list the original spaceships.
  85. |These are the glider, the lightweight spaceship (LWSS), middleweight
  86. |spaceship (MWSS), and the heavyweight spaceship (HWSS).  These were all
  87. |found very soon after Life was invented by Conway.  They are:
  88. |
  89. |Glider (diagonal to lower left, glide-reflective, period 4, speed c/4):
  90. [example 1]
  91.  .O.
  92.  O..
  93.  OOO
  94. |
  95. |LWSS (glide-reflective, period 4, speed c/2):
  96. [example 2]
  97.  .O..O
  98.  O....
  99.  O...O
  100.  OOOO.
  101. |
  102. |
  103. |MWSS (glide-reflective, period 4, speed c/2):
  104. [example 3]
  105.  ...O..
  106.  .O...O
  107.  O.....
  108.  O....O
  109.  OOOOO.
  110. |
  111. |
  112. |HWSS (glide-reflective, period 4, speed c/2):
  113. [example 4]
  114.  ...OO..
  115.  .O....O
  116.  O......
  117.  O.....O
  118.  OOOOOO.
  119. |
  120. |The glider is the most basic spaceship.  Since it is so small, it appears
  121. |spontaneously from random objects.  Collisions between gliders produce
  122. |many useful things.  For example, two gliders can produce another glider,
  123. |and three gliders can produce a LWSS or MWSS or a HWSS.  Gliders can be
  124. |produced indefinitely by many kinds of "glider guns".  The first glider gun
  125. |was found by Bill Gosper in 1970, and was the first
  126. |example of a Life object whose population grew arbitrarily large.
  127. |
  128. |The three orthogonal spaceships are very useful because of the presence of
  129. |their "sparks".  Sparks are cells at the edge of an object which die off,
  130. |and which can perturb other objects without destroying the object which
  131. |generates the spark.  The commonest use of sparks from these spaceships is
  132. |to perturb an "engine" to produce puffer trains, or to modify stationary
  133. |objects when the spaceships pass by.
  134. |
  135. |The three orthogonal spaceships above show an obvious pattern, and the
  136. |casual Life-player might wonder why the pattern cannot be continued to
  137. |make even larger spaceships.  This will not work directly because the
  138. |sparks do not die off anymore for larger ships, but wreck the ship.
  139. |
  140. |The following for example, doesn't work because the spark at the top
  141. |is actually a blinker, and doesn't die.  Without the blinker, this object
  142. |is known as an OWSS (overweight spaceship).  This name is also given to
  143. |even larger objects following the same pattern.
  144. |
  145. |Non-working OWSS:
  146. [example 5]
  147.  ...OOO..
  148.  .O.....O
  149.  O.......
  150.  O......O
  151.  OOOOOOO.
  152. |
  153. |It was discovered rather early that an OWSS can survive if it is "escorted"
  154. |by other smaller spaceships.  The escorting spaceships are positioned to
  155. |prevent the formation of the deadly non-sparks.  The following is an extreme
  156. |example of this.  This shows the largest overweight spaceship which can be
  157. |safely escorted by only two other spaceships.
  158. |
  159. |OWSS escorted by two HWSS (period 4, speed c/2):
  160. [example 6]
  161.  ....OOOO.......
  162.  ...OOOOOO......
  163.  ..OO.OOOO......
  164.  ...OO..........
  165.  ...............
  166.  ...........OO..
  167.  .O............O
  168.  O..............
  169.  O.............O
  171.  ...............
  172.  ...............
  173.  ....OOOO.......
  174.  ...OOOOOO......
  175.  ..OO.OOOO......
  176.  ...OO..........
  177. |
  178. |There are many other combinations of spaceships that will support one or
  179. |more OWSS.  Some OWSS can be supported by a convoy of two spaceships on
  180. |each side.  But for very long OWSS, no convoy of small spaceships can work
  181. |to stabilize it.  However, it is possible to support an arbitrarily long
  182. |OWSS by nesting different sized OWSS side by side to stabilize them all,
  183. |with final small spaceships on the outside.
  184. |
  185. |
  186. | Tagalongs
  187. |
  188. |The next topic related to spaceships is called a tagalong.  A tagalong is
  189. |something which follows behind one or more spaceships, and needs the
  190. |spaceships in order to survive.  Generally, tagalongs are attached to the
  191. |sparks of a spaceship so that they don't destroy the spaceship.  But some
  192. |tagalongs attach right to the base ship itself, and some even need some
  193. |modification of the base ships in order to work.  A tagalong along with its
  194. |base ship can be considered as a large spaceship.
  195. |
  196. |One of the first tagalongs was found a couple of years into the history of
  197. |Life.  This is the Schick engine, found by Paul Schick in 1972.
  198. |It uses the sparks from two adjacent LWSS to keep the engine going.
  199. |
  200. |Schick engine tagalong (period 12, speed c/2):
  201. [example 7]
  202.  OOOO.....
  203.  O...O....
  204.  O........
  205.  .O..O..OO
  206.  ......OOO
  207.  .O..O..OO
  208.  O........
  209.  O...O....
  210.  OOOO.....
  211. |
  212. |This tagalong is very useful, because it splits into two separate parts.
  213. |The back part dies off on its own.  But it can be perturbed by adjacent
  214. |LWSS, MWSS, or HWSS in many ways to produce output which remains.  It
  215. |then becomes a puffer train.  For example, adding one LWSS gives:
  216. |
  217. |Simple puffer train producing pairs of beehives (period 24, speed c/2):
  218. [example 8]
  219.  ...........OO.
  220.  ..........OOOO
  221.  .........OO.OO
  222.  ..........OO..
  223.  OOOO..........
  224.  O...O.........
  225.  O.............
  226.  .O..O..OO.....
  227.  ......OOO.....
  228.  .O..O..OO.....
  229.  O.............
  230.  O...O.........
  231.  OOOO..........
  232. |
  233. |
  234. |If a second LWSS is also placed at the bottom of the above object
  235. |symmetrically to the top LWSS, then the puffer produces a stream of
  236. |blinkers with period 12.
  237. |
  238. |A tagalong can be changed into a puffer engine by perturbations as in
  239. |the above example.  The reverse can also happen.  A puffer engine can
  240. |be tamed and turned into a tagalong.  This can generally be done by
  241. |using passing spaceships to destroy all of the puffer output.  Such an
  242. |object will then be a large spaceship.  I will give two examples.
  243. |
  244. |The first example uses a well known puffer engine, the B heptomino.  The
  245. |first two puffers in Life were found by Bill Gosper and are both based on
  246. |the B heptomino.  The one given here is the second one he found, where a
  247. |single engine is perturbed by two LWSS to become a very dirty puffer.  It
  248. |takes over 4600 generations for this puffer to settle down.  It then
  249. |produces a large collection of objects with period 140.
  250. |
  251. |Dirty puffer train based on B heptomino (eventual period 140, speed c/2):
  252. [example 9]
  253.  .....
  254.  .OO..
  255.  OO.OO
  256.  .OOOO
  257.  ..OO.
  258.  .....
  259.  .....
  260.  ....O
  261.  ...OO
  262.  ..OO.
  263.  ...OO
  264.  .....
  265.  .....
  266.  .....
  267.  .....
  268.  .OO..
  269.  OO.OO
  270.  .OOOO
  271.  ..OO.
  272. |
  273. |
  274. |By adding another LWSS, this dirty puffer is tamed and becomes a spaceship
  275. |with period 20.  This object has a rather large spark which can then be
  276. |perturbed with other spaceships to produce simple useful outputs such as
  277. |gliders.
  278. |
  279. |Period 20 spaceship based on B heptomino (period 20, speed c/2):
  280. [example 10]
  281.  ..........O..O........
  282.  .OO......O............
  283.  OO.OO....O...O........
  284.  .OOOO....OOOO.........
  285.  ..OO..................
  286.  ......................
  287.  ...........O..........
  288.  ....O...O....O........
  289.  ...OO....O...O...OO.OO
  290.  ..OO.....O........O..O
  291.  ...OO.............OOO.
  292.  ............O..O......
  293.  .............OO.......
  294.  ......................
  295.  ......................
  296.  .OO...................
  297.  OO.OO.................
  298.  .OOOO.................
  299.  ..OO..................
  300. |
  301. |
  302. |The second example is based on a puffer discovered by Bob Wainwright
  303. |in 1984.  The period of this puffer is only eight, which is the minimum
  304. |puffer period known.  (There are several other different period 8 puffers
  305. |known.)  The one shown here produces a row of blinkers.
  306. |
  307. |Period 8 puffer train producing blinkers (speed c/2):
  308. [example 11]
  309.  ...O.....
  310.  .O...O...
  311.  O........
  312.  O....O...
  313.  OOOOO....
  314.  .........
  315.  .........
  316.  .........
  317.  .OO......
  318.  OO.OOO...
  319.  .OOOO....
  320.  ..OO.....
  321.  .........
  322.  .....OO..
  323.  ...O....O
  324.  ..O......
  325.  ..O.....O
  326.  ..OOOOOO.
  327. |
  328. |
  329. |By using a passing HWSS, the blinkers can be deleted, producing a true
  330. |spaceship which can be made as large as desired by moving the trailing
  331. |HWSS back.
  332. |
  333. |Period 8 spaceship (speed c/2):
  334. [example 12]
  335.  ...O.............
  336.  .O...O...........
  337.  O................
  338.  O....O.....OO....
  339.  OOOOO.....OO.OOOO
  340.  ...........OOOOOO
  341.  ............OOOO.
  342.  .................
  343.  .OO..............
  344.  OO.OOO...........
  345.  .OOOO...OOO.OOO..
  346.  ..OO.............
  347.  .................
  348.  .....OO..........
  349.  ...O....O........
  350.  ..O..............
  351.  ..O.....O........
  352.  ..OOOOOO.........
  353. |
  354. |
  355. |By using different puffers, and deleting the output in many many different
  356. |ways, a very large number of spaceships can be produced.  But they all
  357. |have a few things in common.  All of these orthogonal spaceships use the
  358. |LWSS, MWSS, or HWSS as essential components.  Therefore they must all have
  359. |a speed of c/2, and a period which is a multiple of four.  The question
  360. |arises as to whether there are some spaceships which move at different
  361. |speeds, have other periods, or don't make use of the normal spaceships.
  362. |The answer is YES, and is why this area has been exciting in the last
  363. |few years.
  364. |
  365. |Before proceeding to these new things, I will recap two tantalizing
  366. |early results which showed that possibly such ships might be found.
  367. |
  368. |This first one was noticed by many people, and is the pi heptomino.
  369. |The following is generation 1 of the pi heptomino.  It reappears 30
  370. |generations later, with a translation of 9, for a very obscure speed
  371. |of 3c/10.
  372. |
  373. |Generation 1 of pi heptomino, a non-working spaceship:
  374. [example 13]
  375.  ..O
  376.  .OO
  377.  O..
  378.  .OO
  379.  ..O
  380. |
  381. |
  382. |Unfortunately, it also produces a large amount of other debris which
  383. |then quickly destroys the object.  That debris can be controlled by
  384. |carefully placed blocks in its path, or by placing many copies of the
  385. |pi heptomino side by side.  But all such constructions must be carried
  386. |out to infinity to work forever.  No one has figured out how to make a
  387. |finite object based on this work.
  388. |
  389. |The second tantalizing result was discovered by Charles Corderman in 1971
  390. |while doing an exhaustive search of polyominoes.  A small object was
  391. |discovered which translated itself diagonally by 8 cells, with some other
  392. |debris remaining.  The debris doesn't interfere immediately with the object,
  393. |and so it translates itself again.  Only after many such translations does
  394. |the debris catch up to the engine and destroy it.  Corderman found that by
  395. |perturbing the debris in various ways, or by placing multiple copies of the
  396. |engine alongside each other, the engine can survive forever.  However, in
  397. |none of these cases was it a spaceship.  It was instead a puffer, and left
  398. |debris behind.  The following is one of the simplest of these puffers, and
  399. |leaves just blocks behind.
  400. |
  401. |Switch Engine puffer train (diagonal to upper left, glide-reflective
  402. |period 288, speed c/12):}
  403. [example 14]
  404.  .O.O........................
  405.  O...........................
  406.  .O..O.......................
  407.  ...OOO......................
  408.  ............................
  409.  ..........................OO
  410.  ..........................O.
  411. |
  412. |
  413. |The above object is one of the smallest known objects whose population grows
  414. |arbitrarily large.  (All of these are based on the switch engine and have
  415. |only 11 ON cells.)  The only known diagonal puffer trains are all based on
  416. |the switch engine.  But no one succeeded in taming the debris completely to
  417. |create a spaceship until Dean Hickerson did this in April, 1991.  He did
  418. |this by placing a large number of switch engines together so as to eliminate
  419. |all debris.  His original ship required 13 switch engines, but his smaller
  420. |one given here only uses 10 of them.  The number of them needed can possibly
  421. |be reduced even further, but this isn't known.
  422. |
  423. |The spaceship is just a little too wide to be seen in an 80 column width,
  424. |so the description below is compressed in the following manner.  Each
  425. |dollar sign represents 10 empty cells.  Just use an editor to replace
  426. |each dollar sign by 10 periods, and you will be able to reconstruct the
  427. |picture of the full object.
  428. |
  429. |Cordership (diagonal to upper right, symmetrical, period 96, speed c/12):
  430. [example 15]
  431.  $$$.....OO$$$$$
  432.  $$$.....O...OO$$$$......
  433.  $$$....O......O.......OOO$$$.....
  434.  $$$..OOOOO...O.....OOO$$$........
  435.  $$$.....O...O......OOO$$$........
  436.  $$$..O..O$.O$$$.........
  437.  $$....OO.......OO$$$$$..
  438.  $$....OO$$$$$$.
  439.  $$$$$$$$.......
  440.  $$$$$........O$$........
  441.  $$$$$........O$$........
  442.  $$$$$........O$$........
  443.  $$$$$......OO$$.........
  444.  $$$$$.....OOO$$.........
  445.  $......OO$$$........OO$$.........
  446.  $......OO$$$$$$.........
  447.  $$$$$$$$.......
  448.  $$$$$$$$.......
  449.  $$$$$$$$.......
  450.  $$$$$........O$$........
  451.  $$$$$.......O$$.........
  452.  $$$$$........O$$........
  453.  ........OO$$$$$$$.......
  454.  ........OO$$$......O$$$$
  455.  $$$$.....O.O$$$.........
  456.  $$$$....OO.OO$$$........
  457.  $$$$.......OO$$$........
  458.  $$$$.OO$$$$....
  459.  $$$$...O..OOO$......O.O.......OOO.........
  460.  $$$$.OO.O$$.O.....OOO$..
  461.  OO$$$$.O..O$$.....OOO$..
  462.  OO...O.......O$$.........O$$.........O$...
  463.  ....O.O.....OOO$$.........OO$$$$.
  464.  ...O..O..OOOO.OO$$$$$$$.
  465.  .........O..OOO$$$O$$$$.
  466.  ......O..OO..O$$.........OO.OO$$$......O..
  467.  ....O.O.OO$$$....O$$$.........O..
  468.  .....O$$$$.O$$$......O..
  469.  $$$$.....O$..O.OO$$OO...
  470.  $$$$.........O.O......O.OOO$........OOO...
  471.  $$$$$.O....O.O....O$........OO...
  472.  $$$$........O...O.O......OO$$....
  473.  $$$$$OO..O..O...O$$.....
  474.  $$$$$.O...OO.O$$........
  475.  $$$$$.......O.O$$.......
  476.  $$.......O$$.........O.O$$....O..
  477.  $$......OOO$$$$$....O.O.
  478.  $$.....OO.OO$$$$$..O..O.
  479.  $$......OOO$$$$$........
  480.  $$.......O$$$$$.........
  481.  $$.....O.O$$$$$.....O..O
  482.  $$....OOOO$$$$$...OOO.OO
  483.  $$....O$$$$$.....O..OO..
  484.  $$$$$$$$O..O...
  485.  $$....OO.OO$$$$$..O.O...
  486.  $$...O.....O$$$$$.......
  487.  $$....O...O$$$$$........
  488.  $$.......O...O.......O$$$$.......
  489.  $$$O.O.....OOO$$$$......
  490.  $$.........O..O..OOOO.OO$$$$.....
  491.  $$$.....O..OOO$$$$......
  492.  $$$..O..OO..O$$$.........OO......
  493.  $$$O.O.OO$$$$...OO......
  494.  $$$.O$$$$$.....
  495.  $$$$$$$$.......
  496.  $$$$$$$$.......
  497.  $$$$$$$$.......
  498.  $$$$$$$$.......
  499.  $$$$$$$$.......
  500.  $$$$$$$.OO$....
  501.  $$$$$$$.OO$....
  502.  $$$$$...O$$$...
  503.  $$$$$..OOO$$$..
  504.  $$$$$.OO.OO$$$.
  505.  $$$$$..OOO$$$..
  506.  $$$$$...O$$$...
  507.  $$$$$.O.O$$$...
  508.  $$$$$OOOO.........OO$$..
  509.  $$$$$O$..OO$$..
  510.  $$$$$$$$.......
  511.  $$$$$OO.OO$$$..
  512.  $$$$.........O.....O$$$.
  513.  $$$$$O...O$$$..
  514.  $$$$$...O$$$...
  515.  $$$$$$$$.......
  516.  $$$$$.....OO$$$
  517.  $$$$$.....OO$$$
  518. |
  519. |
  520. |The Cordership has lots of debris that dies away.  Gliders can hit this
  521. |debris and do interesting things.  In particular, gliders can be turned
  522. |by 90 or 180 degrees by hitting the debris appropriately.  Dean Hickerson
  523. |has used this fact to create some interesting constructions, such as
  524. |reflecting gliders back and forth forever between two Corderships that are
  525. |slowly pulling apart.
  526. |
  527. |The Corderships form one of several new classes of spaceships, ending a
  528. |period of about 20 years when no new classes were found.  However, it was
  529. |not the first of these new classes.  The next part of this series will begin
  530. |exploring these new classes in earnest, starting with the c/2 period 2
  531. |spaceships.
  532. |
  533. |
  534. |        Spaceships in Conway's Life (Part 2)
  535. |            by David I. Bell
  536. |            dbell@pdact.pd.necisa.oz.au
  537. |            28 Aug 1992
  538. |
  539. |
  540. |This is the second in a series of articles concerning Conway's Game of Life.
  541. |In this article, I will describe the early history of the discovery of the
  542. |new classes of spaceships, and then survey the results for all the known
  543. |period 2 spaceships.  All period 2 spaceships must be orthogonal, and must
  544. |travel at the speed of c/2.  This follows from the speed restrictions
  545. |mentioned in my previous article.
  546. |
  547. |In July of 1989 Dean Hickerson started writing a Life search program for his
  548. |Apple IIe.  It was written in 6502 assembly language and Applesoft BASIC.
  549. |Dean's Life search program looks for patterns that repeat themselves after a
  550. |small number of generations, with or without translations.  (Translations
  551. |are used when you want to find spaceships instead of oscillators.)
  552. |
  553. |During a search, the program recursively attempts to set cells ON or OFF,
  554. |and for each cell that is set uses transition and implication rules in order
  555. |to detect contradictions in the current state of cells.  This allows the
  556. |program to quickly stop and backtrack over impossible situations, and thus
  557. |reduce enormously the size of the search.  This program was described in
  558. |the xlife 3.0 distribution.
  559. |
  560. |Search programs typically attempt to set the cells in a column-by-column
  561. |order.  Since a cell's fate in N generations is usually dependent on the
  562. |state of all cells within a distance of N, contradictions cannot usually
  563. |be detected until the state of the next N columns has been specified.
  564. |This means that looking for oscillators or spaceships is much harder for
  565. |larger periods.  The current useful limit on search programs of this type
  566. |is for period 5.  Some searches in small areas have been done for periods
  567. |6 and 7.
  568. |
  569. |Another effect of the order of setting cells column-by-column is that objects
  570. |which have many rows are harder to find than those with fewer rows.  (The
  571. |number of columns can be very large and has little effect on the search.)
  572. |The current search programs can usefully look for objects which have about
  573. |10 rows (20 rows if symmetry is used), but this limit can be raised somewhat
  574. |for low-period searches, such as up to 14 rows for period 2.
  575. |
  576. |Since the useful number of rows being searched is limited, many of the
  577. |spaceships which are found are of one of two types.  They are either wide
  578. |and short or are thin and long.  These terms refer to the dimensions of the
  579. |spaceship with respect to the direction that it travels.  Therefore a thin
  580. |and long spaceship looks like an "arrow", whereas a wide and short spaceship
  581. |looks like a "wave".  However, for many smaller space ships where both
  582. |dimensions fit within the row limit and are of comparable size, they can
  583. |look like "blobs".
  584. |
  585. |Using his program, and looking for short, wide spaceships, Dean Hickerson
  586. |found the first period 2 spaceships on July 28, 1989.  These were the first
  587. |examples of a new class of spaceship.  He does not remember which specific
  588. |spaceship was found first, but the following ship was among the first ones
  589. |found, and is the smallest known period 2 spaceship.
  590. |
  591. |[Smallest known period 2 spaceship (speed c/2)]
  592. [spaceship1]
  593.  .....O.O
  594.  ....O..O
  595.  ...OO...
  596.  ..O.....
  597.  .OOOO...
  598.  O....O..
  599.  O..O....
  600.  O..O....
  601.  .O......
  602.  ..OOOO.O
  603.  ...O...O
  604.  ....O...
  605.  ....O.O.
  606.  ........
  607.  ...OOO..
  608.  ...OO...
  609.  ...OOO..
  610.  ........
  611.  ....O.O.
  612.  ....O...
  613.  ...O...O
  614.  ..OOOO.O
  615.  .O......
  616.  O..O....
  617.  O..O....
  618.  O....O..
  619.  .OOOO...
  620.  ..O.....
  621.  ...OO...
  622.  ....O..O
  623.  .....O.O
  626. |Within a few hours of finding the first period 2 ship, Dean had discovered
  627. |a grammar for constructing an infinite number of different short, wide,
  628. |period 2 spaceships.  A grammar is an "alphabet" of "components", along
  629. |with rules for the possible sequences of connections between components.
  630. |Components are simply the identifiable pieces of a ship which reappear over
  631. |and over in different ships in different combinations.  There are three
  632. |components in the above spaceship, as will be seen below.
  633. |
  634. |The complete grammar describes the components, the allowed sequences of the
  635. |components, and the manner in which the components are joined together.
  636. |The following are the components of Dean's first grammar.
  637. |
  638. |    [A]          [A']        [B]      [B']       [C]       [C']
  639.  .....O.O      .......O       X         X        X           X
  640.  ....O..O      ....OOOO      ...      .O..      .....      .O...
  641.  ...OO...      ....OO..      OOO      .O.O      OOO..      .O.O.
  642.  ..O.....      ..O.....      OO.      O...      OO...      O....
  643.  .OOOO...      ..OOOO..      OOO      .O.O      OO...      O...O
  644.  O....O..      .O......      ...      .O..      OOOOO      .O..O
  645.  O..O....      OOO..O..       X         X       ..O..      .O.O.
  646.  O..O....      .OOO....                          X          X
  647.  .O......      ..O.....
  648.  ..OOOO.O      ...OOO.O
  649.  ...O...O      ...O..OO
  650.  ....O...      ....OOO.
  651.  ....O.O.      ......O.
  652. |     X              X
  653. |
  654. |
  655. | [D]      [D']        [E]       [E']        [F]      [F']
  656. |  X         X          X           X         X        X
  657.  ...      .O..      ...O.O      ....O      ...O      .O.O
  658.  OOO      .O.O      ..O..O      ..OOO      .OOO      O..O
  659.  OO.      O...      ..O...      .OOO.      OOO.      O...
  660.  OO.      O...      .O..O.      O..O.      .OOO      O..O
  661.  OOO      .O.O      OOO...      O....      ...O      .O.O
  662.  ...      .O..      .OOO..      O..O.        X        X
  663. |  X         X       ...O..      .O.O.
  664. |                      X          X
  665. |
  666. |
  667. |   [G]        [G']
  668. |  X            X
  669.  .O.O..      ...O...
  670.  O..O..      .OOO...
  671.  O.....      OOO....
  672.  O.....      .OO....
  673.  .O..OO      ..OO..O
  674.  ..OOOO      ...OO.O
  675.  ......      .......
  676.  ..OOOO      ...OO.O
  677.  .O..OO      ..OO..O
  678.  O.....      .OO....
  679.  O.....      OOO....
  680.  O..O..      .OOO...
  681.  .O.O..      ...O...
  682. |  X            X
  683. |
  684. |
  685. |The components occur in pairs identified by the same letter, but with or
  686. |without a quote mark (e.g., A and A').  Such pairs are related in that they
  687. |are the two phases of the same section of a period 2 spaceship.  So that,
  688. |for example, if a period 2 spaceship contains component B in generation 0,
  689. |then in generation 1 it must contain component B' in the same position
  690. |within the ship.
  691. |
  692. |Besides the listed components, there are other components which are their
  693. |mirror images.  The mirroring is done by flipping the component across a
  694. |horizontal line.  The mirrored component names are the same as for the
  695. |original components, except that they end with a trailing dash.  So that,
  696. |for example, the mirror image of component A' is A'-.  Mirror images for
  697. |symmetrical components such as B would be duplicates and so are not used.
  698. |
  699. |The components that make up a spaceship are strung together like beads on
  700. |a string, stacked one above the other.  A sequence of components specifies
  701. |the order of components, arranged from top to bottom.  When doing this,
  702. |the components must be correctly aligned horizontally.  The 'X' characters
  703. |in the component diagrams specify the proper alignment.  When two components
  704. |are stacked together, they must be placed adjacent to each other so that
  705. |the 'X' characters are in the same column.  The rows containing the 'X'
  706. |characters are not part of the components, and should be removed.
  707. |
  708. |The following shows an example of stacking two components correctly.
  709. |
  710. | [Section B F' of a period 2 spaceship]
  711. |  X
  712.  ....
  713.  OOO.
  714.  OO..
  715.  OOO.
  716.  ....
  717.  .O.O
  718.  O..O
  719.  O...
  720.  O..O
  721.  .O.O
  722. |  X
  723. |
  724. |The final part of the grammar specifies the allowed sequences of components.
  725. |Only certain sequences of components can be used to make a valid spaceship.
  726. |The following rules specify these allowed sequences.
  727. |
  728. |The sequence must begin with A or A'.
  729. |
  730. |The sequence must end with A- or A'-.
  731. |
  732. |Each pair of adjacent symbols must appear in one line of the following table,
  733. |with the first symbol found before the vertical bar, and the second symbol
  734. |found after the vertical bar.
  735. |
  736. |    A    C'   E-   E'   F'   G   |   B    C    D
  737. |
  738. |    A'   C    E    E'-  F    G'  |   B'   C'   D'
  739. |
  740. |                   B    C-   D   |   A-   C'-  E    E'-  F'   G
  741. |
  742. |                   B'   C'-  D'  |   A'-  C-   E-   E'   F    G'
  743. |
  744. |The simplest example of a sequence which follows these rules is A B A-,
  745. |which represents the c/2 period 2 ship given above.  Another example of a
  746. |spaceship created using these rules is A D E B' A'-, which represents
  747. |the following spaceship.
  748. |
  749. |[One of many period 2 spaceships constructed by the above grammar (speed c/2)]
  750. [spaceship2]
  751.  .......O.O
  752.  ......O..O
  753.  .....OO...
  754.  ....O.....
  755.  ...OOOO...
  756.  ..O....O..
  757.  ..O..O....
  758.  ..O..O....
  759.  ...O......
  760.  ....OOOO.O
  761.  .....O...O
  762.  ......O...
  763.  ......O.O.
  764.  ..........
  765.  .....OOO..
  766.  .....OO...
  767.  .....OO...
  768.  .....OOO..
  769.  ..........
  770.  ......O.O.
  771.  .....O..O.
  772.  .....O....
  773.  ....O..O..
  774.  ...OOO....
  775.  ....OOO...
  776.  ......O...
  777.  ....O.....
  778.  ....O.O...
  779.  ...O......
  780.  ....O.O...
  781.  ....O.....
  782.  ......O...
  783.  ....OOO...
  784.  ...O..OO..
  785.  ...OOO.O..
  786.  ..O.......
  787.  .OOO......
  788.  OOO..O....
  789.  .O........
  790.  ..OOOO....
  791.  ..O.......
  792.  ....OO....
  793.  ....OOOO..
  794.  .......O..
  797. |Small tagalongs were soon found for several of these components.  (These
  798. |tagalongs can also be attached to many of the other period 2 spaceships.)
  799. |The one for component C was found by Robert Wainwright, and the one for
  800. |component A was found by Bill Gosper.
  801. |
  802. | [C component with tagalong]      [A component with tagalong]
  803. |  X                               ........O.
  804.  .........                        .....O.O.O
  805.  OOO......                        ....O..O..
  806.  OO.......                        ...OO.....
  807.  OO....O..                        ..O.......
  808.  OOOOO.O.O                        .OOOO.....
  809.  .O.....O.                        O....O....
  810. |  X                               O..O......
  811. |                                  O..O......
  812. |                                  .O........
  813. |                                  ..OOOO.O..
  814. |                                  ...O...O..
  815. |                                  ....O.....
  816. |                                  ....O.O...
  817. |                                      X
  818. |
  819. |
  820. |Dean Hickerson also looked for thin, long period 2 ships in those first
  821. |weeks.  These spaceships are much harder to find, and so he only found one
  822. |basic ship before moving on to search for other things.  This spaceship is
  823. |shown below.
  824. |
  825. | [First long period 2 spaceship (speed c/2)]
  826. [spaceship3]
  827.  .............O.......
  828.  ...........OO........
  829.  ........OOOO.O.......
  830.  ........OO.......OO..
  831.  ......O...OO.O...OOOO
  832.  ......OOOO.O.O.O....O
  833.  ...O.O......OO.......
  834.  ..OOOOOO.OO.OO.OO....
  835.  .OO.....OO...O.......
  836.  OO....OO....O........
  837.  .OO....OOOO..........
  838.  .....................
  839.  .OO....OOOO..........
  840.  OO....OO....O........
  841.  .OO.....OO...O.......
  842.  ..OOOOOO.OO.OO.OO....
  843.  ...O.O......OO.......
  844.  ......OOOO.O.O.O....O
  845.  ......O...OO.O...OOOO
  846.  ........OO.......OO..
  847.  ........OOOO.O.......
  848.  ...........OO........
  849.  .............O.......
  852. |At the end of September, 1989, Dean discovered an extensible tagalong for
  853. |the above ship that is now named a wicktrailer.  This tagalong allows the
  854. |ship to be made as long as desired.  Such a tagalong can be described as
  855. |having a period, which is the number of generations it takes before a unit 
  856. |of the tagalong reappears in the same place.
  857. |
  858. | [Period 2 ship with wicktrailer (period 20 extensible tagalong) (speed c/2)]
  859. [spaceship4]
  860.  ............................O.........O.........O..
  861.  .............O...........OOOO......OOOO......OOOO..
  862.  ...........OO..........OOO.O.....OOO.O.....OOO.O...
  863.  ........OOOO.O........OO...O....OO...O....OO...O...
  864.  ........OO.......OO...O....OO...O....OO...O....OO..
  865.  ......O...OO.O...OOOO.O.....OOO.O.....OOO.O.....OOO
  866.  ......OOOO.O.O.O....OOOO......OOOO......OOOO......O
  867.  ...O.O......OO.........O.........O.........O.......
  868.  ..OOOOOO.OO.OO.OO..................................
  869.  .OO.....OO...O.....................................
  870.  OO....OO....O......................................
  871.  .OO....OOOO........................................
  872.  ...................................................
  873.  .OO....OOOO........................................
  874.  OO....OO....O......................................
  875.  .OO.....OO...O.....................................
  876.  ..OOOOOO.OO.OO.OO..................................
  877.  ...O.O......OO.....................................
  878.  ......OOOO.O.O.O....O..............................
  879.  ......O...OO.O...OOOO..............................
  880.  ........OO.......OO................................
  881.  ........OOOO.O.....................................
  882.  ...........OO......................................
  883.  .............O.....................................
  885. |The tagalong can be attached to the other "foot" of this ship in a similar
  886. |manner to produce a symmetrical ship of any length, or with two unequal
  887. |length wicks.  The tagalong can also be attached to the "foot" of the
  888. |other period 2 ships on component A'.  Doing this allows the construction
  889. |of a ship which is as wide and as long as desired.
  890. |
  891. |There is a hidden motivation in looking for new ships and their tagalongs.
  892. |Besides the elegance of new ships, Dean was hunting for new puffer trains.
  893. |Puffer trains allow for the construction of interesting large Life objects,
  894. |including devices which perform logic operations or numeric calculations.
  895. |There are only a small number of basic types of puffer trains, and new
  896. |methods for making puffer trains would be useful.  For every new spaceship
  897. |which is found, there is the possibility that it contains a new set of
  898. |"sparks" that has not been seen before.  Such a new set of sparks might
  899. |allow a new type of puffer engine to work, or might be useful to catalyze
  900. |a reaction in a new manner.  So far this has not been successful.
  901. |
  902. |Another way that a new puffer train might be constructed is by perturbing an
  903. |extensible tagalong such as the one in the above ship.  If the perturbation
  904. |results in a reaction that travels at a speed less than or equal to the
  905. |ship (c/2 in this case), and that reaction leaves debris behind, then a
  906. |puffer train results.  Unfortunately, this process has so far not worked
  907. |with any extensible tagalong.  The reaction either breaks off, or travels
  908. |faster than the ship and ends up destroying the ship.  For example, deleting
  909. |one cell from the end of the wicktrailer, or adding one cell to it almost
  910. |always results in one of either two reactions which travel at 6c/7 or 11c/12
  911. |and catch up to the ship and destroy it.
  912. |
  913. |After Dean found the above results, he went looking for other things, and
  914. |so the class of period 2 spaceships wasn't further developed for a while.
  915. |Meanwhile, I had heard of Dean's search program, read his notes about it,
  916. |and wrote my own program in C, and started making my own discoveries.  I
  917. |sent a copy of the program to Hartmut Holzwart.  He made some modifications
  918. |to it (such as speedups, new symmetries, and different search orders), and
  919. |then also started making many new discoveries.  But it wasn't until June of
  920. |this year that we started looking for period 2 spaceships.
  921. |
  922. |On June 7, 1992, I was experimenting with a new search feature, and found
  923. |three new components for period 2 ships.  The most interesting component is
  924. |a repeatable diagonal component which bends the ship backwards with a slope
  925. |of 3/6.  The other two larger components just provide a connection to an
  926. |already known ship component, and terminate the end of the new component.
  927. |The following shows a ship using all three components, with the diagonal
  928. |one repeated twice.
  929. |
  930. |[Period 2 spaceship with repeatable "barber pole" component (speed c/2)]
  931. [spaceship5]
  932.  ........................O
  933.  ......................OOO
  934.  .....................OO..
  935.  .....................O...
  936.  ...................O.O...
  937.  .................OOO.....
  938.  ................OO..O....
  939.  ................O.O......
  940.  ................OOO......
  941.  ................O.OOO....
  942.  ...............OO........
  943.  ..............OO.O.......
  944.  .................O.O.....
  945.  .............O...........
  946.  .............OO.O........
  947.  .............O.O.........
  948.  ............OO...........
  949.  ...........OO.O..........
  950.  ..............O..........
  951.  ..........O..............
  952.  ..........OO.O...........
  953.  ..........O.O............
  954.  .........OO..............
  955.  ........OO.O.............
  956.  ...........O.............
  957.  .......O.................
  958.  .......OO.O..............
  959.  .......O.O...............
  960.  ......OO.................
  961.  ...OO.OOO................
  962.  ...O....O................
  963.  ...O.....................
  964.  ....O..O.................
  965.  .....OO..................
  966.  ......OO.................
  967.  ...OOO.O.................
  968.  ..O...OO.O.O.............
  969.  .O...O..O..O.............
  970.  .O..O.O.O................
  971.  .O........O..............
  972.  ..O..OO...O..............
  973.  ...OO.OOOOOO.............
  974.  ....OO...O.O.............
  975.  ....O.O..................
  976.  ...O.....................
  977.  ....O..O.................
  978.  ....O.O..................
  979.  .........................
  980.  ...OOO...................
  981.  ...OO....................
  982.  ...OOO...................
  983.  .........................
  984.  ....O.O..................
  985.  ....O....................
  986.  ...O...O.................
  987.  ..OOOO.O.................
  988.  .O.......................
  989.  O..O.....................
  990.  O..O.....................
  991.  O....O...................
  992.  .OOOO....................
  993.  ..O......................
  994.  ...OO....................
  995.  ....O..O.................
  996.  .....O.O.................
  998. |
  999. |The diagonal component can obviously be repeated arbitrarily often to make
  1000. |an "arm" as long as desired.  The same arm can also be constructed on the
  1001. |other side of the ship to make it symmetrical, creating a bow shaped ship.
  1002. |
  1003. |One interesting thing about a long string of these diagonal components is
  1004. |that both phases appear identical to each other, but shifted.  This makes
  1005. |the arm act somewhat like a "barber pole" with a pattern appearing to move
  1006. |up (or down) the arm as the ship moves.
  1007. |
  1008. |A few days later I found a second repeatable diagonal component.  This
  1009. |component is actually a tagalong since it just attaches to a "foot" of an
  1010. |intact period 2 ship.  The slope of this tagalong is 8/13.  This tagalong
  1011. |is called the "glancing head" because it resembles a head with two eyes
  1012. |looking sideways.  The following shows two copies of this tagalong, one
  1013. |attached to the base ship and the second to the first tagalong.  Again,
  1014. |this arm can be made as long as desired.
  1015. |
  1016. |[Period 2 spaceship with repeatable "glancing head" tagalong (speed c/2)]
  1017. [spaceship6]
  1018.  .......................O
  1019.  .....................OOO
  1020.  ....................OO..
  1021.  ....................O...
  1022.  ..................O.O...
  1023.  ................OOO.....
  1024.  ...............OO..O....
  1025.  ..............O..O......
  1026.  ..............O..O......
  1027.  ..............O.........
  1028.  ...............O..O.....
  1029.  ................OO......
  1030.  .................OO.....
  1031.  ...............O.O......
  1032.  .............OOO.O......
  1033.  ............OO..........
  1034.  ............O...........
  1035.  ..........O.O...........
  1036.  ........OOO.............
  1037.  .......OO..O............
  1038.  ......O..O..............
  1039.  ......O..O..............
  1040.  ......O.................
  1041.  .......O..O.............
  1042.  ........OO..............
  1043.  .........OO.............
  1044.  .......O.O..............
  1045.  ....OOOO.O..............
  1046.  ....OO..................
  1047.  ..O.....................
  1048.  ..OOOO..................
  1049.  .O......................
  1050.  OOO..O..................
  1051.  .OOO....................
  1052.  ..O.....................
  1053.  ...OOO.O................
  1054.  ...O..OO................
  1055.  ....OOO.................
  1056.  ......O.................
  1057.  ....O...................
  1058.  ....O.O.................
  1059.  ...O....................
  1060.  ....O.O.................
  1061.  ....O...................
  1062.  ......O.................
  1063.  ....OOO.................
  1064.  ...O..OO................
  1065.  ...OOO.O................
  1066.  ..O.....................
  1067.  .OOO....................
  1068.  OOO..O..................
  1069.  .O......................
  1070.  ..OOOO..................
  1071.  ..O.....................
  1072.  ....OO..................
  1073.  ....OOOO................
  1074.  .......O................
  1076. |By using a piece of Dean Hickerson's wicktrailer, one foot can be turned
  1077. |into two feet.  This allows the construction of a "binary tree" spaceship,
  1078. |which branches an arbitrary number of times.  Here the wicktrailer tagalong
  1079. |can be attached to any foot, and two copies of the glancing head tagalong
  1080. |can be attached to the two feet of the wicktrailer.  The following shows a
  1081. |simple example of connecting these tagalongs together to make a branching
  1082. |spaceship.
  1083. |
  1084. |[Period 2 binary tree spaceship (speed c/2)]
  1085. [spaceship7]
  1086.  .......................................O..
  1087.  .....................................OOO..
  1088.  ....................................OO....
  1089.  ....................................O.....
  1090.  ..................................O.O.....
  1091.  ................................OOO.......
  1092.  ...............................OO..O......
  1093.  ..............................O..O........
  1094.  ..............................O..O........
  1095.  ..............................O...........
  1096.  ...............................O..O.......
  1097.  ................................OO........
  1098.  .................................OO.......
  1099.  ...............................O.O........
  1100.  ............................OOOO.O........
  1101.  .......O..................OOO.O...........
  1102.  ....OOOO.................OO...O...........
  1103.  ....OO...................O....OO..........
  1104.  ..O....................O.O.....OOO.O......
  1105.  ..OOOO...............OOO.........O.O......
  1106.  .O..................OO..O..........OO.....
  1107.  OOO..O.............O..O...........OO......
  1108.  .OOO...............O..O..........O..O.....
  1109.  ..O................O............O.........
  1110.  ...OOO.O............O..O........O..O......
  1111.  ...O..OO.............OO.........O..O......
  1112.  ....OOO...............OO.........OO..O....
  1113.  ......O.............O.O...........OOO.....
  1114.  ....O.............OOO.O.............O.O...
  1115.  ....O.O..........OO...................O...
  1116.  ...O.............O....................OO..
  1117.  ....O.O........O.O.....................OOO
  1118.  ....O........OOO.........................O
  1119.  ......O.....OO..O.........................
  1120.  ....OOO....O..O...........................
  1121.  ...O..OO...O..O...........................
  1122.  ...OOO.O...O..............................
  1123.  ..O.........O..O..........................
  1124.  .OOO.........OO...........................
  1125.  OOO..O........OO..........................
  1126.  .O..........O.O...........................
  1127.  ..OOOO....OOO.O................O..........
  1128.  ..O......OO..................OOO..........
  1129.  ....OO...O..................OO............
  1130.  ....OOOO.O..................O.............
  1131.  .......OOOO.O.............O.O.............
  1132.  ..........O.O...........OOO...............
  1133.  ............OO.........OO..O..............
  1134.  ...........OO.........O..O................
  1135.  ..........O..O........O..O................
  1136.  .........O............O...................
  1137.  .........O..O..........O..O...............
  1138.  .........O..O...........OO................
  1139.  ..........OO..O..........OO...............
  1140.  ...........OOO.........O.O................
  1141.  .............O.O.....OOO.O................
  1142.  ...............O....OO....................
  1143.  ...............OO...O.....................
  1144.  ................OOO.O.....................
  1145.  ..................OOOO.O..................
  1146.  .....................O.O..................
  1147.  .......................OO.................
  1148.  ......................OO..................
  1149.  .....................O..O.................
  1150.  ....................O.....................
  1151.  ....................O..O..................
  1152.  ....................O..O..................
  1153.  .....................OO..O................
  1154.  ......................OOO.................
  1155.  ........................O.O...............
  1156.  ..........................O...............
  1157.  ..........................OO..............
  1158.  ...........................OOO............
  1159.  .............................O............
  1160. |
  1161. |
  1162. |Since each branch can be extended to be as long as necessary by using more
  1163. |glancing head tagalongs, enough room can be created to build a fully populated
  1164. |binary tree ship, containing 2^N nodes.
  1165. |
  1166. |The wicktrailer is even more versatile than is shown above.  A longer
  1167. |section of the wicktrailer has even more feet.  There is room for the
  1168. |glancing head tagalong to be attached to each one of those feet, and for
  1169. |more glancing head tagalongs to be attached to those tagalongs.  Counting
  1170. |each section of wicktrailer as a node, this means that not only can full
  1171. |binary trees be constructed, but full N-ary trees can also be constructed,
  1172. |for any N.  The following illustrates the construction details that allow
  1173. |such a spaceship to be made.
  1174. |
  1175. |[Period 2 N-ary tree spaceship details (speed c/2)]
  1176. [spaceship8]
  1177.  .............................O.........O.........O..........
  1178.  ...........................OOO.......OOO.......OOO..........
  1179.  ..........................OO........OO........OO............
  1180.  ..........................O.........O.........O.............
  1181.  ........................O.O.......O.O.......O.O.............
  1182.  ......................OOO.......OOO.......OOO...............
  1183.  .....................OO..O.....OO..O.....OO..O..............
  1184.  ....................O..O......O..O......O..O................
  1185.  ....................O..O......O..O......O..O................
  1186.  ....................O.........O.........O...................
  1187.  .....................O..O......O..O......O..O...............
  1188.  ......................OO........OO........OO................
  1189.  .......................OO........OO........OO...............
  1190.  .....................O.O.......O.O.......O.O................
  1191.  ..................OOOO.O....OOOO.O....OOOO.O....O...........
  1192.  ................OOO.O.....OOO.O.....OOO.O.....OOO...........
  1193.  ...............OO...O....OO...O....OO...O....OO.............
  1194.  ...............O....OO...O....OO...O....OO...O..............
  1195.  .............O.O.....OOO.O.....OOO.O.....OOO.O..............
  1196.  ...........OOO.........OOOO.O....OOOO.O....OOOO.O...........
  1197.  ..........OO..O...........O.O.......O.O.......O.O...........
  1198.  .........O..O...............OO........OO........OO..........
  1199.  .........O..O..............OO........OO........OO...........
  1200.  .........O................O..O......O..O......O..O..........
  1201.  ..........O..O...........O.........O.........O..............
  1202.  ...........OO............O..O......O..O......O..O...........
  1203.  ............OO...........O..O......O..O......O..O...........
  1204.  ..........O.O.............OO..O.....OO..O.....OO..O.........
  1205.  .......OOOO.O..............OOO.......OOO.......OOO..........
  1206.  ....OOOO.O...................O.O.......O.O.......O.O........
  1207.  ....OO...O.....................O.........O.........O........
  1208.  ..O......OO....................OO........OO........OO.......
  1209.  ..OOOO....OOO.O.................OOO.......OOO.......OOO.....
  1210.  .O..........O.O...................O.........O.........O.....
  1211.  OOO..O........OO............................................
  1212.  .OOO.........OO.............................................
  1213.  ..O.........O..O............................................
  1214.  ...OOO.O...O................................................
  1215.  ...O..OO...O..O.............................................
  1216.  ....OOO....O..O.............................................
  1217.  ......O.....OO..O...........O.........O.........O...........
  1218.  ....O........OOO.........OOOO......OOOO......OOOO...........
  1219.  ....O.O........O.O.....OOO.O.....OOO.O.....OOO.O............
  1220.  ...O.............O....OO...O....OO...O....OO...O............
  1221.  ....O.O..........OO...O....OO...O....OO...O....OO...........
  1222.  ....O.............OOO.O.....OOO.O.....OOO.O.....OOO.........
  1223.  ......O.............OOOO.O....OOOO.O....OOOO.O....O.........
  1224.  ....OOO................O.O.......O.O.......O.O..............
  1225.  ...O..OO.................OO........OO........OO.............
  1226.  ...OOO.O................OO........OO........OO..............
  1227.  ..O....................O..O......O..O......O..O.............
  1228.  .OOO..................O.........O.........O.................
  1229.  OOO..O................O..O......O..O......O..O..............
  1230.  .O....................O..O......O..O......O..O..............
  1231.  ..OOOO.................OO..O.....OO..O.....OO..O............
  1232.  ..O.....................OOO.......OOO.......OOO.............
  1233.  ....OO....................O.O.......O.O.......O.O...........
  1234.  ....OOOO....................O.........O.........O...........
  1235.  .......O....................OO........OO........OO..........
  1236.  .............................OOO.O.....OOO.O.....OOO.O......
  1237.  ...............................O.O.......O.O.......O.O......
  1238.  .................................OO........OO........OO.....
  1239.  ................................OO........OO........OO......
  1240.  ...............................O..O......O..O......O..O.....
  1241.  ..............................O.........O.........O.........
  1242.  ..............................O..O......O..O......O..O......
  1243.  ..............................O..O......O..O......O..O......
  1244.  ...............................OO..O.....OO..O.....OO..O....
  1245.  ................................OOO.......OOO.......OOO.....
  1246.  ..................................O.O.......O.O.......O.O...
  1247.  ....................................O.........O.........O...
  1248.  ....................................OO........OO........OO..
  1249.  .....................................OOO.......OOO.......OOO
  1250.  .......................................O.........O.........O
  1252. |
  1253. |A side effect of this construction is that for any sized square, no
  1254. |matter how large, there exists a period 2 spaceship whose cells occupy at
  1255. |least some constant percentage of the area of the square (around 10%).
  1256. |
  1257. |Later, another repeating diagonal tagalong was discovered, which also allows
  1258. |N-ary tree ships to be built.  Here the slope is 4/17, which is shallower
  1259. |than the previous tagalong.  This tagalong has the name "staring head",
  1260. |and looks similar to the main component of the base ship.  The following
  1261. |illustrates this tagalong and how it may be connected.
  1262. |
  1263. |[Period 2 spaceship demonstrating "staring head" tagalong (speed c/2)]
  1264. [spaceship9]
  1265.  ..........O.........O.............
  1266.  .......OOOO......OOOO......O......
  1267.  ....OOOO.O.....OOO.O.....OOO......
  1268.  ....OO...O....OO...O....OO........
  1269.  ..O......OO...O....OO...O.........
  1270.  ..OOOO....OOO.O.....OOO.O.........
  1271.  .O..........OOOO.O....OOOO.O......
  1272.  OOO..O.........O.O.......O.O......
  1273.  .OOO.............OO........OO.....
  1274.  ..O.............OO........OO......
  1275.  ...OOO.O.......O..O......O..O.....
  1276.  ...O..OO......O.........O.........
  1277.  ....OOO.......O.........O.........
  1278.  ......O.......OOO.......OOO.......
  1279.  ....O..........O..O......O..O.....
  1280.  ....O.O........OOO.......OOO......
  1281.  ...O..........O.........O.........
  1282.  ....O.O......OOO.......OOO........
  1283.  ....O.......OOO..O....OOO..O......
  1284.  ......O......O.........O..........
  1285.  ....OOO.......OOOO......OOOO......
  1286.  ...O..OO......O.........O.........
  1287.  ...OOO.O........OO........OO......
  1288.  ..O.............OOOO.O....OOOO.O..
  1289.  .OOO...............O.O.......O.O..
  1290.  OOO..O...............OO........OO.
  1291.  .O..................OO........OO..
  1292.  ..OOOO.............O..O......O..O.
  1293.  ..O...............O.........O.....
  1294.  ....OO............O.........O.....
  1295.  ....OOOO.O........OOO.......OOO...
  1296.  .......O.O.........O..O......O..O.
  1297.  .........OO........OOO.......OOO..
  1298.  ........OO........O.........O.....
  1299.  .......O..O......OOO.......OOO....
  1300.  ......O.........OOO..O....OOO..O..
  1301.  ......O..........O.........O......
  1302.  ......OOO.........OOOO......OOOO..
  1303.  .......O..O.......O.........O.....
  1304.  .......OOO..........OO........OO..
  1305.  ......O.............OOOO......OOOO
  1306.  .....OOO...............O.........O
  1307.  ....OOO..O........................
  1308.  .....O............................
  1309.  ......OOOO........................
  1310.  ......O...........................
  1311.  ........OO........................
  1312.  ........OOOO......................
  1313.  ...........O......................
  1315. |Using his modified version of my program, Hartmut Holzwart recently did a
  1316. |search for large long period 2 spaceships.  He found several dozen such
  1317. |ships with many possible variations.  In this article I will give only a
  1318. |representative sample of these spaceships.
  1319. |
  1320. |Following are three variations on relatively small period 2 ships.
  1321. |These are related to the first long spaceship found by Dean Hickerson.
  1322. |
  1323. |[Several similar small period 2 spaceships (speed c/2)]
  1324.  ............        .............        ............O
  1325.  ............        .............        .........OOOO
  1326.  .........O.O        .........O.O.        .........OO..
  1327.  ........O..O        ........O..O.        .......O...OO
  1328.  .......OO...        .......OO....        .......OOOO.O
  1329.  ......O.....        ......O......        ......O......
  1330.  .....OOOOOO.        .....OOOOOO.O        .....OOOOOO.O
  1331.  ..OO.......O        ..OO.......OO        ..OO.......OO
  1332.  .O...OOO.O..        .O...OOO.OO..        .O...OOO.OO..
  1333.  O...O....O..        O...O....OO..        O...O....OO..
  1334.  O.....O....O        O.....O...OO.        O.....O...OO.
  1335.  OOO...OOOOO.        OOO...OOOO.O.        OOO...OOOO.O.
  1336.  ............        .............        .............
  1337.  OOO...OOOOO.        OOO...OOOO.O.        OOO...OOOO.O.
  1338.  O.....O....O        O.....O...OO.        O.....O...OO.
  1339.  O...O....O..        O...O....OO..        O...O....OO..
  1340.  .O...OOO.O..        .O...OOO.OO..        .O...OOO.OO..
  1341.  ..OO.......O        ..OO.......OO        ..OO.......OO
  1342.  .....OOOOOO.        .....OOOOOO.O        .....OOOOOO.O
  1343.  ......O.....        ......O......        ......O......
  1344.  .......OO...        .......OO....        .......OOOO.O
  1345.  ........O..O        ........O..O.        .......O...OO
  1346.  .........O.O        .........O.O.        .........OO..
  1347.  ............        .............        .........OOOO
  1348.  ............        .............        ............O
  1349. |
  1350. |
  1351. |A section of the wicktrailer can be attached to the two center feet of
  1352. |the middle ship above, creating feet which are separated by a one cell
  1353. |gap.  Hartmut found that a repeatable tagalong can be attached to that
  1354. |pair of feet.  This tagalong is unusual in that unlike most other tagalongs
  1355. |which work by having cells turned on by the base ship, this tagalong works
  1356. |by having some cells turned off by the base ship.  The following shows the
  1357. |base ship, the wicktrailer, and two copies of the repeatable tagalong.
  1358. |
  1359. |[Period 2 spaceship with repeatable tagalong (speed c/2)]
  1360. [spaceship10]
  1361.  ............................O.........O
  1362.  .........O.O..............OOO.......OOO
  1363.  ........O..O.............OO........OO..
  1364.  .......OO................O.........O...
  1365.  ......O........O.......O.O.......O.O...
  1366.  .....OOOOOO.OOOO.....OOO.......OOO.....
  1367.  ..OO.......OO.O.....OO.O......OO.O.....
  1368.  .O...OOO.OO...O.....O.O.OO....O.O.OO...
  1369.  O...O....OO...OO....OO..OO....OO..OO...
  1370.  O.....O...OO...OOO..O.....OO..O.....OO.
  1371.  OOO...OOOO.O.....O..OO..OO.O..OO..OO.O.
  1372.  ....................OO.O......OO.O.....
  1373.  OOO...OOOO.O.....O..OO..OO.O..OO..OO.O.
  1374.  O.....O...OO...OOO..O.....OO..O.....OO.
  1375.  O...O....OO...OO....OO..OO....OO..OO...
  1376.  .O...OOO.OO...O.....O.O.OO....O.O.OO...
  1377.  ..OO.......OO.O.....OO.O......OO.O.....
  1378.  .....OOOOOO.OOOO.....OOO.......OOO.....
  1379.  ......O........O.......O.O.......O.O...
  1380.  .......OO................O.........O...
  1381.  ........O..O.............OO........OO..
  1382.  .........O.O..............OOO.......OOO
  1383.  ............................O.........O
  1385. |
  1386. |By using two feet at the ends of two separate spaceships, this tagalong can
  1387. |be used to connect the two ships into one larger ship.  Since the tagalong
  1388. |has feet of its own, two copies of it can be used to attach another copy
  1389. |of the tagalong to them too.
  1390. |
  1391. |The following spaceships are related, and are both extensible.  Here
  1392. |extensible means that they contain recognizable components which can be
  1393. |repeated to make the ships wider.  (This will be explained in more detail
  1394. |a little later.)  The first spaceship here is important because it
  1395. |demonstrates a new end component for grammar-based ships.
  1396. |
  1397. |[Two similar extensible period 2 spaceships (speed c/2)]
  1398.  ............O.O        ............O.O..
  1399.  ...........O..O        ...........O..O..
  1400.  ..........OO...        ..........OO.....
  1401.  .........O....O        .........O.......
  1402.  ........OOOOO.O        ........OOOOOO...
  1403.  .....OO........        .....OO.......O..
  1404.  ....O...OOO....        ....O...OOO.O....
  1405.  ...O...O.......        ...O...O....O....
  1406.  ...O.....O.....        ...O.....O....O..
  1407.  ...OOO...O.....        ...OOO...OOOOO...
  1408.  .........OO.O..        .................
  1409.  ...OOO......O..        ...OOO.....OOOOO.
  1410.  ..O............        ..O........O....O
  1411.  .O...O.........        .O...O.....O..O..
  1412.  O..O...........        O..O........O...O
  1413.  O....O.........        O....O.......O...
  1414.  OOOOO..........        OOOOO.........OOO
  1415.  ...............        .................
  1416.  OOOOO..........        OOOOO.........OOO
  1417.  O....O.........        O....O.......O...
  1418.  O..O...........        O..O........O...O
  1419.  .O...O.........        .O...O.....O..O..
  1420.  ..O............        ..O........O....O
  1421.  ...OOO......O..        ...OOO.....OOOOO.
  1422.  .........OO.O..        .................
  1423.  ...OOO...O.....        ...OOO...OOOOO...
  1424.  ...O.....O.....        ...O.....O....O..
  1425.  ...O...O.......        ...O...O....O....
  1426.  ....O...OOO....        ....O...OOO.O....
  1427.  .....OO........        .....OO.......O..
  1428.  ........OOOOO.O        ........OOOOOO...
  1429.  .........O....O        .........O.......
  1430.  ..........OO...        ..........OO.....
  1431.  ...........O..O        ...........O..O..
  1432.  ............O.O        ............O.O..
  1433. |
  1434. |
  1435. |The following shows a tagalong for a slightly modified base ship.
  1436. |Here the tagalong works in the normal manner, by having new cells
  1437. |created by the base ship.  This tagalong is not repeatable, however.
  1438. |
  1439. |[Period 2 spaceship with tagalong (speed c/2)]
  1440. [spaceship11]
  1441.  ............O..............
  1442.  .........O.O.O.............
  1443.  ........O..O...............
  1444.  .......OO.....O...........O
  1445.  ......O.......OOO.......OOO
  1446.  .....OOOOOO....OOO.....OO..
  1447.  ..OO.......O....O......O...
  1448.  .O...OOO.O.......OOO.O.O...
  1449.  O...O....O.......O..OO.....
  1450.  O.....O....O......OO...O...
  1451.  OOO...OOOOO........OOOO....
  1452.  ...........................
  1453.  OOO...OOOOO........OOOO....
  1454.  O.....O....O......OO...O...
  1455.  O...O....O.......O..OO.....
  1456.  .O...OOO.O.......OOO.O.O...
  1457.  ..OO.......O....O......O...
  1458.  .....OOOOOO....OOO.....OO..
  1459.  ......O.......OOO.......OOO
  1460.  .......OO.....O...........O
  1461.  ........O..O...............
  1462.  .........O.O.O.............
  1463.  ............O..............
  1464. |
  1465. |
  1466. |The following spaceship is one of the more complicated ships found by
  1467. |Hartmut Holzwart.  It has a curious pattern of several long rows of ON
  1468. |cells within it.  Possibly this hints at a pattern that could reappear at
  1469. |a larger scale in even larger ships.  This spaceship is also extensible.
  1470. |
  1471. |[One of the more complicated period 2 spaceships (c/2)]
  1472. [spaceship12]
  1473.  ..............O.O.........
  1474.  ...........O.O..O.........
  1475.  ..........O..O...........O
  1476.  .........OO....O...O.O.OO.
  1477.  ........O....O...OOO.O.O.O
  1478.  .......OOOOO.O...O..O.....
  1479.  ....OO...........OOO.OO...
  1480.  ...O...OOOOOOOO...O....O..
  1481.  ..O...O............OOO....
  1482.  ..O.....OOOOOOOOO..O...O..
  1483.  ..OOO...O............OOO..
  1484.  ..........OOO.O.O....OOOO.
  1485.  ..OOO.....O..OO.O.......O.
  1486.  .O.....O...OO.............
  1487.  O...OO.O....OOOOO.........
  1488.  O...O.....................
  1489.  O...OO.O....OOOOO.........
  1490.  .O.....O...OO.............
  1491.  ..OOO.....O..OO.O.......O.
  1492.  ..........OOO.O.O....OOOO.
  1493.  ..OOO...O............OOO..
  1494.  ..O.....OOOOOOOOO..O...O..
  1495.  ..O...O............OOO....
  1496.  ...O...OOOOOOOO...O....O..
  1497.  ....OO...........OOO.OO...
  1498.  .......OOOOO.O...O..O.....
  1499.  ........O....O...OOO.O.O.O
  1500.  .........OO....O...O.O.OO.
  1501.  ..........O..O...........O
  1502.  ...........O.O..O.........
  1503.  ..............O.O.........
  1504. |
  1505. |
  1506. |Not all of the spaceships that Hartmut found are extensible.  (I have mostly
  1507. |selected those that were.)  The following is one of those which is not known
  1508. |to be extensible.
  1509. |
  1510. |[Another complicated period 2 (non-extensible) spaceship (speed c/2)]
  1511. [spaceship13]
  1512.  ...........O.O...........O.O
  1513.  ..........O..O.........OOOOO
  1514.  .........OO...........O...O.
  1515.  ........O...O........OO...O.
  1516.  .......OOO.O........O...O...
  1517.  ....OO.............OOOO...O.
  1518.  ...O...OOOOO......O....OOO..
  1519.  ..O...O...........OOO.......
  1520.  ..O.....OOOO...O.O.....OOO..
  1521.  ..OOO...O.....OOOOOOOOO...O.
  1522.  ..........O..OO........OO...
  1523.  ..OOO.....OO.OO...OO.O..O.O.
  1524.  .O.....O...OO......O..OO.O..
  1525.  O...OO.O...O........OO.O.O..
  1526.  O...O.....O..O..............
  1527.  O...OO.O...O........OO.O.O..
  1528.  .O.....O...OO......O..OO.O..
  1529.  ..OOO.....OO.OO...OO.O..O.O.
  1530.  ..........O..OO........OO...
  1531.  ..OOO...O.....OOOOOOOOO...O.
  1532.  ..O.....OOOO...O.O.....OOO..
  1533.  ..O...O...........OOO.......
  1534.  ...O...OOOOO......O....OOO..
  1535.  ....OO.............OOOO...O.
  1536.  .......OOO.O........O...O...
  1537.  ........O...O........OO...O.
  1538.  .........OO...........O...O.
  1539.  ..........O..O.........OOOOO
  1540.  ...........O.O...........O.O
  1541. |
  1542. |
  1543. |I will now explain how many of the above ships are extensible.  This could
  1544. |be done by extending Dean's grammar to include all the new components and
  1545. |how they attach to each other.  But since the attachments of these new
  1546. |components are so obvious, an example seems easiest.  The following
  1547. |spaceship demonstrates the new components and how they may be connected.
  1548. |All the components are separated from each other by a gap of one cell.
  1549. |You should recognize several of these from the collection of spaceships
  1550. |above.
  1551. |
  1552. |[Example components to make Hartmut's ships extensible (speed c/2)]
  1553. [spaceship14]
  1554.  .......O......
  1555.  ....OOOO......
  1556.  ....OO........
  1557.  ..O...........
  1558.  ..OOOO........
  1559.  .O............
  1560.  OOO..O........
  1561.  .OOO..........
  1562.  ..O...........
  1563.  ...OOO.O......
  1564.  ...O..OO......
  1565.  ....OOO.......
  1566.  ......O.......
  1567.  ....O.........
  1568.  ....O.O.......
  1569.  ...O..........
  1570.  ....O.O.......
  1571.  ....O.........
  1572.  ......O.......
  1573.  ....OOO.......
  1574.  ...O..OO......
  1575.  ...OOO.O......
  1576.  ..O...........
  1577.  .OOO..........
  1578.  OOO..O........
  1579.  .O............
  1580.  ..OOOO........
  1581.  ..O...........
  1582.  ....OO........
  1583.  ....OOOO.O....
  1584.  .......O.O....
  1585.  .........OO...
  1586.  ........OO....
  1587.  .......O..O...
  1588.  ......O.......
  1589.  ......O.......
  1590.  ......OOO.....
  1591.  ..............
  1592.  ......OOO.....
  1593.  .....O........
  1594.  ....O...O.....
  1595.  ...O..O.......
  1596.  ...O....O.....
  1597.  ..O.OOOO......
  1598.  .OOO..........
  1599.  ..O.OOOO......
  1600.  ...O....O.....
  1601.  ...O..O.......
  1602.  ....O...O.....
  1603.  .....O........
  1604.  ......OOO.....
  1605.  ..............
  1606.  ......OOO.....
  1607.  .....O........
  1608.  ....O...O.....
  1609.  ...O..O.......
  1610.  ...O....O.....
  1611.  ...OOOOO......
  1612.  ..............
  1613.  ...OOOOO......
  1614.  ...O....O.....
  1615.  ...O..O.......
  1616.  ....O...O.....
  1617.  .....O........
  1618.  ......OOO.....
  1619.  ..............
  1620.  ......OOO.....
  1621.  .....O........
  1622.  ....O...O.....
  1623.  ...O..O.......
  1624.  ...O....O.....
  1625.  ...OOOOO......
  1626.  ..............
  1627.  .....OOOOO....
  1628.  .....O....O...
  1629.  .....O..O.....
  1630.  ......O...O...
  1631.  .......O......
  1632.  ........OOO...
  1633.  ..............
  1634.  ........OOO...
  1635.  .......O.....O
  1636.  ......O...OO.O
  1637.  ......O...O...
  1638.  ......O...OO.O
  1639.  .......O.....O
  1640.  ........OOO...
  1641.  ..............
  1642.  ........OOO...
  1643.  ........O.....
  1644.  ........O.....
  1645.  .........O..O.
  1646.  ..........OO..
  1647.  ...........OO.
  1648.  .........O.O..
  1649.  ......OOOO.O..
  1650.  ......OO......
  1651.  ....O.........
  1652.  ....OOOO......
  1653.  ...O..........
  1654.  ..OOO..O......
  1655.  ...OOO........
  1656.  ....O.........
  1657.  .....OOO.O....
  1658.  .....O..OO....
  1659.  ......OOO.....
  1660.  ........O.....
  1661.  ......O.......
  1662.  ......O.O.....
  1663.  .....O........
  1664.  ......O.O.....
  1665.  ......O.......
  1666.  ........O.....
  1667.  ......OOO.....
  1668.  .....O..OO....
  1669.  .....OOO.O....
  1670.  ....O.........
  1671.  ...OOO........
  1672.  ..OOO..O......
  1673.  ...O..........
  1674.  ....OOOO......
  1675.  ....O.........
  1676.  ......OO......
  1677.  ......OOOO....
  1678.  .........O....
  1679. |
  1680. |
  1681. |Below the standard base period 2 spaceship, there is a small component that
  1682. |I found which attaches to the foot of a ship, and provides a bridge to
  1683. |the new components.  Below that is a symmetrical component with a leading
  1684. |"plus sign" of five cells.  This component featured in many of Hartmut's
  1685. |first period 2 ships.  But it turns out that the plus sign is optional and
  1686. |can be removed, splitting the large component into two smaller components.
  1687. |This is shown next.  Following that are the same smaller components shifted
  1688. |with respect to each other by two cells.  Finally, there is a "jellyfish"
  1689. |component, then the bridge and another base ship.
  1690. |
  1691. |To summerize, all the components with three cells in a row along the edge
  1692. |can join together, and the components with five cells in a row along the
  1693. |edge can join up together, possibly shifted.
  1694. |
  1695. |As an example of extending one of Hartmut's spaceships, we can take the
  1696. |complicated spaceship above with the several rows of ON cells.  By adding
  1697. |more of the same kind of components already present in the ship, we can
  1698. |create the following new spaceship.
  1699. |
  1700. |[Example of extending a period 2 spaceship (speed c/2)]
  1701. [spaceship15]
  1702.  ..............O.O.........
  1703.  ...........O.O..O.........
  1704.  ..........O..O...........O
  1705.  .........OO....O...O.O.OO.
  1706.  ........O....O...OOO.O.O.O
  1707.  .......OOOOO.O...O..O.....
  1708.  ....OO...........OOO.OO...
  1709.  ...O...OOOOOOOO...O....O..
  1710.  ..O...O............OOO....
  1711.  ..O.....OOOOOOOOO..O...O..
  1712.  ..OOO...O............OOO..
  1713.  ..........OOO.O.O....OOOO.
  1714.  ..OOO.....O..OO.O.......O.
  1715.  .O.....O...OO.............
  1716.  O...OO.O....OOOOO.........
  1717.  O...O.....................
  1718.  O...OO.O....OOOOO.........
  1719.  .O.....O...OO.............
  1720.  ..OOO.......OO..O.........
  1721.  .............OO...........
  1722.  ..OOO.........OO.O........
  1723.  .O.....O.......OO.........
  1724.  O...OO.O..................
  1725.  O...O..........OO.........
  1726.  O...OO.O......OO.O........
  1727.  .O.....O.....OO...........
  1728.  ..OOO.......OO..O.........
  1729.  ...........OO.............
  1730.  ..OOO.......OOOOO.........
  1731.  .O.....O..................
  1732.  O...OO.O....OOOOO.........
  1733.  O...O......OO.............
  1734.  O...OO.O....OO..O.........
  1735.  .O.....O.....OO...........
  1736.  ..OOO.........OO.O........
  1737.  ...............OO.........
  1738.  ..OOO.....................
  1739.  .O.....O.......OO.........
  1740.  O...OO.O......OO.O........
  1741.  O...O........OO...........
  1742.  O...OO.O....OO..O.........
  1743.  .O.....O...OO.............
  1744.  ..OOO.......OOOOO.........
  1745.  ..........................
  1746.  ..OOO.......OOOOO.........
  1747.  .O.....O...OO.............
  1748.  O...OO.O....OO..O.........
  1749.  O...O........OO...........
  1750.  O...OO.O......OO.O........
  1751.  .O.....O.......OO.........
  1752.  ..OOO.....................
  1753.  ...............OO.........
  1754.  ..OOO.........OO.O........
  1755.  .O.....O.....OO...........
  1756.  O...OO.O....OO..O.........
  1757.  O...O......OO.............
  1758.  O...OO.O....OOOOO.........
  1759.  .O.....O..................
  1760.  ..OOO.......OOOOO.........
  1761.  ...........OO.............
  1762.  ..OOO.......OO..O.........
  1763.  .O.....O.....OO...........
  1764.  O...OO.O......OO.O........
  1765.  O...O..........OO.........
  1766.  O...OO.O..................
  1767.  .O.....O.......OO.........
  1768.  ..OOO.........OO.O........
  1769.  .............OO...........
  1770.  ..OOO.......OO..O.........
  1771.  .O.....O...OO.............
  1772.  O...OO.O....OOOOO.........
  1773.  O...O.....................
  1774.  O...OO.O....OOOOO.........
  1775.  .O.....O...OO.............
  1776.  ..OOO.....O..OO.O.......O.
  1777.  ..........OOO.O.O....OOOO.
  1778.  ..OOO...O............OOO..
  1779.  ..O.....OOOOOOOOO..O...O..
  1780.  ..O...O............OOO....
  1781.  ...O...OOOOOOOO...O....O..
  1782.  ....OO...........OOO.OO...
  1783.  .......OOOOO.O...O..O.....
  1784.  ........O....O...OOO.O.O.O
  1785.  .........OO....O...O.O.OO.
  1786.  ..........O..O...........O
  1787.  ...........O.O..O.........
  1788.  ..............O.O.........
  1789. |
  1790. |
  1791. |These new components can be combined with the branching ship components to
  1792. |form "loopy" structures.  So we can construct spaceships with arbitrarily
  1793. |large holes inside them.  The following is a simple example of such a
  1794. |spaceship.
  1795. |
  1796. |[Period 2 spaceship with hole (speed c/2)]
  1797. [spaceship16]
  1798.  ..........................O..............
  1799.  .......................OOOO..............
  1800.  .....................OOO.O...............
  1801.  ....................OO...O...............
  1802.  ....................O....OO..............
  1803.  ..................O.O.....OOO.O..........
  1804.  ................OOO.........O.O..........
  1805.  ...............OO..O..........OO.........
  1806.  ..............O..O...........OO..........
  1807.  ..............O..O..........O..O.........
  1808.  ..............O............O.............
  1809.  ...............O..O........O..O..........
  1810.  ................OO.........O..O..........
  1811.  .................OO.........OO..O........
  1812.  ...............O.O...........OOO.........
  1813.  .............OOO.O.............O.O.......
  1814.  ............OO...................O.......
  1815.  ............O....................OO......
  1816.  ..........O.O.....................OOO.O..
  1817.  ........OOO.........................O.O..
  1818.  .......OO..O..........................OO.
  1819.  ......O..O...........................OO..
  1820.  ......O..O..........................O..O.
  1821.  ......O............................O.....
  1822.  .......O..O........................O.....
  1823.  ........OO.........................OOO...
  1824.  .........OO..............................
  1825.  .......O.O.........................OOO...
  1826.  ....OOOO.O........................O.....O
  1827.  ....OO...........................O...OO.O
  1828.  ..O..............................O...O...
  1829.  ..OOOO...........................O...OO.O
  1830.  .O................................O.....O
  1831.  OOO..O.............................OOO...
  1832.  .OOO.....................................
  1833.  ..O................................OOO...
  1834.  ...OOO.O..........................O.....O
  1835.  ...O..OO.........................O...OO.O
  1836.  ....OOO..........................O...O...
  1837.  ......O..........................O...OO.O
  1838.  ....O.............................O.....O
  1839.  ....O.O............................OOO...
  1840.  ...O.....................................
  1841.  ....O.O............................OOO...
  1842.  ....O.............................O.....O
  1843.  ......O..........................O...OO.O
  1844.  ....OOO..........................O...O...
  1845.  ...O..OO.........................O...OO.O
  1846.  ...OOO.O..........................O.....O
  1847.  ..O................................OOO...
  1848.  .OOO.....................................
  1849.  OOO..O.............................OOO...
  1850.  .O................................O.....O
  1851.  ..OOOO...........................O...OO.O
  1852.  ..O..............................O...O...
  1853.  ....OO...........................O...OO.O
  1854.  ....OOOO.O........................O.....O
  1855.  .......O.O.........................OOO...
  1856.  .........OO..............................
  1857.  ........OO.........................OOO...
  1858.  .......O..O........................O.....
  1859.  ......O............................O.....
  1860.  ......O..O..........................O..O.
  1861.  ......O..O...........................OO..
  1862.  .......OO..O..........................OO.
  1863.  ........OOO.........................O.O..
  1864.  ..........O.O.....................OOO.O..
  1865.  ............O....................OO......
  1866.  ............OO...................O.......
  1867.  .............OOO.O.............O.O.......
  1868.  ...............O.O...........OOO.........
  1869.  .................OO.........OO..O........
  1870.  ................OO.........O..O..........
  1871.  ...............O..O........O..O..........
  1872.  ..............O............O.............
  1873.  ..............O..O..........O..O.........
  1874.  ..............O..O...........OO..........
  1875.  ...............OO..O..........OO.........
  1876.  ................OOO.........O.O..........
  1877.  ..................O.O.....OOO.O..........
  1878.  ....................O....OO..............
  1879.  ....................OO...O...............
  1880.  .....................OOO.O...............
  1881.  .......................OOOO..............
  1882.  ..........................O..............
  1883. |
  1884. |
  1885. |Recently I found that the "barber pole" diagonal tagalong can be used as
  1886. |a bridge between two spaceships.  This is shown below.
  1887. |
  1888. |[Barber pole component connecting two period 2 spaceships (speed c/2)]
  1889. [spaceship17]
  1890.  .......O.................
  1891.  ....OOOO.................
  1892.  ....OO...................
  1893.  ..O......................
  1894.  ..OOOO...................
  1895.  .O.......................
  1896.  OOO..O...................
  1897.  .OOO.....................
  1898.  ..O......................
  1899.  ...OOO.O.................
  1900.  ...O..OO.................
  1901.  ....OOO..................
  1902.  ......O..................
  1903.  ....O....................
  1904.  ....O.O..................
  1905.  ...O.....................
  1906.  ....O.O..................
  1907.  ....O....................
  1908.  ......O..................
  1909.  ....OOO..................
  1910.  ...O..OO.................
  1911.  ...OOO.O.................
  1912.  ..O......................
  1913.  .OOO.....................
  1914.  OOO..O...................
  1915.  .O.......................
  1916.  ..OOOO...................
  1917.  ..O......................
  1918.  ....OO...................
  1919.  ....OOOO.O...............
  1920.  .......O.O...............
  1921.  .........OO..............
  1922.  ........OO...............
  1923.  .......O..O..............
  1924.  ......O..................
  1925.  ......O....O.............
  1926.  ......OO.OOO.............
  1927.  .........OO..............
  1928.  ..........O.O............
  1929.  ..........OO.O...........
  1930.  ..........O..............
  1931.  ..............O..........
  1932.  ...........OO.O..........
  1933.  ............OO...........
  1934.  .............O.O.........
  1935.  .............OO.O........
  1936.  .............O...........
  1937.  .................O.......
  1938.  ..............OO.O.......
  1939.  ...............OO........
  1940.  ................O.O......
  1941.  ................OO.O.....
  1942.  ................O........
  1943.  ....................O....
  1944.  .................OO.O....
  1945.  ..................OO.....
  1946.  ...................O.O...
  1947.  ...................OO.O..
  1948.  ...................O.....
  1949.  .......................O.
  1950.  ....................OO.O.
  1951.  ....................O....
  1952.  .....................O.O.
  1953.  .....................O...
  1954.  ......................OOO
  1955.  .........................
  1956.  ....................O.OOO
  1957.  ...................OO..OO
  1958.  ...................O.O...
  1959.  ...................OO....
  1960.  ...................O.....
  1961.  ..................OOO....
  1962.  ..................O......
  1963.  ..................O......
  1964.  ...................O..O..
  1965.  ....................OO...
  1966.  .....................OO..
  1967.  ...................O.O...
  1968.  ................OOOO.O...
  1969.  ................OO.......
  1970.  ..............O..........
  1971.  ..............OOOO.......
  1972.  .............O...........
  1973.  ............OOO..O.......
  1974.  .............OOO.........
  1975.  ..............O..........
  1976.  ...............OOO.O.....
  1977.  ...............O..OO.....
  1978.  ................OOO......
  1979.  ..................O......
  1980.  ................O........
  1981.  ................O.O......
  1982.  ...............O.........
  1983.  ................O.O......
  1984.  ................O........
  1985.  ..................O......
  1986.  ................OOO......
  1987.  ...............O..OO.....
  1988.  ...............OOO.O.....
  1989.  ..............O..........
  1990.  .............OOO.........
  1991.  ............OOO..O.......
  1992.  .............O...........
  1993.  ..............OOOO.......
  1994.  ..............O..........
  1995.  ................OO.......
  1996.  ................OOOO.....
  1997.  ...................O.....
  1998. |
  1999. |
  2000. |Finally, I have discovered two different repeatable tagalongs for period 2
  2001. |spaceships, and a small tagalong for them which makes the ship a period 6
  2002. |spaceship.  This is the only method known for making a period 6 spaceship.
  2003. |
  2004. |[Period 2 spaceship with repeatable tagalongs and period 6 tagalong (speed c/2)]
  2005. [spaceship18]
  2006.  .....O.O.......................................................
  2007.  ....O..O.......................................................
  2008.  ...OO..........................................................
  2009.  ..O............................................................
  2010.  .OOOO..........................................................
  2011.  O....O.........................................................
  2012.  O..O...........................................................
  2013.  O..O...........................................................
  2014.  .O.............................................................
  2015.  ..OOOO.O.......................................................
  2016.  ...O...O.......................................................
  2017.  ....O..........................................................
  2018.  ....O.O........................................................
  2019.  ...............................................................
  2020.  ...OOO.........................................................
  2021.  ...OO..........................................................
  2022.  ...OOO.........................................................
  2023.  ...............................................................
  2024.  ....O.O........................................................
  2025.  ....O..........................................................
  2026.  ...O...O.......................................................
  2027.  ..OOOO.O.......................................................
  2028.  .O.............................................................
  2029.  O..O...........................................................
  2030.  O..O...........................................................
  2031.  O....O.........................................................
  2032.  .OOOO..........................................................
  2033.  ..O............................................................
  2034.  ...OO..........................................................
  2035.  ....O..O.O....O.O....O.O....O.O.....O....O.O.....O....O.O......
  2036.  .....O.O..O..O..O.OO.O..O..O..O.OO.O.O..O..O.OO.O.O..O..O.OO.O.
  2037.  ........O...OO........O...OO.......O...OO.......O...OO.......OO
  2038.  .........O......O......O......O.....OOO....O.....OOO....O......
  2039.  ..........OOOOO.O.......OOOOO.O.......OOOO.O.......OOOO.O....OO
  2040.  ..................OO............OO...........OO...........OO.O.
  2041.  ..........OOOOO.O.......OOOOO.O.......OOOO.O.......OOOO.O......
  2042.  .........O......O......O......O.....OOO....O.....OOO....O......
  2043.  ........O...OO........O...OO.......O...OO.......O...OO.........
  2044.  .....O.O..O..O..O.OO.O..O..O..O.OO.O.O..O..O.OO.O.O..O..O.OO...
  2045.  ....O..O.O....O.O....O.O....O.O.....O....O.O.....O....O.O......
  2046.  ...OO..........................................................
  2047.  ..O............................................................
  2048.  .OOOO..........................................................
  2049.  O....O.........................................................
  2050.  O..O...........................................................
  2051.  O..O...........................................................
  2052.  .O.............................................................
  2053.  ..OOOO.O.......................................................
  2054.  ...O...O.......................................................
  2055.  ....O..........................................................
  2056.  ....O.O........................................................
  2057.  ...............................................................
  2058.  ...OOO.........................................................
  2059.  ...OO..........................................................
  2060.  ...OOO.........................................................
  2061.  ...............................................................
  2062.  ....O.O........................................................
  2063.  ....O..........................................................
  2064.  ...O...O.......................................................
  2065.  ..OOOO.O.......................................................
  2066.  .O.............................................................
  2067.  O..O...........................................................
  2068.  O..O...........................................................
  2069.  O....O.........................................................
  2070.  .OOOO..........................................................
  2071.  ..O............................................................
  2072.  ...OO..........................................................
  2073.  ....O..O.......................................................
  2074.  .....O.O.......................................................
  2075. |
  2076. |
  2077. |In the above, the two types of period 2 tagalongs are repeated twice.
  2078. |The two pre-blocks at the right form the period 6 tagalong.  The pre-blocks
  2079. |can be removed to make a normal period 2 spaceship.  The final three sets
  2080. |of two-bit sparks can also be removed and the ship will still work.
  2081. |
  2082. |There are a few more known period 2 components that I have not mentioned in
  2083. |this article.  The number of possible components is probably infinite.  As
  2084. |we search larger and larger areas, we find more and more components, so that
  2085. |cataloging them becomes impossible.  Instead of trying to catalog everything,
  2086. |we can search directly for objects which meet certain conditions, such as
  2087. |spaceships which have sparks of a desired kind.  An example of this is given
  2088. |by the first "barber pole" spaceship in this article.  The component at the
  2089. |front which connects the diagonal component to the rest of the ship is
  2090. |larger than the others, and is messy.  It was searched for explicitly in
  2091. |order to connect the diagonal component to a known spaceship.
  2092. |
  2093. |Considering the long time interval of 20 years between the classic spaceships
  2094. |and these new classes, you might be surprised at the number of new spaceships
  2095. |that have been found in the last few years.  But I am not done yet!  The
  2096. |next article in this series will survey the period 3 c/3 spaceships.  These
  2097. |were the first spaceships found which travel at a "non-standard" speed.
  2098. |
  2099. |That next article should appear in about two weeks.
  2100. |
  2101. |The following shows a weaving wicktrailer tagalong that looks reminiscent
  2102. |of the wicktrailer for period 2 spaceships.  It can be said to have a
  2103. |period of 34.  The three apparently different cycles are actually the
  2104. |same pattern, just in the 3 different phases.
  2105. |
  2106. |[Period 3 spaceship with wicktrailer (speed c/3)]
  2107. [spaceship19]
  2108.  ..O................O.....................OO..........O...............
  2109.  .O.......O.O......OO.........OOO....................OO...............
  2110.  OO..O.O..O......OOOOO.......O..........OO..O......OOOOO.OOO.......O.O
  2111.  ....OO.OO......O......O...OO....O.....O..........O........O.O...O..O.
  2112.  OO.O..OOO.....O..O..OO....OOO...O.O..OO....OOO...O.O..OO....O.O.O..OO
  2113.  OOOO...OO...O..O.O...O..........O......O...OO....O.....O..OOO........
  2114.  OOOO...OO...O.........OO..O......OOOOO.......O..........O............
  2115.  OO.O..OOO..........................OO.........OOO....................
  2116.  ....OO.OO...............OO..........O................................
  2117.  OO..O.O..O...........................................................
  2118.  .O.......O.O.........................................................
  2119.  ..O..................................................................
  2120. |
  2121. |
  2122. |The wicktrailer can be attached to some other spaceships if it is slightly
  2123. |modified at the front.  Here is a wicktrailer attached to Dean's second
  2124. |long spaceship, along with another related tagalong.  Compare the top
  2125. |tagalong with the spaceship above to see the slight modification required.
  2126. |
  2127. |[Period 3 spaceship with two independent tagalongs (speed c/3)]
  2128. [spaceship20]
  2129.  .........O........O..................
  2130.  ........O.O......OO..................
  2131.  ........O......OOOOO.OOO.............
  2132.  .OOO....O...O.O........O.O...........
  2133.  .OO..O....O.O.O.O..OO....O.O.O..OO...
  2134.  ...OOO.OO.OO...O....O..OOO...O..O....
  2135.  .O..O.O.OOO..........O.........O.O...
  2136.  O....O.....O.........................
  2137.  O....O.....O.........................
  2138.  .O..O.O.OOO..........O...O.O.........
  2139.  ...OOO.OO.OO...O....O.O.OO.O.........
  2140.  .OO..O....O.O.O.O..OO................
  2141.  .OOO....O...O.O......OOOOOO.O.....O..
  2142.  ........O......OOOOO...O........O.O.O
  2143.  ........O.O......OO......O..O.O.O.OO.
  2144.  .........O........O......O...........
  2145.  ..........................OO.........
  2148. |Only one cycle of the wicktrailer is shown above because there is no room
  2149. |for more cycles without removing the bottom tagalong.  The bottom tagalong
  2150. |does not appear to be extensible.
  2151. |
  2152. |Sometimes a tagalong is not really a tagalong, but becomes a required part
  2153. |of a spaceship.  An example of this is shown below.  Here there is a large
  2154. |tagalong for the turtle spaceship, with what appears to be two copies of
  2155. |the wicktrailer attached to the back of the tagalong.  But if either of
  2156. |these wicktrailers is removed, then the tagalong will self destruct.  So
  2157. |this is really a single large tagalong.
  2158. |
  2159. |[Period 3 spaceship with a tagalong with required wicktrailers (speed c/3)]
  2160. [spaceship21]
  2161.  ...............................O...............
  2162.  ..................O...........OO...............
  2163.  ..O..............O..........OOOOO.OOO..........
  2164.  .O.O......OO....OO..O.OO...O........O.O........
  2165.  .O...OO..OOO........OO..O.O..O..OO....O.O.O..OO
  2166.  .O.O...O..O.....OO.O...O...O.O...O..OOO...O..O.
  2167.  ...O..O..OOO....OOOO....O.........O.........O.O
  2168.  OO..OOO..OOO.OO..OOO....O......................
  2169.  OO..OOO..OOO.OO..OOO....O......................
  2170.  ...O..O..OOO....OOOO....O.........O.........O.O
  2171.  .O.O...O..O.....OO.O...O...O.O...O..OOO...O..O.
  2172.  .O...OO..OOO........OO..O.O..O..OO....O.O.O..OO
  2173.  .O.O......OO....OO..O.OO...O........O.O........
  2174.  ..O..............O..........OOOOO.OOO..........
  2175.  ..................O...........OO...............
  2176.  ...............................O...............
  2178. |
  2179. |There are many more tagalongs for Dean's two symmetrical spaceships.
  2180. |Here is a small selection of them.  You can see several components used
  2181. |repeatedly.  Also of interest is that the front and back parts of the
  2182. |turtle ship appear in various widths.
  2183. |
  2184. |[Several period 3 spaceships with tagalongs (speed c/3)]
  2185. [spaceship22]
  2186.  .....................OO.....
  2187.  .....................OOO.O..
  2188.  ...................O....OOO.
  2189.  .................OOOOOOO.OO.
  2190.  .OOO.......O....O........OO.
  2191.  .OO..O.OO.OO....O.OO.OO.OO..
  2192.  ...OOO....O....O..OO..OO...O
  2193.  .O..O.O...O....OOO.O.OO...O.
  2194.  O....O....O..O...O..OO......
  2195.  O....O....O..O...O..OO......
  2196.  .O..O.O...O....OOO.O.OO...O.
  2197.  ...OOO....O....O..OO..OO...O
  2198.  .OO..O.OO.OO....O.OO.OO.OO..
  2199.  .OOO.......O....O........OO.
  2200.  .................OOOOOOO.OO.
  2201.  ...................O....OOO.
  2202.  .....................OOO.O..
  2203.  .....................OO.....
  2206. [spaceship23]
  2207.  .................O...........OOO...O...........
  2208.  ................O.O.........O.....O..O.........
  2209.  ................O...O.OO..OO....O.O...O........
  2210.  .OOO.......O....O.O..O....OOO...O...O.....O.OO.
  2211.  .OO..O.OO.OO......O..OO...OO....O.O.O..OO.O.O.O
  2212.  ...OOO....O....OO..OO.O..........O...O......O..
  2213.  .O..O.O...O....OO..OOOO........................
  2214.  O....O....O..O..O..OOOO...O....................
  2215.  O....O....O..O..O..OOOO...O....................
  2216.  .O..O.O...O....OO..OOOO........................
  2217.  ...OOO....O....OO..OO.O..........O...O......O..
  2218.  .OO..O.OO.OO......O..OO...OO....O.O.O..OO.O.O.O
  2219.  .OOO.......O....O.O..O....OOO...O...O.....O.OO.
  2220.  ................O...O.OO..OO....O.O...O........
  2221.  ................O.O.........O.....O..O.........
  2222.  .................O...........OOO...O...........
  2225. [spaceship24]
  2226.  ..............................OO..O....
  2227.  .................O............OO..O.OOO
  2228.  ................O.O..............OO....
  2229.  ................O...O.OO..OOOOOOO...O..
  2230.  .OOO.......O....O.O..O....O..O....O....
  2231.  .OO..O.OO.OO......O..OO...OOOO.OOOOO...
  2232.  ...OOO....O....OO..OO.O....OO.OO..OO...
  2233.  .O..O.O...O....OO..OOOO....O.....OOO...
  2234.  O....O....O..O..O..OOOO....O.....O.....
  2235.  O....O....O..O..O..OOOO....O.....O.....
  2236.  .O..O.O...O....OO..OOOO....O.....OOO...
  2237.  ...OOO....O....OO..OO.O....OO.OO..OO...
  2238.  .OO..O.OO.OO......O..OO...OOOO.OOOOO...
  2239.  .OOO.......O....O.O..O....O..O....O....
  2240.  ................O...O.OO..OOOOOOO...O..
  2241.  ................O.O..............OO....
  2242.  .................O............OO..O.OOO
  2243.  ..............................OO..O....
  2246. [spaceship25]
  2247.  ..............................OO..O...........................O.........
  2248.  .................O............OO..O..................OO......O.O........
  2249.  ................O.O..............OO.........................O........O.O
  2250.  ................O...O.OO..OOOOOOO......OOO.........OO..O...O..OO.O.O..O.
  2251.  .OOO.......O....O.O..O....O..O....O....OO..O.OO...O......OOOOO.....O..OO
  2252.  .OO..O.OO.OO......O..OO...OOOO.OOOOO.....OOOO..O.OO....OO......O........
  2253.  ...OOO....O....OO..OO.O....OO.OO..OO...O..O...OOO..O...OO...OO..........
  2254.  .O..O.O...O....OO..OOOO....O.....OOOO.O....O..OO.........O..OO..........
  2255.  O....O....O..O..O..OOOO....O.....O...OO....O..OOO.......................
  2256.  O....O....O..O..O..OOOO....O.....O...OO....O..OOO.......................
  2257.  .O..O.O...O....OO..OOOO....O.....OOOO.O....O..OO.........O..OO..........
  2258.  ...OOO....O....OO..OO.O....OO.OO..OO...O..O...OOO..O...OO...OO..........
  2259.  .OO..O.OO.OO......O..OO...OOOO.OOOOO.....OOOO..O.OO....OO......O........
  2260.  .OOO.......O....O.O..O....O..O....O....OO..O.OO...O......OOOOO.....O..OO
  2261.  ................O...O.OO..OOOOOOO......OOO.........OO..O...O..OO.O.O..O.
  2262.  ................O.O..............OO.........................O........O.O
  2263.  .................O............OO..O..................OO......O.O........
  2264.  ..............................OO..O...........................O.........
  2267. [spaceship26]
  2268.  .....................O..............................O...O.O.O...............
  2269.  .........O..........OO..OO.........OO...O......OO.OO..OOOO.OO...............
  2270.  ........O.O......O.OO.O.........O.OOO..O.O.....OO.O.O.OO....O.O.............
  2271.  ........O......OOO.OO...O.O....O...O...O.O....O....O......OO..OO.O.......O.O
  2272.  .OOO....O...O.O.O..OO.....O..O.O..OO...O.....OO..O.O......OOO..O...O....OOOO
  2273.  .OO..O....O.O.O....O....OOO.O....OOO..OO.O.O..O..OO............OO.OO...OO...
  2274.  ...OOO.OO.OO...OO.OOO...OOO.O.....OO.....O.........O..............OO..O.O...
  2275.  .O..O.O.OOO........OO.........OOO.OO.O....OO.......O.O..........O.O...O.....
  2276.  O....O.....O....................O..O.O..........................O...O.O.....
  2277.  O....O.....O....................O..O.O..........................O...O.O.....
  2278.  .O..O.O.OOO........OO.........OOO.OO.O....OO.......O.O..........O.O...O.....
  2279.  ...OOO.OO.OO...OO.OOO...OOO.O.....OO.....O.........O..............OO..O.O...
  2280.  .OO..O....O.O.O....O....OOO.O....OOO..OO.O.O..O..OO............OO.OO...OO...
  2281.  .OOO....O...O.O.O..OO.....O..O.O..OO...O.....OO..O.O......OOO..O...O....OOOO
  2282.  ........O......OOO.OO...O.O....O...O...O.O....O....O......OO..OO.O.......O.O
  2283.  ........O.O......O.OO.O.........O.OOO..O.O.....OO.O.O.OO....O.O.............
  2284.  .........O..........OO..OO.........OO...O......OO.OO..OOOO.OO...............
  2285.  .....................O..............................O...O.O.O...............
  2288. |Here are more period 3 spaceships found by the exhaustive search.  The
  2289. |first two are rather small, whereas the right one is much larger.  I call
  2290. |the one the left the "dart", and the middle one the "brain" because of
  2291. |their appearances.
  2292. |
  2293. |[Three more period 3 spaceships (speed c/3)]
  2294.  ........O.       .OO........       ........O.O......................
  2295.  .......O.O       O..O.....OO       ........O...OOO..................
  2296.  ......OO..       OOO...OOO..       ......OO.....OO..................
  2297.  .........O       O..O.OOOO..       ......OO...O......O........OO....
  2298.  .....O...O       .OOO...O...       .........O.OO..OO.O.......OOO....
  2299.  ..O..O....       .O..OOO....       .....O...O......O..OO.O.O..O.....
  2300.  .O.O..OOOO       ...O....OO.       ..O..O......O...OOOO...OO..OO...O
  2301.  O..O......       ...OOOOO.O.       .O.O..OOOOOO........O..O..OO..OOO
  2302.  .O.O..OOOO       ...........       O..O..................O...OO..O..
  2303.  ..O..O....       ...OOOOO.O.       .O.O..OOOOOO........O..O..OO..OOO
  2304.  .....O...O       ...O....OO.       ..O..O......O...OOOO...OO..OO...O
  2305.  .........O       .O..OOO....       .....O...O......O..OO.O.O..O.....
  2306.  ......OO..       .OOO...O...       .........O.OO..OO.O.......OOO....
  2307.  .......O.O       O..O.OOOO..       ......OO...O......O........OO....
  2308.  ........O.       OOO...OOO..       ......OO.....OO..................
  2309. |                  O..O.....OO       ........O...OOO..................
  2310. |                  .OO........       ........O.O......................
  2311. |
  2312. |
  2313. |The large spaceship on the right is important for the following reason:
  2314. |Whenever a spaceship is found which appears to be composed of components
  2315. |which are only loosely interacting (as in the above spaceship), then a good
  2316. |thing to try is to remove the components from the back end, and see what
  2317. |happens to the spaceship.  In almost all cases, the ship will be destroyed.
  2318. |However, occasionally this doesn't occur, and something interesting will
  2319. |happen.  (The best result is that a puffer engine might be found).  In the
  2320. |case of the above spaceship, removing the tail component creates a period 9
  2321. |spaceship, as shown below.
  2322. |
  2323. |[Period 9 spaceship (speed c/3)]
  2324. [spaceship27]
  2325.  ........O.O..................
  2326.  ........O...OOO..............
  2327.  ......OO.....OO..............
  2328.  ......OO...O......O........OO
  2329.  .........O.OO..OO.O.......OOO
  2330.  .....O...O......O..OO.O.O..O.
  2331.  ..O..O......O...OOOO...OO..OO
  2332.  .O.O..OOOOOO........O..O..OO.
  2333.  O..O..................O...OO.
  2334.  .O.O..OOOOOO........O..O..OO.
  2335.  ..O..O......O...OOOO...OO..OO
  2336.  .....O...O......O..OO.O.O..O.
  2337.  .........O.OO..OO.O.......OOO
  2338.  ......OO...O......O........OO
  2339.  ......OO.....OO..............
  2340.  ........O...OOO..............
  2341.  ........O.O..................
  2343. |
  2344. |The spaceship creates a blinker at the back which unfortunately reacts with
  2345. |the tail again, and gets eaten.  Along with some tagalongs which have the
  2346. |same tail end as this ship, this is the only method known to make a period
  2347. |9 spaceship.
  2348. |
  2349. |Following are two other small tagalongs which turn the period 9 ship back
  2350. |into a period 3 spaceship.  Here the rightmost 3 columns from the spaceship
  2351. |above have been extracted, with the new tagalongs appended.
  2352. |
  2353. |[Alternative small tagalongs to make the period 9 spaceship into period 3]
  2354.  .......O.      ........O.
  2355.  ......O.O      .......O.O
  2356.  .OO..OO..      .OO....O..
  2357.  OOO...O..      OOO...O..O
  2358.  .O....OO.      .O....OOO.
  2359.  .OO..O.O.      .OO..O....
  2360.  OO..OOO..      OO..OOO...
  2361.  OO..O....      OO..O.....
  2362.  OO..OOO..      OO..OOO...
  2363.  .OO..O.O.      .OO..O....
  2364.  .O....OO.      .O....OOO.
  2365.  OOO...O..      OOO...O..O
  2366.  .OO..OO..      .OO....O..
  2367.  ......O.O      .......O.O
  2368.  .......O.      ........O.
  2369. |
  2370. |
  2371. |The large spark in the period 9 spaceship is useful.  Running a LWSS into
  2372. |it can produce various debris.  One of these reactions produces a loaf.
  2373. |When the loaf is properly hit with other LWSSs, it can be pulled backwards.
  2374. |This mechanism was found by Dean Hickerson, and is shown below.
  2375. |
  2376. |[Period 9 spaceship turns LWSS into a loaf which is then pulled backwards]
  2377. [spaceship28]
  2378.  ........OO...O............................................................
  2379.  .......OOO....O...........................................................
  2380.  ......O...OOO.............................................................
  2381.  .....OO.O.OO.O...O.........O..............................................
  2382.  ......O.O......OOO........OO..............................................
  2383.  .....OOO..O....O..OO.O.OO.O...............................................
  2384.  ..O.OO.O........O...OOO...O..............OO............................OO.
  2385.  OO....OOOOOO....O..OO.....O.............OOOO...........OO.............OOOO
  2386.  OO..................OO....O............OO.OO..........OO.OO..........OO.OO
  2387.  OO....OOOOOO....O..OO.....O.............OO......O..O...OOOO...........OO..
  2388.  ..O.OO.O........O...OOO...O.....OOOO...........O........OO....OOOO........
  2389.  .....OOO..O....O..OO.O.OO.O.....O...O..........O...O..........O...O.......
  2390.  ......O.O......OOO........OO....O..............OOOO...........O...........
  2391.  .....OO.O.OO.O...O.........O.....O..O..........................O..O.......
  2392.  ......O...OOO.............................................................
  2393.  .......OOO....O...........................................................
  2394.  ........OO...O............................................................
  2395. |
  2396. |
  2397. |Dean used a reaction like the above to construct another sawtooth pattern.
  2398. |In this sawtooth pattern, salvos of two LWSS are repeatedly shot at the
  2399. |receding period 9 spaceship.  When the first LWSS reaches the period 9
  2400. |ship, it is turned into a loaf.  The loaf is then pulled back by the
  2401. |"tractor beam" of further LWSS reactions until it reaches the salvo gun
  2402. |where the loaf is deleted.  The cycle is then repeated, but with more
  2403. |salvos needed since the period 9 spaceship has receded further.
  2404. |
  2405. |Here are some tagalongs for the period 9 spaceship, most of which turn the
  2406. |spaceship into period 3.  Like the other spaceships, there are many of these
  2407. |tagalongs and the following is only a selection.
  2408. |
  2409. |The following shows an unusual two bit spark at the back.
  2410. |
  2411. |[Period 3 spaceship with tagalong (speed c/3)]
  2412. [spaceship29]
  2413.  ........O.O............................................O........
  2414.  ........O...OOO...................OOO..............O.OO.O.......
  2415.  ......OO.....OO...................OO...O...O...OO.O.OOO.O.......
  2416.  ......OO...O......O........OO.......OOO.O.OO...OO.O.............
  2417.  .........O.OO..OO.O.......OOO.....O..OO....O.O..OO.OOO...O......
  2418.  .....O...O......O..OO.O.O..O..........OO.OO..OOOOO..O....O......
  2419.  ..O..O......O...OOOO...OO..OO..OOOO.O..O.........OO..OO..OOO....
  2420.  .O.O..OOOOOO........O..O..OO..OOO.......OOOOOOOOO.O.O.......O...
  2421.  O..O..................O...OO..O.....................OOO...OO..OO
  2422.  .O.O..OOOOOO........O..O..OO..OOO.......OOOOOOOOO.O.O.......O...
  2423.  ..O..O......O...OOOO...OO..OO..OOOO.O..O.........OO..OO..OOO....
  2424.  .....O...O......O..OO.O.O..O..........OO.OO..OOOOO..O....O......
  2425.  .........O.OO..OO.O.......OOO.....O..OO....O.O..OO.OOO...O......
  2426.  ......OO...O......O........OO.......OOO.O.OO...OO.O.............
  2427.  ......OO.....OO...................OO...O...O...OO.O.OOO.O.......
  2428.  ........O...OOO...................OOO..............O.OO.O.......
  2429.  ........O.O............................................O........
  2430. |
  2431. |
  2432. |The two bit spark in the above spaceship can be replaced by a small tagalong
  2433. |that can be repeatedly attached to itself (in its next phase).  But that
  2434. |small tagalong always needs terminating with the final tagalong shown here.
  2435. |
  2436. |[Period 3 spaceship with repeatable and terminating tagalongs (speed c/3)]
  2437. [spaceship30]
  2438.  ........O.O............................................O....................
  2439.  ........O...OOO...................OOO..............O.OO.O...................
  2440.  ......OO.....OO...................OO...O...O...OO.O.OOO.O...................
  2441.  ......OO...O......O........OO.......OOO.O.OO...OO.O.........................
  2442.  .........O.OO..OO.O.......OOO.....O..OO....O.O..OO.OOO...O..............O.O.
  2443.  .....O...O......O..OO.O.O..O..........OO.OO..OOOOO..O....O.......O.O....OO.O
  2444.  ..O..O......O...OOOO...OO..OO..OOOO.O..O.........OO..OO..OOO....OO.O...O....
  2445.  .O.O..OOOOOO........O..O..OO..OOO.......OOOOOOOOO.O.O.......O..O.O....OO....
  2446.  O..O..................O...OO..O.....................OOO...OO..OOO.OO..O.....
  2447.  .O.O..OOOOOO........O..O..OO..OOO.......OOOOOOOOO.O.O.......O..O.O....OO....
  2448.  ..O..O......O...OOOO...OO..OO..OOOO.O..O.........OO..OO..OOO....OO.O...O....
  2449.  .....O...O......O..OO.O.O..O..........OO.OO..OOOOO..O....O.......O.O....OO.O
  2450.  .........O.OO..OO.O.......OOO.....O..OO....O.O..OO.OOO...O..............O.O.
  2451.  ......OO...O......O........OO.......OOO.O.OO...OO.O.........................
  2452.  ......OO.....OO...................OO...O...O...OO.O.OOO.O...................
  2453.  ........O...OOO...................OOO..............O.OO.O...................
  2454.  ........O.O............................................O....................
  2455. |
  2456. |
  2457. |The following tagalong ends in a tail which has the same shape as the base
  2458. |ship, and therefore can be repeatedly attached to itself.  Because of that
  2459. |special tail, this becomes a period 9 spaceship.
  2460. |
  2461. |[Period 3 spaceship with repeatable period 9 tagalong (speed c/3)]
  2462. [spaceship31]
  2463.  ........O.O....................................................
  2464.  ........O...OOO................................................
  2465.  ......OO.....OO...................................O............
  2466.  ......OO...O......O........OO................OOO.O.O..O.......O
  2467.  .........O.OO..OO.O.......OOO..........O.O.O...O..OOO.O......OO
  2468.  .....O...O......O..OO.O.O..O...OO.....OOOO.OO.....OO.O.OO.OO.O.
  2469.  ..O..O......O...OOOO...OO..OO...O....OO......O..O.OO..O.OO...O.
  2470.  .O.O..OOOOOO........O..O..OO.O....O..OO......O.O....O.OO.....O.
  2471.  O..O..................O...OO.O...O..O...................O....O.
  2472.  .O.O..OOOOOO........O..O..OO.O....O..OO......O.O....O.OO.....O.
  2473.  ..O..O......O...OOOO...OO..OO...O....OO......O..O.OO..O.OO...O.
  2474.  .....O...O......O..OO.O.O..O...OO.....OOOO.OO.....OO.O.OO.OO.O.
  2475.  .........O.OO..OO.O.......OOO..........O.O.O...O..OOO.O......OO
  2476.  ......OO...O......O........OO................OOO.O.O..O.......O
  2477.  ......OO.....OO...................................O............
  2478.  ........O...OOO................................................
  2479.  ........O.O....................................................
  2481. |
  2482. |Note that this tagalong uses two previously known small tagalongs in order
  2483. |to make the connection to the base ship.  The connection between the second
  2484. |of those tagalongs and the new one is tenuous, and is similar to several
  2485. |other ships and tagalongs.  But the spacing between the two points of contact
  2486. |makes it difficult to connect the tagalong to them.  The following is the
  2487. |best that has been found.  Here two turtle ships plus wicktrailers are used
  2488. |to pull the tagalong.
  2489. |
  2490. |[Alternate attachment of period 9 tagalong to period 3 spaceships (speed c/3)]
  2491. [spaceship32]
  2492.  ...................O................................
  2493.  .................OO.................................
  2494.  .OOO.......O.....OO.........O.O.....................
  2495.  .OO..O.OO.OO.......O.......OOOO.....................
  2496.  ...OOO....O......O...O....OO........................
  2497.  .O..O.O...O...O.O...OOOO..OO........................
  2498.  O....O....O..O.OO...O.O..O..........................
  2499.  O....O....O..O.OO...O.O..O..........................
  2500.  .O..O.O...O...O.O...OOOO..OO...........O............
  2501.  ...OOO....O......O...O....OO......OOO.O.O..O.......O
  2502.  .OO..O.OO.OO.......O.......OOOO.O...O..OOO.O......OO
  2503.  .OOO.......O.....OO.........O.O.OO.....OO.O.OO.OO.O.
  2504.  .................OO...............O..O.OO..O.OO...O.
  2505.  ...................O..............O.O....O.OO.....O.
  2506.  .............................................O....O.
  2507.  ...................O..............O.O....O.OO.....O.
  2508.  .................OO...............O..O.OO..O.OO...O.
  2509.  .OOO.......O.....OO.........O.O.OO.....OO.O.OO.OO.O.
  2510.  .OO..O.OO.OO.......O.......OOOO.O...O..OOO.O......OO
  2511.  ...OOO....O......O...O....OO......OOO.O.O..O.......O
  2512.  .O..O.O...O...O.O...OOOO..OO...........O............
  2513.  O....O....O..O.OO...O.O..O..........................
  2514.  O....O....O..O.OO...O.O..O..........................
  2515.  .O..O.O...O...O.O...OOOO..OO........................
  2516.  ...OOO....O......O...O....OO........................
  2517.  .OO..O.OO.OO.......O.......OOOO.....................
  2518.  .OOO.......O.....OO.........O.O.....................
  2519.  .................OO.................................
  2520.  ...................O................................
  2521. |
  2522. |
  2523. |The above construction can be widened by repeatedly adding another turtle
  2524. |ship, wicktrailer, and tagalong in a similar manner.  This gives a spaceship
  2525. |with multiple period 9 sparks at the back which are closer together than can
  2526. |be accomplished using multiple copies of the original period 9 spaceship.
  2527. |
  2528. |The following shows two more tagalongs of the period 9 spaceship.  (The
  2529. |second one begins at the large gap near the end of the ship, and is 10
  2530. |columns long.)  Without the final tagalong, a single spark is produced at
  2531. |the center of the back.  With the final tagalong, that spark is suppressed.
  2532. |The final tagalong shares a property with one of the period 2 tagalongs in
  2533. |my previous article, in that cells are turned OFF by the rest of the
  2534. |spaceship, instead of cells being turned ON.  The final tagalong also has
  2535. |a spectacular set of parallel sparks.
  2536. |
  2537. |[Period 3 spaceship with two tagalongs (speed c/3)]
  2538. [spaceship33]
  2539.  ........O.O...............................................................
  2540.  ........O...OOO...................OOO.............OOOO..O.O.......O.......
  2541.  ......OO.....OO...................OO...O...O...OO...O..OO.O.OO..OO........
  2542.  ......OO...O......O........OO.......OOO.O.OO...OO.O.............OO..O.....
  2543.  .........O.OO..OO.O.......OOO.....O..OO....O.O..OO.OOOOOOOO.........O...OO
  2544.  .....O...O......O..OO.O.O..O..........OO.OO..OOOOO..O...O....O..O.O.O.O.O.
  2545.  ..O..O......O...OOOO...OO..OO..OOOO.O..O.........OO..OO...OO....O......OO.
  2546.  .O.O..OOOOOO........O..O..OO..OOO.......OOOOOOOOO.O.O.....OO....OOOOOOO.O.
  2547.  O..O..................O...OO..O.....................OOO....O............OO
  2548.  .O.O..OOOOOO........O..O..OO..OOO.......OOOOOOOOO.O.O.....OO....OOOOOOO.O.
  2549.  ..O..O......O...OOOO...OO..OO..OOOO.O..O.........OO..OO...OO....O......OO.
  2550.  .....O...O......O..OO.O.O..O..........OO.OO..OOOOO..O...O....O..O.O.O.O.O.
  2551.  .........O.OO..OO.O.......OOO.....O..OO....O.O..OO.OOOOOOOO.........O...OO
  2552.  ......OO...O......O........OO.......OOO.O.OO...OO.O.............OO..O.....
  2553.  ......OO.....OO...................OO...O...O...OO...O..OO.O.OO..OO........
  2554.  ........O...OOO...................OOO.............OOOO..O.O.......O.......
  2555.  ........O.O...............................................................
  2557. |
  2558. |Finally I shall give a few results from the search that are really large
  2559. |spaceships on their own.  This is because they were found from a slightly
  2560. |modified period 9 spaceship.
  2561. |
  2562. |The following spaceship has an interesting "square" shaped component near
  2563. |the back with a cavity in the back.  This cavity must be filled with something
  2564. |or the ship will not work.  In this case, it is filled with a copy of the
  2565. |dart spaceship.  This is an example of a "pushalong" instead of a tagalong.
  2566. |That is, an object that has to have a following spaceship instead of a
  2567. |leading spaceship.  The following spaceship's purpose here is simply to
  2568. |prevent some cells from being turned ON.
  2569. |
  2570. |[Large period 3 spaceship with embedded "dart" spaceship (speed c/3)]
  2571. [spaceship34]
  2572.  ........O.O.............................................
  2573.  ........O...OOO.....................O..OO..O.O.O......O.
  2574.  ......OO.....OO..........OOO......OO...OO..O.OOOO....O.O
  2575.  ......OO...O......O......OO.......OO......OO...OO...O..O
  2576.  .........O.OO..OO.O........O..O.....OOOOOO...........O..
  2577.  .....O...O......O..OO.O.OO.O...O..O....O...O........OOOO
  2578.  ..O..O......O...OOOO...OO..OOO.....OO...OOOO.....O.OO.O.
  2579.  .O.O..OOOOOO........O..O..OOO.OOO..O.......O...OO....OOO
  2580.  O..O..................O...OO......O........O...OO.......
  2581.  .O.O..OOOOOO........O..O..OOO.OOO..O.......O...OO....OOO
  2582.  ..O..O......O...OOOO...OO..OOO.....OO...OOOO.....O.OO.O.
  2583.  .....O...O......O..OO.O.OO.O...O..O....O...O........OOOO
  2584.  .........O.OO..OO.O........O..O.....OOOOOO...........O..
  2585.  ......OO...O......O......OO.......OO......OO...OO...O..O
  2586.  ......OO.....OO..........OOO......OO...OO..O.OOOO....O.O
  2587.  ........O...OOO.....................O..OO..O.O.O......O.
  2588.  ........O.O.............................................
  2590. |
  2591. |The following shows the void in the square component being filled with a
  2592. |non-spaceship, and reacting with it more substantially.  This ends in the
  2593. |period 9 tail.
  2594. |
  2595. |[Very large period 9 spaceship (speed c/3)]
  2596. [spaceship35]
  2597.  ........O.O...........................................................
  2598.  ........O...OOO.....................O..OO..O.O........................
  2599.  ......OO.....OO..........OOO......OO...OO..O.OOOO.....O...OOO.........
  2600.  ......OO...O......O......OO.......OO......OO.........OO...OOO........O
  2601.  .........O.OO..OO.O........O..O.....OOOOOO......O..OO.......OO......OO
  2602.  .....O...O......O..OO.O.OO.O...O..O....O...O....O..OOO....O..OOO.OO.O.
  2603.  ..O..O......O...OOOO...OO..OOO.....OO...OOOO...O..O...OOO......OO...O.
  2604.  .O.O..OOOOOO........O..O..OOO.OOO..O.......O..OOO..OOO....OO.OO.....O.
  2605.  O..O..................O...OO......O........O..O...............OO....O.
  2606.  .O.O..OOOOOO........O..O..OOO.OOO..O.......O..OOO..OOO....OO.OO.....O.
  2607.  ..O..O......O...OOOO...OO..OOO.....OO...OOOO...O..O...OOO......OO...O.
  2608.  .....O...O......O..OO.O.OO.O...O..O....O...O....O..OOO....O..OOO.OO.O.
  2609.  .........O.OO..OO.O........O..O.....OOOOOO......O..OO.......OO......OO
  2610.  ......OO...O......O......OO.......OO......OO.........OO...OOO........O
  2611.  ......OO.....OO..........OOO......OO...OO..O.OOOO.....O...OOO.........
  2612.  ........O...OOO.....................O..OO..O.O........................
  2613.  ........O.O...........................................................
  2614. |
  2615. |
  2616. |The following shows yet another way to fill the void.  This ends in the
  2617. |same two bit spark that was found in one of the previously shown ships.
  2618. |
  2619. |[Period 3 spaceship (speed c/3)]
  2620. [spaceship36]
  2621.  ........O.O.....................................................OO......
  2622.  ........O...OOO.....................O..OO..O.O.O.............O....O.....
  2623.  ......OO.....OO..........OOO......OO...OO..O.OOOO........OO.O.O.O.......
  2624.  ......OO...O......O......OO.......OO......OO...OO.......O...O...O.......
  2625.  .........O.OO..OO.O........O..O.....OOOOOO.............O.....OOO........
  2626.  .....O...O......O..OO.O.OO.O...O..O....O...O..........OOOO......O.OO....
  2627.  ..O..O......O...OOOO...OO..OOO.....OO...OOOO...O.....O......O.OO...OOO..
  2628.  .O.O..OOOOOO........O..O..OOO.OOO..O.......O..O.O..O.OOOOOO.O.O....O..O.
  2629.  O..O..................O...OO......O........O..O...OO..........O......OOO
  2630.  .O.O..OOOOOO........O..O..OOO.OOO..O.......O..O.O..O.OOOOOO.O.O....O..O.
  2631.  ..O..O......O...OOOO...OO..OOO.....OO...OOOO...O.....O......O.OO...OOO..
  2632.  .....O...O......O..OO.O.OO.O...O..O....O...O..........OOOO......O.OO....
  2633.  .........O.OO..OO.O........O..O.....OOOOOO.............O.....OOO........
  2634.  ......OO...O......O......OO.......OO......OO...OO.......O...O...O.......
  2635.  ......OO.....OO..........OOO......OO...OO..O.OOOO........OO.O.O.O.......
  2636.  ........O...OOO.....................O..OO..O.O.O.............O....O.....
  2637.  ........O.O.....................................................OO......
  2638. |
  2639. |
  2640. |Finally, here is a slightly different spaceship with a tagalong.  Without
  2641. |the tagalong, the same two bit spark is produced as in the previous ship.
  2642. |This tagalong has yet another size of a back end similar to the turtle
  2643. |spaceship.
  2644. |
  2645. |[Period 3 spaceship with tagalong (speed c/3)]
  2646. [spaceship37]
  2647.  ........O.O...................................O..................O.........
  2648.  ........O...OOO...........................O.OO..................O.O.....O.O
  2649.  ......OO.....OO..........OOO..........O.OO..O.O.................OO......O..
  2650.  ......OO...O......O......OO..........OO.OO...O............OO....O...O.OO...
  2651.  .........O.OO..OO.O........O..O....O..O...OOOOO..........O.O.....OOO..OO...
  2652.  .....O...O......O..OO.O.OO.O...O...OOO.......O.OO.......OO.OO...O....OO.O..
  2653.  ..O..O......O...OOOO...OO..OOO.........OO..OO.....O.....OOO.OO....OOOOO.O.O
  2654.  .O.O..OOOOOO........O..O..OOO.OOOOOOOOO.O..O....O....O..OO..O.OOO...O......
  2655.  O..O..................O...OO...............OO....OO..OO...........OOO......
  2656.  .O.O..OOOOOO........O..O..OOO.OOOOOOOOO.O..O....O....O..OO..O.OOO...O......
  2657.  ..O..O......O...OOOO...OO..OOO.........OO..OO.....O.....OOO.OO....OOOOO.O.O
  2658.  .....O...O......O..OO.O.OO.O...O...OOO.......O.OO.......OO.OO...O....OO.O..
  2659.  .........O.OO..OO.O........O..O....O..O...OOOOO..........O.O.....OOO..OO...
  2660.  ......OO...O......O......OO..........OO.OO...O............OO....O...O.OO...
  2661.  ......OO.....OO..........OOO..........O.OO..O.O.................OO......O..
  2662.  ........O...OOO...........................O.OO..................O.O.....O.O
  2663.  ........O.O...................................O..................O.........
  2664. |
  2665. |
  2666. |No method has been found to make a puffer train from period 3 spaceships.
  2667. |But the next best thing is something which I call a pseudo-puffer.  A
  2668. |pseudo-puffer creates debris from a period 3 spaceship, but not by itself.
  2669. |It must be "fed" some input in the form of a c/2 spaceship stream.  It can
  2670. |then turn that input into debris which can be manipulated by sparks from
  2671. |other period 3 spaceships.
  2672. |
  2673. |The following is a pseudo-rake.  (A rake is a puffer which produces a wave
  2674. |of gliders).  In this construction, the reaction that converts a glider
  2675. |into a LWSS was found by Bill Gosper, and the reaction that converts 3
  2676. |gliders into a LWSS was found by David Buckingham.
  2677. |
  2678. |This picture is compressed to prevent lines which are too long.  Here each
  2679. |dollar sign should be replaced by 10 periods to reconstruct the full picture.
  2680. |
  2681. |[Pseudo-rake producing gliders from spaceship stream (speed c/3)]
  2682. [spaceship38]
  2683.  $$$$$$$$$$$.....O.O..OO$$
  2684.  $$$$$$$$$$$....O...O.OOO....OO$...
  2685.  ......O$$$$$$$$$$........O......OO...OO$...
  2686.  ....OO$$$$$$$$..O...OO$$..OOOOO.O$.........
  2687.  ....OO$$$$$$$....OO....OO.O.OOO$$.....OOO$$
  2688.  ......O$$$$$$$...OO....O....OOO$$$$........
  2689.  ....O$$$$$$$$.O...O$$........OOO$$
  2690.  ....O.O$$$$$$$$OOO$$......OOOOO.O$.....OO..
  2691.  ....O.O$$$$$$$$$$........O......OO$....OO..
  2692.  .....O$$$$$$$$.OOO$$....O...O.OOO$.........
  2693.  ...OO$$$.....OO$$$$....O...O$$....O.O..OO$$
  2694.  ....O$$.....OO.......O.O$$$........OO....O....OOO$.....O$$$..
  2695.  ....OOO$$...OO......OO.O$$$........OO....OO.O.OOO$......OO$$$
  2696.  .....O$$$...OO$$......OO$.........O...OO$.....OO$$$.
  2697.  .......O$$$..O$$......O.O.......OO$$$$$$...
  2698.  .....OO$$$$$$..O.......OO$$$$$$...
  2699.  .....OO$$$...O$$......OOO$$$$$$$..
  2700.  $$$.........OO$$$$$$$$$$.
  2701.  ..OOO$$.....OO......OO.O$$$$$$$$$$
  2702.  ..OO..OO$$..OO.......O.O$$$$$$$$$$
  2703.  ....O$$$.....OO.......O.O$.....OOO$$$$$$$..
  2704.  ...OO$$$$....OO$........O.......OO$$$$$..OO.....OO..
  2705.  ...OO$$$$.....O$......O.O.......OO$$$$$.O..O...O..O.
  2706.  ...O..O$$$$$$OO$$$$$.O.O$OO.OO....
  2707.  .......O$$$$$$$$$$$...OO.........O.O.O.O...
  2708.  ....OOOOO$$$$$$$$$$$..O$O.O.O.O...
  2709.  ........OO$$$$$$$$$$$$O.........O.
  2710.  ........OO$$$$$$$$.O..O$$$....O$.O
  2711.  .....OOOO$$$$$........OOOO$.........O$$..OOOO$$.....
  2712.  ....O...O$$$$$........O...O$........O...O$........O...O$.....OO.OO....
  2713.  ....OOO$$$$$$O$$..OOOO$.........O$.......O..O.O..O..
  2714.  ....O..O$$$$$$O..O$$$$..O..O$...OOO...OOO..
  2715.  .....O$$$$$$$$$$$$$......
  2716.  .....O.O$$$$$$$$$$$$$....
  2717.  ......O$$$$......OOO$$$$$$$$..OO..
  2718.  $$$$$...O$$$$$$$$....OO..
  2719.  $$$$$....O$$$$$$$$.......
  2720.  $$$$$$$$$$$$$$..
  2721.  $$$.........OOO$$$$$$$$$$
  2722.  $$$$.O$$$$$$$$$$
  2723.  $$$$O$$$$$$$$$$.
  2724.  $$$$$$$$$$$$$$..
  2725.  $$$$$$$$$$$$$$..
  2726.  $$$$$$$$$$$$$$..
  2727.  $$$$$$$$$$$$$$..
  2728.  $$$$$$.....OO$$$$$$$.....
  2729.  $$$$$$.....O.O$$$$$$$....
  2730.  $$$$$$.....O$........OO$$$$$......
  2731.  $OO$$$$$$$.O$$$$$........
  2732.  OO.......O.O$......OO$$$$$..O..OO$OO$$$$...
  2733.  OO......OO.O$.....O.O$$$....O$.......O..O$.OO$$$$...
  2734.  .........OO$........O.......OO$$...O..O$......O.O$$$$$.......
  2735.  $O$$.....OO.OO......OO.OO$OOOOO$......OO$$$$$.......
  2736.  $$$.......O..O......OO.OO$OOO.OO$$$$$$$....
  2737.  $O$$......O..O$$..OO.O$......OO$$$$$.......
  2738.  .........OO$$.......OO$$....OO$......O.O$$$$$.......
  2739.  OO......OO.O$$$$$$$O..O$.OO$$$$...
  2740.  OO.......O.O$$......OO$$....OO$......O..OO$OO$$$$...
  2741.  $OO$$.....O..O$$..OO.O$......O$$$$$........
  2742.  $$$.......O..O......OO.OO$OOO.OO$......OO$$$$$......
  2743.  $$$......OO.OO......OO.OO$OOOOO$$$$$$$.....
  2744.  $$$.......OO$$...O..O$$$$$$$......
  2745.  $$$$$$....O$$$$$$$.......
  2746. |
  2747. |
  2748. |Gliders from several of these pseudo-rakes can be collided to produce some
  2749. |desired puffer output.  In addition, a glider or the result of a collision
  2750. |can be perturbed by using some of the period 3 spaceships.  For example,
  2751. |the following shows the brain spaceship perturbing a glider to produce a
  2752. |honey farm.  This can be added to the pseudo-rake above to form a row of
  2753. |honey farms.
  2754. |
  2755. |[Period 3 spaceship perturbing a glider to make a honey farm]
  2756. [spaceship39]
  2757.  .............O.
  2758.  ............O..
  2759.  ............OOO
  2760.  ...............
  2761.  ...............
  2762.  ..OO...........
  2763.  .O..O.....OO...
  2764.  .OOO...OOO.....
  2765.  .O..O.OOOO.....
  2766.  ..OOO...O......
  2767.  ..O..OOO.......
  2768.  ....O....OO....
  2769.  ....OOOOO.O....
  2770.  ...............
  2771.  ....OOOOO.O....
  2772.  ....O....OO....
  2773.  ..O..OOO.......
  2774.  ..OOO...O......
  2775.  .O..O.OOOO.....
  2776.  .OOO...OOO.....
  2777.  .O..O.....OO...
  2778.  ..OO...........
  2779. |
  2780. |
  2781. |No period 3 spaceship with really good accessible sparks has been found.
  2782. |For perturbing purposes, such sparks should be on the edge of the spaceship
  2783. |so that debris can be perturbed as the spaceship passes by.  But it appears
  2784. |that period 3 isn't large enough for such sparks to be far enough away from
  2785. |the ship to be useful for many things.  Most perturbations end up destroying
  2786. |the spaceship.  Compare this with the MWSS and HWSS, which are much more
  2787. |effective at perturbing things successfully.
  2788. |
  2789. |The next article in this series will deal with two classes of the period 4
  2790. |spaceships, in particular the c/4 orthogonal and diagonal period 4 spaceships.
  2791. |
  2792. |This is the third in a series of articles concerning Conway's Game of Life.
  2793. |In this article, I will survey the results for all the known period 3
  2794. |spaceships, and give some applications of them.  All period 3 spaceships
  2795. |must be orthogonal, and must travel at the speed of c/3.  This follows
  2796. |from the speed restrictions mentioned in my first article.
  2797. |
  2798. |When Dean Hickerson started looking for spaceships using his search program,
  2799. |the first spaceships he found were of period 2.  But he soon also tried
  2800. |looking for period 3 spaceships.  In August 1989 he found a grammar for
  2801. |constructing an infinite number of short wide c/3 period 3 spaceships.
  2802. |(This grammar is used similarly to the grammar for period 2 spaceships
  2803. |that was in my previous article.)  These period 3 spaceships were the first
  2804. |orthogonal spaceships found which didn't travel at the "normal" speed of c/2.
  2805. |
  2806. |In Dean's grammar, the components are labeled using letters, or letters
  2807. |followed by either a single quote or a double quote (e.g., A, A', and A").
  2808. |Any three components with the same letter are related, and represent the
  2809. |same section of a period 3 spaceship in three successive generations.
  2810. |Therefore, if component A appears in generation 0 of a spaceship, then
  2811. |component A' must appear in the same location in generation 1, and
  2812. |component A" must appear in the same location in generation 2.
  2813. |
  2814. |A component name followed by a dash represents the mirror image of a
  2815. |component.  The mirroring is done by reflecting the component across a
  2816. |horizontal line.  For example, component B"- is the mirror image of
  2817. |component B".
  2818. |
  2819. |The components in Dean's grammar are the following.
  2820. |
  2821. | [A]     [A']    [A"]   [B]     [B']    [B"]     [C]       [C']       [C"]
  2822.  ..O.    ..O.    ..O    ..O.    ..O.    ..O    ...O...    .......    ...O...
  2823.  .O.O    .O.O    OO.    .O.O    .O.O    OO.    ..O....    .OOO...    ..O.O..
  2824.  .O.O    OO..    OO.    .O.O    OO..    OO.    .OO....    .OOO...    ..O....
  2825.  .O..    ..O.    ..O    .O..    .O..    ..O    ...O.O.    ...OO..    ..O...O
  2826.  ....    OO..    O..    OO..    O.O.    O..    .OOO..O    .O.O.OO    ....O.O
  2827.  OO..    OOO.    O.O     X       X      X      .OO..O.    .O.O...    .OO..O.
  2828. |  X       X      X                             .......    O......    .O.....
  2829. |                                               OOO....    OOO....    OO.....
  2830. |                                               .O.....    O......    .O.....
  2831. |                                                 X          X          X
  2832. |
  2833. |
  2834. |  [D]      [D']     [D"]     [E]     [E']    [E"]     [F]     [F']    [F"]
  2835. |   X         X        X       X       X       X        X        X       X
  2836.  ..O.O    ......    ..O..    .O.O    ....    .O.O    .OO..    .O.O    ..O..
  2837.  ..OO.    ...OO.    ...OO    O.O.    O..O    ..O.    ..O..    ..O.    ....O
  2838.  .....    ..O..O    .O...    OOO.    O.O.    OO..    ..O.O    .OO.    ..OO.
  2839.  OO.OO    .OOO..    .O.OO    ....    O...    .O..    ..OO.    ....    ..OO.
  2840.  OO...    O..O..    O..OO    .O.O    .O..    .OOO    .OO..    O..O    .....
  2841.  O....    O..O..    O..O.      X       X       X     OO...    O...    OO...
  2842.  OO.O.    .OO...    .OOO.                            X        X        X
  2843.  .O.O.    ....O.    .O...
  2844. |   X        X         X
  2845. |
  2846. |
  2847. | [G]     [G']    [G"]    [H]       [H']      [H"]      [I]     [I']      [I"]
  2848. |  X       X       X        X          X        X        X        X        X
  2849.  O..O    O...    O.O    ..OO..    ...O.O    ...O..    .O.O.    .O...    .OOO..
  2850.  OO..    OOO.    OO.    ...O..    ....O.    .....O    .....    O....    .O....
  2851.  .O..    ....    O..    ...O.O    ...OO.    ...OO.    OOO..    O.O..    OO....
  2852.  .OOO    .O.O    .O.    ...OO.    ......    ...OO.    OO...    O.O..    .O....
  2853. |   X       X       X    .OOO..    ..O..O    ......    .....    .OOO.    ......
  2854. |                        O.O...    .O....    OOO...    ..OOO    ..O.O    .....O
  2855. |                        O.O...    OO....    OOO...    .O.OO    .O..O    .OOOO.
  2856. |                        O.....    .O....    ......    .O...    OO...    .OO...
  2857. |                        .O....    .OOO..    .O.O..    .O...    .....    ......
  2858. |                          X         X         X       .....    OO...    .O.O..
  2859. |                                                      OO...    OOO..    .O.O..
  2860. |                                                       X        X        X
  2861. |
  2862. |
  2863. |   [J]         [J']        [J"]       [K]     [K']      [K"]
  2864. |   X            X          X           X        X        X
  2865.  ..O.....    ..OO....    .O.O....    .O.O.    .O...    .OOO..
  2866.  ..OOO...    ..OO....    ....O...    .....    O....    .O....
  2867.  ..O.....    ...O....    ...O....    OOO..    O.O..    OO....
  2868.  ........    ..O.....    ..OOO...    OO...    O.O..    .O....
  2869.  OO...O..    .O..OO..    .O.OO...    .....    .OOO.    ......
  2870.  OOOOO...    O...OOOO    OO..O..O    ..OOO    ..O.O    .....O
  2871.  OO...O.O    .O....O.    ........    .O.OO    .O..O    .OOOO.
  2872.  ..O..OO.    ...O.OOO    .O...OOO    O....    OO...    .OO...
  2873.  OO.O....    .OO.....    .O.OOO..    O....    .....    .OO...
  2874.  .O......    .OO..O..    .O..O...    .....    O....    .O....
  2875.  ..OOO...    ...OO...    ..OOO...    OOO..    OOO..    OO....
  2876.  ........    ........    ........    .O...    O....    .O....
  2877.  ..OOO...    ...OO...    ..OOO...      X        X        X
  2878.  .O......    .OO..O..    .O..O...
  2879.  OO.O....    .OO.....    .O.OOO..
  2880.  ..O..OO.    ...O.OOO    .O...OOO
  2881.  OO...O.O    .O....O.    ........
  2882.  OOOOO...    O...OOOO    OO..O..O
  2883.  OO...O..    .O..OO..    .O.OO...
  2884.  ........    ..O.....    ..OOO...
  2885.  ..O.....    ...O....    ...O....
  2886.  ..OOO...    ..OO....    ....O...
  2887.  ..O.....    ..OO....    .O.O....
  2888. |   X            X          X
  2889. |
  2890. |
  2891. |The components are strung together by stacking them above each other,
  2892. |similarly to the way that period 2 components are stacked.  (The X's
  2893. |indicate the horizontal alignment of components, and should be removed.)
  2894. |
  2895. |The rules which give the allowed sequences of components to make a valid
  2896. |spaceship are the following.
  2897. |
  2898. |The sequence must begin with A, A', A", B, B', B", C, C', or C".
  2899. |
  2900. |The sequence must end with A-, A'-, A"-, B-, B'-, B"-, C-, C'-, or C"-.
  2901. |
  2902. |Each pair of adjacent symbols must appear in one line of the following table,
  2903. |with the first symbol found before the vertical bar, and the second symbol
  2904. |found after the vertical bar.
  2905. |
  2906. |                        A    |  D    E
  2907. |                        A'   |  D'   E'
  2908. |                        A"   |  D"   E"
  2909. |                        I    |  D
  2910. |                        I'   |  D'
  2911. |                        I"   |  D"
  2912. |                        D-   |  A-   I-
  2913. |                        D'-  |  A'-  I'-
  2914. |                        D"-  |  A"-  I"-
  2915. |                        E-   |  A-
  2916. |                        E'-  |  A'-
  2917. |                        E"-  |  A"-
  2918. |              B    F-   H-   |  E-   G'-  H"-  I    K
  2919. |              B'   F'-  H'-  |  E'-  G"-  H-   I'   K'
  2920. |              B"   F"-  H"-  |  E"-  G-   H'-  I"   K"
  2921. |    E    G'   H"   I-   K-   |  B-   F    H
  2922. |    E'   G"   H    I'-  K'-  |  B'-  F'   H'
  2923. |    E"   G    H'   I"-  K"-  |  B"-  F"   H"
  2924. |                   C    K    |  J
  2925. |                   C'   K'   |  J'
  2926. |                   C"   K"   |  J"
  2927. |                        J    |  C-   K-
  2928. |                        J'   |  C'-  K'-
  2929. |                        J"   |  C"-  K"-
  2930. |                   D'   G-   |  F-
  2931. |                   D"   G'-  |  F'-
  2932. |                   D    G"-  |  F"-
  2933. |                        F    |  D'-  G
  2934. |                        F'   |  D"-  G'
  2935. |                        F"   |  D-   G"
  2936. |
  2937. |
  2938. |The simplest spaceship which can be constructed by these rules is A E B-,
  2939. |which is shown below.  This spaceship has 25 ON cells in every generation.
  2940. |There is no known period 3 spaceship which has fewer ON cells than 25.
  2941. |(Any such spaceship must be spread out very thinly.)
  2942. |
  2943. |[Smallest known period 3 spaceship (speed c/3)]
  2944. [spaceship40]
  2945.  ..O..
  2946.  .O.O.
  2947.  .O.O.
  2948.  .O...
  2949.  .....
  2950.  OO...
  2951.  .O.O.
  2952.  O.O..
  2953.  OOO..
  2954.  .....
  2955.  .O.O.
  2956.  .OO..
  2957.  ..O..
  2958.  ..O.O
  2959.  ..O.O
  2960.  ...O.
  2962. |
  2963. |Another example spaceship created using these rules is C J C-, which
  2964. |represents the following symmetrical spaceship.
  2965. |
  2966. |[One of many period 3 spaceships constructed by the above grammar (speed c/3)]
  2967. [spaceship41]
  2968.  ...O....
  2969.  ..O.....
  2970.  .OO.....
  2971.  ...O.O..
  2972.  .OOO..O.
  2973.  .OO..O..
  2974.  ........
  2975.  OOO.....
  2976.  .O......
  2977.  ..O.....
  2978.  ..OOO...
  2979.  ..O.....
  2980.  ........
  2981.  OO...O..
  2982.  OOOOO...
  2983.  OO...O.O
  2984.  ..O..OO.
  2985.  OO.O....
  2986.  .O......
  2987.  ..OOO...
  2988.  ........
  2989.  ..OOO...
  2990.  .O......
  2991.  OO.O....
  2992.  ..O..OO.
  2993.  OO...O.O
  2994.  OOOOO...
  2995.  OO...O..
  2996.  ........
  2997.  ..O.....
  2998.  ..OOO...
  2999.  ..O.....
  3000.  .O......
  3001.  OOO.....
  3002.  ........
  3003.  .OO..O..
  3004.  .OOO..O.
  3005.  ...O.O..
  3006.  .OO.....
  3007.  ..O.....
  3008.  ...O....
  3010. |
  3011. |Dean Hickerson also tried looking for long and thin period 3 spaceships.
  3012. |He found two basic spaceships, which are given below.  They have the same
  3013. |front ends.  Dean has named the leftmost spaceship the "turtle".
  3014. |
  3015. |[The "turtle" and another related period 3 spaceship (speed c/3)]
  3016.  .OOO.......O        .........O...
  3017.  .OO..O.OO.OO        ........O.O..
  3018.  ...OOO....O.        ........O....
  3019.  .O..O.O...O.        .OOO....O...O
  3020.  O....O....O.        .OO..O....O.O
  3021.  O....O....O.        ...OOO.OO.OO.
  3022.  .O..O.O...O.        .O..O.O.OOO..
  3023.  ...OOO....O.        O....O.....O.
  3024.  .OO..O.OO.OO        O....O.....O.
  3025.  .OOO.......O        .O..O.O.OOO..
  3026. |                     ...OOO.OO.OO.
  3027. |                     .OO..O....O.O
  3028. |                     .OOO....O...O
  3029. |                     ........O....
  3030. |                     ........O.O..
  3031. |                     .........O...
  3032. |
  3033. |
  3034. |For many people, the turtle spaceship is the most aesthetically pleasing
  3035. |new spaceship that has been found so far.  Besides being pretty, it has a
  3036. |feature which makes it useful.  In generation 2, it produces a two bit
  3037. |spark at the back.  This spark can be used in several ways.
  3038. |
  3039. |The first use of the spark is that it makes a good attachment point for
  3040. |tagalongs.  Dean quickly found a repeatable tagalong for the turtle ship.
  3041. |This tagalong can be said to have a period of 28, which is the number of
  3042. |generations for it to reappear in the same location.  This tagalong is
  3043. |not self-terminating, however.  A different kind of tagalong is required
  3044. |to terminate the repeating one.  The following shows the base ship, four
  3045. |copies of the repeating tagalong, and a small terminating tagalong.
  3046. |
  3047. |[Period 3 spaceship with repeatable tagalong and ending tagalong (speed c/3)]
  3048. [spaceship42]
  3049.  ...................O........O........O.........O...........
  3050.  .................OO........O.O......O.O......OO............
  3051.  .OOO.......O.....OO.......OO........O.O......OO.........O.O
  3052.  .OO..O.OO.OO.......O........O.......O..........O.......OOOO
  3053.  ...OOO....O......O...O....OO............O....O...O....OO...
  3054.  .O..O.O...O...O.O...OOOO..OOOOOO...OO..O..O.O...OOOO..OO...
  3055.  O....O....O..O.OO...O.O..O.O...O.O..O.OO...OO...O.O..O.....
  3056.  O....O....O..O.OO...O.O..O.O...O.O..O.OO...OO...O.O..O.....
  3057.  .O..O.O...O...O.O...OOOO..OOOOOO...OO..O..O.O...OOOO..OO...
  3058.  ...OOO....O......O...O....OO............O....O...O....OO...
  3059.  .OO..O.OO.OO.......O........O.......O..........O.......OOOO
  3060.  .OOO.......O.....OO.......OO........O.O......OO.........O.O
  3061.  .................OO........O.O......O.O......OO............
  3062.  ...................O........O........O.........O...........
  3064. |The same repeating tagalong can also be attached in a different way to
  3065. |the base ship, as shown below.  Also shown is an alternate terminating
  3066. |tagalong.
  3067. |
  3068. |[Period 3 spaceship with repeatable tagalong and another ending (speed c/3)] 
  3069. [spaceship43]
  3070.  ..................O.........O........O.........O.O
  3071.  .................O.O......OO........O..OOO...O..O.
  3072.  .OOO.......O.....O.O......OO.......OO....O.O.O..OO
  3073.  .OO..O.OO.OO.....O..........O..........O.O........
  3074.  ...OOO....O..........O....O...O....OO.OO..........
  3075.  .O..O.O...O...O.OO..O..O.O...OOOO..OOO............
  3076.  O....O....O..O...O.OO...OO...O.O..O.OO............
  3077.  O....O....O..O...O.OO...OO...O.O..O.OO............
  3078.  .O..O.O...O...O.OO..O..O.O...OOOO..OOO............
  3079.  ...OOO....O..........O....O...O....OO.OO..........
  3080.  .OO..O.OO.OO.....O..........O..........O.O........
  3081.  .OOO.......O.....O.O......OO.......OO....O.O.O..OO
  3082.  .................O.O......OO........O..OOO...O..O.
  3083.  ..................O.........O........O.........O.O
  3084. |
  3085. |
  3086. |The tails of the terminating tagalong above have alternate forms which
  3087. |also work, and which are simple permutations of the positions of the cells
  3088. |in the final few columns.  The following diagrams show these permutations
  3089. |for the bottom 5 rows and rightmost 9 columns.
  3090. |
  3091. |[Alternate endings for tail of final component]
  3092.  .........        .........        ......O.O
  3093.  O.....O.O        O...O..OO        O...O..O.
  3094.  O.O.O..O.        O.O.O..O.        O.O.O..OO
  3095.  O...O..OO        O.....O.O        O........
  3096.  .........        .........        .........
  3097. |
  3098. |
  3099. |The second use of the spark from the turtle spaceship (and the sparks from
  3100. |other c/3 spaceships) is that they can interact with faster spaceships to
  3101. |produce various reactions (which is not possible for period 2 spaceships).
  3102. |For example, a LWSS catches up to a period 3 spaceship with a relative speed
  3103. |of c/6, and can then interact with it.  The following shows a simple case of
  3104. |this, where the spark from the turtle ship destroys the pursuing LWSS, and
  3105. |so saves the turtle.
  3106. |
  3107. |[Period 3 spaceship uses its spark to destroy a pursuing LWSS]
  3108. [spaceship 44]
  3109.  .OOO.......O.........
  3110.  .OO..O.OO.OO.........
  3111.  ...OOO....O......O..O
  3112.  .O..O.O...O.....O....
  3113.  O....O....O.....O...O
  3114.  O....O....O.....OOOO.
  3115.  .O..O.O...O..........
  3116.  ...OOO....O..........
  3117.  .OO..O.OO.OO.........
  3118.  .OOO.......O.........
  3120. |
  3121. |The following demonstrates two useful reactions found by Dean Hickerson.
  3122. |Here two turtle spaceships are pursued by a salvo of five LWSSs and a MWSS.
  3123. |The three lower spaceships collide with the lower turtle spaceship to
  3124. |produce a glider.  This glider then collides with the debris created by
  3125. |the collision of the upper spaceships with the upper turtle spaceship to
  3126. |produce a MWSS which travels in the reverse direction.
  3127. |
  3128. |[Salvo of c/2 spaceships hits c/3 ships to produce backwards MWSS (speed c/3)]
  3129. [spaceship45]
  3130.  .OOO.......O.............................................................
  3131.  .OO..O.OO.OO.............................................................
  3132.  ...OOO....O...................OO.........................................
  3133.  .O..O.O...O..................OOOO........................................
  3134.  O....O....O........OOOO.....OO.OO........................................
  3135.  O....O....O........O...O.....OO..........................................
  3136.  .O..O.O...O........O................................................OOOO.
  3137.  ...OOO....O.........O..O............................................O...O
  3138.  .OO..O.OO.OO........................................................O....
  3139.  .OOO.......O.........................................................O..O
  3140.  .........................................................................
  3141.  .........................................................................
  3142.  .........................................................................
  3143.  ........................OOO.......O......................................
  3144.  ........................OO..O.OO.OO......................................
  3145.  ..........................OOO....O.......................................
  3146.  ........................O..O.O...O.....OO................................
  3147.  .......................O....O....O....OO.OOO...OOOO......................
  3148.  .......................O....O....O.....OOOOO...O...O.....................
  3149.  ........................O..O.O...O......OOO....O.........................
  3150.  ..........................OOO....O..............O..O......OOOO...........
  3151.  ........................OO..O.OO.OO.......................O...O..........
  3152.  ........................OOO.......O.......................O..............
  3153.  ...........................................................O..O..........
  3154. |
  3155. |
  3156. |Dean found the above reaction in order to construct a Life pattern which
  3157. |had a population growth like log(t), according to a method suggested by
  3158. |Bill Gosper.  This is done by shooting one salvo of c/2 ships at the pair
  3159. |of c/3 ships, and waiting until the returning MWSS arrives.  When it does,
  3160. |then shoot out a glider somewhere, and send another salvo of the c/2 ships.
  3161. |Since the period 3 ships quintuple their distance from the salvo gun every
  3162. |cycle, the number of gliders grows at a rate which keeps dividing by 5, and
  3163. |this causes the population to grow like log(t).  However, after finding the
  3164. |reaction shown above, Dean found other simpler ways to create this behavior,
  3165. |and so this construction has not been completed.  Later in this article is
  3166. |another simpler reaction which produces the same result.
  3167. |
  3168. |After finding the period 3 spaceships given above and their tagalongs,
  3169. |Dean Hickerson went on to other things, and (like the period 2 spaceships),
  3170. |nobody looked for further period 3 spaceships for a while.
  3171. |
  3172. |In March, 1992 I started looking for period 3 spaceships and their tagalongs,
  3173. |eventually doing an exhaustive search for long thin symmetrical spaceships
  3174. |in an area up to 18 cells wide and 79 cells long.  I found several new
  3175. |spaceships, and many tagalongs.  I have been the only person doing a search
  3176. |for period 3 spaceships since Dean's earliest searches.  Therefore the rest
  3177. |of the spaceships and tagalongs in this article were found by me, and so I
  3178. |will omit mentioning the discoverer of each spaceship.
  3179. |
  3180. |The first new spaceship found was the following.
  3181. |
  3182. |[Small symmetrical period 3 spaceship (speed c/3)]
  3183. [spaceship46]
  3184.  .....O.......
  3185.  ....O.O....O.
  3186.  ....O.O...O.O
  3187.  ....O.....OO.
  3188.  ..........O..
  3189.  ...OO......O.
  3190.  ....O.OO...O.
  3191.  ...OO.OOOOO..
  3192.  .O..OOO......
  3193.  OO...........
  3194.  .O..OOO......
  3195.  ...OO.OOOOO..
  3196.  ....O.OO...O.
  3197.  ...OO......O.
  3198.  ..........O..
  3199.  ....O.....OO.
  3200.  ....O.O...O.O
  3201.  ....O.O....O.
  3202.  .....O.......
  3204. |
  3205. |The following spaceship was the first new spaceship found using a new
  3206. |search feature which allows searching in a large number of rows, but
  3207. |limits the number of ON cells in any column to a specified number of
  3208. |adjacent rows.  This ship has the same number of ON cells as the smallest
  3209. |known period 3 spaceship, and thus ties in minimum size (but it has more
  3210. |ON cells in the other phases).
  3211. |
  3212. |[Second smallest known period 3 spaceship (speed c/3)]
  3213. [spaceship47]
  3214.  .....O..
  3215.  ....O.O.
  3216.  ...OO...
  3217.  ....O.O.
  3218.  ....OO..
  3219.  .......O
  3220.  ...O..O.
  3221.  ..O.....
  3222.  .OO.....
  3223.  .O.O....
  3224.  OO......
  3225.  ........
  3226.  .O......
  3227.  .O.O....
  3228.  .O.O....
  3229.  ..O.....
  3230. |
  3231. |
  3232. |The spaceship above has two nice properties.  First, it is more spread out
  3233. |than any other period 3 spaceship.  This makes it the best candidate for
  3234. |being constructed from a set of glider collisions.  If it could be constructed,
  3235. |then a spaceship gun for it could be built.  So far none of the new spaceships
  3236. |have been able to be constructed from gliders.  (David Buckingham is an expert
  3237. |at constructing objects from gliders.  He despairs of constructing most of
  3238. |the new spaceships because they are what he calls "space dust".  Only a small
  3239. |number of the new spaceships are simple enough to be constructed from gliders
  3240. |using known techniques.  David says he does have a method that would allow the
  3241. |above spaceship to be constructed, but he hasn't completed the construction.)
  3242. |
  3243. |The second nice property of the spaceship is that it contains a different
  3244. |set of sparks that can have new tagalongs attached to them.  The following
  3245. |shows a repeatable tagalong for this ship.  Surprisingly, this tagalong was
  3246. |not found by a search program, but was found manually.  This was possible
  3247. |because most of the tagalong resembles a component of the base ship.
  3248. |
  3249. |[Period 3 spaceship with small repeatable tagalong (speed c/3)]
  3250. [spaceship48]
  3251.  ............O..
  3252.  ...........O.O.
  3253.  ..........OO...
  3254.  .....O.....O.O.
  3255.  ....O.O....OO..
  3256.  ...OO.........O
  3257.  ....O.O...O..O.
  3258.  ....OO...O.....
  3259.  .......O.O.....
  3260.  ...O..O...O..O.
  3261.  ..O...........O
  3262.  .OO........OO..
  3263.  .O.O.......O.O.
  3264.  OO........OO...
  3265.  ...........O.O.
  3266.  .O..........O..
  3267.  .O.O...........
  3268.  .O.O...........
  3269.  ..O............
  3271. |
  3272. |Since the tagalong has a pair of the same sparks as the base spaceship,
  3273. |it can be attached to itself an arbitrary number of times.  Because there
  3274. |is always a choice of two sets of sparks that another copy of the tagalong
  3275. |can attach to, you can make a ship that weaves back and forth as desired.
  3276. |
  3277. |This tagalong is even more versatile than is described above.  A section
  3278. |of it can be repeatedly attached to itself to make a arbitrarily long "arm".
  3279. |This allows a binary tree spaceship to be built for period 3 spaceships
  3280. |(therefore sharing this capability with period 2 spaceships).  An example
  3281. |of such a spaceship is shown below.  One of its phases is very striking in
  3282. |appearance (one of the most unlikely-looking spaceships known).
  3283. |
  3284. |[Period 3 "binary tree" spaceship (speed c/3)]
  3285. [spaceship49]
  3286.  ...........................O...............
  3287.  ..........................O.O..............
  3288.  .........................OO................
  3289.  ..........................O.O..............
  3290.  ..........................OO...............
  3291.  .............................O.............
  3292.  .........................O..O..............
  3293.  ........................O..................
  3294.  .......................OO..................
  3295.  ..................O.....O.O................
  3296.  .................O.O....OO.................
  3297.  ................OO.........O...............
  3298.  .................O.O...O..O................
  3299.  .................OO...O....................
  3300.  ....................O.O....................
  3301.  ................O..O...O..O................
  3302.  ...............O...........O...............
  3303.  ..............OO........OO.................
  3304.  ...............O.O......O.O................
  3305.  ...............OO......OO..................
  3306.  ..................O.....O..................
  3307.  ..............O..O.......O..O...........O..
  3308.  .............O...............O.........O.O.
  3309.  ............OO............OO..........OO...
  3310.  ..O..........O.O..........O.O..........O.O.
  3311.  .O.O.........OO..........OO............OO..
  3312.  .O.O............O.........O.O.............O
  3313.  .O..........O..O...........O..........O..O.
  3314.  ...........O.........................O.....
  3315.  OO........OO........................OO.....
  3316.  .O.O.......O.O.......................O.O...
  3317.  .OO........OO........................OO....
  3318.  ..O...........O.........................O..
  3319.  ...O..O...O..O......................O..O...
  3320.  .......O.O.........................O.......
  3321.  ....OO...O........................OO.......
  3322.  ....O.O...O..O...............O.....O.O.....
  3323.  ...OO.........O.............O.O....OO......
  3324.  ....O.O....OO..............OO.........O....
  3325.  .....O.....O.O..............O.O...O..O.....
  3326.  ..........OO................OO...O.........
  3327.  ...........O...................O.O.........
  3328.  ............O..O...........O..O...O..O.....
  3329.  ................O.........O...........O....
  3330.  .............OO..........OO........OO......
  3331.  .............O.O..........O.O......O.O.....
  3332.  ............OO............OO......OO.......
  3333.  .............O...............O.....O.......
  3334.  ..............O..O.......O..O.......O..O...
  3335.  ..................O.....O...............O..
  3336.  ...............OO......OO............OO....
  3337.  ...............O.O......O.O..........O.O...
  3338.  ..............OO........OO..........OO.....
  3339.  ...............O...........O.........O.....
  3340.  ................O..O...O..O...........O..O.
  3341.  ....................O.O...................O
  3342.  .................OO...O................OO..
  3343.  .................O.O...O..O............O.O.
  3344.  ................OO.........O..........OO...
  3345.  .................O.O....OO.............O.O.
  3346.  ..................O.....O.O.............O..
  3347.  .......................OO..................
  3348.  ........................O..................
  3349.  .........................O..O..............
  3350.  .............................O.............
  3351.  ..........................OO...............
  3352.  ..........................O.O..............
  3353.  .........................OO................
  3354.  ..........................O.O..............
  3355.  ...........................O...............
  3356. |
  3357. |
  3358. |The base ship can be extended in the same manner as is done to the tagalong
  3359. |to make it wider.  One interesting thing about the above spaceship is that
  3360. |many perturbations to it will simply break off and not destroy the rest of
  3361. |the spaceship.  The reason for this is that the repeating component has a
  3362. |self-repairing feature.  If the dangling cell next to the edge cell of an
  3363. |arm is removed (or equivalently, the end component is removed leaving
  3364. |another similar component at the end), then the ship will regenerate the
  3365. |missing cell.
  3366. |
  3367. |The following shows a slightly extended base spaceship with the dangling
  3368. |cell removed which will regenerate in generation 3.
  3369. |
  3370. |[Regenerating period 3 spaceship (speed c/3)]
  3371. [spaceship50]
  3372.  ..O.......
  3373.  .O.O......
  3374.  .O.O......
  3375.  .O........
  3376.  ..........
  3377.  OO........
  3378.  .O.O......
  3379.  .OO.......
  3380.  ..O.......
  3381.  ...O..O...
  3382.  .......O..
  3383.  ....OO....
  3384.  ....O.O...
  3385.  ...OO.....
  3386.  ....O.....
  3387.  .....O..O.
  3388.  .........O
  3389.  ......OO..
  3390.  ......O.O.
  3391.  .....OO...
  3392.  ......O...
  3393.  .......O..
  3394. |
  3395. |
  3396. |Other early tagalongs found were the following.  These are the same except
  3397. |for where they attach to the base ship.  They have sparks at the back which
  3398. |allow them to be repeatedly attached to each other.  These tagalongs can be
  3399. |mixed with the one just above.
  3400. |
  3401. |[Two period 3 ships with related repeatable tagalongs (speed c/3)]
  3402.  ..............O............       ..............O............
  3403.  .............O.O...........       .............O.O...........
  3404.  .....O.......O.O.......OO.O       .....O......OO.........O.O.
  3405.  ....O.O......O........O...O       ....O.O.......O........OO.O
  3406.  ...OO............O.......O.       ...OO.......OO........O....
  3407.  ....O.O...O.OO..O..O.O.O...       ....O.O.....OOOOOO...OO....
  3408.  ....OO...O...O.OO...OO.....       ....OO...OO..O...O.O.......
  3409.  .......O.O...O.OO...OO.....       .......O.OO..O...O.O.......
  3410.  ...O..O...O.OO..O..O.O.O...       ...O..O.....OOOOOO...OO....
  3411.  ..O..............O.......O.       ..O.........OO........O....
  3412.  .OO..........O........O...O       .OO...........O........OO.O
  3413.  .O.O.........O.O.......OO.O       .O.O........OO.........O.O.
  3414.  OO...........O.O...........       OO...........O.O...........
  3415.  ..............O............       ..............O............
  3416.  .O.........................       .O.........................
  3417.  .O.O.......................       .O.O.......................
  3418.  .O.O.......................       .O.O.......................
  3419.  ..O........................       ..O........................
  3420. |
  3421. |
  3422. |These tagalongs are similar to the back ends of the original repeating
  3423. |tagalongs that Dean Hickerson found for his turtle spaceship.  This means
  3424. |that all these tagalongs can also be attached to that spaceship.
  3425. |
  3426. |Another early tagalong is the following, which I called the "fly".  It
  3427. |turns out that many tagalongs look similar to this one, but this was the
  3428. |first one found with this appearance.  It can be repeatedly attached to
  3429. |itself, as shown here.  The front part of this tagalong resembles the
  3430. |front of the turtle spaceship, but is wider.
  3431. |
  3432. |[Period 3 spaceship with repeatable "fly" tagalong (speed c/3)]
  3433. [spaceship51]
  3434.  ..........................O.O...O...........................
  3435.  .........................OO.O.O..O..........................
  3436.  ...........OOO........O.........O...........................
  3437.  ...........OO..O.OO...O..OOOO...............................
  3438.  .....O.......OOOO..O.O..OO....OO............................
  3439.  ....O.O....O..O...OOO.....OOO...............................
  3440.  ...OO.....O....O..OO..OO..O..O..............................
  3441.  ....O.O...O....O..OOO.O.O....OO.............................
  3442.  ....OO...OO....O..OOOO.....O........................OO...O.O
  3443.  .......O.OO....O..OOOO.....O...........O............OOO.O..O
  3444.  ...O..O...O....O..OOO.O.O....OO.......O..........OO....OO.O.
  3445.  ..O.......O....O..OO..OO..O..O.......OO..O.OO...OOOOOOO.OO..
  3446.  .OO........O..O...OOO.....OOO............OO..O.O........O...
  3447.  .O.O.........OOOO..O.O..OO....OO.....OO.O...O...O....OO.....
  3448.  OO.........OO..O.OO...O..OOOO........OOOO....O......OO....O.
  3449.  ...........OOO........O.........O...O..OO....O..OO....OO.O..
  3450.  .O.......................OO.O.O..O..O.OOO....O..OOO...OO....
  3451.  .O.O......................O.O...O...O.OOO....O..OOO...OO....
  3452.  .O.O................................O..OO....O..OO....OO.O..
  3453.  ..O..................................OOOO....O......OO....O.
  3454.  .....................................OO.O...O...O....OO.....
  3455.  .........................................OO..O.O........O...
  3456.  .....................................OO..O.OO...OOOOOOO.OO..
  3457.  ......................................O..........OO....OO.O.
  3458.  .......................................O............OOO.O..O
  3459.  ....................................................OO...O.O
  3460. |
  3461. |
  3462. |Here are two short, wide period 3 spaceships which show more components that
  3463. |could be added to Dean's grammar.  These ships have additional sparks that
  3464. |are useful for perturbing following spaceships and for attaching tagalongs
  3465. |to.  The spaceship on the right is the only known period 3 spaceship with a
  3466. |spark on the edge.  This ship was found by an explicit search starting with
  3467. |that spark.  But the edge spark has not been too useful so far.
  3468. |
  3469. |[Two more period 3 spaceships with useful sparks (speed c/3)]
  3470.  ...O....       .....O.O...
  3471.  ..O.O...       .....O.....
  3472.  ..O.O...       ..OOO......
  3473.  ..O.....       ..OO.O.....
  3474.  ........       .O..OO.....
  3475.  .OO.....       ..OOOO.....
  3476.  ..O.O...       .....O.....
  3477.  .O.O....       ..O.O..O...
  3478.  .OOO....       OO.OO.O....
  3479.  ........       OOO........
  3480.  ..O.O...       .....O.....
  3481.  ..OO....       .OO...OOO..
  3482.  ...O....       .OOO..O....
  3483.  ...O.O..       ........O..
  3484.  ...OO...       ....OOOO...
  3485.  .OOO....       .....O.....
  3486.  O.O.....       .....OO....
  3487.  O..O....       ......O.OOO
  3488.  O.OO....       .......O...
  3489.  ...O....       ..........O
  3490.  O..O....       ......O....
  3491.  .OO.....       ....OOOOO.O
  3492.  ..O...O.       ...O...OO.O
  3493.  ...OO..O       ..O...O....
  3494.  ...OO...       ...O...O...
  3495.  ....O...       .....O.....
  3496.  ...OO...       ...OOO.....
  3497.  ..O...O.       ..O..O.....
  3498.  .OO.OO..       ......OO...
  3499.  ..O.....       ..OOO.OO...
  3500.  ..OO....       ..OO...OO..
  3501.  ...O....       ......O.O..
  3502.  ....O...       ....OOO....
  3503. |                ....OOO....
  3504. |                ....OO.....
  3505. |                ......O....
  3506. |                ....OO.....
  3507. |                .....O.O...
  3508. |                ......O....
  3509. |
  3510. |
  3511. |I found a salvo of two LWSSs that could hit the back of the first ship above
  3512. |and which generates a glider.  Dean Hickerson then extended that to a salvo
  3513. |of four LWSSs that could hit two period 3 ships to generate a backwards-
  3514. |traveling MWSS.  This is shown below.
  3515. |
  3516. |[Four LWSSs hit two period 3 ships to produce backwards MWSS]
  3517. [spaceship52]
  3518.  ....O.........................................................
  3519.  ..OO..........................................................
  3520.  ..OO..........................................................
  3521.  ....O.........................................................
  3522.  ..O...........................................................
  3523.  ..O.O.........................................................
  3524.  ..O.O.........................................................
  3525.  ...O..........................................................
  3526.  .OO...........................................................
  3527.  ..O...........................................................
  3528.  ..OOO.........................................................
  3529.  ...O..........................................................
  3530.  .....O........................................................
  3531.  ...OO.........................................................
  3532.  ...OO.........................................................
  3533.  ..............................................................
  3534.  OOO...........................................................
  3535.  OO..OO........................................................
  3536.  ..O...........................................................
  3537.  .OO...........................................................
  3538.  .OO...........................................................
  3539.  .O..O.........................................................
  3540.  .....O........................................................
  3541.  ..OOOOO.......................................................
  3542.  ......OO......................................................
  3543.  ......OO..OO..................................................
  3544.  ...OOOO..OO.OO................................................
  3545.  ..O...O...OOOO............................................OO..
  3546.  ..OOO......OO............................................OO.OO
  3547.  ..O..O....................................................OOOO
  3548.  ...O.......................................................OO.
  3549.  ...O.O........................................................
  3550.  ....O.........................................................
  3551.  ..............................................................
  3552.  ..............................................................
  3553.  ..............................................................
  3554.  ..............................................................
  3555.  ..............................................................
  3556.  ..............................................................
  3557.  ..............................................................
  3558.  ..............................................................
  3559.  ..............................................................
  3560.  .......................O......................................
  3561.  ......................O.O.....................................
  3562.  ......................O.......................................
  3563.  .....................O..O..............O..O...................
  3564.  .....................OOO......OO......O.......................
  3565.  .....................O...O...OOOO.....O...O...................
  3566.  ......................OOOO..OO.OO.....OOOO....................
  3567.  .........................OO..OO...............................
  3568.  .........................OO...................................
  3569.  .....................OOOOO....................................
  3570.  ........................O.....................................
  3571.  ....................O..O......................................
  3572.  ....................OO........................................
  3573.  ....................OO........................................
  3574.  .....................O........................................
  3575.  ...................OO..OO.....................................
  3576.  ...................OOO........................................
  3577.  ..............................................................
  3578.  ......................OO......................................
  3579.  ......................OO......................................
  3580.  ........................O.....................................
  3581.  ......................O.......................................
  3582.  .....................OOO......................................
  3583.  .....................O........................................
  3584.  ....................OO........................................
  3585.  ......................O.......................................
  3586.  .....................O.O......................................
  3587.  .....................O.O......................................
  3588.  .....................O........................................
  3589.  .......................O......................................
  3590.  .....................OO.......................................
  3591.  .....................OO.......................................
  3592.  .......................O......................................
  3593. |
  3594. |
  3595. |This pattern is similar to the one found earlier by Dean, but uses two fewer
  3596. |spaceships.  It has another important advantage over the earlier pattern.
  3597. |The returning MWSS is on a different path than the incoming LWSSs.  This
  3598. |means that multiple salvos of LWSSs can be heading for the period 3 ships,
  3599. |at the same time as multiple returning MWSSs can be heading backwards.
  3600. |
  3601. |In August 1992, the above reaction was used by Dean Hickerson to implement
  3602. |an example of a "sawtooth" pattern (his seventh).  A sawtooth is a pattern
  3603. |whose population is unbounded, but which doesn't tend to infinity (the graph
  3604. |of the population looks like a zig-zag pattern, with fixed lower points and
  3605. |increasing higher points).  In this sawtooth, a salvo gun tries to shoot
  3606. |salvos of the four LWSSs at the receding period 3 spaceships, but 5 of the
  3607. |salvos are inhibited if a MWSS has just arrived.  So a stream of salvos
  3608. |grows towards the period 3 ships and is reflected back towards the gun.
  3609. |When the first MWSS reaches the gun, the salvos are turned off, and stay
  3610. |off until the last returned MWSS arrives.  Since the period 3 spaceships
  3611. |are receding, each cycle requires more salvos before being turned off, and
  3612. |thus the population keeps reaching higher maximums.  But the population
  3613. |always returns to the same low number of ON cells when the salvos are
  3614. |used up.
  3615. |
  3616. |--------------------- [Continued in next mail article] ----------------------
  3617. |        Spaceships in Conway's Life (Part 4)
  3618. |            by David I. Bell
  3619. |            dbell@pdact.pd.necisa.oz.au
  3620. |            25 Sep 1992
  3621. |
  3622. |
  3623. |This is the fourth in a series of articles concerning Conway's Game of Life.
  3624. |In this article, I will show the results for two of the classes of period
  3625. |4 spaceships and give a couple of applications of them.
  3626. |
  3627. |Period 4 is the smallest period for which more than one speed is allowed for
  3628. |spaceships, and is the smallest period for which diagonal spaceships can
  3629. |exist.  Period 4 diagonal spaceships must travel at c/4.  Orthogonal period
  3630. |4 spaceships can travel at either the speeds of c/2 or c/4.  The new c/2
  3631. |spaceships will be covered in the next article.
  3632. |
  3633. |The diagonal period 4 spaceships can be covered quickly.  Besides the glider,
  3634. |only one basic diagonal period 4 spaceship is known.  This was found in
  3635. |December 1989 by Dean Hickerson, and is shown below.
  3636. |
  3637. |[Period 4 spaceship (symmetrical, diagonal to lower right, speed c/4)]
  3638. [spaceship 53]
  3639.  ....O..O..........
  3640.  ....OOO.O.........
  3641.  ...OO.............
  3642.  ..O.OO...O........
  3643.  OOOO...OO.O.......
  3644.  .O.O...OOOO.......
  3645.  .O.......O........
  3646.  O...OO....O.OO....
  3647.  .O..OO......O.O...
  3648.  ...O.OO.........O.
  3649.  ....OO.O.....O..O.
  3650.  ...............OO.
  3651.  .......OO........O
  3652.  .......O..O....O.O
  3653.  ........O.......OO
  3654.  ...........O.O....
  3655.  .........OOO..O...
  3656.  ............OOO...
  3657. |
  3658. |
  3659. |Robert Wainwright found some small tagalongs that can be attached to one or
  3660. |two copies of this spaceship.  These are shown below.
  3661. |
  3662. |[Pair of period 4 spaceships with several tagalongs (diagonal to lower
  3663. |right, speed c/4)]
  3664. [spaceship 54]
  3665.  ....................OOO...........
  3666.  ..................................
  3667.  ......OO............OO.O..........
  3668.  ......OO...O........O..OO.........
  3669.  .........O..O........OO..O........
  3670.  ............O..O.OO..OO..OO.......
  3671.  .........O.O...O.O.OO....OO.......
  3672.  ..........O....O...OO....O..O.....
  3673.  .................OO.......O..O....
  3674.  ..................O........O...O..
  3675.  ..........O..O.....OOOO......O..O.
  3676.  ..........OOO.O.....OO.O......O..O
  3677.  .........OO.............O.....O...
  3678.  ........O.OO...O......O..........O
  3679.  ......OOOO...OO.O......O.O.....OOO
  3680.  ..OO...O.O...OOOO.........OO......
  3681.  ..O....O.......O........O....O....
  3682.  O.O...O...OO....O.OO.....O...O....
  3683.  .OO....O..OO......O.O.....O.OO....
  3684.  .........O.OO.........O...........
  3685.  ..........OO.O.....O..O...........
  3686.  .....................OO...........
  3687.  .............OO........O..........
  3688.  .............O..O....O.O..........
  3689.  ..............O.......OO..........
  3690.  .................O.O..............
  3691.  ...............OOO..O.............
  3692.  ..................OOO.............
  3693. |
  3694. |
  3695. |At the left is a tagalong that can be attached to a single copy of the
  3696. |diagonal spaceship.  At the upper left are two tagalongs.  The one nearest
  3697. |the two copies of the diagonal spaceship requires sparks from both of those
  3698. |ships to survive.  The block in the upper left is a tagalong to that
  3699. |tagalong.  None of these tagalongs are extensible.
  3700. |
  3701. |Now I shall turn to the main topic of this article, which is the c/4 period 4
  3702. |orthogonal spaceships.  From now on, all spaceships will be orthogonal ones,
  3703. |and I will not explicitly state this all of the time.  I will also use the
  3704. |word "slow" to describe c/4 spaceships where necessary, since the period
  3705. |alone is not sufficient to force the speed.
  3706. |
  3707. |In December 1989 Dean Hickerson found the first orthogonal c/4 spaceship.
  3708. |Finding it required Dean to use a manual "sliding window" search method in
  3709. |order to keep the number of rows in the search small enough.  This spaceship
  3710. |is shown below.
  3711. |
  3712. |[First slow period 4 orthogonal spaceship found (speed c/4)]
  3713. [spaceship 55]
  3714.  .................................OO
  3715.  .................O...............OO
  3716.  .......OO.......OOOOOO...........O.
  3717.  .......O..OOO.O.......OO......O..O.
  3718.  ......O..........O..O.OO...O....O..
  3719.  .....OOOO.O.O....O...OOO...OO.OOO.O
  3720.  .....OO......OOO.......OOO......OO.
  3721.  ....O..............................
  3722.  .OOO.O.............................
  3723.  O..O...............................
  3724.  .OOO.O.............................
  3725.  ....O..............................
  3726.  .....OO......OOO.......OOO......OO.
  3727.  .....OOOO.O.O....O...OOO...OO.OOO.O
  3728.  ......O..........O..O.OO...O....O..
  3729.  .......O..OOO.O.......OO......O..O.
  3730.  .......OO.......OOOOOO...........O.
  3731.  .................O...............OO
  3732.  .................................OO
  3733. |
  3734. |
  3735. |Dean Hickerson then found a small tagalong to that first spaceship.  The
  3736. |following shows one copy of this tagalong attached to one side of the base
  3737. |ship.  (Another copy could be attached to the other side to preserve the
  3738. |symmetry.)  This tagalong is not extensible.
  3739. |
  3740. |[Period 4 spaceship with small tagalong (speed c/4)]
  3741. [spaceship 56]
  3742.  .................................OO......O.O.
  3743.  .................O...............OO.....OOO.O
  3744.  .......OO.......OOOOOO...........O.....OO....
  3745.  .......O..OOO.O.......OO......O..O..O...O....
  3746.  ......O..........O..O.OO...O....O...O..O.....
  3747.  .....OOOO.O.O....O...OOO...OO.OOO.O.O...O....
  3748.  .....OO......OOO.......OOO......OO...OOO.....
  3749.  ....O..................................OO....
  3750.  .OOO.O.......................................
  3751.  O..O.........................................
  3752.  .OOO.O.......................................
  3753.  ....O........................................
  3754.  .....OO......OOO.......OOO......OO...........
  3755.  .....OOOO.O.O....O...OOO...OO.OOO.O..........
  3756.  ......O..........O..O.OO...O....O............
  3757.  .......O..OOO.O.......OO......O..O...........
  3758.  .......OO.......OOOOOO...........O...........
  3759.  .................O...............OO..........
  3760.  .................................OO..........
  3761. |
  3762. |
  3763. |Unlike the period 2 and period 3 spaceships, Dean did not discover an
  3764. |infinite number of these spaceships, and no grammar was found.  The reason
  3765. |for this was that the current search programs begin to bog down at period 4
  3766. |when a reasonable number of rows is searched.  There do not appear to be
  3767. |any really small period 4 c/4 spaceships and so finding them requires a long
  3768. |search.  This is particularly true when looking for short, wide spaceships
  3769. |to construct a grammar from.  No such search has been successful, only
  3770. |spaceship searches for thin long spaceships have succeeded.
  3771. |
  3772. |Since Dean's initial search, the only person who has had success in finding
  3773. |new c/4 spaceships has been Hartmut Holzwart.  He has done this with a
  3774. |copy of my search program which he has modified to increase its speed and
  3775. |capabilities.  All of the basic spaceships in the remainder of this article
  3776. |and all but one of the tagalongs were found by Hartmut Holzwart.  For this
  3777. |reason, I do not need to name the discoverer of each spaceship.
  3778. |
  3779. |To show how progress in Life can jump by huge bounds in a small time, all
  3780. |of the remaining results in this article were found since July 1992.
  3781. |
  3782. |Hartmut Holzwart's first new period 4 c/4 spaceship was the following.  It
  3783. |has the same front as Dean's spaceship, but then quickly diverges.  The tail
  3784. |of the ship has feet which appear often in other ships.
  3785. |
  3786. |[Second slow period 4 orthogonal spaceship discovered (speed c/4)]
  3787. [spaceship 57]
  3788.  ....................O...................
  3789.  .......OO........OOOO........OO.........
  3790.  .......O..OOO..OOOO.....OOOO.O..........
  3791.  ......O.......OO..O....O.......O.....O..
  3792.  .....OOOO.O.O...O..O....OO....OOOO.O..OO
  3793.  .....OO........O..OO.O..O..O.O.O.OOO....
  3794.  ....O..........OO.O.........O..O........
  3795.  .OOO.O.....O.O.....O.O.OOO......OO......
  3796.  O..O.......O.........O.OOO..............
  3797.  .OOO.O.....O.O.....O.O.OOO......OO......
  3798.  ....O..........OO.O.........O..O........
  3799.  .....OO........O..OO.O..O..O.O.O.OOO....
  3800.  .....OOOO.O.O...O..O....OO....OOOO.O..OO
  3801.  ......O.......OO..O....O.......O.....O..
  3802.  .......O..OOO..OOOO.....OOOO.O..........
  3803.  .......OO........OOOO........OO.........
  3804.  ....................O...................
  3805. |
  3806. |
  3807. |Just a few days later the following much smaller spaceship was found.
  3808. |This is dramatically different than the previous spaceships, but has the
  3809. |same tail as the previous spaceship.  It has a very unlikely looking
  3810. |front end.
  3811. |
  3812. |[Smaller period 4 spaceship (speed c/4)]
  3813. [spaceship 58]
  3814.  .......O.O...........
  3815.  ......O...O.........O
  3816.  .....OO...O......OOOO
  3817.  .O...OO..O.OO....OOO.
  3818.  .O..........OOO.O.O..
  3819.  OO..O........O...OO..
  3820.  .O.OO...........OOO..
  3821.  .O.OO................
  3822.  .O.OO...........OOO..
  3823.  OO..O........O...OO..
  3824.  .O..........OOO.O.O..
  3825.  .O...OO..O.OO....OOO.
  3826.  .....OO...O......OOOO
  3827.  ......O...O.........O
  3828.  .......O.O...........
  3829. |
  3830. |
  3831. |Following are some more spaceships which have the same front end, but the
  3832. |spaceship is slightly modified at the back to connect to what appear to be
  3833. |tagalongs.  However, even though these back parts are only connected to the
  3834. |front parts by a blinker, they are necessary and so are not really tagalongs.
  3835. |
  3836. |[Several period 4 spaceships with non-tagalongs (speed c/4)]
  3837. [spaceship 59]
  3838.  .........O..........................
  3839.  .......O..OO......O...............OO
  3840.  ......O..OOOO....O.O......O.O..OOO..
  3841.  .O...OO...OO.OO.O..O.....O...O.OO.O.
  3842.  .O....OO....OOOO.O.......O..OOO.....
  3843.  OO..O.........OO.O.O.....O.O..OO....
  3844.  .O.OO........OOO...O.....O.O..OO.OO.
  3845.  .O.OO.....OOOOOO..OO.OOO.O..O.......
  3846.  .O.OO........OOO...O.....O.O..OO.OO.
  3847.  OO..O.........OO.O.O.....O.O..OO....
  3848.  .O....OO....OOOO.O.......O..OOO.....
  3849.  .O...OO...OO.OO.O..O.....O...O.OO.O.
  3850.  ......O..OOOO....O.O......O.O..OOO..
  3851.  .......O..OO......O...............OO
  3852.  .........O..........................
  3853. |
  3854. |
  3855. [spaceship 60]
  3856.  .........O..............................OO.....
  3857.  .......O..OO......O....................O.....OO
  3858.  ......O..OOOO....O.O......O.O....OOOO.OO.OO..OO
  3859.  .O...OO...OO.OO.O..O.....O...O....O..OO.O..OO.O
  3860.  .O....OO....OOOO.O.......O..OOOO.OO.O.......O..
  3861.  OO..O.........OO.O.O.....O.O..OO..O.O......O..O
  3862.  .O.OO........OOO...O.....O.O..OOO.O.........O.O
  3863.  .O.OO.....OOOOOO..OO.OOO.O..O...OO.............
  3864.  .O.OO........OOO...O.....O.O..OOO.O.........O.O
  3865.  OO..O.........OO.O.O.....O.O..OO..O.O......O..O
  3866.  .O....OO....OOOO.O.......O..OOOO.OO.O.......O..
  3867.  .O...OO...OO.OO.O..O.....O...O....O..OO.O..OO.O
  3868.  ......O..OOOO....O.O......O.O....OOOO.OO.OO..OO
  3869.  .......O..OO......O....................O.....OO
  3870.  .........O..............................OO.....
  3871. |
  3872. |
  3873. [spaceship 61]
  3874.  .........O............................
  3875.  .......O..OO......O...................
  3876.  ......O..OOOO....O.O......O.O.........
  3877.  .O...OO...OO.OO.O..O.....O...O..O.O...
  3878.  .O....OO....OOOO.O.......O..OOOOO...O.
  3879.  OO..O.........OO.O.O.....O.O..O......O
  3880.  .O.OO........OOO...O.....O.O..OOOOOO.O
  3881.  .O.OO.....OOOOOO..OO.OOO.O..O.........
  3882.  .O.OO........OOO...O.....O.O..OOOOOO.O
  3883.  OO..O.........OO.O.O.....O.O..O......O
  3884.  .O....OO....OOOO.O.......O..OOOOO...O.
  3885.  .O...OO...OO.OO.O..O.....O...O..O.O...
  3886.  ......O..OOOO....O.O......O.O.........
  3887.  .......O..OO......O...................
  3888.  .........O............................
  3889. |
  3890. |
  3891. |A very small tagalong was found that can be attached to the back of the last
  3892. |spaceship shown above.  This is shown below.
  3893. |
  3894. |[Period 4 spaceship with small tagalong (speed c/4)]
  3895. [spaceship 62]
  3896.  .........O...................................
  3897.  .......O..OO......O..........................
  3898.  ......O..OOOO....O.O......O.O................
  3899.  .O...OO...OO.OO.O..O.....O...O..O.O..........
  3900.  .O....OO....OOOO.O.......O..OOOOO...O........
  3901.  OO..O.........OO.O.O.....O.O..O......O.OO....
  3902.  .O.OO........OOO...O.....O.O..OOOOOO.O.OO....
  3903.  .O.OO.....OOOOOO..OO.OOO.O..O.............OOO
  3904.  .O.OO........OOO...O.....O.O..OOOOOO.O.OO....
  3905.  OO..O.........OO.O.O.....O.O..O......O.OO....
  3906.  .O....OO....OOOO.O.......O..OOOOO...O........
  3907.  .O...OO...OO.OO.O..O.....O...O..O.O..........
  3908.  ......O..OOOO....O.O......O.O................
  3909.  .......O..OO......O..........................
  3910.  .........O...................................
  3911. |
  3912. |
  3913. |The presence of the two repeated blinkers in the above spaceship raises
  3914. |the possibility that the back section of the spaceship might be repeatable,
  3915. |and therefore create an arbitrarily long spaceship.  Unfortunately, this
  3916. |does not work.
  3917. |
  3918. |However, the back end of the small tagalong does provide a spark for
  3919. |perturbing chasing c/2 spaceships (similar to the period 3 spaceships in
  3920. |the previous article).  Dean Hickerson found the following reaction which
  3921. |turns a HWSS into a loaf.  As described in my previous article, the loaf can
  3922. |be pulled backwards by a stream of LWSSs, and therefore this construction
  3923. |could be used as part of a sawtooth pattern.
  3924. |
  3925. |[Slow period 4 spaceship turns following HWSS into a loaf]
  3926. [spaceship 63]
  3927.  .........O............................................
  3928.  .......O..OO......O...................................
  3929.  ......O..OOOO....O.O......O.O.....................OO..
  3930.  .O...OO...OO.OO.O..O.....O...O..O.O.............O....O
  3931.  .O....OO....OOOO.O.......O..OOOOO...O..........O......
  3932.  OO..O.........OO.O.O.....O.O..O......O.OO......O.....O
  3933.  .O.OO........OOO...O.....O.O..OOOOOO.O.OO......OOOOOO.
  3934.  .O.OO.....OOOOOO..OO.OOO.O..O.............OOO.........
  3935.  .O.OO........OOO...O.....O.O..OOOOOO.O.OO.............
  3936.  OO..O.........OO.O.O.....O.O..O......O.OO.............
  3937.  .O....OO....OOOO.O.......O..OOOOO...O.................
  3938.  .O...OO...OO.OO.O..O.....O...O..O.O...................
  3939.  ......O..OOOO....O.O......O.O.........................
  3940.  .......O..OO......O...................................
  3941.  .........O............................................
  3942. |
  3943. |
  3944. |The following two spaceships show another slightly modified front part, with
  3945. |a different tenuous connection to the back parts.  Once again, the back parts
  3946. |are required and are therefore not tagalongs.
  3947. |
  3948. |[Two more period 4 spaceships with non-tagalongs (speed c/4)]
  3949. [spaceship 64]
  3950.  .......O.O...........................
  3951.  ......O...O.........O................
  3952.  .....OO...O.......O..OO...OO.........
  3953.  .O...OO..O.OO...OOO......OOO....OO...
  3954.  .O..........OOO..O......OO..O..OOO...
  3955.  OO..O........O...O......O....OO...OOO
  3956.  .O.OO...........O....O...OO...OOOOO.O
  3957.  .O.OO...........O....O...OO..........
  3958.  .O.OO...........O....O...OO...OOOOO.O
  3959.  OO..O........O...O......O....OO...OOO
  3960.  .O..........OOO..O......OO..O..OOO...
  3961.  .O...OO..O.OO...OOO......OOO....OO...
  3962.  .....OO...O.......O..OO...OO.........
  3963.  ......O...O.........O................
  3964.  .......O.O...........................
  3965. |
  3966. |
  3967. [spaceship 65]
  3968.  .......O.O.............................OO......
  3969.  ......O...O.........O...............O..OO......
  3970.  .....OO...O.......O..OO...OO....O..O..O.OO.OOOO
  3971.  .O...OO..O.OO...OOO......OOO...O.OO...O........
  3972.  .O..........OOO..O......OO..O....O.OO......O...
  3973.  OO..O........O...O......O....OO............OOO.
  3974.  .O.OO...........O....O...OO...O..OO........OOO.
  3975.  .O.OO...........O....O...OO.....O..............
  3976.  .O.OO...........O....O...OO...O..OO........OOO.
  3977.  OO..O........O...O......O....OO............OOO.
  3978.  .O..........OOO..O......OO..O....O.OO......O...
  3979.  .O...OO..O.OO...OOO......OOO...O.OO...O........
  3980.  .....OO...O.......O..OO...OO....O..O..O.OO.OOOO
  3981.  ......O...O.........O...............O..OO......
  3982.  .......O.O.............................OO......
  3983. |
  3984. |
  3985. |The back parts of these spaceships are similar to the back parts of the
  3986. |previously shown spaceships.  So these front and back parts are actually
  3987. |"components" that can be used for either of the two types of front end.
  3988. |
  3989. |The following is an interesting spaceship with what appear to be tagalongs,
  3990. |but once again they are required for the ship to to work.  They could be
  3991. |considered components, but very few spaceships reuse them.
  3992. |
  3993. |[Period 4 spaceship (speed c/4)]
  3994. [spaceship 66]
  3995.  ...........O..............
  3996.  .........O..OO...OO.....OO
  3997.  .......OOO......OOOO...O..
  3998.  .O..O...O.......O...O.OO..
  3999.  .O..O.O.OO......OOOO..OO..
  4000.  OO........O.OO..O..O...O..
  4001.  .O.OO.OOOO.OO.O..OO.....OO
  4002.  .O..........OO............
  4003.  .O.OO.OOOO.OO.O..OO.....OO
  4004.  OO........O.OO..O..O...O..
  4005.  .O..O.O.OO......OOOO..OO..
  4006.  .O..O...O.......O...O.OO..
  4007.  .......OOO......OOOO...O..
  4008.  .........O..OO...OO.....OO
  4009.  ...........O..............
  4010. |
  4011. |
  4012. |Here are two more spaceships with the same beginning.  The first one is
  4013. |interesting because of the large hole in its middle.
  4014. |
  4015. |[Period 4 spaceships (speed c/4)]
  4016. [spaceship 67]
  4017.  ..............O...O........................
  4018.  ............O..O..O.....OOO.O...O..........
  4019.  .........OOOO...OO...O...O..OO..O..OOOO.OO.
  4020.  .O..O...O.OO.O.OOO..OOOOOO..OOO.......O...O
  4021.  .O..O.O.OO......OO..OOO.O.......O...OOO....
  4022.  OO.....................O.......O....O....OO
  4023.  .O.OO.OO........................O.O..OOOOO.
  4024.  .O.........................................
  4025.  .O.OO.OO........................O.O..OOOOO.
  4026.  OO.....................O.......O....O....OO
  4027.  .O..O.O.OO......OO..OOO.O.......O...OOO....
  4028.  .O..O...O.OO.O.OOO..OOOOOO..OOO.......O...O
  4029.  .........OOOO...OO...O...O..OO..O..OOOO.OO.
  4030.  ............O..O..O.....OOO.O...O..........
  4031.  ..............O...O........................
  4032. |
  4033. |
  4034. [spaceship 68]
  4035.  ...........O..................OO..............
  4036.  .........O..OO...OO.....OO....OO..............
  4037.  .......OOO......OOOO...O...O..OO..OO..........
  4038.  .O..O...O.......O...O.OO....OO...OO.OO.O......
  4039.  .O..O.O.OO......OOOO..OO......O..OOOOO.....O..
  4040.  OO........O.OO..O..O...O...OOOO..O..OOOOOO..OO
  4041.  .O.OO.OOOO.OO.O..OO.....OO....O..OO....O.O....
  4042.  .O..........OO................................
  4043.  .O.OO.OOOO.OO.O..OO.....OO....O..OO....O.O....
  4044.  OO........O.OO..O..O...O...OOOO..O..OOOOOO..OO
  4045.  .O..O.O.OO......OOOO..OO......O..OOOOO.....O..
  4046.  .O..O...O.......O...O.OO....OO...OO.OO.O......
  4047.  .......OOO......OOOO...O...O..OO..OO..........
  4048.  .........O..OO...OO.....OO....OO..............
  4049.  ...........O..................OO..............
  4050. |
  4051. [spaceship 69]
  4052.  ............................
  4053.  ...........OO....O..........
  4054.  ..........O.OO.OO.OO.O......
  4055.  .O..O..O.O.....OOOOO.....O..
  4056.  .O..O.O.OO.O.O.O.OOOOOOO..OO
  4057.  OO...................O.O....
  4058.  .O.OO.OOOOOOOOO.............
  4059.  .O..........................
  4060.  .O.OO.OOOOOOOOO.............
  4061.  OO...................O.O....
  4062.  .O..O.O.OO.O.O.O.OOOOOOO..OO
  4063.  .O..O..O.O.....OOOOO.....O..
  4064.  ..........O.OO.OO.OO.O......
  4065.  ...........OO....O..........
  4066.  ............................
  4067. |
  4068. |
  4069. |The spacing between the back ends of the last spaceship above allows for a
  4070. |large tagalong to be attached.  This tagalong reuses the back components
  4071. |from a spaceship previously described.
  4072. |
  4073. |[Period 4 spaceship with large tagalong (speed c/4)]
  4074. [spaceship 70]
  4075.  ....................................O............
  4076.  ...........OO....O...............OOOO....O....OO.
  4077.  ..........O.OO.OO.OO.O.......OO..OOO...OO....O.O.
  4078.  .O..O..O.O.....OOOOO.....O......O.O......O...O.OO
  4079.  .O..O.O.OO.O.O.O.OOOOOOO..OO.O...OO....OOO...O.OO
  4080.  OO...................O.O......O.OOOO.O.OOO...O.O.
  4081.  .O.OO.OOOOOOOOO................O.O...O........OO.
  4082.  .O..............................O................
  4083.  .O.OO.OOOOOOOOO................O.O...O........OO.
  4084.  OO...................O.O......O.OOOO.O.OOO...O.O.
  4085.  .O..O.O.OO.O.O.O.OOOOOOO..OO.O...OO....OOO...O.OO
  4086.  .O..O..O.O.....OOOOO.....O......O.O......O...O.OO
  4087.  ..........O.OO.OO.OO.O.......OO..OOO...OO....O.O.
  4088.  ...........OO....O...............OOOO....O....OO.
  4089.  ....................................O............
  4090. |
  4091. |
  4092. |The following spaceship could be useful because it has a spark on each edge.
  4093. |This spark is similar to the one produced by the MWSS, and could be used
  4094. |to perturb debris.  (Unfortunately, that spark does not extend farther out
  4095. |than the front of the spaceship, so it could only perturb active debris.)
  4096. |
  4097. |[Period 4 "MWSS" style spaceship with sparks on it's edge (speed c/4)]
  4098. [spaceship 71]
  4099.  .......O..OO................
  4100.  ......O...OO.....OOO........
  4101.  .....OO......O.OOOOOOO......
  4102.  .O...OO..O..OOO..OOOOO......
  4103.  .O.......O......O.....O....O
  4104.  OO..O....O..O.OO......O..OOO
  4105.  .O.OO......O....O.....O..OO.
  4106.  .O.OO.......................
  4107.  .O.OO......O....O.....O..OO.
  4108.  OO..O....O..O.OO......O..OOO
  4109.  .O.......O......O.....O....O
  4110.  .O...OO..O..OOO..OOOOO......
  4111.  .....OO......O.OOOOOOO......
  4112.  ......O...OO.....OOO........
  4113.  .......O..OO................
  4114. |
  4115. |
  4116. |A small variation on the above spaceship is reminiscent of the differences
  4117. |between a MWSS and LWSS.  If one of the three identical columns which produce
  4118. |the spark is removed and the back of the spaceship shifted up by a column,
  4119. |then the spaceship still works, but doesn't produce any spark.  So this
  4120. |converts the "MWSS" slow period 4 spaceship into a "LWSS" slow period 4
  4121. |spaceship.
  4122. |
  4123. |[Period 4 "LWSS" style spaceship with no edge spark (speed c/4)]
  4124. [spaceship 72]
  4125.  .......O..OO...............
  4126.  ......O...OO.....OO........
  4127.  .....OO......O.OOOOOO......
  4128.  .O...OO..O..OOO..OOOO......
  4129.  .O.......O......O....O....O
  4130.  OO..O....O..O.OO.....O..OOO
  4131.  .O.OO......O....O....O..OO.
  4132.  .O.OO......................
  4133.  .O.OO......O....O....O..OO.
  4134.  OO..O....O..O.OO.....O..OOO
  4135.  .O.......O......O....O....O
  4136.  .O...OO..O..OOO..OOOO......
  4137.  .....OO......O.OOOOOO......
  4138.  ......O...OO.....OO........
  4139. |
  4140. |Unfortunately, the obvious attempt to convert the spaceship into a "HWSS"
  4141. |period 4 spaceship by adding another column fails.  No slow period 4
  4142. |spaceship is known with side sparks like the HWSS.
  4143. |
  4144. |Hartmut found an important tagalong to the above spaceship, which is
  4145. |shown below.  This tagalong is similar to the back end of the base ship,
  4146. |and so like the base ship it can have a "MWSS" style spark on its edge.
  4147. |There is also a "LWSS" version of this tagalong without the spark.
  4148. |
  4149. |[Period 4 spaceship with repeatable "MWSS" tagalong (speed c/4)]
  4150. [spaceship 73]
  4151.  .......O..OO.......................O.........
  4152.  ......O...OO.....OO..............O...........
  4153.  .....OO......O.OOOOOO...........O.....O......
  4154.  .O...OO..O..OOO..OOOO..........O.......O.....
  4155.  .O.......O......O....O....O.O..O.OOOOO.O....O
  4156.  OO..O....O..O.OO.....O..OOO.O.O..O....OOO.O.O
  4157.  .O.OO......O....O....O..OO....OOO.........O.O
  4158.  .O.OO........................................
  4159.  .O.OO......O....O....O..OO....OOO.........O.O
  4160.  OO..O....O..O.OO.....O..OOO.O.O..O....OOO.O.O
  4161.  .O.......O......O....O....O.O..O.OOOOO.O....O
  4162.  .O...OO..O..OOO..OOOO..........O.......O.....
  4163.  .....OO......O.OOOOOO...........O.....O......
  4164.  ......O...OO.....OO..............O...........
  4165.  .......O..OO.......................O.........
  4166. |
  4167. |
  4168. |Since the tagalong ends like the base spaceship, it can be attached to
  4169. |itself (in the previous phase) arbitrarily often.  This was the first known
  4170. |way to make an arbitrarily large slow period 4 spaceship.  This is shown
  4171. |below for two copies of the tagalong to make this connection obvious.
  4172. |
  4173. |[Period 4 spaceship with two copies of "MWSS" tagalong (speed c/4)]
  4174. [spaceship 74]
  4175.  .......O..OO.......................O............................
  4176.  ......O...OO.....OO..............O..............................
  4177.  .....OO......O.OOOOOO...........O.....O...........O.............
  4178.  .O...OO..O..OOO..OOOO..........O.......O.........O.OOOOO.O......
  4179.  .O.......O......O....O....O.O..O.OOOOO.O....O..OOO.OOOOO.....O..
  4180.  OO..O....O..O.OO.....O..OOO.O.O..O....OOO.O.O...O..O.OOOOOOO..OO
  4181.  .O.OO......O....O....O..OO....OOO.........O.O..OOOO......O.O....
  4182.  .O.OO...........................................................
  4183.  .O.OO......O....O....O..OO....OOO.........O.O..OOOO......O.O....
  4184.  OO..O....O..O.OO.....O..OOO.O.O..O....OOO.O.O...O..O.OOOOOOO..OO
  4185.  .O.......O......O....O....O.O..O.OOOOO.O....O..OOO.OOOOO.....O..
  4186.  .O...OO..O..OOO..OOOO..........O.......O.........O.OOOOO.O......
  4187.  .....OO......O.OOOOOO...........O.....O...........O.............
  4188.  ......O...OO.....OO..............O..............................
  4189.  .......O..OO.......................O............................
  4190. |
  4191. |
  4192. |The tagalong can also be attached to many of the other spaceships and
  4193. |tagalongs which have similar "feet".  Examples of this will be shown a
  4194. |little later.
  4195. |
  4196. |The following spaceship is the smallest known c/4 orthogonal spaceship.
  4197. |The front end is interesting for two reasons.  The first reason is that
  4198. |it is made up of two perturbed traffic lights predecessors.  The second
  4199. |reason is that the leading edge of this spaceship does not continually
  4200. |advance, but falls back in one of its generations.  This is very unusual.
  4201. |Almost all known spaceships travel monotonically.
  4202. |
  4203. |[Smallest known slow period 4 spaceship (speed c/4)]
  4204. [spaceship 75]
  4205.  ..........OO.O.......
  4206.  ......OOO.O.OOO......
  4207.  ..O.O..........O...OO
  4208.  OO....OO.....O...OOOO
  4209.  ..O.OO..O....OOO.O...
  4210.  ........O....O.......
  4211.  ..O.OO..O....OOO.O...
  4212.  OO....OO.....O...OOOO
  4213.  ..O.O..........O...OO
  4214.  ......OOO.O.OOO......
  4215.  ..........OO.O.......
  4216. |
  4217. |
  4218. |The back end of the small spaceship above can attach to many tagalongs.
  4219. |One of the most useful ones is shown below.  This tagalong produces five
  4220. |isolated sparks at the back in one of its generations.  I call this
  4221. |tagalong "sparky" after a comment made about it by Hartmut Holzwart.
  4222. |
  4223. |[Small period 4 spaceship with "sparky" tagalong (speed c/4)]
  4224. [spaceship 76]
  4225.  ..........OO.O............OO..
  4226.  ......OOO.O.OOO........O.OOO..
  4227.  ..O.O..........O...OO.O....O..
  4228.  OO....OO.....O...OOOO.O...OO..
  4229.  ..O.OO..O....OOO.O.....OOOO.O.
  4230.  ........O....O.............OOO
  4231.  ..O.OO..O....OOO.O.....OOOO.O.
  4232.  OO....OO.....O...OOOO.O...OO..
  4233.  ..O.O..........O...OO.O....O..
  4234.  ......OOO.O.OOO........O.OOO..
  4235.  ..........OO.O............OO..
  4236. |
  4237. |
  4238. |As might be expected, these sparks have various uses.  Dean Hickerson found
  4239. |that running a LWSS into these sparks can produce many different results
  4240. |such as a block, a blinker, traffic lights, and the R pentomino.  He also
  4241. |found a LWSS salvo which produces the loaf needed for yet another sawtooth
  4242. |pattern.  A simplified form of this reaction is shown below.
  4243. |
  4244. |[Period 4 spaceship turns LWSS salvo into a loaf]
  4245. [spaceship 77]
  4246.  ..........OO.O............OO.......................................
  4247.  ......OOO.O.OOO........O.OOO.......................................
  4248.  ..O.O..........O...OO.O....O.......................................
  4249.  OO....OO.....O...OOOO.O...OO.......................................
  4250.  ..O.OO..O....OOO.O.....OOOO.O......................................
  4251.  ........O....O.............OOO.....................................
  4252.  ..O.OO..O....OOO.O.....OOOO.O......................................
  4253.  OO....OO.....O...OOOO.O...OO.......................................
  4254.  ..O.O..........O...OO.O....O.......................................
  4255.  ......OOO.O.OOO........O.OOO.....O..O..........................O..O
  4256.  ..........OO.O............OO....O.............................O....
  4257.  ................................O...O.........................O...O
  4258.  ................................OOOO..........................OOOO.
  4259.  .............................................OOOO..................
  4260.  .............................................O...O.................
  4261.  .............................................O.....................
  4262.  ..............................................O..O.................
  4263. |
  4264. |
  4265. |The above construction produces a loaf using three LWSSs.  However, in
  4266. |the actual sawtooth based on this reaction, that loaf is not the actual
  4267. |one which is pulled by the "tractor beam".  In the actual sawtooth pattern,
  4268. |each salvo actually consists of just the first two LWSSs shown above, and
  4269. |the third LWSS shown is actually the first spaceship of the next salvo.
  4270. |Amazingly, when the next few LWSSs in more salvos are added to the above
  4271. |pattern, that first loaf is repositioned so that the tractor beam becomes
  4272. |effective.
  4273. |
  4274. |As expected, the sparks at the back of the tagalong can be used to attach
  4275. |further tagalongs.  Following is a relatively small tagalong that can be
  4276. |attached.
  4277. |
  4278. |[Period 4 spaceship with a tagalong to a tagalong (speed c/4)]
  4279. [spaceship 78]
  4280.  ..........................................O..OO.
  4281.  ..........OO.O............OO..............O..OOO
  4282.  ......OOO.O.OOO........O.OOO..............O....O
  4283.  ..O.O..........O...OO.O....O.........OOOOO......
  4284.  OO....OO.....O...OOOO.O...OO..........O.OO......
  4285.  ..O.OO..O....OOO.O.....OOOO.O...O.OOOO..........
  4286.  ........O....O.............OOO...O..............
  4287.  ..O.OO..O....OOO.O.....OOOO.O...O.OOOO..........
  4288.  OO....OO.....O...OOOO.O...OO..........O.OO......
  4289.  ..O.O..........O...OO.O....O.........OOOOO......
  4290.  ......OOO.O.OOO........O.OOO..............O....O
  4291.  ..........OO.O............OO..............O..OOO
  4292.  ..........................................O..OO.
  4293. |
  4294. |
  4295. |Two copies of the above spaceship can be used to provide the required back
  4296. |end for attaching a "MWSS" tagalong.  This is shown below.
  4297. |
  4298. |[Two period 4 spaceships connected by "MWSS" tagalong (speed c/4)]
  4299. [spaceship 79]
  4300.  ..........................................O..OO...................
  4301.  ..........OO.O............OO..............O..OOO..................
  4302.  ......OOO.O.OOO........O.OOO..............O....O..................
  4303.  ..O.O..........O...OO.O....O.........OOOOO........................
  4304.  OO....OO.....O...OOOO.O...OO..........O.OO........................
  4305.  ..O.OO..O....OOO.O.....OOOO.O...O.OOOO............................
  4306.  ........O....O.............OOO...O......................O.........
  4307.  ..O.OO..O....OOO.O.....OOOO.O...O.OOOO................O...........
  4308.  OO....OO.....O...OOOO.O...OO..........O.OO...........O.....O......
  4309.  ..O.O..........O...OO.O....O.........OOOOO..........O.......O.....
  4310.  ......OOO.O.OOO........O.OOO..............O....O.O..O.OOOOO.O....O
  4311.  ..........OO.O............OO..............O..OOO.O.O..O....OOO.O.O
  4312.  ..........................................O..OO....OOO.........O.O
  4313.  ..................................................................
  4314.  ..........................................O..OO....OOO.........O.O
  4315.  ..........OO.O............OO..............O..OOO.O.O..O....OOO.O.O
  4316.  ......OOO.O.OOO........O.OOO..............O....O.O..O.OOOOO.O....O
  4317.  ..O.O..........O...OO.O....O.........OOOOO..........O.......O.....
  4318.  OO....OO.....O...OOOO.O...OO..........O.OO...........O.....O......
  4319.  ..O.OO..O....OOO.O.....OOOO.O...O.OOOO................O...........
  4320.  ........O....O.............OOO...O......................O.........
  4321.  ..O.OO..O....OOO.O.....OOOO.O...O.OOOO............................
  4322.  OO....OO.....O...OOOO.O...OO..........O.OO........................
  4323.  ..O.O..........O...OO.O....O.........OOOOO........................
  4324.  ......OOO.O.OOO........O.OOO..............O....O..................
  4325.  ..........OO.O............OO..............O..OOO..................
  4326.  ..........................................O..OO...................
  4327. |
  4328. |
  4329. |Another small tagalong can be attached to the sparky tagalong.  This
  4330. |tagalong only requires a loose connection to the base ship, and so it can
  4331. |also be attached to many other spaceships.  The following shows two copies
  4332. |of it attached to the sparky tagalong using two different sparks.
  4333. |
  4334. |[Period 4 spaceship with small tagalongs (speed c/4)]
  4335. [spaceship 80]
  4336.  ......................................O.O....
  4337.  ..........OO.O............OO......OOOOOOO..OO
  4338.  ......OOO.O.OOO........O.OOO.....OOOO.....O..
  4339.  ..O.O..........O...OO.O....O....OO.OO.O......
  4340.  OO....OO.....O...OOOO.O...OO......O..........
  4341.  ..O.OO..O....OOO.O.....OOOO.O................
  4342.  ........O....O.............OOO...............
  4343.  ..O.OO..O....OOO.O.....OOOO.O................
  4344.  OO....OO.....O...OOOO.O...OO.................
  4345.  ..O.O..........O...OO.O....O.................
  4346.  ......OOO.O.OOO........O.OOO.....O...........
  4347.  ..........OO.O............OO...OO.OO.O.......
  4348.  ................................OOOO.....O...
  4349.  .................................OOOOOOO..OO.
  4350.  .....................................O.O.....
  4351. |
  4352. |
  4353. |Unfortunately this tagalong cannot be attached to itself.  However, since
  4354. |it has a back end which is common to many slow period 4 spaceships, many
  4355. |tagalongs can be attached to two copies of it.  An example of this is
  4356. |shown below, where the previously described "LWSS" tagalong is pulled.
  4357. |
  4358. |[Two period 4 spaceships pulling "LWSS" tagalong (speed c/4)]
  4359. [spaceship 81]
  4360.  ..........OO.O............OO.................................
  4361.  ......OOO.O.OOO........O.OOO.................................
  4362.  ..O.O..........O...OO.O....O.................................
  4363.  OO....OO.....O...OOOO.O...OO.................................
  4364.  ..O.OO..O....OOO.O.....OOOO.O................................
  4365.  ........O....O.............OOO...............................
  4366.  ..O.OO..O....OOO.O.....OOOO.O................................
  4367.  OO....OO.....O...OOOO.O...OO......O..............OOOO........
  4368.  ..O.O..........O...OO.O....O....OO.OO.O.........O....OO......
  4369.  ......OOO.O.OOO........O.OOO.....OOOO.....O...O.O...........O
  4370.  ..........OO.O............OO......OOOOOOO..OO.....O....O.OO.O
  4371.  ......................................O.O.....OOOO...O.O.O...
  4372.  .............................................................
  4373.  ......................................O.O.....OOOO...O.O.O...
  4374.  ..........OO.O............OO......OOOOOOO..OO.....O....O.OO.O
  4375.  ......OOO.O.OOO........O.OOO.....OOOO.....O...O.O...........O
  4376.  ..O.O..........O...OO.O....O....OO.OO.O.........O....OO......
  4377.  OO....OO.....O...OOOO.O...OO......O..............OOOO........
  4378.  ..O.OO..O....OOO.O.....OOOO.O................................
  4379.  ........O....O.............OOO...............................
  4380.  ..O.OO..O....OOO.O.....OOOO.O................................
  4381.  OO....OO.....O...OOOO.O...OO.................................
  4382.  ..O.O..........O...OO.O....O.................................
  4383.  ......OOO.O.OOO........O.OOO.................................
  4384.  ..........OO.O............OO.................................
  4385. |
  4386. |
  4387. |The advantage of this method of connecting spaceships is that the spacing
  4388. |between the pairs of base spaceships can be varied to suit the tagalong
  4389. |which is being pulled.  Another example of this is shown later.
  4390. |
  4391. |Following are several larger tagalongs to the sparky tagalong.  Most of
  4392. |these react substantially with the sparks and therefore cannot be moved
  4393. |to another base spaceship.
  4394. |
  4395. |[Several period 4 "sparky" spaceships with large tagalongs (speed c/4)]
  4396. [spaceship 82]
  4397.  ...........................................O..OO.
  4398.  ..........OO.O............OO.....OO........O..OOO
  4399.  ......OOO.O.OOO........O.OOO...OO..........O....O
  4400.  ..O.O..........O...OO.O....O.....OO...OOOOO......
  4401.  OO....OO.....O...OOOO.O...OO.....O.O...O.OO......
  4402.  ..O.OO..O....OOO.O.....OOOO.O...O.OOOOO..........
  4403.  ........O....O.............OOO...................
  4404.  ..O.OO..O....OOO.O.....OOOO.O...O.OOOOO..........
  4405.  OO....OO.....O...OOOO.O...OO.....O.O...O.OO......
  4406.  ..O.O..........O...OO.O....O.....OO...OOOOO......
  4407.  ......OOO.O.OOO........O.OOO...OO..........O....O
  4408.  ..........OO.O............OO.....OO........O..OOO
  4409.  ...........................................O..OO.
  4410. |
  4411. |
  4412. [spaceship 83]
  4413.  ...........................................O.O....
  4414.  ..........OO.O............OO.....OO.....OOOOOO..OO
  4415.  ......OOO.O.OOO........O.OOO...OO.....OOOO.....O..
  4416.  ..O.O..........O...OO.O....O.....OO...OO.O.O......
  4417.  OO....OO.....O...OOOO.O...OO.....O..O..O..........
  4418.  ..O.OO..O....OOO.O.....OOOO.O...O.OOOO............
  4419.  ........O....O.............OOO....................
  4420.  ..O.OO..O....OOO.O.....OOOO.O...O.OOOO............
  4421.  OO....OO.....O...OOOO.O...OO.....O..O..O..........
  4422.  ..O.O..........O...OO.O....O.....OO...OO.O.O......
  4423.  ......OOO.O.OOO........O.OOO...OO.....OOOO.....O..
  4424.  ..........OO.O............OO.....OO.....OOOOOO..OO
  4425.  ...........................................O.O....
  4426. |
  4427. |
  4428. [spaceship 84]
  4429.  .........................................O.O.O...
  4430.  ..........OO.O............OO.....OO........O.OO.O
  4431.  ......OOO.O.OOO........O.OOO...OO.....O.........O
  4432.  ..O.O..........O...OO.O....O.....OO..O...OO......
  4433.  OO....OO.....O...OOOO.O...OO.....O..O..OO........
  4434.  ..O.OO..O....OOO.O.....OOOO.O...O.OOOO...........
  4435.  ........O....O.............OOO...................
  4436.  ..O.OO..O....OOO.O.....OOOO.O...O.OOOO...........
  4437.  OO....OO.....O...OOOO.O...OO.....O..O..OO........
  4438.  ..O.O..........O...OO.O....O.....OO..O...OO......
  4439.  ......OOO.O.OOO........O.OOO...OO.....O.........O
  4440.  ..........OO.O............OO.....OO........O.OO.O
  4441.  .........................................O.O.O...
  4442. |
  4443. |
  4444. [spaceship 85]
  4445.  ..........OO.O............OO.....OO.............
  4446.  ......OOO.O.OOO........O.OOO...OO......O...OO...
  4447.  ..O.O..........O...OO.O....O.....OO...OOO.OOO...
  4448.  OO....OO.....O...OOOO.O...OO.....O.O.....O...OOO
  4449.  ..O.OO..O....OOO.O.....OOOO.O...O.OOOOOOOOOOOO.O
  4450.  ........O....O.............OOO..................
  4451.  ..O.OO..O....OOO.O.....OOOO.O...O.OOOOOOOOOOOO.O
  4452.  OO....OO.....O...OOOO.O...OO.....O.O.....O...OOO
  4453.  ..O.O..........O...OO.O....O.....OO...OOO.OOO...
  4454.  ......OOO.O.OOO........O.OOO...OO......O...OO...
  4455.  ..........OO.O............OO.....OO.............
  4456. |
  4457. |
  4458. [spaceship 86]
  4459.  ..........OO.O............OO......OOO.O...OO...O..
  4460.  ......OOO.O.OOO........O.OOO......OO.....OOOO.OO..
  4461.  ..O.O..........O...OO.O....O...OO.O...O..O.O......
  4462.  OO....OO.....O...OOOO.O...OO...OO.....O....OO...OO
  4463.  ..O.OO..O....OOO.O.....OOOO.O...O.OO...OOO.OOOOOOO
  4464.  ........O....O.............OOO....................
  4465.  ..O.OO..O....OOO.O.....OOOO.O...O.OO...OOO.OOOOOOO
  4466.  OO....OO.....O...OOOO.O...OO...OO.....O....OO...OO
  4467.  ..O.O..........O...OO.O....O...OO.O...O..O.O......
  4468.  ......OOO.O.OOO........O.OOO......OO.....OOOO.OO..
  4469.  ..........OO.O............OO......OOO.O...OO...O..
  4470. |
  4471. |
  4472. [spaceship 87]
  4473.  ......................................O........OO.......
  4474.  ..........OO.O............OO..........O...O...O.O.......
  4475.  ......OOO.O.OOO........O.OOO......OO..O.......O.OO......
  4476.  ..O.O..........O...OO.O....O...O.OOO...O.OO..O..OO......
  4477.  OO....OO.....O...OOOO.O...OO...OO...O...O...O.O..OO.O...
  4478.  ..O.OO..O....OOO.O.....OOOO.O...OOOO..............O.O...
  4479.  ........O....O.............OOO.............OOO........OO
  4480.  ..O.OO..O....OOO.O.....OOOO.O...OOOO..............O.O...
  4481.  OO....OO.....O...OOOO.O...OO...OO...O...O...O.O..OO.O...
  4482.  ..O.O..........O...OO.O....O...O.OOO...O.OO..O..OO......
  4483.  ......OOO.O.OOO........O.OOO......OO..O.......O.OO......
  4484.  ..........OO.O............OO..........O...O...O.O.......
  4485.  ......................................O........OO.......
  4486. |
  4487. |
  4488. |The tagalong for the last spaceship shown above can also be used to connect
  4489. |two parallel spaceships using the small extension tagalong.  For this to
  4490. |occur, a small modification of the small extension tagalong is required.
  4491. |This is shown below.
  4492. |
  4493. |[Two period 4 spaceships pulling a tagalong (speed c/4)]
  4494. [spaceship 88]
  4495.  ..........OO.O............OO.........................................
  4496.  ......OOO.O.OOO........O.OOO.........................................
  4497.  ..O.O..........O...OO.O....O.........................................
  4498.  OO....OO.....O...OOOO.O...OO.........................................
  4499.  ..O.OO..O....OOO.O.....OOOO.O........................................
  4500.  ........O....O.............OOO.......................................
  4501.  ..O.OO..O....OOO.O.....OOOO.O........................................
  4502.  OO....OO.....O...OOOO.O...OO......O..................................
  4503.  ..O.O..........O...OO.O....O....OO.OO.O..............................
  4504.  ......OOO.O.OOO........O.OOO.....OOOO.....O.O.......O........O.......
  4505.  ..........OO.O............OO......OOOOOOO..O..O....O.OO....OO........
  4506.  ......................................O.O.....O...O....OO....O.......
  4507.  ...............................................OOOOOO.....O..O.......
  4508.  ...............................................O..O..O.OO.OOO...O....
  4509.  ...............................................OOO........O....OO....
  4510.  .........................................................OO.......OOO
  4511.  ...............................................OOO........O....OO....
  4512.  ...............................................O..O..O.OO.OOO...O....
  4513.  ...............................................OOOOOO.....O..O.......
  4514.  ......................................O.O.....O...O....OO....O.......
  4515.  ..........OO.O............OO......OOOOOOO..O..O....O.OO....OO........
  4516.  ......OOO.O.OOO........O.OOO.....OOOO.....O.O.......O........O.......
  4517.  ..O.O..........O...OO.O....O....OO.OO.O..............................
  4518.  OO....OO.....O...OOOO.O...OO......O..................................
  4519.  ..O.OO..O....OOO.O.....OOOO.O........................................
  4520.  ........O....O.............OOO.......................................
  4521.  ..O.OO..O....OOO.O.....OOOO.O........................................
  4522.  OO....OO.....O...OOOO.O...OO.........................................
  4523.  ..O.O..........O...OO.O....O.........................................
  4524.  ......OOO.O.OOO........O.OOO.........................................
  4525.  ..........OO.O............OO.........................................
  4526. |
  4527. |
  4528. |Going back to the small period 4 ship without the sparky tagalong, Hartmut
  4529. |found some other tagalongs as shown below.
  4530. |
  4531. |[More tagalongs for smallest slow period 4 spaceship (speed c/4)]
  4532. [spaceship 89]
  4533.  ..........................OO.O.O...
  4534.  ..........OO.O..........O....O.OO.O
  4535.  ......OOO.O.OOO........O..........O
  4536.  ..O.O..........O...OO.O....OO......
  4537.  OO....OO.....O...OOOO.O.OOO........
  4538.  ..O.OO..O....OOO.O.....O...........
  4539.  ........O....O.....................
  4540.  ..O.OO..O....OOO.O.....O...........
  4541.  OO....OO.....O...OOOO.O.OOO........
  4542.  ..O.O..........O...OO.O....OO......
  4543.  ......OOO.O.OOO........O..........O
  4544.  ..........OO.O..........O....O.OO.O
  4545.  ..........................OO.O.O...
  4546. |
  4547. |
  4548. [spaceship 90]
  4549.  .........................O........OO.......
  4550.  ..........OO.O...........O...O...O.O.......
  4551.  ......OOO.O.OOO..........O.......O.OO......
  4552.  ..O.O..........O...OO.O...O.OO..O..OO......
  4553.  OO....OO.....O...OOOO.OO...O...O.O..OO.O...
  4554.  ..O.OO..O....OOO.O...................O.O...
  4555.  ........O....O................OOO........OO
  4556.  ..O.OO..O....OOO.O...................O.O...
  4557.  OO....OO.....O...OOOO.OO...O...O.O..OO.O...
  4558.  ..O.O..........O...OO.O...O.OO..O..OO......
  4559.  ......OOO.O.OOO..........O.......O.OO......
  4560.  ..........OO.O...........O...O...O.O.......
  4561.  .........................O........OO.......
  4562. |
  4563. |
  4564. [spaceship 91]
  4565.  ..................................OO..........O..OO.
  4566.  ..........OO.O.................O.O..O.........O..OOO
  4567.  ......OOO.O.OOO........O...OOOOO.OOOO.........O....O
  4568.  ..O.O..........O...OO.O.O....OOO....OO...OOOOO......
  4569.  OO....OO.....O...OOOO.O...O......OO..OO...O.OO......
  4570.  ..O.OO..O....OOO.O.....OOOOOOOOOO...OO.OOO..........
  4571.  ........O....O......................................
  4572.  ..O.OO..O....OOO.O.....OOOOOOOOOO...OO.OOO..........
  4573.  OO....OO.....O...OOOO.O...O......OO..OO...O.OO......
  4574.  ..O.O..........O...OO.O.O....OOO....OO...OOOOO......
  4575.  ......OOO.O.OOO........O...OOOOO.OOOO.........O....O
  4576.  ..........OO.O.................O.O..O.........O..OOO
  4577.  ..................................OO..........O..OO.
  4578. |
  4579. |
  4580. |The following two tagalongs are almost identical to two of the tagalongs
  4581. |for the sparky tagalong already given.  A small modification of their front
  4582. |ends allows them to be connected directly to the small period 4 spaceship,
  4583. |thus avoiding the use of the sparky tagalong.
  4584. |
  4585. |[Small period 4 spaceships with tagalongs (speed c/4)]
  4586. [spaceship 92]
  4587.  .................................O.O....
  4588.  ..........OO.O................OOOOOO..OO
  4589.  ......OOO.O.OOO........O....OOOO.....O..
  4590.  ..O.O..........O...OO.O.O...OO.O.O......
  4591.  OO....OO.....O...OOOO.O...O..O..........
  4592.  ..O.OO..O....OOO.O.....OOOOO............
  4593.  ........O....O..........................
  4594.  ..O.OO..O....OOO.O.....OOOOO............
  4595.  OO....OO.....O...OOOO.O...O..O..........
  4596.  ..O.O..........O...OO.O.O...OO.O.O......
  4597.  ......OOO.O.OOO........O....OOOO.....O..
  4598.  ..........OO.O................OOOOOO..OO
  4599.  .................................O.O....
  4600. |
  4601. |
  4602. [spaceship 93]
  4603.  ..........OO.O...............O..............
  4604.  ......OOO.O.OOO........O....O...OO..........
  4605.  ..O.O..........O...OO.O.O...O...OO..........
  4606.  OO....OO.....O...OOOO.O...O.......OO.O.OO...
  4607.  ..O.OO..O....OOO.O.....OOOOOOOOOOOO.O..OOO.O
  4608.  ........O....O...........................O.O
  4609.  ..O.OO..O....OOO.O.....OOOOOOOOOOOO.O..OOO.O
  4610.  OO....OO.....O...OOOO.O...O.......OO.O.OO...
  4611.  ..O.O..........O...OO.O.O...O...OO..........
  4612.  ......OOO.O.OOO........O....O...OO..........
  4613.  ..........OO.O...............O..............
  4614. |
  4615. |
  4616. |Here are several other large spaceships which begin the same as the small
  4617. |slow period 4 "traffic-lights" spaceship, but then quickly diverge.  They
  4618. |have the usual back ends and therefore can attach to many tagalongs.
  4619. |
  4620. |[Some large period 4 spaceships (speed c/4)]
  4621. [spaceship 94]
  4622.  .......O.........................O..........
  4623.  .....OO............O...........OO......O....
  4624.  .......O...OO.....O.O....OOO.OOO...O...O....
  4625.  .....OOO...OOO....OO.....OO.OOO.....O.O.OO..
  4626.  ....OO........OOOO...OO...O.O.OOOOO.OO.O.O..
  4627.  ..O....O...O..O.OO...OOO.O.O........OOO...OO
  4628.  OO....O..O.O..OOO.............OOOOO....OO.OO
  4629.  ..O..OOO.............OOOOOOOOOO..O.O..O...O.
  4630.  ....................O..........O......O.....
  4631.  ..O..OOO.............OOOOOOOOOO..O.O..O...O.
  4632.  OO....O..O.O..OOO.............OOOOO....OO.OO
  4633.  ..O....O...O..O.OO...OOO.O.O........OOO...OO
  4634.  ....OO........OOOO...OO...O.O.OOOOO.OO.O.O..
  4635.  .....OOO...OOO....OO.....OO.OOO.....O.O.OO..
  4636.  .......O...OO.....O.O....OOO.OOO...O...O....
  4637.  .....OO............O...........OO......O....
  4638.  .......O.........................O..........
  4639. |
  4640. |
  4641. [spaceship 95]
  4642.  .......O...................................OO............
  4643.  .....OO............O.........OO.............O............
  4644.  .......O...OO.....O.O.......O..O..OO.....OO.OOOOO........
  4645.  .....OOO...OOO....OO.......O......OO.....OOO.OOOOOO......
  4646.  ....OO........OOOO...OO........OO...OO...O..O.OOOOO......
  4647.  ..O....O...O..O.OO...OOO...O.OOOOO....O.O.O..O.....O....O
  4648.  OO....O..O.O..OOO.......O.O.OO..O....O....O........O..OOO
  4649.  ..O..OOO.............OOOOO....OOOO....O...OOOO.....O..OO.
  4650.  ....................O....................................
  4651.  ..O..OOO.............OOOOO....OOOO....O...OOOO.....O..OO.
  4652.  OO....O..O.O..OOO.......O.O.OO..O....O....O........O..OOO
  4653.  ..O....O...O..O.OO...OOO...O.OOOOO....O.O.O..O.....O....O
  4654.  ....OO........OOOO...OO........OO...OO...O..O.OOOOO......
  4655.  .....OOO...OOO....OO.......O......OO.....OOO.OOOOOO......
  4656.  .......O...OO.....O.O.......O..O..OO.....OO.OOOOO........
  4657.  .....OO............O.........OO.............O............
  4658.  .......O...................................OO............
  4659. |
  4660. |
  4661. [spaceship 96]
  4662.  .......O...................................OO...........
  4663.  .....OO............O.........OO.............O...........
  4664.  .......O...OO.....O.O.......O..O..OO.....OO.OOOO........
  4665.  .....OOO...OOO....OO.......O......OO.....OOO.OOOOO......
  4666.  ....OO........OOOO...OO........OO...OO...O..O.OOOO......
  4667.  ..O....O...O..O.OO...OOO...O.OOOOO....O.O.O..O....O....O
  4668.  OO....O..O.O..OOO.......O.O.OO..O....O....O.......O..OOO
  4669.  ..O..OOO.............OOOOO....OOOO....O...OOOO....O..OO.
  4670.  ....................O...................................
  4671.  ..O..OOO.............OOOOO....OOOO....O...OOOO....O..OO.
  4672.  OO....O..O.O..OOO.......O.O.OO..O....O....O.......O..OOO
  4673.  ..O....O...O..O.OO...OOO...O.OOOOO....O.O.O..O....O....O
  4674.  ....OO........OOOO...OO........OO...OO...O..O.OOOO......
  4675.  .....OOO...OOO....OO.......O......OO.....OOO.OOOOO......
  4676.  .......O...OO.....O.O.......O..O..OO.....OO.OOOO........
  4677.  .....OO............O.........OO.............O...........
  4678.  .......O...................................OO...........
  4679. |
  4680. |
  4681. |The last two spaceships shown above are related and are reminiscent of the
  4682. |"MWSS" and "LWSS" tagalongs shown before.  But the MWSS-like spark is hidden
  4683. |just behind an edge, and so is not of much use.
  4684. |
  4685. |The following spaceship is one of the more unusual slow period 4 spaceships
  4686. |because of the fact that it is reminiscent of two of the period 3 spaceships.
  4687. |The section in the last 13 columns appears at the front to be like the
  4688. |"dart" period 3 spaceship.  And the part just in front of that appears to
  4689. |be like the back of of sequence of "turtle"-like back ends.  And yet these
  4690. |period 3 shapes work here in period 4.
  4691. |
  4692. |[Large period 4 spaceship (speed c/4)]
  4693. [spaceship 97]
  4694.  .......O...........................................O.O....
  4695.  .....OO............O.........OO....................O...O..
  4696.  .......O...OO.....O.O.......O..O..OO...............O..OO..
  4697.  .....OOO...OOO....OO.......O......OO.................O.O..
  4698.  ....OO........OOOO...OO........OO...OO.....OO..........O..
  4699.  ..O....O...O..O.OO...OOO...O.OOOOO....O.OOO.......O....OO.
  4700.  OO....O..O.O..OOO.......O.O.OO..O....O....O....O.OO....O.O
  4701.  ..O..OOO.............OOOOO....OOOO....O..O...OO......O.O..
  4702.  ....................O....................O...OO...OOOO..OO
  4703.  ..O..OOO.............OOOOO....OOOO....O..O...OO......O.O..
  4704.  OO....O..O.O..OOO.......O.O.OO..O....O....O....O.OO....O.O
  4705.  ..O....O...O..O.OO...OOO...O.OOOOO....O.OOO.......O....OO.
  4706.  ....OO........OOOO...OO........OO...OO.....OO..........O..
  4707.  .....OOO...OOO....OO.......O......OO.................O.O..
  4708.  .......O...OO.....O.O.......O..O..OO...............O..OO..
  4709.  .....OO............O.........OO....................O...O..
  4710.  .......O...........................................O.O....
  4711. |
  4712. |
  4713. |On 8 September 1992, Hartmut Holzwart found a period 4 component which can
  4714. |be repeatably placed alongside itself, and whose ends are terminated with
  4715. |spaceships which have the "MWSS" spark.  This was found by a special
  4716. |search feature he implemented which looked for spaceships in a cylindrical
  4717. |area.  This is the first known component for making short and wide c/4
  4718. |period 4 spaceships.
  4719. |
  4720. |[First known component for short wide slow period 4 spaceships (speed c/4)]
  4721. [spaceship 98]
  4722.  .......O..OO.................
  4723.  ......O...OO.....OOO.........
  4724.  .....OO......O.OOOOOOO.......
  4725.  .O...OO..O..OOO..OOOOO.......
  4726.  .O.......O......O.....O....O.
  4727.  OO..O....O..O.OO......O..OOO.
  4728.  .O.OO......O....O.....O..OO..
  4729.  .O.OO........................
  4730.  .O.OO......O....O.....O..OO..
  4731.  OO..O....O..O.OO......O..OOO.
  4732.  .O.......O......O.....O....O.
  4733.  .O...OO..O..OOO..OOOOO.......
  4734.  .....OO......O.OOOOOOO.......
  4735.  ......O...OO.....OOO.........
  4736.  .......O..OO.................
  4737.  .................OOO..O......
  4738.  ................OOOO..O......
  4739.  ................O.....O.OO...
  4740.  ................O.OOO...OOO.O
  4741.  .................O.O......O.O
  4742.  ................O.OOO...OOO.O
  4743.  ................O.....O.OO...
  4744.  ................OOOO..O......
  4745.  .................OOO..O......
  4746.  .............................
  4747.  .................OOO..O......
  4748.  ................OOOO..O......
  4749.  ................O.....O.OO...
  4750.  ................O.OOO...OOO.O
  4751.  .................O.O......O.O
  4752.  ................O.OOO...OOO.O
  4753.  ................O.....O.OO...
  4754.  ................OOOO..O......
  4755.  .................OOO..O......
  4756.  .......O..OO.................
  4757.  ......O...OO.....OOO.........
  4758.  .....OO......O.OOOOOOO.......
  4759.  .O...OO..O..OOO..OOOOO.......
  4760.  .O.......O......O.....O....O.
  4761.  OO..O....O..O.OO......O..OOO.
  4762.  .O.OO......O....O.....O..OO..
  4763.  .O.OO........................
  4764.  .O.OO......O....O.....O..OO..
  4765.  OO..O....O..O.OO......O..OOO.
  4766.  .O.......O......O.....O....O.
  4767.  .O...OO..O..OOO..OOOOO.......
  4768.  .....OO......O.OOOOOOO.......
  4769.  ......O...OO.....OOO.........
  4770.  .......O..OO.................
  4771. |
  4772. |
  4773. |By combining the above small component with multiple copies of the "MWSS"
  4774. |repeatable tagalong, a slow period 4 spaceship can be made which is as
  4775. |wide and as long as desired.  Therefore, like the period 2 and period 3
  4776. |spaceships, a constant percentage of an arbitrarily large square can be
  4777. |filled with a spaceship.  How this can be done is shown below.
  4778. |
  4779. |[Method for building long and wide slow period 4 spaceships (speed c/4)]
  4780. [spaceship 99]
  4781.  ......OO............................................O...........
  4782.  ......OOOOOO.....................OOO..............O.............
  4783.  .....O...O.....OOOO.............OOOOOO...........O.....O........
  4784.  .OO.OO..O.OO.OO....OO.........OO.OOOOO..........O.......O.......
  4785.  OOOO....OOO..OO...........O...O.O.....O....O.O..O.OOOOO.O....O..
  4786.  O..O.....OOO..O......O.OO.O.OO........O..OOO.O.O..O....OOO.O.O..
  4787.  O.O............OO..O.O.O......OOO.....O..OO....OOO.........O.O..
  4788.  .O..O.O.........................................................
  4789.  O.O............OO..O.O.O......OOO.....O..OO....OOO.........O.O..
  4790.  O..O.....OOO..O......O.OO.O.OO........O..OOO.O.O..O....OOO.O.O..
  4791.  OOOO....OOO..OO...........O...O.O.....O....O.O..O.OOOOO.O....O..
  4792.  .OO.OO..O.OO.OO....OO.........OO.OOOOO..........O.......O.......
  4793.  .....O...O.....OOOO.............OOOOOO...........O.....O........
  4794.  ......OOOOOO.....................OOO..............O.............
  4795.  ......OO........................................................
  4796.  .................................OOO..O...........O..O..........
  4797.  ................................OOOO..O...........O..O.OO.......
  4798.  ................................O.....O.OO.......OO...OO..O.O...
  4799.  ................................O.OOO...OOO.O.....O.OOO..OO.O...
  4800.  .................................O.O......O.O.....O...........OO
  4801.  ................................O.OOO...OOO.O.....O.OOO..OO.O...
  4802.  ................................O.....O.OO.......OO...OO..O.O...
  4803.  ................................OOOO..O...........O..O.OO.......
  4804.  .................................OOO..O...........O..O..........
  4805.  ................................................................
  4806.  .................................OOO..O...........O..O..........
  4807.  ................................OOOO..O...........O..O.OO.......
  4808.  ................................O.....O.OO.......OO...OO..O.O...
  4809.  ................................O.OOO...OOO.O.....O.OOO..OO.O...
  4810.  .................................O.O......O.O.....O...........OO
  4811.  ................................O.OOO...OOO.O.....O.OOO..OO.O...
  4812.  ................................O.....O.OO.......OO...OO..O.O...
  4813.  ................................OOOO..O...........O..O.OO.......
  4814.  .................................OOO..O...........O..O..........
  4815.  ......OO........................................................
  4816.  ......OOOOOO.....................OOO..............O.............
  4817.  .....O...O.....OOOO.............OOOOOO...........O.....O........
  4818.  .OO.OO..O.OO.OO....OO.........OO.OOOOO..........O.......O.......
  4819.  OOOO....OOO..OO...........O...O.O.....O....O.O..O.OOOOO.O....O..
  4820.  O..O.....OOO..O......O.OO.O.OO........O..OOO.O.O..O....OOO.O.O..
  4821.  O.O............OO..O.O.O......OOO.....O..OO....OOO.........O.O..
  4822.  .O..O.O.........................................................
  4823.  O.O............OO..O.O.O......OOO.....O..OO....OOO.........O.O..
  4824.  O..O.....OOO..O......O.OO.O.OO........O..OOO.O.O..O....OOO.O.O..
  4825.  OOOO....OOO..OO...........O...O.O.....O....O.O..O.OOOOO.O....O..
  4826.  .OO.OO..O.OO.OO....OO.........OO.OOOOO..........O.......O.......
  4827.  .....O...O.....OOOO.............OOOOOO...........O.....O........
  4828.  ......OOOOOO.....................OOO..............O.............
  4829.  ......OO............................................O...........
  4830. |
  4831. |
  4832. |The following is another connecting tagalong that bridges the gap between
  4833. |the sparks of two slow period 4 spaceships.  This tagalong was found by me,
  4834. |and so is the only result since Dean Hickerson's earliest slow period 4
  4835. |spaceship that was not found by Hartmut Holzwart.  In the following, two
  4836. |different spaceships provide the necessary sparks.  The tagalong is nestled
  4837. |very close to the upper spaceship, but still only reacts in a single place.
  4838. |
  4839. |[Two period 4 spaceships with bridging tagalong (speed c/4)]
  4840. [spaceship 100]
  4841.  .....................OO......O.......................
  4842.  ................OOO..OOO.............................
  4843.  ..................O..OO.O.O.....O....................
  4844.  ................OO.....OOO.......O...................
  4845.  ............OO..O..OOO.O...OOOOO.O....O..............
  4846.  ...........OO.OO.....O....OO....OOO.O.O..............
  4847.  ............O...O.........O.........O.O..............
  4848.  ...........OO...O....................................
  4849.  ............O...O.........O.........O.O..............
  4850.  ...........OO.OO.....O....OO....OOO.O.O..............
  4851.  ............OO..O..OOO.O...OOOOO.O....O..............
  4852.  ................OO.....OOO.......O...................
  4853.  ..................O..OO.O.O.....O...O.........O.O....
  4854.  ................OOO..OOO...........O.O.....OOOOOO..OO
  4855.  .....................OO......O....O.O....OOOO.....O..
  4856.  ...............................OO........OO.O.O......
  4857.  ..............................OO....O..O..O..........
  4858.  ....................................OOOOO............
  4859.  .............................OOOO....................
  4860.  ....................................OOOOO............
  4861.  ..........O...................OO....O..O..O..........
  4862.  ..........O...............OO...OO........OO.O.O......
  4863.  ......OO.O.OOO..........OO...O....O.O....OOOO.....O..
  4864.  O.OO.OO.OO..O.O...OO.OOOO..........O.O.....OOOOOO..OO
  4865.  O...OO..O.OO..OOO..O.OO..OO...O.....O.........O.O....
  4866.  O.OO....OOO.O.OOO......OO..O.........................
  4867.  ........OO.O...............O..O......................
  4868.  O.OO....OOO.O.OOO......OO..O.........................
  4869.  O...OO..O.OO..OOO..O.OO..OO...O......................
  4870.  O.OO.OO.OO..O.O...OO.OOOO............................
  4871.  ......OO.O.OOO..........OO...O.......................
  4872.  ..........O...............OO.........................
  4873.  ..........O..........................................
  4874. |
  4875. |
  4876. |Very recently Hartmut found a period 4 spaceship with a completely new front
  4877. |end.  It still uses a pair of pre-traffic lights like one type of slow period
  4878. |4 spaceships, but they are separated widely in this spaceship.  The back end
  4879. |of this spaceship is similar to other back ends, and so this spaceship can
  4880. |support similar tagalongs.
  4881. |
  4882. |[Period 4 spaceship (speed c/4)]
  4883. [spaceship 101]
  4884.  ..O.OO...O.....................
  4885.  OO...O...O..OO....O............
  4886.  ..O.O...O....O..OO.............
  4887.  ......OOO..OO.OO..O............
  4888.  ......OOO...OOOOO.O..OOO.O.O...
  4889.  ........O.....O.O.OO..OOOO...O.
  4890.  .........OO......OO...........O
  4891.  .........OO.......OOOOOOOOOOO.O
  4892.  ...............................
  4893.  .........OO.......OOOOOOOOOOO.O
  4894.  .........OO......OO...........O
  4895.  ........O.....O.O.OO..OOOO...O.
  4896.  ......OOO...OOOOO.O..OOO.O.O...
  4897.  ......OOO..OO.OO..O............
  4898.  ..O.O...O....O..OO.............
  4899.  OO...O...O..OO....O............
  4900.  ..O.OO...O.....................
  4901. |
  4902. |
  4903. |As has been seen in this article, the knowledge of c/4 period 4 spaceships
  4904. |is very rudimentary, and only a couple of methods of constructing large
  4905. |spaceships are known.  The grammar for constructing such spaceships is
  4906. |very simple, and only contains a couple of components.  Therefore this
  4907. |article has mostly been a catalog of sporadic results.  (And so unlike
  4908. |previous articles, essentially nothing that is known has been left out.)
  4909. |
  4910. |This will also be true for the next article in this series, which will cover
  4911. |the remaining class of period 4 spaceships.  These are the ones which travel
  4912. |at the "normal" speed of c/2.  Some of these new spaceships require the
  4913. |assistance of the standard LWSS, MWSS, or HWSS.  But as you will see, this
  4914. |will not be true in general.
  4915. |
  4916. |That article should appear in about two weeks.
  4917. |
  4918. |
  4919. |        Spaceships in Conway's Life (Part 6)
  4920. |            by David I. Bell
  4921. |            dbell@pdact.pd.necisa.oz.au
  4922. |            23 Oct 1992
  4923. |
  4924. |
  4925. |This is the sixth and last in a series of articles concerning Conway's Game
  4926. |of Life.  In this article, I will show the only period 5 spaceship known,
  4927. |discuss methods for creating spaceships with an arbitrarily large period,
  4928. |and show a couple of objects which are not truly spaceships, but which
  4929. |could be considered spaceship-like.
  4930. |
  4931. |Period 5 spaceships could exist in one of three types.  They could be
  4932. |orthogonal and have a speed of c/5 or 2c/5, or they could be diagonal with
  4933. |a speed of c/5.  No period 5 spaceship with a speed of c/5 is known.
  4934. |
  4935. |For a speed of 2c/5, only one basic period 5 spaceship is known.  Dean
  4936. |Hickerson found this on July 23, 1991.  This spaceship is amazingly small,
  4937. |which made its finding possible.  If any other period 5 spaceships exist,
  4938. |they appear to be too large to find using the current search programs.
  4939. |
  4940. |Dean's period 5 spaceship is shown below.
  4941. |
  4942. |[Only known basic period 5 spaceship (speed 2c/5)]
  4943. [spaceship 102]
  4944.  ......O.O..
  4945.  ...O....O..
  4946.  ..OOO....O.
  4947.  .O.O.......
  4948.  OO..OO....O
  4949.  .OO..OOOOO.
  4950.  ...........
  4951.  ...........
  4952.  ...........
  4953.  .OO..OOOOO.
  4954.  OO..OO....O
  4955.  .O.O.......
  4956.  ..OOO....O.
  4957.  ...O....O..
  4958.  ......O.O..
  4959. |
  4960. |
  4961. |This basic spaceship is unique because its speed is not the inverse of an
  4962. |integer.  All other known basic spaceships have a speed of c/2, c/3, c/4,
  4963. |or c/12, which are all inverses of integers.  Period 5 is the smallest period
  4964. |where a non-integral inverse speed is possible.
  4965. |
  4966. |Dean's spaceship has several nice sparks, to which tagalongs could be
  4967. |expected to be attached.  But only a small number of tagalongs have been
  4968. |found for the spaceship, and these require two copies of the spaceship
  4969. |to be placed side by side so that the edge sparks are adjacent.  These
  4970. |tagalongs are shown below.
  4971. |
  4972. |[Three tagalongs for period 5 spaceship (speed 2c/5)]
  4973.  .....OO..O...        .....OO..O.......        .....OO..O.........
  4974.  .....OOO.....        .....OOO.........        .....OOO...........
  4975.  .OOO.O.......        .OOO.O...........        .OOO.O.............
  4976.  O.O.O.OOO.O..        O.O.O.OOO.O......        O.O.O.OOO.O........
  4977.  O...OOOOOO...        O...OOOOOO.......        O...OOOOOO.........
  4978.  O............        O................        O..................
  4979.  .O.O.........        .O.O.............        .O.O...............
  4980.  .............        .................        ...................
  4981.  .O.O.........        .O.O.............        .O.O...............
  4982.  O............        O................        O..................
  4983.  O...OOOOOO...        O...OOOOOO.......        O...OOOOOO.........
  4984.  O.O.O.OOO.O..        O.O.O.OOO.O......        O.O.O.OOO.O........
  4985.  .OOO.O.......        .OOO.O...........        .OOO.O.............
  4986.  .....OOO.....        .....OOO.........        .....OOO...........
  4987.  .....OO..O...        .....OO..O.......        .....OO..O.........
  4988.  .............        ...............OO        ...................
  4989.  ..........OO.        ..........OO...OO        ..........OO....O.O
  4990.  ..........OOO        ..........OOO....        ..........OOO..O...
  4991.  ..........OO.        ..........OO...OO        ..........OO...O..O
  4992.  .............        ...............OO        ................O..
  4993.  .....OO..O...        .....OO..O.......        .....OO..O.........
  4994.  .....OOO.....        .....OOO.........        .....OOO...........
  4995.  .OOO.O.......        .OOO.O...........        .OOO.O.............
  4996.  O.O.O.OOO.O..        O.O.O.OOO.O......        O.O.O.OOO.O........
  4997.  O...OOOOOO...        O...OOOOOO.......        O...OOOOOO.........
  4998.  O............        O................        O..................
  4999.  .O.O.........        .O.O.............        .O.O...............
  5000.  .............        .................        ...................
  5001.  .O.O.........        .O.O.............        .O.O...............
  5002.  O............        O................        O..................
  5003.  O...OOOOOO...        O...OOOOOO.......        O...OOOOOO.........
  5004.  O.O.O.OOO.O..        O.O.O.OOO.O......        O.O.O.OOO.O........
  5005.  .OOO.O.......        .OOO.O...........        .OOO.O.............
  5006.  .....OOO.....        .....OOO.........        .....OOO...........
  5007.  .....OO..O...        .....OO..O.......        .....OO..O.........
  5008. |
  5009. |
  5010. |The first tagalong at the left was found manually by Robert Wainwright.
  5011. |The other two tagalongs shown are tagalongs for that tagalong.  The one in
  5012. |the middle was found by me using my search program.  The one on the right
  5013. |was also found manually by Robert Wainwright.  The tagalong on the right will
  5014. |appear if one of the blocks in the middle tagalong is removed.
  5015. |
  5016. |Obviously the tagalongs above could be used to create a very wide spaceship
  5017. |by joining many base spaceships together.  But there is no known way to
  5018. |make a longer spaceship.
  5019. |
  5020. |Except for the Corderships, all known spaceships with a period larger than 5
  5021. |are composite constructions that require the use of at least one low period
  5022. |spaceship to support a tagalong or puffer engine.  Because of the use of
  5023. |low period spaceships, the speeds of all these higher period spaceships are
  5024. |restricted to the same speeds as the base spaceships they use.  So all
  5025. |known spaceships have speeds of c/2, c/3, c/4, 2c/5, or c/12, no matter
  5026. |what their period is.
  5027. |
  5028. |The situation is even worse than the statement above, because except for a few
  5029. |period 9 c/3 spaceships, and a few period 6 spaceships made from a period 6
  5030. |tagalong to a period 2 spaceship, all known multiple-period spaceships are
  5031. |based on the standard spaceships.  Therefore, these other multiple-period
  5032. |spaceships all travel at the common orthogonal speed of c/2.
  5033. |
  5034. |For the remainder of this article I will usually be showing puffer trains
  5035. |instead of spaceships.  The reason for this is that usually puffer trains
  5036. |are more useful than bare spaceships because you can build things with them,
  5037. |and secondly the output of a puffer train can usually be destroyed to turn
  5038. |it into an actual spaceship if desired.  Therefore, the objects shown will
  5039. |not have the puffer output deleted.
  5040. |
  5041. |Much of the common puffer debris can be deleted easily by perturbations
  5042. |using standard spaceships.  Examples of this are shown below.
  5043. |
  5044. |[Loaf, block, blinker, and gliders being deleted by passing spaceships]
  5045.  ...OO..       OO.....        .O.....        ...O.        ...O..
  5046.  ..OO.OO       OO.....        .O.....        .O.O.        ...O.O
  5047.  ...OOOO       .......        .O.....        ..OO.        ...OO.
  5048.  ....OO.       ....O..        .......        .....        ......
  5049.  .......       ..O...O        ...OO..        .....        ......
  5050.  .......       .O.....        .O....O        ..OO.        .O..O.
  5051.  .......       .O....O        O......        .OOOO        O.....
  5052.  ..O....       .OOOOO.        O.....O        OO.OO        O...O.
  5053.  .O.O...                      OOOOOO.        .OO..        OOOO..
  5054.  O..O...
  5055.  .OO....
  5056.  .......
  5057.  ....O..
  5058.  ..O...O
  5059.  .O.....
  5060.  .O....O
  5061.  .OOOOO.
  5062. |
  5063. |
  5064. |Other debris such as beehives and loaves in the other orientation are not as
  5065. |easy to destroy.  They and other debris can be destroyed by passing rakes
  5066. |(puffer trains which produce streams of gliders).  Alternatively, in many
  5067. |cases the debris can be suppressed by perturbing the debris with a passing
  5068. |spaceship before it stabilizes into the beehive or loaf.  So even though most
  5069. |of the objects are puffer trains, they can all be converted into spaceships
  5070. |of the same period by adding extra standard spaceships or rakes.
  5071. |
  5072. |Many of the puffer trains and spaceships shown in the remainder of this
  5073. |article are rather large.  Their pictures have been compressed when necessary
  5074. |by replacing sets of 10 adjacent periods with a dollar sign.  Use an editor
  5075. |to replace each dollar sign by ten periods to restore the full picture.
  5076. |
  5077. |There are many periods which are constructible using standard spaceships
  5078. |and a puffer engine or tagalong.  Each puffer engine has a reasonably small
  5079. |period, which must be a multiple of 4 because of their use of standard
  5080. |spaceships to support the puffer engine.  The puffer output can either be
  5081. |of the same period as the puffer engine, or a small multiple of it.
  5082. |
  5083. |Following are five of the basic puffer engines or tagalongs which are used
  5084. |to produce puffer-based output.  This list does not include the period 8
  5085. |blinker puffers, which I will cover separately a little later.
  5086. |
  5087. |[Five basic puffer engines]
  5088. |     A                B               C
  5089.  OOOO.....        .OO.......        .OO..
  5090.  O...O....        OO.OO.....        OO.OO
  5091.  O........        .OOOO.....        .OOOO
  5092.  .O..O..OO        ..OO......        ..OO.
  5093.  ......OOO        ..........        .....
  5094.  .O..O..OO        ..........        .....
  5095.  O........        ....O.....        ....O
  5096.  O...O....        ...OO.....        ...OO
  5097.  OOOO.....        ..OO......        ..OO.
  5098. |                  ...OO.....        ...OO
  5099. |                  ..........        .....
  5100. |                  ..........        .....
  5101. |                  ..........        .....
  5102. |                  ..........        .....
  5103. |                  ....OOOOO.        .OO..
  5104. |                  ....O....O        OO.OO
  5105. |                  ....O.....        .OOOO
  5106. |                  .....O....        ..OO.
  5107. |
  5108. |
  5109. |         D                    E
  5110.  ...OO............        .OO.....
  5111.  ..OO.OOOO........        OO.OOOO.
  5112.  ...OOOOOO........        .OOOOOO.
  5113.  ....OOOO.........        ..OOOO..
  5114.  .................        ........
  5115.  .................        .....OO.
  5116.  OOOOOOOOOO.......        ........
  5117.  O................        ..OO....
  5118.  O................        .O....OO
  5119.  .O...............        .O....O.
  5120.  .................        .OO.....
  5121.  .................        ...O....
  5122.  .................        ........
  5123.  ...OO............        ...O....
  5124.  ..OO.OOOO...OO...        .OO.....
  5125.  ...OOOOOO..OO.OOO        .O....O.
  5126.  ....OOOO....OOOOO        .O....OO
  5127.  .............OOO.        ..OO....
  5128. |                          ........
  5129. |                          .....OO.
  5130. |                          ........
  5131. |                          ..OOOO..
  5132. |                          .OOOOOO.
  5133. |                          OO.OOOO.
  5134. |                          .OO.....
  5135. |
  5136. |
  5137. |These puffer engines labeled above with letters are described as follows.
  5138. |
  5139. |Puffer A: The Schick engine, with period 12.  By itself, leaves no exhaust.
  5140. |
  5141. |Puffer B: Period 12 engine found by David Buckingham.  By itself, produces
  5142. |          a tub every 24 generations.
  5143. |
  5144. |Puffer C: Period 20 engine found by Bill Gosper.  By itself, it becomes a
  5145. |          period 140 puffer which leaves much debris (after about 2000
  5146. |          generations).
  5147. |
  5148. |Puffer D: Period 20 engine found by Robert Wainwright.  By itself, produces
  5149. |          a loaf every 40 generations.
  5150. |
  5151. |Puffer E: Period 32 engine found by Bill Gosper.  By itself, produces 4
  5152. |          blinkers and a pair of bookends every 128 generations.  This was
  5153. |          the first puffer train found.
  5154. |
  5155. |Based on these puffer engines, spaceships can be constructed which have
  5156. |periods of 12, 20, 24, 32, 36, 40, 48, 60, 64, 72, 80, 84, 96, 120, 128,
  5157. |and 140.  These higher periods are created by perturbing the puffer debris
  5158. |produced by the basic puffer engine with extra standard spaceships.  The
  5159. |most useful results to obtain are single gliders (rakes), since then the
  5160. |gliders can easily be combined to produce other useful results.  I do not
  5161. |want to devote much room here for cataloging all these puffer trains since
  5162. |most of the results are old and are easy enough to rediscover.  Two examples
  5163. |of puffer trains are given here, and several others are shown in the rest
  5164. |of this article.
  5165. |
  5166. |[Period 32 backwards glider puffer]
  5167. [spaceship 103]
  5168.  .................................OOOOO.
  5169.  .............OOOO................O....O
  5170.  .O..........OOOOOO...............O.....
  5171.  O..........OO.OOOO................O....
  5172.  O.....O.....OO.........................
  5173.  OOOOOO.................................
  5174.  .......................................
  5175.  .......................................
  5176.  ....OOO................................
  5177.  .....OO................................
  5178.  ..O....................................
  5179.  .OO....................................
  5180.  OO.....................................
  5181.  .OO....................................
  5182.  .......................................
  5183.  .......................................
  5184.  .......................................
  5185.  .OO....................................
  5186.  OO.....................................
  5187.  .OO....................................
  5188.  ..O....................................
  5189.  .....OO................................
  5190.  ....OOO................................
  5191.  .......................................
  5192.  .......................................
  5193.  OOOOOO.................................
  5194.  O.....O.....O..........................
  5195.  O..........O...........................
  5196.  .O.........O.....O.....................
  5197.  ...........OOOOOO......................
  5198. |
  5199. |
  5200. |[Period 60 backwards glider puffer]
  5201. [spaceship 104]
  5202.  ..................O....................
  5203.  .................O.....................
  5204.  .................O...O.................
  5205.  .................OOOO..................
  5206.  .......................OOO.............
  5207.  .......................OO.OO...........
  5208.  .......................OOO.............
  5209.  .O........OO.....OOOO..................
  5210.  O........OOOO....O...O.................
  5211.  O...O...OO.OO....O.....................
  5212.  OOOO.....OO.......O....................
  5213.  .......................................
  5214.  .......................................
  5215.  .......................................
  5216.  ....O..................................
  5217.  ..OO...................................
  5218.  ..O....................................
  5219.  ..O....................................
  5220.  ...O.............................O.....
  5221.  ................................O......
  5222.  ................................O.....O
  5223.  .O..............................OOOOOO.
  5224.  O......................................
  5225.  O...O..................................
  5226.  OOOO.............OOOO..................
  5227.  .................O...O.................
  5228.  .................O.....................
  5229.  ..................O....................
  5230. |
  5231. |By combining spaceships using reactions between gliders produced by the
  5232. |puffers, you can also generate the least common multiples of these periods.
  5233. |The simplest way of doing this is simply by running the two spaceships side
  5234. |by side.  Better examples can be constructed by having the spaceships interact
  5235. |slightly in some manner.
  5236. |
  5237. |All of the above results only produce a limited number of periods for puffer
  5238. |trains and spaceships.  Dean Hickerson wondered whether it was possible to
  5239. |produce a puffer train which had an arbitrarily large period.  This turned
  5240. |out to be possible, and now there are three different methods known to make
  5241. |these puffers.  Most of the remainder of this article will describe these
  5242. |methods in detail.
  5243. |
  5244. |The first two methods can only produce puffers whose periods are a base
  5245. |period times any power of two.  For this reason, these are called "period
  5246. |doubling" methods.  One of these two methods was thought of by Dean Hickerson,
  5247. |and the other method was thought of by Paul Callahan.
  5248. |
  5249. |Dean Hickerson's method of period doubling uses glider puffers of period N.
  5250. |Three of these are used to collide triples of gliders together to produce a
  5251. |MWSS which then travels with the puffers.  The next time a triple of gliders
  5252. |arrive together to attempt to create another MWSS, they collide with the
  5253. |already present MWSS.  This collision destroys the spaceship and two of the
  5254. |gliders, letting the third glider escape.  This produces a puffer of period 2N.
  5255. |
  5256. |Since the creation of a spaceship requires gliders which travel both forwards
  5257. |and backwards, two types of such puffers are used in order to repeat this
  5258. |process for larger periods.  The first type produces a glider which travels
  5259. |in the forwards direction, whereas the second type produces a glider which
  5260. |travels in the backwards direction.  (Actually, only one type of puffer is
  5261. |required if a two-glider reaction known as a "kick-back" is used to reverse
  5262. |the direction of a glider.  But doing this requires using another copy of the
  5263. |puffer, and so is less efficient.)
  5264. |
  5265. |The following is a period 80 forwards glider puffer train composed of
  5266. |three sets of period 40 glider puffers, and a trailing spaceship to clean
  5267. |up the final reaction.  Two of the period 40 glider puffers are forwards
  5268. |glider puffers, and the third period 40 glider puffer is a backwards glider
  5269. |puffer.
  5270. |
  5271. |[Period 80 puffer train producing forwards gliders]
  5272. [spaceship 105]
  5273.  $$$$$$...OOO$$$........
  5274.  $$$$$$..OOOOO$$$.......
  5275.  $$.........O$$$.OO.OOO$$$.......
  5276.  $........OO.......O...O$.....OOO$..OO$$$$
  5277.  $.......OOOO.....O$.........OOOOO$$$$$...
  5278.  $......OO.OO.....O....O$...OO.OOO$$$$$...
  5279.  $.......OO.......OOOOO$.....OO$$$$$......
  5280.  $$$$$$$$$$....
  5281.  $$..O$$$$$$$$.
  5282.  $$....O$$.....OO$$.....OO$$.....
  5283.  $$OO..O....OO$$OO$$...OO.OOOO$$.
  5284.  $.........O.....O.OOO..O$........O.OO$$..OOOOOO$$.
  5285.  $........OO..O.O..OOOOO.O$..OO......O$$...OOOO$$..
  5286.  $.........OO...O.....OO.OO$.OO....OOO$$$$.........
  5287.  $$OOO.......O..O$...O...OOO$$$$$
  5288.  $$$$$.O$$$$$..
  5289.  $$$.OO$........O$$$$$..
  5290.  $........OO$$$$$..OO...OOOOO.OO$.........
  5291.  $.......OOOO....OOOO$$$$..OOO..OO..OOOO$$
  5292.  $......OO.OO....O...O$$$$..OOOO..O...O$$.
  5293.  $.......OO......O$OOOO$$$...O.OOO$$......
  5294.  $$......O..O.....OOOOOO$$$...OO$$........
  5295.  $$$....OO.OOOO$$$$$$...
  5296.  $$$.....OO$$$$$$.......
  5297.  $$$$$$$$........OOO$...
  5298.  $$$$$$$$.......OOOOO$..
  5299.  $$$$$$$$......OO.OOO........OO..
  5300.  $$$$$$$$.O.O...OO.........O....O
  5301.  $$$$$$$$.OO$....O......
  5302.  $$$$$$$$..O$....O.....O
  5303.  $$$$$$$$$.......OOOOOO.
  5304.  $$$$$$$$$$....
  5305.  $$$$$$$$$$....
  5306.  $$$$$$$$.........OO$...
  5307.  $$$$$$$$........OO.OO$.
  5308.  $$$$$$$$.........OOOO$.
  5309.  $$$$$$$$$OO$..
  5310.  $$$$$$$$$$....
  5311.  $$$$$$$$$$....
  5312.  $$$$$$$$.....OOO$......
  5313.  $$$$$$$$.....O$........
  5314.  $$$$$$$$......O$.......
  5315.  $$$$$$$$$$....
  5316.  $$..OO.......OOOOO$$$.......OOO$$........
  5317.  $$.OO.OO.....O....O$$$........O$$........
  5318.  $$..OOOO.....O$$$$..O$$.........
  5319.  $$...OO.......O...O$$$$$$.......
  5320.  $$$....O$$$$$$.........
  5321.  $$$$$$$$$$....
  5322.  $$.....OOO$$O$$......OOO$$......
  5323.  $$....OO...O$........OOO$$....O$$........
  5324.  $$...OO..O.O$....O..O.OOOO$$...O$$.......
  5325.  $$....O.....O.....OO.....O.O.....OOO$$$$$
  5326.  $$.....OO..O......OOO....O.......OOO$$$$$
  5327.  $$.........O$....OO.O...OO$$$$$.
  5328.  $$.......O$.........OO..O$$$$$..
  5329.  $$$.O..O$.OO$$$$$......
  5330.  $$..OO......O$$$$$$$...
  5331.  $$.OO.OO....O...O$$$$$$.........
  5332.  $$..OOOO....OOOO$.........OOOOO.......OOO.....O$$$
  5333.  $$...OO$$........O....O......O.....O...O$$........
  5334.  $$$$$...O$..O...O$$$...
  5335.  $$$$$....O...O$.O....O$$........
  5336.  $$.OO$$$...O$...OOOOO$$.........
  5337.  $.........O....O$$$$$$$.........
  5338.  $........O$$$$$$$$.....
  5339.  $........O.....O$$$$$$$.........
  5340.  .O..O.....OO......OOOOOO$$$$$$$$
  5341.  O........OOOO$$$$$$$$$.
  5342.  O...O...OO.OO$$$$..OOO..OOO.....O$$$.....
  5343.  OOOO.....OO$$$$....O$.O.O$$$....
  5344.  $$$$$......O...OO..OOO.OO$$$....
  5345.  $$$$$$....OO$$$........
  5346.  ......OO$$.......OOO$$$$$$......
  5347.  ....O....OOO...OO$........OOO$$$$$$......
  5348.  ..OO....OOOOO...O.OOO$.OO..O..OO$$$$$$...
  5349.  ..O......OO..O...OOO$.......O..O$$$$$$...
  5350.  ..O.........OO....O$.......O...O$.........OOOOOO$$$........
  5351.  ...O..O$$$..O$$O.....O$$$.......
  5352.  .....O$$.........OOOO$$.O$$$$...
  5353.  $$$..O...OO$$...O....O$$$.......
  5354.  .O..O$$.....O...O$$........OO$$$.........
  5355.  O.........OO$.......O$$$$$$$....
  5356.  O...O....OO.OOO$....O....O$...O$$$$$.....
  5357.  OOOO......OOOOO$....OOOOO$..O...O$$$$$...
  5358.  $.OOO$$$.O$$$$$........
  5359.  $$$$.....O....O$$$$$...
  5360.  $$$$.....OOOOO$$$$$....
  5361. |
  5362. |
  5363. |The following is the other type of puffer required to continue the process.
  5364. |This is a period 80 backwards glider puffer.  This also uses the same three
  5365. |period 40 glider puffers as in the above period 80 glider puffer, but the
  5366. |reactions of the three gliders are slightly different.  Here there are three
  5367. |trailing spaceships instead of just one to clean up the debris.
  5368. |
  5369. |[Period 80 puffer train producing backwards gliders]
  5370. [spaceship 106]
  5371.  $$$$$.OOOOO$$$$..
  5372.  $$$$$.O....O$$$$.
  5373.  $.......OOO$$$.O$$$$......
  5374.  ......OOOO......OOOOO$....OOOOO$..O...O$$$$.
  5375.  ......O...O....OO.OOO$....O....O$...O$$$$...
  5376.  ......O.........OO$.......O$$$$$$..
  5377.  .......O..O$$.....O...O$$........OO$$.......
  5378.  $$$........O$$........O....O$$.....
  5379.  $$$$$$......O$$$.
  5380.  .........OO...OO$$$$$O.....O$$.....
  5381.  ........O.O......O$........O..O$$......OOOOOO$$......
  5382.  ........O......O..O$....OO.OOOO$$$$$........
  5383.  ........OOO.......OO$.........O$$$$$........
  5384.  $.......OO$......OOOO$$$$$.........
  5385.  $$$.....O..O$$.......OO$$$
  5386.  $$$$$$......O.O$$.........
  5387.  $$$$$$.OO.....O$$.........
  5388.  ......OOOO.....OO$$$$...OO.O..OOO$$.........
  5389.  ......O...O...OO.OO$$$$..O..OO$$$..
  5390.  ......O........OOOO$$$$.....OO$$$..
  5391.  .......O..O.....OO......OOOOOO$$$...O$$$....
  5392.  $$....O.....O$$$$$$.......
  5393.  $$....O$$$$$$$...
  5394.  $$.....O....O$$$$$$.......
  5395.  $$.......OO$$$$.O.....OOOOO$.......
  5396.  $$$$$$.........O......O....O$......
  5397.  $$$$$$.........OOO....O$$.
  5398.  $$$$$$$.......O...O$......
  5399.  $$$$$$$.........O$........
  5400.  $$$$$$$$$........
  5401.  $$$$$$$$..OOOOO$.
  5402.  $$$$$$$$..O....O$
  5403.  $$$$$$$$..O$.....
  5404.  $$$$$$$$...O...O$
  5405.  $$$$$$$$O....O$..
  5406.  $$$$$$$.........O$........
  5407.  $$$$$$$.........OOO$......
  5408.  $$$$$$$$$........
  5409.  $$$$$$$$$........
  5410.  $$$$$$$$$........
  5411.  $$$$$$$$$........
  5412.  $$$$$$$$$........
  5413.  $$$$$$$$OOOOO........OO...
  5414.  $$$$$$$$O....O.......OO...
  5415.  $$$..OOO$$$$.....O$.......
  5416.  $$.OOOO......OOOOO$$$$.....O...O.........O..
  5417.  $$.O...O....OO.OOO$$$$.......O.........O...O
  5418.  $$.O.........OO$$$$$.........O.....
  5419.  $$..O..O$$$$$$......O....O
  5420.  $$$$$.........O$......OO$....OOOOO.
  5421.  $$......O$$$..OO$.....O.O$.........
  5422.  $$....OOO$$$.O.O$.....O$..O........
  5423.  $$...O...O.........O$$$$.........O...O......
  5424.  $$...O....OOO....OO$$$$.........O$.
  5425.  $$...OO.O.OOO.....O.O..O$$$$....O....O......
  5426.  $$.....O...OO......OO..O$$$$....OOOOO.......
  5427.  $$......O.O$$$$$$.........
  5428.  $$$$$$$$$........
  5429.  $$$$$$$$$........
  5430.  $$.OOOO.....OO$$$....OO$$$
  5431.  $$.O...O...OO.OO$$OOO.........O.O$$.........
  5432.  $$.O........OOOO$.........OOOOO........O$$$.
  5433.  $$..O..O.....OO$.........OO.OOO$..OOOOO$$...
  5434.  $$$$$...OO$.....O....O$$..
  5435.  $$$$$$$O$$.......
  5436.  $$$$$$$.O...O$$..
  5437.  $........OOOOOO$$$$.........O$$....
  5438.  $........O.....O$$$$$$$...
  5439.  $........O$$$$$$$.........
  5440.  OOOO.....OO........O....O$$$.OO$$$$
  5441.  O...O...OO.OO........OO$$$...O.O...OO...OOO$$........
  5442.  O........OOOO$$$$...O.........O...O$$.......
  5443.  .O..O.....OO$$$$$..OO....O$$.......
  5444.  $$$.......O$$.........O.O$$........
  5445.  $.......O$........OOO$$$$$.........
  5446.  ...OO.......O...O.O$......OOOOO$$$$$........
  5447.  ..O.O...OO...OOOO.O.OO$....OO.O.OO$$OO$$$...
  5448.  ..O$.OO.OOO.O$.....OO...O$........O....O$$$.
  5449.  ..OOO........OO....OO$......OO...O$.......O$$$.......
  5450.  $.........O$.........O.O$........O.....O$$$.
  5451.  $$$........OO$$OOOOOO$$$..
  5452.  $$$$$$$$$........
  5453.  $.OOO$$$$$$$$....
  5454.  OOOO......OOOOO$....OOOOO$$$$$$....
  5455.  O...O....OO.OOO$....O....O$$$$$$...
  5456.  O.........OO$.......O$$$$$$........
  5457.  .O..O$$.....O...O$OOOOO$$$$........
  5458.  $$$..O$..O....O$$$$.......
  5459.  $$$$.....O$$$$$..
  5460.  $$$$......O...O$$$$.......
  5461.  $$$$........O$$$$.........
  5462. |
  5463. |
  5464. |This process can be repeated indefinitely to produce glider puffers of
  5465. |periods which are of the form 40 * 2^N.  For example, to produce the forwards
  5466. |and backwards glider puffers of period 160, use two copies of the above
  5467. |period 80 forwards glider puffer and one copy of the period 80 backwards
  5468. |glider puffer.  Position them so that the three gliders react in the same
  5469. |manner as in the back of the period 80 puffers, and add the spaceships at
  5470. |the back to clean up the reactions just as in the period 80 puffers.
  5471. |
  5472. |Dean Hickerson's method of period doubling is very expensive in terms of
  5473. |basic components.  Since three puffers of period N are required for period
  5474. |2N, then for period M*2^N, a total of 3^N puffers of order M are required,
  5475. |where M is the order of the basic glider puffer.  Dean Hickerson later
  5476. |found a method for producing a standard spaceship using just two gliders
  5477. |and a perturbing spaceship.  This reduces the number of puffers needed from
  5478. |3^N to 2^N.  Dean stopped working on his method when he heard about Paul
  5479. |Callahan's construction method.
  5480. |
  5481. |Paul Callahan's method of period doubling is more complicated in concept,
  5482. |but requires only a linear increase in puffers for each doubling.  His
  5483. |method uses a row of beehives along with sets of three gliders which produce
  5484. |the moving spaceship.  A set of three new gliders is produced every time one
  5485. |of the beehives is detected (and deleted) by another glider.  When the
  5486. |created spaceship is destroyed by its interaction with another set of three
  5487. |gliders, a new beehive is produced at the back.  Since the produced beehives
  5488. |are produced half as often as the consumed ones, the period is doubled.
  5489. |
  5490. |The following shows how a period 48 beehive puffer train is doubled to form
  5491. |a period 96 beehive puffer.  At the left is a period 48 beehive puffer train.
  5492. |The rest of the construction is used to delete those beehives and lay down
  5493. |new beehives with twice the separation.  You can repeatedly add the rest
  5494. |of the construction to the end to similarly double the separation of the
  5495. |beehives as often as desired.  The final beehives can easily be suppressed
  5496. |by using a spaceship to perturb the debris before it forms the beehive.
  5497. |For larger periods, extra gliders also begin to escape from the puffers,
  5498. |which can also be suppressed with spaceships.  This will produce a true
  5499. |spaceship with an arbitrarily large period of the form 48 * 2^N.
  5500. |
  5501. |[Period 96 beehive puffer train]
  5502. [spaceship 107]
  5503.  $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.......OO$$$$$$$$$$....
  5504.  $$$$$$$$$$$OOOOOO$$$$.........O....O$$$$$$$$$$..
  5505.  $$$$$$$$$$$O.....O$$$$.......O$$$$$$$$$$........
  5506.  $$$$$$$$$$$O$$$$$...O.....O$$$$$$$$$$..
  5507.  $$$$$$$$$$$.O....O$$$$.......OOOOOO$$$$$$$$$$...
  5508.  $$$$$$$$$$$...OO$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$........
  5509.  $$$$$$$$$........OOOO$$$$$.O..O$$$$$$$$$$$......
  5510.  $$$$$$$$$........O...O$$$$.........O$$$$$$$$$$$$
  5511.  $$$$$$$$$........O$$$$$...O...O$$$$$$$$$$$......
  5512.  $$$$$$$$$.........O..O..OO........O.O$$$....OOOO$$$$$$$$$$$.......
  5513.  $$$$$$$$$$....OOO.........OO$$$$OOO$O$$$$$$$$$$.
  5514.  $$$$$$$$$.........O..O..OO.........O$$$$.OO.OO.........OO$$$$$$$$$.........
  5515.  $$$$$$$$$........O$$$$$.........OOO$OO$$$$$$$$$$
  5516.  $$$$$$$$$........O...O$$$$.........OOOO$$$$$$$$$$$.......
  5517.  $$$$$$.......OOOOOO$$.....OOOO$$$$$O...O$$$$$$$$$$$......
  5518.  $$$$$$.......O.....O$$$$$.........O.O$......O$$$$$$$$$$$$
  5519.  $$$$$$.......O$$$$...OO$$.OO$.......O..O.........OOOO$.........O$$$$$$$$...
  5520.  $$$$$$........O....O$$$......OO.OOOO$.......O$$$OOOOOO$.........OO$$$$$$$$.
  5521.  $$$$$$$OO$$$.........OOOOOO$$$$.......OO.OOOO$........OO$$$$$$$$..
  5522.  $$$$$.....OOOO$$$$$...OOOO$$$$.........OO$$$$$$$$$$......
  5523.  $$$$$.....O...O$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$...
  5524.  $$$$$.....O$$$$$$$$$.....O.O....O$$$$$$$$$$$....
  5525.  $$$$$......O..O..OO........O.O$$$$$$$.......OO...OO$$$$........O$$$$$$.....
  5526.  $$$$$$.OOO.........OO$$$$$$$.......O....O.O$$$$........OO$$$$$$...
  5527.  $$$$$......O..O..OO.........O$$$$$$$$$$$$$...OO$$$$$$....
  5528.  $$$$$.....O$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.......
  5529.  $$$$$.....O...O$$$$$$$$$$$$.....OO$$$$$$$$......
  5530.  $$$$$.....OOOO$$$$$$$$$$$O.O$..O.O$$..O$$$$$$...
  5531.  $$$$$$$$$O.O$$$$$$$.......OO$....O$$..O.O$$$$$$.
  5532.  $$$$$$........OO$$.OO$$$$$$$.......O$$$........OO$$$$$$..
  5533.  $$$$$$.......OO.OOOO$.......O$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.
  5534.  $$$$$$........OOOOOO$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.........
  5535.  $$$$$$.........OOOO$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$........O.
  5536.  $$$$$$$$$$$$$$......O$$$$$$$$$$$$...O.O
  5537.  $$$$$$$$$$........O.O$$$....OO$$$$$$$$$$$$...O.O
  5538.  $$$$$$$$$$.........OO$$$....O.O$$$$$$$$$$$$...O.
  5539.  $$....OOOO$$$$$$$$.O$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$...
  5540.  $$...OOOOOO$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$....
  5541.  $$..OO.OOOO$$$$$$$$$$$$OO$$$$$$$$$$$$..
  5542.  $$...OO$$$$$$$$$$$$...O.O$$$$$....O.O$...O$$$$$.
  5543.  $$$.........O$$...O$$...O$$...O$....O.O$$.O$$$$$.....OO$...O.O$$$$.........
  5544.  .O..O$$$...O.O$$.O.O$$.O.O$$.O.O$....OO$$$$$$$.......O$....OO$$$$$
  5545.  O$$$.......O.O$$.O.O$$.O.O$$.O.O$....O$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.....
  5546.  O...O.......O$$......O$$...O$$...O$$...O$$$$$$$$$$$.....O$$$$.....
  5547.  OOOO....O...OOO$$$$$$$$$$$......OO$$$$$$$$$..O...O$$$$...
  5548.  ......OO.....OO$$$$$$$$$$$.....O.O$$$$$$$$$.O$$$$........
  5549.  ......OOO......O$$$$$$$$$$$......O$$$$$$$$$.O....O$$$$...
  5550.  ......OO.....OO$....O$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$....OOOOO$$$..OO$
  5551.  OOOO....O...OOO...O........OOO.O$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.
  5552.  O...O.......O....O.O.......O....O$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$........OOO.........
  5553.  O$......O.O........OOOO$$$$$$$$.OO$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$........
  5554.  .O..O$$....O.O$$$$$$$$O.O$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$........
  5555.  $....O...O$$$$$$$$$.....O$$$$$$$$$$.........OO$$$...OOOOOO........
  5556.  $...O$$$$$$OO$$$$$$$$$$$$$$........O.O$$$..O.....O.......
  5557.  $...O....O$$$$$...O....O$$$$$$$$$$$$$$......O$$$....O$...
  5558.  $...OOOOO$$$$$...O$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$........O....O.......
  5559.  $$......O$$$$....O.....O$.......OO$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.....OO.........
  5560.  $$....O...O$$$$..OOOOOO$.......O.O$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$......
  5561.  $$...O$$$......OO$$$....O$$$$$$$$$$$$.OO$$$$$...
  5562.  $$...O....O$$$OOOO$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.....O.O$$$$$..
  5563.  $$...OOOOO$$$OO.OO$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.....O$$$$$....
  5564.  $$$$$.........OO$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$..
  5565.  $$$$$$.....O.O.........OO$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$....
  5566.  $$$$$$....OO..O.......O.O$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$....
  5567.  $$$$$$.....O.O$O$$$$$$$$$$$$$...OO$$$$$.........
  5568.  $$$$$.........OO$$$$$$$$$$$$$.........OO$O.O$$$$$........
  5569.  $$$$$........OO.OO$$$$$$$$$$$$$......OOOO.........O$$$$$$
  5570.  $$$$$.........OOOO$$$$$$$$$$$$$.....OO.OO$$$$$$$
  5571.  $$$$$$OO$$$$$$$$$$$$$.......OO$$$$$$$..
  5572.  $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$...
  5573.  $$$$$$$.OO$$$$$$$$$$$$$...OO$$$$$$.....
  5574.  $$$$$$$OO.OOOO$$$$$$$$$$$O..O$....OO$$$$$$......
  5575.  $$$$$$$.OOOOOO$$$$$$$$$$.........O$.......O$$$$$$........
  5576.  $$$$$$$..OOOO$$$$$$$$$$$O...O.......O......O$$$$$$.......
  5577.  $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$......OOOO....O...OOO$$$$$$$..
  5578.  $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$..OO.....OO$$$$$$$..
  5579.  $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$..OOO......O.......O..O$$$$$$
  5580.  $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$..OO.....OO.......OOO.O$$$$$$
  5581.  $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$......OOOO....O...OOO........O.O$$$$$$.
  5582.  $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$......O...O.......O.........O$$$$$$....
  5583.  $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$......O$$$$$$$$......
  5584.  $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.......O..O$$$$$$$$..
  5585.  $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$......OOOO$$$$$$$...
  5586.  $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.....OOOOOO........O.OO$$$$$$
  5587.  $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$....OO.OOOO.........OO$$$$$$.
  5588.  $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.....OO$..O$$$$$$...
  5589.  $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$...
  5590.  $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.....OO$$$$$$......
  5591.  $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$....OO.OO$$$$$$....
  5592.  $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.....OOOO$$$$$$....
  5593.  $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$......OO$$$$$$.....
  5594. |
  5595. |
  5596. |Both of the above methods of making arbitrarily large period spaceships
  5597. |only produce a few of the possible periods.  Starting with a basic beehive
  5598. |or glider puffer train, the methods only produce periods which are a power
  5599. |of two times the base period, which is a geometric progression.
  5600. |
  5601. |The newest method of making arbitrarily large periods is more versatile
  5602. |than either of the previous methods.  For instead of a geometric progression,
  5603. |periods in an arithmetic progression can be constructed.  The concepts and
  5604. |constructions for this method were the work of several people.  The base
  5605. |blinker puffers were found by Robert Wainwright and myself, the impetus
  5606. |for playing with them was provided by Bill Gosper, the glider reactions that
  5607. |are needed to make it work were found by Dean Hickerson, and the final
  5608. |construction method for making the large period puffers was by me.  I will
  5609. |spend most of the rest of this article describing this method in detail.
  5610. |
  5611. |The method uses one of two different blinker puffers, and an interesting
  5612. |reaction which burns the blinkers cleanly at a rate faster than the
  5613. |blinkers are produced.  These blinker puffers have been shown in previous
  5614. |articles, but I will show them again here for convenience.  The first one
  5615. |was found by Robert Wainwright, and the second one by myself.  These both
  5616. |produce identical output, consisting of a row of blinkers, with a period
  5617. |of 8.
  5618. |
  5619. |[Two period 8 blinker puffers]
  5620.  .OO......        ............OO...
  5621.  OO.OOO...        ...........OO.OOO
  5622.  .OOOOO...        ............OOOOO
  5623.  ..OOO....        .............OOO.
  5624.  .........        .................
  5625.  .........        ..........OOO....
  5626.  .OOOOO...        ..OO.O.OOOO.O....
  5627.  .O.......        .O...............
  5628.  .O.......        OO.OO............
  5629.  ..O......        .OOO.OO.O........
  5630.  ....O....        ..O....O.........
  5631.  .........        .........O.......
  5632.  .........        ..O....O.........
  5633.  ...OO....        .OOO.OO.O........
  5634.  ..OO.OOOO        OO.OO............
  5635.  ...OOOOOO        .O...............
  5636.  ....OOOO.        ..OO.O.OOOO.O....
  5637. |                  ..........OOO....
  5638. |                  .................
  5639. |                  .............OOO.
  5640. |                  ............OOOOO
  5641. |                  ...........OO.OOO
  5642. |                  ............OO...
  5643. |
  5644. |
  5645. |The puffer on the left is generally more convenient because of its smaller
  5646. |size, but the puffer on the right does have some advantages, as we will see.
  5647. |
  5648. |The reaction which burns the blinkers can be initiated by adding one ON cell
  5649. |to the end of a row of produced blinkers to turn the last blinker into a
  5650. |set of traffic lights at the end.  This will leave some debris at the end,
  5651. |but the rest of the blinkers will then burn cleanly.  A reaction of this
  5652. |kind where a repeating unit burns is called a "fuse" (whether or not the
  5653. |burning produces any debris).  The burning used here is a clean blinker fuse.
  5654. |
  5655. |A way to ignite the blinkers without leaving any debris at all is to hit one
  5656. |of the two end blinkers symmetrically with two gliders.  These gliders will
  5657. |also ignite the blinker fuse if they hit any of the other blinkers in the
  5658. |row in the same manner, but in those cases one or more blinkers at the end
  5659. |of the row will be left.  For example, hitting the fifth-from-the-end blinker
  5660. |will ignite the fuse but leave three blinkers remaining at the end of the row.
  5661. |
  5662. |The following shows the gliders hitting the last blinker in the row.
  5663. |
  5664. |[Two gliders cleanly igniting blinkers produced by blinker puffer]
  5665. [spaceship108]
  5666.  .OO....................
  5667.  OO.OOO.................
  5668.  .OOOOO................O
  5669.  ..OOO...............OO.
  5670.  .....................OO
  5671.  .......................
  5672.  .OOOOO.................
  5673.  .O......O...O...O...O..
  5674.  .O......O...O...O...O..
  5675.  ..O.....O...O...O...O..
  5676.  ....O..................
  5677.  .......................
  5678.  .....................OO
  5679.  ...OO...............OO.
  5680.  ..OO.OOOO.............O
  5681.  ...OOOOOO..............
  5682.  ....OOOO...............
  5683. |
  5684. |
  5685. |Once the fuse is lit, it burns with a period of 18 at a speed of 2c/3.
  5686. |When the fuse reaches the puffer engine, the reaction disconnects and the
  5687. |blinker puffer begins to lay down a new row of blinkers.  The disconnected
  5688. |reaction can have one of three different outcomes (for each puffer).  The
  5689. |outcome is dependent on how many blinkers are present at the time the blinkers
  5690. |are ignited.  Some of these reactions leave some debris, some die out quickly,
  5691. |and some die out after making a large debris cloud.  The one shown above
  5692. |terminates in a large debris cloud which dies out.  This is the most useful
  5693. |behavior since the debris can be tweaked by spaceships to do useful things
  5694. |before it dies.
  5695. |
  5696. |One of the three reactions for my blinker puffer is vigorous and almost
  5697. |reignites the new row of blinkers being laid down by the puffer train.
  5698. |It turns out that most reactions that reach the row of blinkers fail to
  5699. |reignite it.  Even if the row is reignited, there are three different
  5700. |outcomes and so there is a 2/3 chance that the wrong kind of outcome will
  5701. |then occur.  If the reaction happens to work, however, then a large period
  5702. |puffer (or spaceship) has been found.
  5703. |
  5704. |By perturbing the vigorous reaction from my blinker puffer with two LWSSs
  5705. |I found the first large period puffer train based on these ideas.  This is
  5706. |a relatively dirty puffer with period 292.  The reaction products are two
  5707. |blinkers, two blocks, two loaves, two boats, six beehives, and four gliders.
  5708. |
  5709. |[Dirty period 292 puffer train]
  5710. [spaceship109]
  5711.  .......................OOOO.
  5712.  .......................O...O
  5713.  ...............O.......O....
  5714.  .............O...O......O..O
  5715.  ............O...............
  5716.  ............O....O..........
  5717.  ............OOOOO...........
  5718.  ............................
  5719.  ............................
  5720.  ...........O................
  5721.  ..OO.O...OO.OO..............
  5722.  .O..OOOOO.O.................
  5723.  .O..O.OO.OO.................
  5724.  .OO...OOO.OO........OO.O..OO
  5725.  ...O......OO.......O.O.OOOOO
  5726.  ..........OO...OOO.O........
  5727.  ...O......OO.......O.O.OOOOO
  5728.  .OO...OOO.OO........OO.O..OO
  5729.  .O..O.OO.OO.................
  5730.  .O..OOOOO.O.................
  5731.  ..OO.O...OO.OO..............
  5732.  ...........O................
  5733.  ............................
  5734.  ............................
  5735.  ............OOOOO...........
  5736.  ............O....O..........
  5737.  ............O...............
  5738.  .............O...O......O..O
  5739.  ...............O.......O....
  5740.  .......................O...O
  5741.  .......................OOOO.
  5742. |
  5743. |
  5744. |One curious thing about this puffer train is that its period of 292 is
  5745. |NOT a multiple of 8.  Instead, 292 is 4 (mod 8).  This is highly unusual.
  5746. |Usually, puffer output from a compound reaction must be a multiple of the
  5747. |base reaction.  In this puffer, though, it is not.  How this is possible
  5748. |is explained by the fact that only the puffer output from the base engine
  5749. |is of period 8, whereas the base engine itself is actually only of period 4.
  5750. |When the fuse reaches the puffer engine and disconnects, the row of blinkers
  5751. |is restarted with a phase shift of 4 generations.  This allows puffer trains
  5752. |to exist which are a multiple of 4 instead of a multiple of 8.  This feature
  5753. |is what makes this blinker puffer useful even though it is larger.  Robert
  5754. |Wainwright's blinker puffer engine is of period 8, and so can only be used
  5755. |to produce puffer output which is a multiple of 8.
  5756. |
  5757. |Subject: Spaceships in Conway's Life (Part 6b)
  5758. |----------------- [Continued from previous mail article] --------------------
  5759. |
  5760. |The method of tweaking the disconnection clouds to re-ignite the new blinker
  5761. |row can produce many different puffer trains with many different periods.
  5762. |(Probably an infinite number of essentially different puffer trains can be
  5763. |constructed.)  But the products of each puffer are different and hard to
  5764. |control, and even worse, there is no control over what the period is.  For
  5765. |example, creating a puffer train with period 2000 by randomly tweaking
  5766. |(multiple times probably) the disconnection cloud is not obvious.  At any
  5767. |rate it would be very time-consuming to search for.
  5768. |
  5769. |As part of constructing a new type of sawtooth pattern using a blinker puffer,
  5770. |Dean Hickerson found the following useful reaction.  By adding a spaceship to
  5771. |a blinker puffer, a glider can be produced by the disconnection cloud.  The
  5772. |produced glider travels backwards and outwards, to the upper right.  This
  5773. |reaction is shown below.
  5774. |
  5775. |[Creating a glider from disconnection cloud of blinker fuse]
  5776. [spaceship110]
  5777.  ........................OOOOOO.
  5778.  ........................O.....O
  5779.  ........................O......
  5780.  .........................O....O
  5781.  ...........................OO..
  5782.  ...............................
  5783.  ...............................
  5784.  ...............................
  5785.  ...............................
  5786.  ...............................
  5787.  ...............................
  5788.  ...............................
  5789.  ..OOOOOO.......................
  5790.  ..O.....O......................
  5791.  ..O............................
  5792.  ...O....O......................
  5793.  .....OO........................
  5794.  ...............OO.O..OO........
  5795.  ..OOOOO.......O.O.OOOOO........
  5796.  .OOOOOOO..OOO.O................
  5797.  OO.OOO.O......O.O.OOOOO........
  5798.  .OO............OO.O..OO........
  5799.  ...............................
  5800.  ...............................
  5801.  ...............................
  5802.  OOOOO..........................
  5803.  O....O.........................
  5804.  O..............................
  5805.  .O...O.........................
  5806.  ...O...........................
  5807. |
  5808. |
  5809. |Much earlier, and for another purpose, Dean Hickerson had found useful
  5810. |glider turning reactions using spaceships.  Some of these are shown below.
  5811. |
  5812. |In the first one, a forwards glider is converted into another forwards
  5813. |glider, but traveling towards the upper left.  This is a 90 degree right
  5814. |handed turn.  The upper HWSS does not hinder the glider coming in from a
  5815. |long distance.
  5816. |
  5817. |[Forwards glider converted into other forwards direction]
  5818. [spaceship111]
  5819.  ...........OO..
  5820.  .........O....O
  5821.  ........O......
  5822.  ........O.....O
  5823.  ........OOOOOO.
  5824.  ...............
  5825.  ...............
  5826.  ...............
  5827.  ...............
  5828.  ...............
  5829.  ......O........
  5830.  ....OO.........
  5831.  .....OO........
  5832.  ...............
  5833.  ...OO..........
  5834.  .O....O........
  5835.  O..............
  5836.  O.....O........
  5837.  OOOOOO.........
  5838. |
  5839. |
  5840. |In the following, the forwards glider is converted into a backwards glider,
  5841. |traveling towards the lower right.  This is a 90 degree left turn.  The
  5842. |bottom right MWSS is only needed to delete a block which is created during
  5843. |the reaction.  Once again, the upper HWSS does not hinder the glider coming
  5844. |in from a long distance.
  5845. |
  5846. |[Forwards glider converted into backwards glider]
  5847. [spaceship112]
  5848.  ..................OOOO..
  5849.  .................OOOOOO.
  5850.  ................OO.OOOO.
  5851.  .................OO.....
  5852.  ........................
  5853.  ........................
  5854.  ........................
  5855.  ........................
  5856.  ........................
  5857.  ........................
  5858.  ........................
  5859.  ........................
  5860.  ........................
  5861.  ........................
  5862.  ........................
  5863.  ........................
  5864.  ........................
  5865.  ......O.................
  5866.  ....OO..................
  5867.  .....OO.................
  5868.  ........................
  5869.  ...OO...............OOO.
  5870.  .O....O............OOOOO
  5871.  O.................OO.OOO
  5872.  O.....O............OO...
  5873.  OOOOOO..................
  5874. |
  5875. |
  5876. |In the following, a backwards traveling glider is converted into a forwards
  5877. |moving glider heading towards the lower left.  This is a 90 degree right
  5878. |handed turn.  The top MWSS is only needed to delete a block which is created
  5879. |during the reaction.
  5880. |
  5881. |[Backwards glider converted into forwards glider]
  5882. [spaceship113]
  5883.  ..............................................OOO.
  5884.  .............................................OOOOO
  5885.  ............................................OO.OOO
  5886.  .............................................OO...
  5887.  ..................................................
  5888.  ..................................................
  5889.  ..................................................
  5890.  ..................................................
  5891.  ..................................................
  5892.  ..................................................
  5893.  ..................................................
  5894.  ..................................................
  5895.  ..................................................
  5896.  ..................................................
  5897.  ..................................................
  5898.  ..................................................
  5899.  ..................................................
  5900.  ..................................................
  5901.  ..................................................
  5902.  ..................................................
  5903.  ..................................................
  5904.  ..................................................
  5905.  ......O.O.........................................
  5906.  .......OO.........................................
  5907.  .......O..........................................
  5908.  ..O..O............................................
  5909.  .O................................................
  5910.  .O...O............................................
  5911.  .OOOO.............................................
  5912.  ..................................................
  5913.  ..................................................
  5914.  ..........OO......................................
  5915.  .........OO.OOOO..................................
  5916.  ..........OOOOOO..................................
  5917.  ...........OOOO...................................
  5918. |
  5919. |
  5920. |Combinations of these reactions (and their mirror reflections) can be used
  5921. |to make a glider travel in any desired direction.
  5922. |
  5923. |After seeing all of the above reactions, I thought of a method of using them
  5924. |along with the blinker puffers to create puffer trains with arbitrarily
  5925. |large periods.  How this works is as follows.
  5926. |
  5927. |Take a blinker puffer with the fuse lit.  Add two spaceships on either side
  5928. |of it as shown above to turn the disconnection cloud into two gliders flying
  5929. |symmetrically outwards and backwards from the glider puffer.  Use two
  5930. |copies of the last reaction above to turn those gliders into forwards and
  5931. |outwards traveling gliders.  Then use two copies of the first reaction
  5932. |to turn the gliders into inwards and forwards traveling gliders.  If the
  5933. |reactions are properly placed, then the two final gliders will converge
  5934. |onto the end of the new blinker row, and then re-ignite the blinker row
  5935. |using the method shown previously.
  5936. |
  5937. |The quickest way to use these reactions in this manner produces the following
  5938. |period 1136 spaceship.  This was built independently by myself and by Dean
  5939. |Hickerson, once I announced the construction method.  In this object, the
  5940. |third glider turning reactions only needs two spaceships because the parallel
  5941. |reactions run into each other and thereby suppress the creation of the blocks
  5942. |that would need the other two spaceships to clean up.
  5943. |
  5944. |[Period 1136 spaceship using blinker puffer and glider turning reactions]
  5945. [spaceship114]
  5946.  $$$$$$$$$$$..OOOOOO.........
  5947.  $$$$$$$$$$$..O.....O........
  5948.  $$$$$$$$$$$..O$....
  5949.  $$$$$$$$$$$...O....O........
  5950.  $$$$$$$$$$$.....OO$
  5951.  $$$$......OO$$$$$$$.........
  5952.  $$$$....O....O$$$$$$$.......
  5953.  $$$$...O$$$$$$$$...
  5954.  $$$$...O.....O$$$$$$$.......
  5955.  $$$$...OOOOOO$$$$$$$........
  5956.  $$$$$$$$$$$$.......
  5957.  $$.......OO.......OO$$$$$$$$.........
  5958.  $$.....O....O....OOOO$$$$$$$$........
  5959.  $$....O.........OO.OO$$$$$$$$........
  5960.  $$....O.....O....OO$$$$$$$$...OOOOOO.
  5961.  $$....OOOOOO$$$$$$$$$O.....O
  5962.  $$$$$$$$$$$$O......
  5963.  $$$$$$$$$$$$.O....O
  5964.  $$$$$$$$$$$$...OO..
  5965.  $$$$$$$$$$$$.......
  5966.  $$$$$$$$$$$$.......
  5967.  $$$$$$$$$$$$.......
  5968.  $$$$$$$$$$$$.......
  5969.  $$$$$$$$$$$$.......
  5970.  OOOOO$$$$$$$$$$$$..
  5971.  O....O$$$$$$$$$$$$.
  5972.  O$$$$$$$$$$$$......
  5973.  .O...O$$$$$$$$$$$$.
  5974.  ...O$$$$$$$$$$$$...
  5975.  ..OOO$$$$$$$$$$$$..
  5976.  .OOOO.......OO.O..OO$$$$$$$$$$.......
  5977.  OO.OO......O.O.OOOOO$$$$$$$$$$.......
  5978.  .OO....OOO.O$$$$$$$$$$$.....
  5979.  $.O.O.OOOOO$$$$$$$$$$.......
  5980.  $..OO.O..OO$$$$$$$$$$.......
  5981.  $$$$$$$$$$$$.......
  5982.  $$$$$$$$$$$$.......
  5983.  ..OOOOOO$$$$$$$$$$$.........
  5984.  ..O.....O$$$$$$$$$$$........
  5985.  ..O$$$$$$$$$$$$....
  5986.  ...O....O$$$$$$$$$$$........
  5987.  .....OO$$$$$$$$$$$$
  5988.  $$$$$$$$$$$$.......
  5989.  $$$$$$$$$$$$.......
  5990.  $$$$$$$$$$$$.......
  5991.  $$$$$$$$$$$$.......
  5992.  $$$$$$$$$$$$...OO..
  5993.  $$$$$$$$$$$$.O....O
  5994.  $$$$$$$$$$$$O......
  5995.  $$....OOOOOO$$$$$$$$$O.....O
  5996.  $$....O.....O....OO$$$$$$$$...OOOOOO.
  5997.  $$....O.........OO.OO$$$$$$$$........
  5998.  $$.....O....O....OOOO$$$$$$$$........
  5999.  $$.......OO.......OO$$$$$$$$.........
  6000.  $$$$$$$$$$$$.......
  6001.  $$$$...OOOOOO$$$$$$$........
  6002.  $$$$...O.....O$$$$$$$.......
  6003.  $$$$...O$$$$$$$$...
  6004.  $$$$....O....O$$$$$$$.......
  6005.  $$$$......OO$$$$$$$.........
  6006.  $$$$$$$$$$$.....OO$
  6007.  $$$$$$$$$$$...O....O........
  6008.  $$$$$$$$$$$..O$....
  6009.  $$$$$$$$$$$..O.....O........
  6010.  $$$$$$$$$$$..OOOOOO.........
  6011. |
  6012. |
  6013. |The interesting thing about this construction is that the glider's initial
  6014. |backward-and-outward path is parallel to its final forward-and-inward path.
  6015. |This means that these path lengths can be increased by moving the turning
  6016. |reactions further away from the blinker puffer, and the gliders will still
  6017. |hit the end of the blinker row.  This allows a puffer to be built with an
  6018. |arbitrarily large period by moving the turning reactions sufficiently far
  6019. |away.
  6020. |
  6021. |Because of the timing constraints on the phase of blinker ignition, it turns
  6022. |out that the allowable changes are as follows.  Move the LWSSs and all the
  6023. |spaceships behind them 9N units backwards, and 3N units outwards from the
  6024. |center line.  This will increase the period by 96.  This will also leave
  6025. |enough room to allow the creation of the two blocks that one of the turning
  6026. |reactions leaves, turning the construction into a puffer.  Adding two more
  6027. |spaceships to the final result to delete those blocks will turn the puffer
  6028. |back into a spaceship.
  6029. |
  6030. |The following shows the above repositioning for the case N=1.  The spaceships
  6031. |have been moved 9 units backwards and 3 units outwards, increasing the
  6032. |period by 96.  This results in a double-block puffer of period 1232.  The
  6033. |block deleting spaceships have not been added.
  6034. |
  6035. |[Period 1232 puffer train leaving behind two blocks]
  6036. [spaceship115]
  6037.  $$$$$$$$$$$$.OOOOOO.........
  6038.  $$$$$$$$$$$$.O.....O........
  6039.  $$$$$$$$$$$$.O$....
  6040.  $$$$$$$$$$$$..O....O........
  6041.  $$$$$$$$$$$$....OO$
  6042.  $$$$$.....OO$$$$$$$.........
  6043.  $$$$$...O....O$$$$$$$.......
  6044.  $$$$$..O$$$$$$$$...
  6045.  $$$$$..O.....O$$$$$$$.......
  6046.  $$$$$..OOOOOO$$$$$$$........
  6047.  $$$$$$$$$$$$$......
  6048.  $$$$.....OO$$$$$$$$.........
  6049.  $$$$....OOOO$$$$$$$$........
  6050.  $$$$...OO.OO$$$$$$$$........
  6051.  $$.......OO$.....OO$$$$$$$$...OOOOOO.
  6052.  $$.....O....O$$$$$$$$$........O.....O
  6053.  $$....O$$$$$$$$$$....O......
  6054.  $$....O.....O$$$$$$$$$.........O....O
  6055.  $$....OOOOOO$$$$$$$$$$..OO..
  6056.  $$$$$$$$$$$$$......
  6057.  $$$$$$$$$$$$$......
  6058.  $$$$$$$$$$$$$......
  6059.  $$$$$$$$$$$$$......
  6060.  $$$$$$$$$$$$$......
  6061.  $$$$$$$$$$$$$......
  6062.  $$$$$$$$$$$$$......
  6063.  $$$$$$$$$$$$$......
  6064.  OOOOO$$$$$$$$$$$$$.
  6065.  O....O$$$$$$$$$$$$$
  6066.  O$$$$$$$$$$$$$.....
  6067.  .O...O$$$$$$$$$$$$$
  6068.  ...O$$$$$$$$$$$$$..
  6069.  ..OOO$$$$$$$$$$$$$.
  6070.  .OOOO.......OO.O..OO$$$$$$$$$$$......
  6071.  OO.OO......O.O.OOOOO$$$$$$$$$$$......
  6072.  .OO....OOO.O$$$$$$$$$$$$....
  6073.  $.O.O.OOOOO$$$$$$$$$$$......
  6074.  $..OO.O..OO$$$$$$$$$$$......
  6075.  $$$$$$$$$$$$$......
  6076.  $$$$$$$$$$$$$......
  6077.  ..OOOOOO$$$$$$$$$$$$........
  6078.  ..O.....O$$$$$$$$$$$$.......
  6079.  ..O$$$$$$$$$$$$$...
  6080.  ...O....O$$$$$$$$$$$$.......
  6081.  .....OO$$$$$$$$$$$$.........
  6082.  $$$$$$$$$$$$$......
  6083.  $$$$$$$$$$$$$......
  6084.  $$$$$$$$$$$$$......
  6085.  $$$$$$$$$$$$$......
  6086.  $$$$$$$$$$$$$......
  6087.  $$$$$$$$$$$$$......
  6088.  $$$$$$$$$$$$$......
  6089.  $$....OOOOOO$$$$$$$$$$..OO..
  6090.  $$....O.....O$$$$$$$$$.........O....O
  6091.  $$....O$$$$$$$$$$....O......
  6092.  $$.....O....O$$$$$$$$$........O.....O
  6093.  $$.......OO$.....OO$$$$$$$$...OOOOOO.
  6094.  $$$$...OO.OO$$$$$$$$........
  6095.  $$$$....OOOO$$$$$$$$........
  6096.  $$$$.....OO$$$$$$$$.........
  6097.  $$$$$$$$$$$$$......
  6098.  $$$$$..OOOOOO$$$$$$$........
  6099.  $$$$$..O.....O$$$$$$$.......
  6100.  $$$$$..O$$$$$$$$...
  6101.  $$$$$...O....O$$$$$$$.......
  6102.  $$$$$.....OO$$$$$$$.........
  6103.  $$$$$$$$$$$$....OO$
  6104.  $$$$$$$$$$$$..O....O........
  6105.  $$$$$$$$$$$$.O$....
  6106.  $$$$$$$$$$$$.O.....O........
  6107.  $$$$$$$$$$$$.OOOOOO.........
  6108. |
  6109. |
  6110. |So far this allows for the construction of spaceships of any period which
  6111. |is 1136 + 96N.  This is a great improvement over the period-doubling methods.
  6112. |But this is not all that can be done.
  6113. |
  6114. |If the LWSSs and their neighboring HWSSs are moved 3N cells forwards and N
  6115. |cells inwards towards the center line, and the back four HWSSs are moved N
  6116. |units forwards and N units outwards, then the period is increased by 8.
  6117. |For this repositioning to work, the spaceships must be kept far enough away
  6118. |from the center line for the reactions to work, so that this cannot be used
  6119. |indefinitely by itself.  But since the first repositioning method moves the
  6120. |spaceships outwards, by using the first repositioning method first, the
  6121. |second repositioning can then be applied as many times as is necessary.
  6122. |
  6123. |This second repositioning method has the side effect that the final glider
  6124. |paths no longer hit the last blinker in the blinker row.  Each increment of
  6125. |the period by 8 results in the gliders being shifted forwards to impact on
  6126. |the next blinker forwards.  The blinker ignition will still work, but some
  6127. |blinkers at the end can be left unignited, and therefore will be added to the
  6128. |puffer's output.  Besides the block deleting spaceships, another spaceship can
  6129. |be added to delete these leftover blinkers to turn the puffer back into a
  6130. |spaceship.
  6131. |
  6132. |Here are two examples of combining these two repositionings.  In this first
  6133. |one, the second repositioning method is applied to the period 1232 puffer
  6134. |train above to produce a period 1240 puffer train.  In this particular case,
  6135. |since the final gliders impact the second to last blinker, no blinkers are
  6136. |left by the puffer.
  6137. |
  6138. |[Period 1240 puffer producing pair of blocks]
  6139. [spaceship116]
  6140.  $$$$$$$$$$$$OOOOOO.........
  6141.  $$$$$$$$$$$$O.....O........
  6142.  $$$$$$$$$$$$O$....
  6143.  $$$$$$$$$$$$.O....O........
  6144.  $$$$$$$$$$$$...OO$
  6145.  $$$$$$$$$$$$$.....
  6146.  $$$$$$$$$$$$$.....
  6147.  $$$$$..OO$$$$$$$$.
  6148.  $$$$$O....O$$$$$$$.........
  6149.  $$$$.........O$$$$$$$$.....
  6150.  $$$$.........O.....O$$$$$$$.........
  6151.  $$$$.........OOOOOO$$$$$$$$
  6152.  $$$$$$$$$$$$$.....
  6153.  $$$$..OO$$$$$$$$$.
  6154.  $$$$.OOOO$$$$$$$$...OOOOOO.
  6155.  $$.......OO$.OO.OO$$$$$$$$...O.....O
  6156.  $$.....O....O$OO$$$$$$$$.....O......
  6157.  $$....O$$$$$$$$$$....O....O
  6158.  $$....O.....O$$$$$$$$$$OO..
  6159.  $$....OOOOOO$$$$$$$$$$.....
  6160.  $$$$$$$$$$$$$.....
  6161.  $$$$$$$$$$$$$.....
  6162.  $$$$$$$$$$$$$.....
  6163.  $$$$$$$$$$$$$.....
  6164.  $$$$$$$$$$$$$.....
  6165.  $$$$$$$$$$$$$.....
  6166.  $$$$$$$$$$$$$.....
  6167.  $$$$$$$$$$$$$.....
  6168.  OOOOO$$$$$$$$$$$$$
  6169.  O....O$$$$$$$$$$$$.........
  6170.  O$$$$$$$$$$$$$....
  6171.  .O...O$$$$$$$$$$$$.........
  6172.  ...O$$$$$$$$$$$$$.
  6173.  ..OOO$$$$$$$$$$$$$
  6174.  .OOOO.......OO.O..OO$$$$$$$$$$$.....
  6175.  OO.OO......O.O.OOOOO$$$$$$$$$$$.....
  6176.  .OO....OOO.O$$$$$$$$$$$$...
  6177.  $.O.O.OOOOO$$$$$$$$$$$.....
  6178.  $..OO.O..OO$$$$$$$$$$$.....
  6179.  $$$$$$$$$$$$$.....
  6180.  $$$$$$$$$$$$$.....
  6181.  ..OOOOOO$$$$$$$$$$$$.......
  6182.  ..O.....O$$$$$$$$$$$$......
  6183.  ..O$$$$$$$$$$$$$..
  6184.  ...O....O$$$$$$$$$$$$......
  6185.  .....OO$$$$$$$$$$$$........
  6186.  $$$$$$$$$$$$$.....
  6187.  $$$$$$$$$$$$$.....
  6188.  $$$$$$$$$$$$$.....
  6189.  $$$$$$$$$$$$$.....
  6190.  $$$$$$$$$$$$$.....
  6191.  $$$$$$$$$$$$$.....
  6192.  $$$$$$$$$$$$$.....
  6193.  $$....OOOOOO$$$$$$$$$$.....
  6194.  $$....O.....O$$$$$$$$$$OO..
  6195.  $$....O$$$$$$$$$$....O....O
  6196.  $$.....O....O$OO$$$$$$$$.....O......
  6197.  $$.......OO$.OO.OO$$$$$$$$...O.....O
  6198.  $$$$.OOOO$$$$$$$$...OOOOOO.
  6199.  $$$$..OO$$$$$$$$$.
  6200.  $$$$$$$$$$$$$.....
  6201.  $$$$.........OOOOOO$$$$$$$$
  6202.  $$$$.........O.....O$$$$$$$.........
  6203.  $$$$.........O$$$$$$$$.....
  6204.  $$$$$O....O$$$$$$$.........
  6205.  $$$$$..OO$$$$$$$$.
  6206.  $$$$$$$$$$$$$.....
  6207.  $$$$$$$$$$$$$.....
  6208.  $$$$$$$$$$$$...OO$
  6209.  $$$$$$$$$$$$.O....O........
  6210.  $$$$$$$$$$$$O$....
  6211.  $$$$$$$$$$$$O.....O........
  6212.  $$$$$$$$$$$$OOOOOO.........
  6213. |
  6214. |
  6215. |Here is another example.  This is a period 1368 puffer train which leaves
  6216. |four blinkers.  This is made from the period 1136 spaceship by two iterations
  6217. |of the first positioning, (increasing the period by 192), followed by five
  6218. |iterations of the second positioning (increasing the period by 40).  As in
  6219. |the period 1136 spaceship, the reactions are close enough to the center line
  6220. |to suppress the creating of the two blocks.
  6221. |
  6222. |[Period 1368 4-blinker puffer train]
  6223. [spaceship117]
  6224.  $$$$$$$$$$$$.....OOOOOO.........
  6225.  $$$$$$$$$$$$.....O.....O........
  6226.  $$$$$$$$$$$$.....O$....
  6227.  $$$$$$$$$$$$......O....O........
  6228.  $$$$$$$$$$$$........OO$
  6229.  $$$$$$$$$$$$$$
  6230.  $$$$$$$$$$$$$$
  6231.  $$$$$$$$$$$$$$
  6232.  $$$$$$$$$$$$$$
  6233.  $$$$$$$$$$$$$$
  6234.  $$$$$$$$$$$$$$
  6235.  $$$$$$$$$$$$$$
  6236.  $$$$$$$$$$$$$$
  6237.  $$$$$$$$$$$$$$
  6238.  $$$$$$$$$$$$$...OOOOOO.
  6239.  $$$$.........OO$$$$$$$$..O.....O
  6240.  $$$$.......O....O$$$$$$$$O......
  6241.  $$$$......O$$$$$$$$.......O....O
  6242.  $$$$......O.....O$$$$$$$$...OO..
  6243.  $$$$......OOOOOO$$$$$$$$........
  6244.  $$$$$$$$$$$$$$
  6245.  $$$.........OO$$$$$$$$$.........
  6246.  $$.......OO.........OOOO$$$$$$$$$........
  6247.  $$.....O....O......OO.OO$$$$$$$$$........
  6248.  $$....O$...OO$$$$$$$$$$
  6249.  $$....O.....O$$$$$$$$$$.........
  6250.  $$....OOOOOO$$$$$$$$$$$
  6251.  $$$$$$$$$$$$$$
  6252.  $$$$$$$$$$$$$$
  6253.  $$$$$$$$$$$$$$
  6254.  $$$$$$$$$$$$$$
  6255.  $$$$$$$$$$$$$$
  6256.  $$$$$$$$$$$$$$
  6257.  $$$$$$$$$$$$$$
  6258.  .....OO$$$$$$$$$$$$$...
  6259.  ...O....O$$$$$$$$$$$$$.
  6260.  ..O$$$$$$$$$$$$$.......
  6261.  ..O.....O$$$$$$$$$$$$$.
  6262.  ..OOOOOO$$$$$$$$$$$$$..
  6263.  $$$$$$$$$$$$$$
  6264.  $$$$$$$$$$$$$$
  6265.  $..OO.O..OO$$$$$$$$$$$$
  6266.  $.O.O.OOOOO$$$$$$$$$$$$
  6267.  .OO....OOO.O$$$$$$$$$$$$........
  6268.  OO.OO......O.O.OOOOO$$$$$$$$$$$$
  6269.  .OOOO.......OO.O..OO$$$$$$$$$$$$
  6270.  ..OOO$$$$$$$$$$$$$.....
  6271.  ...O$$$$$$$$$$$$$......
  6272.  .O...O$$$$$$$$$$$$$....
  6273.  O$$$$$$$$$$$$$.........
  6274.  O....O$$$$$$$$$$$$$....
  6275.  OOOOO$$$$$$$$$$$$$.....
  6276.  $$$$$$$$$$$$$$
  6277.  $$$$$$$$$$$$$$
  6278.  $$$$$$$$$$$$$$
  6279.  $$$$$$$$$$$$$$
  6280.  $$$$$$$$$$$$$$
  6281.  $$$$$$$$$$$$$$
  6282.  $$$$$$$$$$$$$$
  6283.  $$$$$$$$$$$$$$
  6284.  $$....OOOOOO$$$$$$$$$$$
  6285.  $$....O.....O$$$$$$$$$$.........
  6286.  $$....O$...OO$$$$$$$$$$
  6287.  $$.....O....O......OO.OO$$$$$$$$$........
  6288.  $$.......OO.........OOOO$$$$$$$$$........
  6289.  $$$.........OO$$$$$$$$$.........
  6290.  $$$$$$$$$$$$$$
  6291.  $$$$......OOOOOO$$$$$$$$........
  6292.  $$$$......O.....O$$$$$$$$...OO..
  6293.  $$$$......O$$$$$$$$.......O....O
  6294.  $$$$.......O....O$$$$$$$$O......
  6295.  $$$$.........OO$$$$$$$$..O.....O
  6296.  $$$$$$$$$$$$$...OOOOOO.
  6297.  $$$$$$$$$$$$$$
  6298.  $$$$$$$$$$$$$$
  6299.  $$$$$$$$$$$$$$
  6300.  $$$$$$$$$$$$$$
  6301.  $$$$$$$$$$$$$$
  6302.  $$$$$$$$$$$$$$
  6303.  $$$$$$$$$$$$$$
  6304.  $$$$$$$$$$$$$$
  6305.  $$$$$$$$$$$$$$
  6306.  $$$$$$$$$$$$........OO$
  6307.  $$$$$$$$$$$$......O....O........
  6308.  $$$$$$$$$$$$.....O$....
  6309.  $$$$$$$$$$$$.....O.....O........
  6310.  $$$$$$$$$$$$.....OOOOOO.........
  6311. |
  6312. |
  6313. |So as can be seen above, you can make a puffer train (and spaceship) of any
  6314. |sufficiently large period which is a multiple of 8.
  6315. |
  6316. |Can we do better than this?  The answer is yes, if we switch to the larger
  6317. |blinker puffer which can produce spaceships of periods 4 (mod 8).  I found a
  6318. |method for creating arbitrarily large periods using this other puffer engine.
  6319. |The following is a period 1044 puffer train which leaves a row of 9 blinkers
  6320. |and two more isolated blinkers.
  6321. |
  6322. |[Period 1044 puffer train leaving 11 blinkers]
  6323. [spaceship118]
  6324.  $$$$$$$$....OOOOOO.........
  6325.  $$$$$$$$....O.....O........
  6326.  $$$$$$$$....O$....
  6327.  $$$$$$$$.....O....O........
  6328.  $$$$$$$$.......OO$
  6329.  $$$$$$$$$.........
  6330.  $$$$$$$$$.........
  6331.  $$$$$$$$$.........
  6332.  $$$$$$$$$.........
  6333.  $$$$$$$$$.........
  6334.  $$$$$$$$$.........
  6335.  $$$$$$$$$.........
  6336.  $$$$$$$$$.........
  6337.  $$$$$$$$$.........
  6338.  $$$$$$$$$..OOOOOO.
  6339.  $$$$$$$$$..O.....O
  6340.  $$$$$$$$$..O......
  6341.  $$$$$$$$$...O....O
  6342.  $$$$$$$$$.....OO..
  6343.  $$$$$$$$$.........
  6344.  $$$$$$$$$.........
  6345.  $$$$$$$$$.........
  6346.  $$$$$$$$$.........
  6347.  $$$$.......O..O$$$$........
  6348.  $$$$......O$$$$$..
  6349.  $$$$......O...O$$$$........
  6350.  $$$$......OOOO$$$$.........
  6351.  $$$$$$$$$.........
  6352.  $....O$$$$$$$$....
  6353.  $..O...O$$$$$$$$..
  6354.  $.O$O......OOO$$$$$$.......
  6355.  $.O....O...O...O...OOOOO$$$$$$......
  6356.  $.OOOOO...O.......OO.OOO$$$$$$......
  6357.  $.........O....O...OO$$$$$$.........
  6358.  $.........OOOOO$$$$$$$.....
  6359.  $O$$$$$$$$........
  6360.  .OO.O...OO.OO$$$$$$$$......
  6361.  O..OOOOO.O$$$$$$$$.........
  6362.  O..O.OO.OO$$$$$$$$.........
  6363.  OO...OOO.OO......OO.O..OO$$$$$$$....
  6364.  ..O......OO.....O.O.OOOOO$$$$$$$....
  6365.  .........OO.OOO.O$$$$$$$$..
  6366.  ..O......OO.....O.O.OOOOO$$$$$$$....
  6367.  OO...OOO.OO......OO.O..OO$$$$$$$....
  6368.  O..O.OO.OO$$$$$$$$.........
  6369.  O..OOOOO.O$$$$$$$$.........
  6370.  .OO.O...OO.OO$$$$$$$$......
  6371.  $O$$$$$$$$........
  6372.  $.........OOOOO$$$$$$$.....
  6373.  $.........O....O...OO$$$$$$.........
  6374.  $.OOOOO...O.......OO.OOO$$$$$$......
  6375.  $.O....O...O...O...OOOOO$$$$$$......
  6376.  $.O$O......OOO$$$$$$.......
  6377.  $..O...O$$$$$$$$..
  6378.  $....O$$$$$$$$....
  6379.  $$$$$$$$$.........
  6380.  $$$$......OOOO$$$$.........
  6381.  $$$$......O...O$$$$........
  6382.  $$$$......O$$$$$..
  6383.  $$$$.......O..O$$$$........
  6384.  $$$$$$$$$.........
  6385.  $$$$$$$$$.........
  6386.  $$$$$$$$$.........
  6387.  $$$$$$$$$.........
  6388.  $$$$$$$$$.....OO..
  6389.  $$$$$$$$$...O....O
  6390.  $$$$$$$$$..O......
  6391.  $$$$$$$$$..O.....O
  6392.  $$$$$$$$$..OOOOOO.
  6393.  $$$$$$$$$.........
  6394.  $$$$$$$$$.........
  6395.  $$$$$$$$$.........
  6396.  $$$$$$$$$.........
  6397.  $$$$$$$$$.........
  6398.  $$$$$$$$$.........
  6399.  $$$$$$$$$.........
  6400.  $$$$$$$$$.........
  6401.  $$$$$$$$$.........
  6402.  $$$$$$$$.......OO$
  6403.  $$$$$$$$.....O....O........
  6404.  $$$$$$$$....O$....
  6405.  $$$$$$$$....O.....O........
  6406.  $$$$$$$$....OOOOOO.........
  6407. |
  6408. |
  6409. |This basic result can be modified to produce other puffer trains.  The four
  6410. |LWSSs in the back can be moved 6N units backwards and 6N units outwards.
  6411. |This increases the period by 120N, and leave 3N more blinkers in the row.
  6412. |Since the period increase is a multiple of 8, each of these new puffers will
  6413. |also have a period which is 4 (mod 8).
  6414. |
  6415. |For example, here is the next puffer in this series, which has period 1164,
  6416. |and leaves 14 blinkers.
  6417. |
  6418. |[Period 1164 puffer train]
  6419. [spaceship119]
  6420.  $$$$$$$$$OOOOOO.........
  6421.  $$$$$$$$$O.....O........
  6422.  $$$$$$$$$O$....
  6423.  $$$$$$$$$.O....O........
  6424.  $$$$$$$$$...OO$
  6425.  $$$$$$$$$$.....
  6426.  $$$$$$$$$$.....
  6427.  $$$$$$$$$$.....
  6428.  $$$$$$$$$$.....
  6429.  $$$$$$$$$$.....
  6430.  $$$$$$$$$$.....
  6431.  $$$$$$$$$$.....
  6432.  $$$$$$$$$$.....
  6433.  $$$$$$$$$$.....
  6434.  $$$$$$$$$........OOOOOO.
  6435.  $$$$$$$$$........O.....O
  6436.  $$$$$$$$$........O......
  6437.  $$$$$$$$$.........O....O
  6438.  $$$$$$$$$$.OO..
  6439.  $$$$$$$$$$.....
  6440.  $$$$$$$$$$.....
  6441.  $$$$$$$$$$.....
  6442.  $$$$$$$$$$.....
  6443.  $$$$$$$$$$.....
  6444.  $$$$$$$$$$.....
  6445.  $$$$$$$$$$.....
  6446.  $$$$$$$$$$.....
  6447.  $$$$$$$$$$.....
  6448.  $$$$$$$$$$.....
  6449.  $$$$.......O..O$$$$$....
  6450.  $$$$......O$$$$$........
  6451.  $$$$......O...O$$$$$....
  6452.  $$$$......OOOO$$$$$.....
  6453.  $$$$$$$$$$.....
  6454.  $....O$$$$$$$$$
  6455.  $..O...O$$$$$$$$........
  6456.  $.O$O......OOO$$$$$$$...
  6457.  $.O....O...O...O...OOOOO$$$$$$$..
  6458.  $.OOOOO...O.......OO.OOO$$$$$$$..
  6459.  $.........O....O...OO$$$$$$$.....
  6460.  $.........OOOOO$$$$$$$$.
  6461.  $O$$$$$$$$$....
  6462.  .OO.O...OO.OO$$$$$$$$$..
  6463.  O..OOOOO.O$$$$$$$$$.....
  6464.  O..O.OO.OO$$$$$$$$$.....
  6465.  OO...OOO.OO......OO.O..OO$$$$$$$$
  6466.  ..O......OO.....O.O.OOOOO$$$$$$$$
  6467.  .........OO.OOO.O$$$$$$$$........
  6468.  ..O......OO.....O.O.OOOOO$$$$$$$$
  6469.  OO...OOO.OO......OO.O..OO$$$$$$$$
  6470.  O..O.OO.OO$$$$$$$$$.....
  6471.  O..OOOOO.O$$$$$$$$$.....
  6472.  .OO.O...OO.OO$$$$$$$$$..
  6473.  $O$$$$$$$$$....
  6474.  $.........OOOOO$$$$$$$$.
  6475.  $.........O....O...OO$$$$$$$.....
  6476.  $.OOOOO...O.......OO.OOO$$$$$$$..
  6477.  $.O....O...O...O...OOOOO$$$$$$$..
  6478.  $.O$O......OOO$$$$$$$...
  6479.  $..O...O$$$$$$$$........
  6480.  $....O$$$$$$$$$
  6481.  $$$$$$$$$$.....
  6482.  $$$$......OOOO$$$$$.....
  6483.  $$$$......O...O$$$$$....
  6484.  $$$$......O$$$$$........
  6485.  $$$$.......O..O$$$$$....
  6486.  $$$$$$$$$$.....
  6487.  $$$$$$$$$$.....
  6488.  $$$$$$$$$$.....
  6489.  $$$$$$$$$$.....
  6490.  $$$$$$$$$$.....
  6491.  $$$$$$$$$$.....
  6492.  $$$$$$$$$$.....
  6493.  $$$$$$$$$$.....
  6494.  $$$$$$$$$$.....
  6495.  $$$$$$$$$$.....
  6496.  $$$$$$$$$$.OO..
  6497.  $$$$$$$$$.........O....O
  6498.  $$$$$$$$$........O......
  6499.  $$$$$$$$$........O.....O
  6500.  $$$$$$$$$........OOOOOO.
  6501.  $$$$$$$$$$.....
  6502.  $$$$$$$$$$.....
  6503.  $$$$$$$$$$.....
  6504.  $$$$$$$$$$.....
  6505.  $$$$$$$$$$.....
  6506.  $$$$$$$$$$.....
  6507.  $$$$$$$$$$.....
  6508.  $$$$$$$$$$.....
  6509.  $$$$$$$$$$.....
  6510.  $$$$$$$$$...OO$
  6511.  $$$$$$$$$.O....O........
  6512.  $$$$$$$$$O$....
  6513.  $$$$$$$$$O.....O........
  6514.  $$$$$$$$$OOOOOO.........
  6515. |
  6516. |
  6517. |Dean Hickerson recently found another glider perturbing reaction which does
  6518. |not change the direction of a glider, but which does delay it and shift its
  6519. |path.  This reaction is shown below.  The spaceship on the right is only
  6520. |needed to delete an extraneous block produced by the reaction.
  6521. |
  6522. |[Forwards glider being delayed and path-shifted]
  6523. [spaceship120]
  6524.  ........OO.....$$$$$$.......
  6525.  .......OO.OOO..$$$$$$.......
  6526.  ........OOOOO..$$$$$$.......
  6527.  .........OOO...$$$$$$.......
  6528.  ...............$$$$$$.......
  6529.  ...............$$$$$$.......
  6530.  ...............$$$$$$...OOO.
  6531.  ...............$$$$$$..OOOOO
  6532.  ...............$$$$$$.OO.OOO
  6533.  ......O........$$$$$$..OO...
  6534.  ....OO.........$$$$$$.......
  6535.  .....OO........$$$$$$.......
  6536.  ...............$$$$$$.......
  6537.  ...OO..........$$$$$$.......
  6538.  .O....O........$$$$$$.......
  6539.  O..............$$$$$$.......
  6540.  O.....O........$$$$$$.......
  6541.  OOOOOO.........$$$$$$.......
  6542. |
  6543. |
  6544. |This reaction can be used to modify the period of these new spaceships,
  6545. |allowing more of the periods which are 4 (mod 8) to be constructed.
  6546. |The following puffer train is made from the period 1044 puffer train by
  6547. |adding one (doubled) copy of the above reaction to it.  This produces a
  6548. |puffer train of period 1732.  It produces 16 blinkers and two blocks.
  6549. |
  6550. |[Period 1732 puffer train]
  6551. [spaceship121]
  6552.  $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$........OOOOOO.........
  6553.  $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$........O.....O........
  6554.  $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$........O$....
  6555.  $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.........O$...
  6556.  $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$...
  6557.  $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$...
  6558.  $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$...
  6559.  $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$...
  6560.  $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$...
  6561.  $$$$$$$$..O$$$$$$$$$
  6562.  $$$$$$$$.O$$$$$$$$$.
  6563.  $$$$$$$$.O.....O$$$$$$$$.....
  6564.  $$$$$$$$.OOOOOO$$$$$$$$......
  6565.  $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$...
  6566.  $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$......OOOOOO.
  6567.  $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$......O.....O
  6568.  $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$......O......
  6569.  $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.......O.....
  6570.  $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$...
  6571.  $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$...
  6572.  $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$...
  6573.  $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$...
  6574.  $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$...
  6575.  $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$...
  6576.  $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$...
  6577.  $$$$$$$$.........OO$$$$$$$$..
  6578.  $$$$$$$$........OO.OOO$$$$$$$.........
  6579.  $$$$$$$$.........OOOOO$$$$$$$.........
  6580.  $$$$$$$$$OOO$$$$$$$$
  6581.  $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$...
  6582.  $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$...
  6583.  $$$$......OOOO$$$$$$$$$$$$...
  6584.  $$$$......O...O$$$$$$$$$$$$..
  6585.  $$$$......O$$$$$$$$$$$$......
  6586.  $$$$.......O$$$$$$$$$$$$.....
  6587.  $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$...
  6588.  $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$...
  6589.  $.OOOOO$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.......
  6590.  $.O....O$.OO$$$$$$$$$$$$$$...
  6591.  $.O.......OOOOO...OO.OOO$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
  6592.  $..O......O....O...OOOOO$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
  6593.  $.OOOO....O.........OOO$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.
  6594.  ........O.O.O.......O$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$..
  6595.  ..O.....OOO.O$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
  6596.  OO......OO$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$...
  6597.  O..OOO$....O$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$..
  6598.  O....OOO.........O.O.O.O.OO$$$$$$$$$$$$$$......
  6599.  .OOO..OOO.......OOOO...OOOO$$$$$$$$$$$$$$......
  6600.  ........O..OOO.O$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.......
  6601.  .OOO..OOO.......OOOO...OOOO$$$$$$$$$$$$$$......
  6602.  O....OOO.........O.O.O.O.OO$$$$$$$$$$$$$$......
  6603.  O..OOO$....O$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$..
  6604.  OO......OO$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$...
  6605.  ..O.....OOO.O$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
  6606.  ........O.O.O.......O$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$..
  6607.  $.OOOO....O.........OOO$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.
  6608.  $..O......O....O...OOOOO$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
  6609.  $.O.......OOOOO...OO.OOO$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
  6610.  $.O....O$.OO$$$$$$$$$$$$$$...
  6611.  $.OOOOO$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.......
  6612.  $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$...
  6613.  $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$...
  6614.  $$$$.......O$$$$$$$$$$$$.....
  6615.  $$$$......O$$$$$$$$$$$$......
  6616.  $$$$......O...O$$$$$$$$$$$$..
  6617.  $$$$......OOOO$$$$$$$$$$$$...
  6618.  $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$...
  6619.  $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$...
  6620.  $$$$$$$$$OOO$$$$$$$$
  6621.  $$$$$$$$.........OOOOO$$$$$$$.........
  6622.  $$$$$$$$........OO.OOO$$$$$$$.........
  6623.  $$$$$$$$.........OO$$$$$$$$..
  6624.  $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$...
  6625.  $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$...
  6626.  $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$...
  6627.  $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$...
  6628.  $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$...
  6629.  $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$...
  6630.  $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$...
  6631.  $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.......O.....
  6632.  $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$......O......
  6633.  $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$......O.....O
  6634.  $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$......OOOOOO.
  6635.  $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$...
  6636.  $$$$$$$$.OOOOOO$$$$$$$$......
  6637.  $$$$$$$$.O.....O$$$$$$$$.....
  6638.  $$$$$$$$.O$$$$$$$$$.
  6639.  $$$$$$$$..O$$$$$$$$$
  6640.  $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$...
  6641.  $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$...
  6642.  $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$...
  6643.  $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$...
  6644.  $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$...
  6645.  $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.........O$...
  6646.  $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$........O$....
  6647.  $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$........O.....O........
  6648.  $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$........OOOOOO.........
  6649. |
  6650. |
  6651. |By adding one copy of the delaying reaction, the period is increased by 688.
  6652. |Since 688 is a multiple of 8, and the GCD of 688 and 120 is 8, by adding
  6653. |enough copies of this reaction (up to 14 of them) to the period 120 increasing
  6654. |method above, spaceships of all sufficiently large periods which are 4 (mod 8)
  6655. |can be built.
  6656. |
  6657. |So overall, this means that spaceships can be built with any sufficiently
  6658. |large period which is a multiple of 4.  Improving the coverage of periods to
  6659. |include nonmultiples of 4 will have to be based on truly new knowledge, since
  6660. |such spaceships cannot use any of the standard spaceships as components.
  6661. |
  6662. |The glider reactions shown above are certainly not the best possible ones for
  6663. |building large period spaceships.  There are probably much better reactions
  6664. |available (smaller and faster), both for igniting the blinker puffer's debris
  6665. |clouds, and for turning and shifting gliders.  In addition, it should be
  6666. |possible to ignite the blinker row using only one glider with help from
  6667. |perturbations from an accompanying spaceship.  This would suppress the need
  6668. |for one side of the glider reactions to make the spaceships.  Unlike most of
  6669. |the results from these articles which require complicated search programs
  6670. |to find, improvements on making these large period spaceships could be found
  6671. |by anyone with access to a reasonable Life program.
  6672. |
  6673. |I want to conclude this article with a few objects which are not exactly
  6674. |spaceships, but which are not puffer trains either.  They occupy a middle
  6675. |ground between the two.  Under a loose definition of spaceship which is
  6676. |"an object which moves into new areas without leaving any permanent output",
  6677. |these objects are spaceships.  But they are strange ones, for they never
  6678. |repeat themselves since the number of ON cells keeps increasing.  But they
  6679. |still have what is called a "period", which is the number of generations
  6680. |before a similar-looking object reappears, except for another unit added in
  6681. |the middle.  These can be thought of as spaceships which "grow".
  6682. |
  6683. |The first example of such a loosely defined spaceship is the following old
  6684. |result.  A puffer at the front produces a row of blinkers, which are all
  6685. |consumed at the back by a smokeless reaction.  But the eating reaction is
  6686. |slower than the generating reaction, so that the number of blinkers grows.
  6687. |This has a "period" of 156.  After each period, the spaceship has one extra
  6688. |blinker.
  6689. |
  6690. |[A "blinker spaceship" which grows arbitrarily large]
  6691. [spaceship122]
  6692.  ...........O..O...............
  6693.  ..........O...................
  6694.  ..........O...O...............
  6695.  ..OO......OOOO................
  6696.  .OOOO.........................
  6697.  OO.OO.........................
  6698.  .OO.....OO.OOO................
  6699.  .......O.....OO.......O....OOO
  6700.  ......OO.......O......O....O.O
  6701.  .......O.....OO.......O....OOO
  6702.  .OO.....OO.OOO................
  6703.  OO.OO.........................
  6704.  .OOOO.........................
  6705.  ..OO......OOOO................
  6706.  ..........O...O...............
  6707.  ..........O...................
  6708.  ...........O..O...............
  6709. |
  6710. |
  6711. |This second more recent example by Dean Hickerson has a "period" of 72.
  6712. |Here two rows of blinkers are produced by a puffer.  A glider at the back
  6713. |travels between the two rows, consuming all of the blinkers.  Once again,
  6714. |the eating reaction is (much) slower than than the generating reaction,
  6715. |so that the spaceship grows.  After each "period" there are 14 new blinkers.
  6716. |
  6717. |[A "blinker and glider spaceship" which grows arbitrarily large]
  6718. [spaceship123]
  6719.  .O....................
  6720.  O.....................
  6721.  O....O................
  6722.  OOOOO.................
  6723.  ......................
  6724.  ......................
  6725.  ......................
  6726.  .OO...................
  6727.  OO.OOO.O..............
  6729.  ..OOOOO...............
  6730.  ......................
  6731.  .....OO.............O.
  6732.  ...O...............OO.
  6733.  ..O.........O......O.O
  6734.  ..O.....O..O..........
  6735.  ..OOOOOO...O.....O....
  6736.  ...........OOOOOO.....
  6737.  ......................
  6738.  ......................
  6739.  ......................
  6740.  ......................
  6741.  ..........OO..OO......
  6742.  .........OO.OO.O......
  6743.  ..........OOOOO.......
  6744.  ...........OOO........
  6745.  ............O.........
  6746.  ..........O...O.......
  6747.  .........O............
  6748.  .........O....O.......
  6749.  .........OOOOO........
  6750. |
  6751. |
  6752. |The last example is a "PI ship", built by me.  This is the first finite
  6753. |pattern in which the PI-heptomino's almost-spaceship behavior has been tamed.
  6754. |Here a puffer train produces two parallel rows of blocks.  Between the rows
  6755. |of blocks is generation 1 of the PI-heptomino.  The PI-heptomino reacts with
  6756. |each pair of blocks and deletes them, moving forwards with a period of 30
  6757. |and a speed of 3c/10.  Since this is slower than the rate of block creation
  6758. |by the puffer, the spaceship slowly gets larger.  This has a "period" of 180.
  6759. |
  6760. |[A "PI and blocks spaceship" which grows arbitrarily large]
  6761. [spaceship124]
  6762.  $$.....OOOO$$$$$$$$........
  6763.  $$....OOOOOO$$$$$$$$.......
  6764.  $$...OO.OOOO$.......OOOOOO$$$$$$....
  6765.  $$....OO$$.O.....O$$$$$$...
  6766.  $$$$.......O$$$$$$.........
  6767.  $.....O$$$..O....O$$$$$$...
  6768.  $...O...O$$$..OO$$$$$$.....
  6769.  $..O$.........OO$$$$$$$$...
  6770.  $..O....O........OO...OOO$$$$$$$$...
  6771.  $..OOOOO........O..OOO...OO$$$$$$$$.
  6772.  $$.....O.O.......OO.....OO$$$$$$$...
  6773.  $$......O...O.....OO....O.O$$$$$$$..
  6774.  OOOO$$.......O....O......O.O$$$$$$$.
  6775.  O...O.........O$$O........O$$$$$$........OO..
  6776.  O$.OO$$$$$$$$$........OO.OO
  6777.  .O..O..OO.....OOO$$$$$$$$$......OOOO
  6778.  ......OOO......OOO$$$$$$$$$......OO.
  6779.  .O..O..OO.....OOO$.O$$$$$$$$........
  6780.  O$.OO$$$$$$$$$$...
  6781.  O...O.........O$$$$$$$$$$..
  6782.  OOOO$........O.O$$$.........OOO$$$$$
  6783.  $$$......OO$$......O.O$$$$$
  6784.  $$$.....OO.OOO$.........O...OO$$$$$.
  6785.  $...OO$$.OOOOO$.......O...O$$$$$....
  6786.  $..OO.OO$$OOO......O$O$$$$$.........
  6787.  $...OOOO$$.......O...O........O....O$$$$$....
  6788.  $....OO$$.......O$...OOOOO$$$$$.....
  6789.  $$$$...O....O$$$$$$........
  6790.  $$$$...OOOOO$$$$$$.........
  6791.  $$$$$$$$$$$.......
  6792.  $$$$$$$$$$$.......
  6793.  $$$.OOOO$$$$$$$$..
  6794.  $$$.O...O$O$$$$$$$
  6795.  $$$.O.......OO....O.O$$$$$$.........
  6796.  $$$..O..O..OOOO...O..OO........OO$......OO$$$.........
  6797.  $$$.......OO...O.....O.OO......OO$......OO$$$.........
  6798.  $$$..O..O..OOOO...O..OO$$$$$$.......
  6799.  $$$.O.......OO....O.O$$$$$$.........
  6800.  $$$.O...O$O$$$$$$$
  6801.  $$$.OOOO$$$$$$$$..
  6802.  $$$$$$$$$$$.......
  6803.  $$$$$$$$$$$.......
  6804.  $$$$....OOOOO$$$$$$........
  6805.  $$$$....O....O$$$$$$.......
  6806.  $$$$....O$$$.O$$$$
  6807.  $$$$.....O...O$$.....OO$$$$
  6808.  $$$$$$$....O$$$$..
  6809.  $$$$.....O...O$$.....OO$$$$
  6810.  $$$$....O$$$.O$$$$
  6811.  $$$$....O....O$$$$$$.......
  6812.  $$$$....OOOOO$$$$$$........
  6813.  $$$$$$$$$$$.......
  6814.  $$$$$$$$$$$.......
  6815.  $$$.OOOO$$$$$$$$..
  6816.  $$$.O...O$O$$$$$$$
  6817.  $$$.O.......OO....O.O$$$$$$.........
  6818.  $$$..O..O..OOOO...O..OO$$$$$$.......
  6819.  $$$.......OO...O.....O.OO......OO$......OO$$$.........
  6820.  $$$..O..O..OOOO...O..OO........OO$......OO$$$.........
  6821.  $$$.O.......OO....O.O$$$$$$.........
  6822.  $$$.O...O$O$$$$$$$
  6823.  $$$.OOOO$$$$$$$$..
  6824.  $$$$$$$$$$$.......
  6825.  $$$$$$$$$$$.......
  6826.  $$$$...OOOOO$$$$$$.........
  6827.  $$$$...O....O$$$$$$........
  6828.  $....OO$$.......O$...OOOOO$$$$$.....
  6829.  $...OOOO$$.......O...O........O....O$$$$$....
  6830.  $..OO.OO$$OOO......O$O$$$$$.........
  6831.  $...OO$$.OOOOO$.......O...O$$$$$....
  6832.  $$$.....OO.OOO$.........O...OO$$$$$.
  6833.  $$$......OO$$......O.O$$$$$
  6834.  OOOO$........O.O$$$.........OOO$$$$$
  6835.  O...O.........O$$$$$$$$$$..
  6836.  O$.OO$$$$$$$$$$...
  6837.  .O..O..OO.....OOO$.O$$$$$$$$........
  6838.  ......OOO......OOO$$$$$$$$$......OO.
  6839.  .O..O..OO.....OOO$$$$$$$$$......OOOO
  6840.  O$.OO$$$$$$$$$........OO.OO
  6841.  O...O.........O$$O........O$$$$$$........OO..
  6842.  OOOO$$.......O....O......O.O$$$$$$$.
  6843.  $$......O...O.....OO....O.O$$$$$$$..
  6844.  $$.....O.O.......OO.....OO$$$$$$$...
  6845.  $..OOOOO........O..OOO...OO$$$$$$$$.
  6846.  $..O....O........OO...OOO$$$$$$$$...
  6847.  $..O$.........OO$$$$$$$$...
  6848.  $...O...O$$$..OO$$$$$$.....
  6849.  $.....O$$$..O....O$$$$$$...
  6850.  $$$$.......O$$$$$$.........
  6851.  $$....OO$$.O.....O$$$$$$...
  6852.  $$...OO.OOOO$.......OOOOOO$$$$$$....
  6853.  $$....OOOOOO$$$$$$$$.......
  6854.  $$.....OOOO$$$$$$$$........
  6855. |
  6856. |
  6857. |This concludes my series of six articles on spaceships.  I wish to thank
  6858. |several people for their help with information for these articles, and for
  6859. |reviewing them.  These people include Richard Schroeppel, Bill Gosper,
  6860. |Allan Wechsler, Hartmut Holzwart, and Nina Bell.  I especially want to thank
  6861. |Dean Hickerson for his huge help in supplying historical information and
  6862. |results, reviewing these articles thoroughly, and for starting off the search
  6863. |for the new spaceships.
  6864. |
  6865. |As you have seen, Life certainly has more spaceship-related results than
  6866. |anyone dreamed of in its early days.  I hope you have found this series
  6867. |of articles entertaining.
  6868. |
  6869. |David I. Bell
  6870. |
  6871. |
  6872. |        Spaceships in Conway's Life (Addendum 1)
  6873. |            by David I. Bell
  6874. |            dbell@pdact.pd.necisa.oz.au
  6875. |            2 Mar 1993
  6876. |
  6877. |
  6878. |This is an addendum to my series of articles concerning Conway's Game of
  6879. |Life.  In this article, I will show the new results about spaceships that
  6880. |have been discovered since my series of articles was first posted in August
  6881. |through October of 1992.
  6882. |
  6883. |There have been new discoveries made in many of the categories of spaceships
  6884. |which I had reported on in my articles.  The order of presentation in this
  6885. |article will be based on the period of the spaceship.  So I will begin with
  6886. |the period 2 spaceships, and end with the large period spaceships.
  6887. |
  6888. |The vast majority of results in this article were found by Hartmut Holzwart.
  6889. |These are mostly period 2 and period 4 spaceships.  (For period 4 spaceships,
  6890. |almost all the results are his.)  I have contributed by finding some period 2
  6891. |and period 3 spaceships, and working on large period spaceships.  Dean
  6892. |Hickerson made a small but very significant contribution to these new results.
  6893. |
  6894. |So now I will begin with the new results for period 2 c/2 spaceships.
  6895. |Hartmut Holzwart found the following spaceship last September.  One of his
  6896. |repeatable tagalongs from my article 2 has been slightly modified to allow
  6897. |two of them to connect together.  This allows a spaceship to be constructed
  6898. |which is as long and as wide as desired, and is quite dense.
  6899. |
  6900. | [Dense period 2 spaceship (speed c/2)]
  6901. [spaceship125]
  6902.  ..............O...................................
  6903.  ...........OOOO...................................
  6904.  ...........OO.....................................
  6905.  .........O...OO...................................
  6906.  .........OOOO.O...................................
  6907.  ......O.O.........................................
  6908.  .....OOOOOO.......................................
  6909.  ....OO.....O......................................
  6910.  ...OO....O........................................
  6911.  ....OO...OO.......................................
  6912.  ..........OOO.....................................
  6913.  ....OO......O.....................................
  6914.  ...OO.O...........................................
  6915.  ..OO..............................................
  6916.  .OO..O............................................
  6917.  OO................................................
  6918.  .OOOOO............................................
  6919.  ..................................................
  6920.  .OOOOO............................................
  6921.  OO................................................
  6922.  .OO..O............................................
  6923.  ..OO..............................................
  6924.  ...OO.O...........................................
  6925.  ....OO............................................
  6926.  ..................................................
  6927.  ....OO.............O.........O.........O.........O
  6928.  ...OO..OO........OOO.......OOO.......OOO.......OOO
  6929.  ..OO..OOO.......OO........OO........OO........OO..
  6930.  .OOO.O..........O.........O.........O.........O...
  6931.  ..OO..OOO.....O.O.......O.O.......O.O.......O.O...
  6932.  ...OO..OO...OOO.......OOO.......OOO.......OOO.....
  6933.  ....OO.....OO.O......OO.O......OO.O......OO.O.....
  6934.  ...........O.O.OO....O.O.OO....O.O.OO....O.O.OO...
  6935.  ....OO.....OO..OO....OO..OO....OO..OO....OO..OO...
  6936.  ...OO..OO..O.....OO..O.....OO..O.....OO..O.....OO.
  6937.  ..OO..OOO..OO..OO.O..OO..OO.O..OO..OO.O..OO..OO.O.
  6938.  .OOO.O.....OO.O......OO.O......OO.O......OO.O.....
  6939.  ..OO..OOO..OO..OO.O..OO..OO.O..OO..OO.O..OO..OO.O.
  6940.  ...OO..OO..O.....OO..O.....OO..O.....OO..O.....OO.
  6941.  ....OO.....OO..OO....OO..OO....OO..OO....OO..OO...
  6942.  ...........O.O.OO....O.O.OO....O.O.OO....O.O.OO...
  6943.  ....OO.....OO.O......OO.O......OO.O......OO.O.....
  6944.  ...OO..OO...OOO.......OOO.......OOO.......OOO.....
  6945.  ..OO..OOO.....O.O.......O.O.......O.O.......O.O...
  6946.  .OOO.O..........O.........O.........O.........O...
  6947.  ..OO..OOO.....O.O.......O.O.......O.O.......O.O...
  6948.  ...OO..OO...OOO.......OOO.......OOO.......OOO.....
  6949.  ....OO.....OO.O......OO.O......OO.O......OO.O.....
  6950.  ...........O.O.OO....O.O.OO....O.O.OO....O.O.OO...
  6951.  ....OO.....OO..OO....OO..OO....OO..OO....OO..OO...
  6952.  ...OO..OO..O.....OO..O.....OO..O.....OO..O.....OO.
  6953.  ..OO..OOO..OO..OO.O..OO..OO.O..OO..OO.O..OO..OO.O.
  6954.  .OOO.O.....OO.O......OO.O......OO.O......OO.O.....
  6955.  ..OO..OOO..OO..OO.O..OO..OO.O..OO..OO.O..OO..OO.O.
  6956.  ...OO..OO..O.....OO..O.....OO..O.....OO..O.....OO.
  6957.  ....OO.....OO..OO....OO..OO....OO..OO....OO..OO...
  6958.  ...........O.O.OO....O.O.OO....O.O.OO....O.O.OO...
  6959.  ....OO.....OO.O......OO.O......OO.O......OO.O.....
  6960.  ...OO..OO...OOO.......OOO.......OOO.......OOO.....
  6961.  ..OO..OOO.....O.O.......O.O.......O.O.......O.O...
  6962.  .OOO.O..........O.........O.........O.........O...
  6963.  ..OO..OOO.....O.O.......O.O.......O.O.......O.O...
  6964.  ...OO..OO...OOO.......OOO.......OOO.......OOO.....
  6965.  ....OO.....OO.O......OO.O......OO.O......OO.O.....
  6966.  ...........O.O.OO....O.O.OO....O.O.OO....O.O.OO...
  6967.  ....OO.....OO..OO....OO..OO....OO..OO....OO..OO...
  6968.  ...OO..OO..O.....OO..O.....OO..O.....OO..O.....OO.
  6969.  ..OO..OOO..OO..OO.O..OO..OO.O..OO..OO.O..OO..OO.O.
  6970.  .OOO.O.....OO.O......OO.O......OO.O......OO.O.....
  6971.  ..OO..OOO..OO..OO.O..OO..OO.O..OO..OO.O..OO..OO.O.
  6972.  ...OO..OO..O.....OO..O.....OO..O.....OO..O.....OO.
  6973.  ....OO.....OO..OO....OO..OO....OO..OO....OO..OO...
  6974.  ...........O.O.OO....O.O.OO....O.O.OO....O.O.OO...
  6975.  ....OO.....OO.O......OO.O......OO.O......OO.O.....
  6976.  ...OO..OO...OOO.......OOO.......OOO.......OOO.....
  6977.  ..OO..OOO.....O.O.......O.O.......O.O.......O.O...
  6978.  .OOO.O..........O.........O.........O.........O...
  6979.  ..OO..OOO.......OO........OO........OO........OO..
  6980.  ...OO..OO........OOO.......OOO.......OOO.......OOO
  6981.  ....OO.............O.........O.........O.........O
  6982.  ..................................................
  6983.  ....OO............................................
  6984.  ...OO.O...........................................
  6985.  ..OO..............................................
  6986.  .OO..O............................................
  6987.  OO................................................
  6988.  .OOOOO............................................
  6989.  ..................................................
  6990.  .OOOOO............................................
  6991.  OO................................................
  6992.  .OO..O............................................
  6993.  ..OO..............................................
  6994.  ...OO.O...........................................
  6995.  ....OO......O.....................................
  6996.  ..........OOO.....................................
  6997.  ....OO...OO.......................................
  6998.  ...OO....O........................................
  6999.  ....OO.....O......................................
  7000.  .....OOOOOO.......................................
  7001.  ......O.O.........................................
  7002.  .........OOOO.O...................................
  7003.  .........O...OO...................................
  7004.  ...........OO.....................................
  7005.  ...........OOOO...................................
  7006.  ..............O...................................
  7007. |
  7008. |
  7009. |Hartmut also found two new "arm" components for period 2 spaceships.
  7010. |These arms are derived from the "glancing head" component, and have slopes
  7011. |of 5/17 and 5/13.  The following spaceship shows two copies of both of
  7012. |these components.
  7013. |
  7014. | [Period 2 spaceship with arm components (speed c/2)]
  7015. [spaceship126]
  7016.  .............................O.O
  7017.  ............................O..O
  7018.  ...........................OO...
  7019.  ..........................O...O.
  7020.  .........................OOO.O..
  7021.  ........................O.......
  7022.  .......................O..OOOO..
  7023.  .......................O..O.....
  7024.  .......................OOO.OOO..
  7025.  .........................OO.....
  7026.  ............................O...
  7027.  ..........................O.....
  7028.  ..........................OO....
  7029.  ........................OOO.....
  7030.  .......................O...O....
  7031.  ......................OO........
  7032.  .....................O...O......
  7033.  ....................OOO.O.......
  7034.  ...................O............
  7035.  ..................O..OOOO.......
  7036.  ..................O..O..........
  7037.  ..................OOO.OOO.......
  7038.  ....................OO..........
  7039.  .......................O........
  7040.  .....................O..........
  7041.  .....................OO.........
  7042.  ...................OOO..........
  7043.  ..................O...O.........
  7044.  .................OO.............
  7045.  ................O...O...........
  7046.  ...............OOO.O............
  7047.  ..............O.................
  7048.  .............O..OOOO............
  7049.  .............O..O...............
  7050.  .............OOO.OOO............
  7051.  ...............OO...............
  7052.  ..................O.............
  7053.  ...............O.O..............
  7054.  ..............OO................
  7055.  ...............OO...............
  7056.  ................OOO.............
  7057.  .................O..............
  7058.  ...................O............
  7059.  ..............O.O.O.............
  7060.  .............O..O...............
  7061.  ............OO..................
  7062.  ...........O...O................
  7063.  ..........OOO.O.................
  7064.  .........O......................
  7065.  ........O..OOOO.................
  7066.  ........O..O....................
  7067.  ........OOO.OOO.................
  7068.  ..........OO....................
  7069.  .............O..................
  7070.  ..........O.O...................
  7071.  .........OO.....................
  7072.  ..........OO....................
  7073.  ...........OOO..................
  7074.  ............O...................
  7075.  ..............O.................
  7076.  .........O.O.O..................
  7077.  ........O..O....................
  7078.  .......OO.......................
  7079.  ......O.........................
  7080.  .....OOOOOO.....................
  7081.  ..OO.......O....................
  7082.  .O...OOO.O......................
  7083.  O...O....O......................
  7084.  O.....O....O....................
  7085.  OOO...OOOOO.....................
  7086.  ................................
  7087.  OOO...OOOOO.....................
  7088.  O.....O....O....................
  7089.  O...O....O......................
  7090.  .O...OOO.O......................
  7091.  ..OO.......O....................
  7092.  .....OOOOOO.....................
  7093.  ......O.........................
  7094.  .......OO.......................
  7095.  ........O..O....................
  7096.  .........O.O....................
  7097. |
  7098. |
  7099. |Hartmut also found the following spaceship, which has repeatable glide-
  7100. |reflective wicks trailing from the ends.  Between the two main components
  7101. |is a large repeatable component which is only a slightly modified version
  7102. |of Dean Hickerson's long period 2 spaceship.  The central component was
  7103. |found using Hartmut's cylindrical search feature of the life search program.
  7104. |
  7105. | [Period 2 spaceship with glide-reflective wick and repeatable component
  7106. | (speed c/2)]
  7107. [spaceship127]
  7108.  ...............................................O........
  7109.  ...................O.............O..........OO.O........
  7110.  ................OOOO..........OOOO..........O...........
  7111.  ................OO............OO............O...........
  7112.  ............O.O...........O.O...........O.O.............
  7113.  ..........OO...OOOOO....OO...OOOOO....OO...OOO.......O..
  7114.  ........OO...O........OO...O........OO...O.........OOO..
  7115.  ........OOO.O..OOO.O..OOO.O..OOO.O..OOO.O..OOO....OO....
  7116.  ......O........OO...O........OO...O........OO.O...O.....
  7117.  ......OOOOOOO....OO...OOOOO....OO...OOOOO....OO.....O...
  7118.  ...O.O.............O.O...........O.O..........OOOOOO....
  7119.  ..OOOOOOO.O............OO............OO........O.O......
  7120.  .OO.......O............OOOO..........OOOO.........OOOO.O
  7121.  OO....OO..................O.............O.........O...OO
  7122.  .OO....O.O..........................................OO..
  7123.  ....................................................OOOO
  7124.  .OO....O.O.............................................O
  7125.  OO....OO.......O.O......................................
  7126.  .OO.......O..O.O........................................
  7127.  ..OOOOOOO.O.O.O...O.....................................
  7128.  ...O.O........OOO.O.....................................
  7129.  ......OOO.OO............................................
  7130.  ......O...OO.OO.........................................
  7131.  ........OOO.............................................
  7132.  ........OOO.............................................
  7133.  ........................................................
  7134.  ........OOO.............................................
  7135.  ........OOO.............................................
  7136.  ......O...OO.OO.........................................
  7137.  ......OOO.OO............................................
  7138.  ...O.O........OOO.O.....................................
  7139.  ..OOOOOOO.O.O.O...O.....................................
  7140.  .OO.......O..O.O........................................
  7141.  OO....OO.......O.O......................................
  7142.  .OO....O.O..............................................
  7143.  ........................................................
  7144.  .OO....O.O..............................................
  7145.  OO....OO.......O.O......................................
  7146.  .OO.......O..O.O........................................
  7147.  ..OOOOOOO.O.O.O...O.....................................
  7148.  ...O.O........OOO.O.....................................
  7149.  ......OOO.OO............................................
  7150.  ......O...OO.OO.........................................
  7151.  ........OOO.............................................
  7152.  ........OOO.............................................
  7153.  ........................................................
  7154.  ........OOO.............................................
  7155.  ........OOO.............................................
  7156.  ......O...OO.OO.........................................
  7157.  ......OOO.OO............................................
  7158.  ...O.O........OOO.O.....................................
  7159.  ..OOOOOOO.O.O.O...O.....................................
  7160.  .OO.......O..O.O........................................
  7161.  OO....OO.......O.O......................................
  7162.  .OO....O.O.............................................O
  7163.  ....................................................OOOO
  7164.  .OO....O.O..........................................OO..
  7165.  OO....OO..................O.............O.........O...OO
  7166.  .OO.......O............OOOO..........OOOO.........OOOO.O
  7167.  ..OOOOOOO.O............OO............OO........O.O......
  7168.  ...O.O.............O.O...........O.O..........OOOOOO....
  7169.  ......OOOOOOO....OO...OOOOO....OO...OOOOO....OO.....O...
  7170.  ......O........OO...O........OO...O........OO.O...O.....
  7171.  ........OOO.O..OOO.O..OOO.O..OOO.O..OOO.O..OOO....OO....
  7172.  ........OO...O........OO...O........OO...O.........OOO..
  7173.  ..........OO...OOOOO....OO...OOOOO....OO...OOO.......O..
  7174.  ............O.O...........O.O...........O.O.............
  7175.  ................OO............OO............O...........
  7176.  ................OOOO..........OOOO..........O...........
  7177.  ...................O.............O..........OO.O........
  7178.  ...............................................O........
  7179. |
  7180. |
  7181. |Hartmut's cylindrical search also found several other repeatable components
  7182. |related to the one in the above spaceship.  Most of these join each other
  7183. |in the same manner in one spot.
  7184. |
  7185. |[Period 2 spaceship demonstrating several repeating components (speed c/2)]
  7186. [spaceship128]
  7187.  .............O.........
  7188.  ...........OO..........
  7189.  ........OOOO.O.........
  7190.  ........OO.............
  7191.  ......O...OO.O.........
  7192.  ......OOOO.O.O.OO......
  7193.  ...O.O......OO.........
  7194.  ..OOOOOO.OO.OO.O....O..
  7195.  .OO.....OO...O...OOOO..
  7196.  OO....OO....O....OO....
  7197.  .OO....OOOO............
  7198.  .......................
  7199.  .OO....OOOO............
  7200.  OO....OO....O....OO....
  7201.  .OO.....OO...O...OOOO..
  7202.  ..OOOOOO.OO.OO.O....O..
  7203.  ...O.O......OO.........
  7204.  ......OOOO.O.O.OO......
  7205.  ......O...OO.O.........
  7206.  ........OOO............
  7207.  ........OOO............
  7208.  .......................
  7209.  ........OOO............
  7210.  ........OOO......OO....
  7211.  ......O...OO.O...OOOO..
  7212.  ......OOOO.O.O.O....O..
  7213.  ...O.O......OO.........
  7214.  ..OOOOOO.OO.OO.OO......
  7215.  .OO.....OO...O.........
  7216.  OO....OO....O..........
  7217.  .OO....OOOO............
  7218.  .......................
  7219.  .OO....OOOO............
  7220.  OO....OO....O.........O
  7221.  .OO.....OO...O.....OOOO
  7222.  ..OOOOOO.OO.OO.....OO..
  7223.  ...O.O......OO.O.O.....
  7224.  ......OOOO.O.O.OO.OO.O.
  7225.  ......O...OO..O..OO.O.O
  7226.  ........OOO..OO....OO..
  7227.  ........OOO...O.OOO.O..
  7228.  .......................
  7229.  ........OOO...O.OOO.O..
  7230.  ........OOO..OO....OO..
  7231.  ......O...OO..O..OO.O.O
  7232.  ......OOOO.O.O.OO.OO.O.
  7233.  ...O.O......OO.O.O.....
  7234.  ..OOOOOO.OO.OO.....OO..
  7235.  .OO.....OO...O.....OOOO
  7236.  OO....OO....O.........O
  7237.  .OO....OOOO............
  7238.  .......................
  7239.  .OO....OOOO............
  7240.  OO....OO....O..........
  7241.  .OO.....OO...O.........
  7242.  ..OOOOOO.OO.OO.OO......
  7243.  ...O.O......OO.........
  7244.  ......OOOO.O.O.O....O..
  7245.  ......O...OO.O...OOOO..
  7246.  ........OOO......OO....
  7247.  ........OOO............
  7248.  .......................
  7249.  ........OOO............
  7250.  ........OOO............
  7251.  ......O...OO.O.........
  7252.  ......OOOO.O.O...O.O...
  7253.  ...O.O......OO.OO..O...
  7254.  ..OOOOOO.OO.OO.OO......
  7255.  .OO.....OO...O....O....
  7256.  OO....OO....O..OO......
  7257.  .OO....OOOO....OOO.....
  7258.  .......................
  7259.  .OO....OOOO....OOO.....
  7260.  OO....OO....O..OO......
  7261.  .OO.....OO...O....O....
  7262.  ..OOOOOO.OO.OO.OO......
  7263.  ...O.O......OO.OO..O...
  7264.  ......OOOO.O.O...O.O...
  7265.  ......O...OO.O.........
  7266.  ........OOO............
  7267.  ........OOO............
  7268.  .......................
  7269.  ........OOO............
  7270.  ........OOO............
  7271.  ......O...OO.O.........
  7272.  ......OOOO.O.O.........
  7273.  ...O.O......OO.OO..O...
  7274.  ..OOOOOO.OO.OO.OO..O...
  7275.  .OO.....OO...O....O....
  7276.  OO....OO....O..OO......
  7277.  .OO....OOOO....OOO.....
  7278.  .......................
  7279.  .OO....OOOO....OOO.....
  7280.  OO....OO....O..OO......
  7281.  .OO.....OO...O....O....
  7282.  ..OOOOOO.OO.OO.OO..O...
  7283.  ...O.O......OO.OO..O...
  7284.  ......OOOO.O.O.........
  7285.  ......O...OO.O.........
  7286.  ........OOO............
  7287.  ........OOO............
  7288.  .......................
  7289.  ........OOO............
  7290.  ........OOO........O.O.
  7291.  ......O...OO.O....O..O.
  7292.  ......OOOO.O.O.O.OO....
  7293.  ...O.O......OO.........
  7295.  .OO.....OO...O...O...OO
  7296.  OO....OO....O......OOO.
  7297.  .OO....OOOO........OOO.
  7298.  .......................
  7299.  .OO....OOOO........OOO.
  7300.  OO....OO....O......OOO.
  7301.  .OO.....OO...O...O...OO
  7303.  ...O.O......OO.........
  7304.  ......OOOO.O.O.O.OO....
  7305.  ......O...OO.O....O..O.
  7306.  ........OOO........O.O.
  7307.  ........OOO............
  7308.  .......................
  7309.  ........OOO............
  7310.  ........OOO............
  7311.  ......O...OO.O.........
  7312.  ......OOOO.O.O.OO......
  7313.  ...O.O......OO.........
  7314.  ..OOOOOO.OO.OO.O....O..
  7315.  .OO.....OO...O...OOOO..
  7316.  OO....OO....O....OO....
  7317.  .OO....OOOO............
  7318.  .......................
  7319.  .OO....OOOO............
  7320.  OO....OO....O......O.O.
  7321.  .OO.....OO...O....O..O.
  7322.  ..OOOOOO.OO.OO.O.OO....
  7323.  ...O.O......OO.........
  7324.  ......OOOO.O.O.OOOOOO.O
  7325.  ......O...OO.O...O...OO
  7326.  ........OOO........OOO.
  7327.  ........OOO........OOO.
  7328.  .......................
  7329.  ........OOO........OOO.
  7330.  ........OOO........OOO.
  7331.  ......O...OO.O...O...OO
  7332.  ......OOOO.O.O.OOOOOO.O
  7333.  ...O.O......OO.........
  7334.  ..OOOOOO.OO.OO.O.OO....
  7335.  .OO.....OO...O....O..O.
  7336.  OO....OO....O......O.O.
  7337.  .OO....OOOO............
  7338.  .......................
  7339.  .OO....OOOO............
  7340.  OO....OO....O....OO....
  7341.  .OO.....OO...O...OOOO..
  7342.  ..OOOOOO.OO.OO.O....O..
  7343.  ...O.O......OO.........
  7344.  ......OOOO.O.O.OO......
  7345.  ......O...OO.O.........
  7346.  ........OO.............
  7347.  ........OOOO.O.........
  7348.  ...........OO..........
  7349.  .............O.........
  7350. |
  7351. |
  7352. |Hartmut looked for period 2 spaceships with even symmetry, and found that
  7353. |there are no spaceships with a width less than 28.  The smallest minimum
  7354. |width spaceship which has even symmetry is the following.  Removing one
  7355. |of the two middle rows will produce a spaceship with odd symmetry (but not
  7356. |the one of minimum width).
  7357. |
  7358. |[Period 2 spaceship with even symmetry of minimum width 28 (speed c/2)]
  7359. [spaceship129]
  7360.  .........O.O
  7361.  ........O..O
  7362.  .......OO...
  7363.  ......O....O
  7364.  .....OOOOO.O
  7365.  ..OO........
  7366.  .O...OOO....
  7367.  O...O.......
  7368.  O.....O.....
  7369.  O..O..O.....
  7370.  .O.O..OO.O..
  7371.  .........O..
  7372.  OOO.........
  7373.  OO..........
  7374.  OO..........
  7375.  OOO.........
  7376.  .........O..
  7377.  .O.O..OO.O..
  7378.  O..O..O.....
  7379.  O.....O.....
  7380.  O...O.......
  7381.  .O...OOO....
  7382.  ..OO........
  7383.  .....OOOOO.O
  7384.  ......O....O
  7385.  .......OO...
  7386.  ........O..O
  7387.  .........O.O
  7388. |
  7389. |
  7390. |Hartmut found several modifications and tagalongs for the above spaceship.
  7391. |Two of these are shown below.
  7392. |
  7393. | [Period 2 spaceship with large tagalongs (speed c/2)]
  7394. [spaceship130]
  7395.  .........OO.................O.....
  7396.  ........O...............OO.OO..O..
  7397.  .......OO..O...........O.....O.O..
  7398.  ......O....O..........OO..OO......
  7399.  .....OOOOO...........O............
  7400.  ..OO.....OO....O....OOO.OO.O.....O
  7401.  .O...OOO..O..OOO...O.....O....OOOO
  7402.  O...O.....OO.OO...OOO....OO...OO..
  7403.  O.....O...O...O..O.....OO...O.....
  7404.  O..O..O.....OOO.OOO....O..OO......
  7405.  .O.O..OO.O..OO.....O...O.O........
  7406.  .........O.....OOO.........OOO....
  7407.  OOO............OO.....OOO..O..O...
  7408.  OO...............O....OO...OO.....
  7409.  OO...............O....OO...OO.....
  7410.  OOO............OO.....OOO..O..O...
  7411.  .........O.....OOO.........OOO....
  7412.  .O.O..OO.O..OO.....O...O.O........
  7413.  O..O..O.....OOO.OOO....O..OO......
  7414.  O.....O...O...O..O.....OO...O.....
  7415.  O...O.....OO.OO...OOO....OO...OO..
  7416.  .O...OOO..O..OOO...O.....O....OOOO
  7417.  ..OO.....OO....O....OOO.OO.O.....O
  7418.  .....OOOOO...........O............
  7419.  ......O....O..........OO..OO......
  7420.  .......OO..O...........O.....O.O..
  7421.  ........O...............OO.OO..O..
  7422.  .........OO.................O.....
  7423. |
  7424. |
  7425. [spaceship131]
  7426.  .........OO.................O...........
  7427.  ........O...............OO.OO..O........
  7428.  .......OO..O...........O.....O.O........
  7429.  ......O....O..........OO..OO............
  7430.  .....OOOOO...........O.................O
  7431.  ..OO.....OO....O....OOO.OO.O.....O.O.OO.
  7432.  .O...OOO..O..OOO...O.....O....OOOO.O.O.O
  7433.  O...O.....OO.OO...OOO....OO...OO..O.....
  7434.  O.....O...O...O..O.....OO...O.....OOO...
  7435.  O..O..O.....OOO.OOO....O..OO......O.....
  7436.  .O.O..OO.O..OO.....O...O.O........O.O...
  7437.  .........O.....OOO.........OOO..........
  7438.  OOO............OO.....OOO..O..O..OOO....
  7439.  OO...............O....OO...OO....OO.....
  7440.  OO...............O....OO...OO....OO.....
  7441.  OOO............OO.....OOO..O..O..OOO....
  7442.  .........O.....OOO.........OOO..........
  7443.  .O.O..OO.O..OO.....O...O.O........O.O...
  7444.  O..O..O.....OOO.OOO....O..OO......O.....
  7445.  O.....O...O...O..O.....OO...O.....OOO...
  7446.  O...O.....OO.OO...OOO....OO...OO..O.....
  7447.  .O...OOO..O..OOO...O.....O....OOOO.O.O.O
  7448.  ..OO.....OO....O....OOO.OO.O.....O.O.OO.
  7449.  .....OOOOO...........O.................O
  7450.  ......O....O..........OO..OO............
  7451.  .......OO..O...........O.....O.O........
  7452.  ........O...............OO.OO..O........
  7453.  .........OO.................O...........
  7454. |
  7455. |
  7456. |The second spaceship above differs by the addition of a short wide tagalong
  7457. |which attaches to the feet of the previous tagalong.  This tagalong can
  7458. |also be used in other spaceships where the feet appear, to join the two
  7459. |spaceships.  For example, an odd-symmetrical version of the tagalong is
  7460. |shown below which joins two old spaceships.
  7461. |
  7462. | [Period 2 spaceships joined by bridging tagalong (speed c/2)]
  7463. [spaceship132]
  7464.  .............O.............
  7465.  ...........OO..............
  7466.  ........OOOO.O.............
  7467.  ........OO.......OO........
  7468.  ......O...OO.O...OOOO......
  7469.  ......OOOO.O.O.O....O......
  7470.  ...O.O......OO.............
  7471.  ..OOOOOO.OO.OO.OO..........
  7472.  .OO.....OO...O.............
  7473.  OO....OO....O..............
  7474.  .OO....OOOO................
  7475.  ...........................
  7476.  .OO....OOOO................
  7477.  OO....OO....O..............
  7478.  .OO.....OO...O.............
  7479.  ..OOOOOO.OO.OO.OO..........
  7480.  ...O.O......OO............O
  7481.  ......OOOO.O.O.O....O.O.OO.
  7482.  ......O...OO.O...OOOO.O.O.O
  7483.  ........OO.......OO..O.....
  7484.  ........OOOO.O.......OOO...
  7485.  ...........OO........O.....
  7486.  .............O.......O.O...
  7487.  ...........................
  7488.  ....................OOO....
  7489.  ....................OO.....
  7490.  ....................OOO....
  7491.  ...........................
  7492.  .............O.......O.O...
  7493.  ...........OO........O.....
  7494.  ........OOOO.O.......OOO...
  7495.  ........OO.......OO..O.....
  7496.  ......O...OO.O...OOOO.O.O.O
  7497.  ......OOOO.O.O.O....O.O.OO.
  7498.  ...O.O......OO............O
  7499.  ..OOOOOO.OO.OO.OO..........
  7500.  .OO.....OO...O.............
  7501.  OO....OO....O..............
  7502.  .OO....OOOO................
  7503.  ...........................
  7504.  .OO....OOOO................
  7505.  OO....OO....O..............
  7506.  .OO.....OO...O.............
  7507.  ..OOOOOO.OO.OO.OO..........
  7508.  ...O.O......OO.............
  7509.  ......OOOO.O.O.O....O......
  7510.  ......O...OO.O...OOOO......
  7511.  ........OO.......OO........
  7512.  ........OOOO.O.............
  7513.  ...........OO..............
  7514.  .............O.............
  7515. |
  7516. |
  7517. |In one of Hartmut's results there appeared an L-shaped repeating component
  7518. |which is very small and simple.  I was asked to "tame" it by finding
  7519. |components which terminated the two ends.  Amazingly, the component that
  7520. |I found for the front of the L components connects to them on both of its
  7521. |sides.  The following spaceship shows the front component, two arms made of
  7522. |the L components, and the back component that I found.  Also shown is one
  7523. |of a number of "feet" which can be attached to the L component.
  7524. |
  7525. |[Period 2 spaceship with simple "L" arms (speed c/2)]
  7526. [spaceship133]
  7527.  ............................O
  7528.  .........................OOOO
  7529.  .........................OO..
  7530.  .......................O...OO
  7531.  .......................OOOO.O
  7532.  ....................O.O......
  7533.  ...................OOOOOO....
  7534.  ..................OO.....O...
  7535.  .................OO....O.....
  7536.  ..................O.O..OO....
  7537.  ........................OOO..
  7538.  ..................OO......O..
  7539.  .................O...........
  7540.  .................OOO.........
  7541.  ...............O.............
  7542.  ...............OOO...........
  7543.  .............O...............
  7544.  .............OOO.............
  7545.  ...........O.................
  7546.  ...........OOO...............
  7547.  .........O...................
  7548.  .........OOO.................
  7549.  .......O.....OO..............
  7550.  .......OOO...OOOO............
  7551.  .....O..........O............
  7552.  .....OOO.....................
  7553.  ...O.........................
  7554.  ...OOO.......................
  7555.  ..O..........................
  7556.  .OOO.O.......................
  7557.  .O...........................
  7558.  .OOOOO.......................
  7559.  ........O.O..................
  7560.  .O.O...O..O..................
  7561.  OO....OO.....................
  7562.  .OO......O...................
  7563.  ..OOOOO.O....................
  7564.  ...O.O.......................
  7565.  ......OOO....................
  7566.  ......O......................
  7567.  ........OOO..................
  7568.  ........O....................
  7569.  ..........OOO................
  7570.  ..........O..................
  7571.  ............OOO..............
  7572.  ............O................
  7573.  ..............OOO............
  7574.  ..............O..............
  7575.  ...............OO......O.....
  7576.  .....................OOO.....
  7577.  ...............O.O..OO.......
  7578.  ..............OO....O........
  7579.  ...............OO.....O......
  7580.  ................OOOOOO.......
  7581.  .................O.O.........
  7582.  ....................OOOO.O...
  7583.  ....................O...OO...
  7584.  ......................OO.....
  7585.  ......................OOOO...
  7586.  .........................O...
  7587. |
  7588. |
  7589. |I did not find a front component for a single arm of the L components.  But
  7590. |I did find that the L component can be connected to the standard component
  7591. |that connects to the feet of many period 2 spaceships.  This is shown below,
  7592. |where the L arm is connected to the back foot of the wicktrailer on a base
  7593. |spaceship.
  7594. |
  7595. | [Period 2 spaceship with L arm component connection (speed c/2)]
  7596. [spaceship134]
  7597.  ............................O.....................
  7598.  .............O...........OOOO.....................
  7599.  ...........OO..........OOO.O......................
  7600.  ........OOOO.O........OO...O......................
  7601.  ........OO.......OO...O....OO.....................
  7602.  ......O...OO.O...OOOO.O.....OOO.O.................
  7603.  ......OOOO.O.O.O....OOOO......O.O.................
  7604.  ...O.O......OO.........O........OO................
  7605.  ..OOOOOO.OO.OO.OO..............OO.................
  7606.  .OO.....OO...O................O..O................
  7607.  OO....OO....O................O....................
  7608.  .OO....OOOO..................O....................
  7609.  .............................OOO..................
  7610.  .OO....OOOO...................O...................
  7611.  OO....OO....O.................OOOO................
  7612.  .OO.....OO...O...............O....O...............
  7613.  ..OOOOOO.OO.OO.OO.............O.O.................
  7614.  ...O.O......OO................O...O...............
  7615.  ......OOOO.O.O.O....O..........OOO................
  7616.  ......O...OO.O...OOOO...........O.................
  7617.  ........OO.......OO..............OOO..............
  7618.  ........OOOO.O....................O...............
  7619.  ...........OO......................OOO............
  7620.  .............O......................O.............
  7621.  .....................................OOO..........
  7622.  ......................................O...........
  7623.  .......................................O.......O..
  7624.  .......................................O....OO.O..
  7625.  ......................................OOO...O.....
  7626.  ......................................O.....O.....
  7627.  ......................................O...O.......
  7628.  .......................................O...OOO....
  7629.  ........................................OO........
  7630.  ...........................................OOOOO.O
  7631.  ............................................O....O
  7632.  .............................................OO...
  7633.  ..............................................O..O
  7634.  ...............................................O.O
  7635. |
  7636. |
  7637. |I found another very messy connection of the L component to the feet of
  7638. |period 2 spaceships.  This is illustrated below.  The almost-symmetrical
  7639. |component in the middle is interesting, for it appears that it might be
  7640. |made larger somehow.  But this has not been done yet.
  7641. |
  7642. | [Messy connection of L component with base period 2 spaceship (speed c/2)]
  7643. [spaceship135]
  7644.  .........................O
  7645.  ......................OOOO
  7646.  ......................OO..
  7647.  ....................O...OO
  7648.  ....................OOOO.O
  7649.  .................O.O......
  7650.  ................OOOOOO....
  7651.  ...............OO.....O...
  7652.  ..............OO....O.....
  7653.  ...............O.O..OO....
  7654.  .....................OOO..
  7655.  ...............OO......O..
  7656.  ..............O...........
  7657.  ..............OOO.........
  7658.  ............O.............
  7659.  ............OOO...........
  7660.  ..........O...............
  7661.  ..........OOO.............
  7662.  ........O.................
  7663.  ........OOO...............
  7664.  .......O..................
  7665.  ......OOO.O...............
  7666.  ......O...................
  7667.  ......OOOOO...............
  7668.  .............O.O..........
  7669.  ......O.O...O..O..........
  7670.  .....OO....OO.............
  7671.  ......OO..................
  7672.  .......OOOOOOOO...........
  7673.  ........O.O....O..........
  7674.  ..........OO.O............
  7675.  ..........O..O............
  7676.  ...............O..........
  7677.  ..........OOOOO...........
  7678.  .........OO...............
  7679.  ........OO..OOO...........
  7680.  .......OOO.O...O..........
  7681.  ........OO..OO............
  7682.  .........OO....O..........
  7683.  ..........OOOO.O..........
  7684.  ..............O...........
  7685.  ........OOOO.O.O..........
  7686.  .......OO...OO............
  7687.  ......OO..OO...O..........
  7688.  .....OOO..OOOO.O..........
  7689.  ......O......O.O..........
  7690.  .......O..................
  7691.  .......O..................
  7692.  ......OOO.................
  7693.  ......O...................
  7694.  ......O...................
  7695.  .......O..O...............
  7696.  ........OO................
  7697.  .........OO...............
  7698.  .......O.O................
  7699.  ....OOOO.O................
  7700.  ....OO....................
  7701.  ..O.......................
  7702.  ..OOOO....................
  7703.  .O........................
  7704.  OOO..O....................
  7705.  .OOO......................
  7706.  ..O.......................
  7707.  ...OOO.O..................
  7708.  ...O..OO..................
  7709.  ....OOO...................
  7710.  ......O...................
  7711.  ....O.....................
  7712.  ....O.O...................
  7713.  ...O......................
  7714.  ....O.O...................
  7715.  ....O.....................
  7716.  ......O...................
  7717.  ....OOO...................
  7718.  ...O..OO..................
  7719.  ...OOO.O..................
  7720.  ..O.......................
  7721.  .OOO......................
  7722.  OOO..O....................
  7723.  .O........................
  7724.  ..OOOO....................
  7725.  ..O.......................
  7726.  ....OO....................
  7727.  ....OOOO..................
  7728.  .......O..................
  7729. |
  7730. |
  7731. |I found another "barber pole" component for period 2 spaceships.  Like the
  7732. |previous barber pole component, this one appears the same in both phases,
  7733. |only shifted.  The effect is not as obvious in this example, however, since
  7734. |the component is so large.  The component can have feet attached to it at
  7735. |many places, as is shown below.
  7736. |
  7737. | [Period 2 spaceship with "barber pole" repeating component (speed c/2)]
  7738. [spaceship136]
  7739.  .................O...
  7740.  ..............OOOO...
  7741.  ..............OO.....
  7742.  ............O........
  7743.  ............OOOO.....
  7744.  ...........O.........
  7745.  ..........OOO..O.....
  7746.  ...........OOO.......
  7747.  ............O........
  7748.  .............OOO.O...
  7749.  .............O..OO...
  7750.  ..............OOO....
  7751.  ................O....
  7752.  ..............O......
  7753.  ..............O.O....
  7754.  .............O.......
  7755.  ..............O.O....
  7756.  ..............O......
  7757.  ................O....
  7758.  ..............OOO....
  7759.  .............O..OO...
  7760.  .............OOO.O...
  7761.  ............O........
  7762.  ...........OOO.......
  7763.  ..........OOO..O.....
  7764.  ...........O.........
  7765.  ............OOOO.....
  7766.  ............O........
  7767.  ..............OO.....
  7768.  ..............OOOO.O.
  7769.  .................O.O.
  7770.  ...................OO
  7771.  ..................OO.
  7772.  .................O..O
  7773.  ................O....
  7774.  ................O....
  7775.  ................O....
  7776.  .................OO..
  7777.  .....................
  7778.  .................O.O.
  7779.  ................OO..O
  7780.  ................O.O..
  7781.  ................OO...
  7782.  ................O....
  7783.  ...............OOO...
  7784.  ...............O..O..
  7785.  ..............O..O...
  7786.  ..............OO.....
  7787.  .....................
  7788.  ..............O.O....
  7789.  .............OO..O...
  7790.  .............O.O.....
  7791.  .............OO......
  7792.  .............O.......
  7793.  ............OOO......
  7794.  ............O..O.....
  7795.  ...........O..O......
  7796.  ...........OO........
  7797.  .....................
  7798.  ...........O.O.......
  7799.  ..........OO..O......
  7800.  ..........O.O...OO...
  7801.  ..........OO....OOOO.
  7802.  ..........O........O.
  7803.  .........OOO.........
  7804.  .........O..O........
  7805.  ........O..O.........
  7806.  ........OO...........
  7807.  .....................
  7808.  ........O.O..........
  7809.  .......OO..O.........
  7810.  .......O.O...........
  7811.  .......OO............
  7812.  .......O.............
  7813.  ......OOO............
  7814.  ......O..............
  7815.  ......O..............
  7816.  .......O..O..........
  7817.  ........OO...........
  7818.  .........OO..........
  7819.  .......O.O...........
  7820.  ....OOOO.O...........
  7821.  ....OO...............
  7822.  ..O..................
  7823.  ..OOOO...............
  7824.  .O...................
  7825.  OOO..O...............
  7826.  .OOO.................
  7827.  ..O..................
  7828.  ...OOO.O.............
  7829.  ...O..OO.............
  7830.  ....OOO..............
  7831.  ......O..............
  7832.  ....O................
  7833.  ....O.O..............
  7834.  ...O.................
  7835.  ....O.O..............
  7836.  ....O................
  7837.  ......O..............
  7838.  ....OOO..............
  7839.  ...O..OO.............
  7840.  ...OOO.O.............
  7841.  ..O..................
  7842.  .OOO.................
  7843.  OOO..O...............
  7844.  .O...................
  7845.  ..OOOO...............
  7846.  ..O..................
  7847.  ....OO...............
  7848.  ....OOOO.............
  7849.  .......O.............
  7850. |
  7851. |
  7852. |That was a summary of the new developments for period 2 spaceships.  Now I
  7853. |will move on to period 3 c/3 spaceships.  There are not many new results to
  7854. |report for period 3 spaceships.  All of these results were found by me.
  7855. |
  7856. |
  7857. |Ever since I found the period 9 tail to period 3 c/3 spaceships, I have wanted
  7858. |to turn that tail into a small component compatible with the rest of Dean
  7859. |Hickerson's period 3 grammar.  At the beginning of 1993, I finally succeeded.
  7860. |The resulting spaceship is shown below.
  7861. |
  7862. |[Period 9 tail connecting to period 3 components (speed c/3)]
  7863. [spaceship137]
  7864.  .......O......
  7865.  ......O.O.....
  7866.  ......O.O.....
  7867.  ......O.......
  7868.  .....OO.......
  7869.  .....O.O......
  7870.  ..............
  7871.  ....OOO.......
  7872.  ....OO........
  7873.  ..............
  7874.  ......OOO.....
  7875.  .....O.OO.....
  7876.  ....O.........
  7877.  ....O.........
  7878.  ...OOO........
  7879.  ..O...........
  7880.  ..O..O........
  7881.  ..O..OO.......
  7882.  .....O........
  7883.  ....OO........
  7884.  .....OO.......
  7885.  ..O.....O.....
  7886.  ..O..O.O......
  7887.  .O.O..O.......
  7888.  OOO...........
  7889.  ....OOO.O.....
  7890.  ...OOO..O.....
  7891.  .OO...........
  7892.  .OOO..........
  7893.  ..............
  7894.  .O.O..........
  7895.  .O.O..........
  7896.  .O..OO........
  7897.  ..O.OO........
  7898.  ..O...........
  7899.  ....O.........
  7900.  ..OOO.........
  7901.  ..OOO.........
  7902.  ......OO......
  7903.  ......OOO.....
  7904.  ..............
  7905.  ......OOO.....
  7906.  ...O..O.......
  7907.  ..O.O.O.......
  7908.  .O..O.O.O.....
  7909.  ..O...O.......
  7910.  ...OO.........
  7911.  ..OO...O......
  7912.  .OOOOO........
  7913.  .O...OOO......
  7914.  ...O..........
  7915.  ...OO.........
  7916.  ..............
  7917.  ..O..O........
  7918.  ..O..OO.......
  7919.  .OO...O.......
  7920.  .O....O.......
  7921.  .OO.OOO.......
  7922.  ..O...O.......
  7923.  ..OO...OO.....
  7924.  ...O.OOO.....O
  7925.  ....OO.O....OO
  7926.  ......O...O.O.
  7927.  ......OOOO..O.
  7928.  ............O.
  7929.  ............O.
  7930.  ............O.
  7931.  ......OOOO..O.
  7932.  ......O...O.O.
  7933.  ....OO.O....OO
  7934.  ...O.OOO.....O
  7935.  ..OO...OO.....
  7936.  ..O...O.......
  7937.  .OO.OOO.......
  7938.  .O....O.......
  7939.  .OO...O.......
  7940.  ..O..OO.......
  7941.  ..O..O........
  7942.  ..............
  7943.  ...OO.........
  7944.  ...O..........
  7945.  .O...OOO......
  7946.  .OOOOO........
  7947.  ..OO...O......
  7948.  ...OO.........
  7949.  ..O...O.......
  7950.  .O..O.O.O.....
  7951.  ..O.O.O.......
  7952.  ...O..O.......
  7953.  ......OOO.....
  7954.  ..............
  7955.  ......OOO.....
  7956.  ......OO......
  7957.  ..OOO.........
  7958.  ..OOO.........
  7959.  ....O.........
  7960.  ..O...........
  7961.  ..O.OO........
  7962.  .O..OO........
  7963.  .O.O..........
  7964.  .O.O..........
  7965.  ..............
  7966.  .OOO..........
  7967.  .OO...........
  7968.  ...OOO..O.....
  7969.  ....OOO.O.....
  7970.  OOO...........
  7971.  .O.O..O.......
  7972.  ..O..O.O......
  7973.  ..O.....O.....
  7974.  .....OO.......
  7975.  ....OO........
  7976.  .....O........
  7977.  ..O..OO.......
  7978.  ..O..O........
  7979.  ..O...........
  7980.  ...OOO........
  7981.  ....O.........
  7982.  ....O.........
  7983.  .....O.OO.....
  7984.  ......OOO.....
  7985.  ..............
  7986.  ....OO........
  7987.  ....OOO.......
  7988.  ..............
  7989.  .....O.O......
  7990.  .....OO.......
  7991.  ......O.......
  7992.  ......O.O.....
  7993.  ......O.O.....
  7994.  .......O......
  7995. |
  7996. |
  7997. |This is a large solution to the problem, however.  It only connects to Dean's
  7998. |grammar at about 13 cells from either end.  The rest of it is made up of
  7999. |new components.
  8000. |
  8001. |I then looked for a smaller solution.  The following shows two things.
  8002. |Firstly, a shorter arm is demonstrated which connects to the p9 component.
  8003. |This is seen at the top and bottom.  The component has the same two-bit
  8004. |spark as is produced by Dean's "turtle" spaceship.  Secondly, between two
  8005. |copies of the period 9 component is a large symmetrical component.  Using
  8006. |this you can make a wide spaceship with as many period 9 components in it
  8007. |as you want.
  8008. |
  8009. |[Period 3 spaceship with several period 9 components (speed c/3)]
  8010. [spaceship138]
  8011.  ...O.........
  8012.  ..O.O........
  8013.  .OO..........
  8014.  ...O.........
  8015.  .OO..........
  8016.  .OOO.........
  8017.  .............
  8018.  ..O.O........
  8019.  ..OOO........
  8020.  .............
  8021.  .....OOO.....
  8022.  .....OOO.....
  8023.  .............
  8024.  ....OO.......
  8025.  ....OO.......
  8026.  ......O......
  8027.  .............
  8028.  ...OOO.......
  8029.  ...O.OO......
  8030.  ......O......
  8031.  ..OOO.O......
  8032.  .O....O......
  8033.  .OO.OOO......
  8034.  OO.O..O......
  8035.  ....OO.......
  8036.  .O..OO.......
  8037.  .O..O........
  8038.  .O.OO........
  8039.  ..O.OO.O.....
  8040.  .....O.O.....
  8041.  .............
  8042.  .....OO......
  8043.  ....O..O.....
  8044.  ...OOO.......
  8045.  .......O.....
  8046.  ......O......
  8047.  ..O..........
  8048.  .OO.O........
  8049.  .O..OO.......
  8050.  OO...O.......
  8051.  O....O.......
  8052.  OO.OOO.......
  8053.  .O...O.......
  8054.  .OO...OO.....
  8055.  ..O.OOO.....O
  8056.  ...OO.O....OO
  8057.  .....O...O.O.
  8058.  .....OOOO..O.
  8059.  ...........O.
  8060.  ...........O.
  8061.  ...........O.
  8062.  .....OOOO..O.
  8063.  .....O...O.O.
  8064.  ...OO.O....OO
  8065.  ..O.OOO.....O
  8066.  .OO...OO.....
  8067.  .O...O.......
  8068.  OO.OOO.......
  8069.  O....O.......
  8070.  OO...O.......
  8071.  .O..OO.......
  8072.  .OO.O........
  8073.  ..O..........
  8074.  ......O......
  8075.  .......O.....
  8076.  ...OOO.......
  8077.  ....O..O.....
  8078.  .....OO......
  8079.  .............
  8080.  .....O.O.....
  8081.  ..O.OO.O.....
  8082.  .O.OO........
  8083.  .O..O........
  8084.  .O..OO.......
  8085.  ...OO........
  8086.  OO..OO.......
  8087.  .OO..........
  8088.  ..OOOO.......
  8089.  ......O......
  8090.  ..OOO........
  8091.  OO....O......
  8092.  OO..O.O......
  8093.  O..O.........
  8094.  OO.OOO.......
  8095.  ....OO.......
  8096.  ..O...OO.....
  8097.  ..O.OOOO.....
  8098.  ..O..........
  8099.  ...O.........
  8100.  ....OOO......
  8101.  ...OO.O......
  8102.  ..O..........
  8103.  .O..O........
  8104.  ..O.OOO......
  8105.  .............
  8106.  ..OOO........
  8107.  ...OOO.O.....
  8108.  .....O.......
  8109.  .....O.......
  8110.  .....OO......
  8111.  .............
  8112.  .....OO......
  8113.  .....O.......
  8114.  .....O.......
  8115.  ...OOO.O.....
  8116.  ..OOO........
  8117.  .............
  8118.  ..O.OOO......
  8119.  .O..O........
  8120.  ..O..........
  8121.  ...OO.O......
  8122.  ....OOO......
  8123.  ...O.........
  8124.  ..O..........
  8125.  ..O.OOOO.....
  8126.  ..O...OO.....
  8127.  ....OO.......
  8128.  OO.OOO.......
  8129.  O..O.........
  8130.  OO..O.O......
  8131.  OO....O......
  8132.  ..OOO........
  8133.  ......O......
  8134.  ..OOOO.......
  8135.  .OO..........
  8136.  OO..OO.......
  8137.  ...OO........
  8138.  .O..OO.......
  8139.  .O..O........
  8140.  .O.OO........
  8141.  ..O.OO.O.....
  8142.  .....O.O.....
  8143.  .............
  8144.  .....OO......
  8145.  ....O..O.....
  8146.  ...OOO.......
  8147.  .......O.....
  8148.  ......O......
  8149.  ..O..........
  8150.  .OO.O........
  8151.  .O..OO.......
  8152.  OO...O.......
  8153.  O....O.......
  8154.  OO.OOO.......
  8155.  .O...O.......
  8156.  .OO...OO.....
  8157.  ..O.OOO.....O
  8158.  ...OO.O....OO
  8159.  .....O...O.O.
  8160.  .....OOOO..O.
  8161.  ...........O.
  8162.  ...........O.
  8163.  ...........O.
  8164.  .....OOOO..O.
  8165.  .....O...O.O.
  8166.  ...OO.O....OO
  8167.  ..O.OOO.....O
  8168.  .OO...OO.....
  8169.  .O...O.......
  8170.  OO.OOO.......
  8171.  O....O.......
  8172.  OO...O.......
  8173.  .O..OO.......
  8174.  .OO.O........
  8175.  ..O..........
  8176.  ......O......
  8177.  .......O.....
  8178.  ...OOO.......
  8179.  ....O..O.....
  8180.  .....OO......
  8181.  .............
  8182.  .....O.O.....
  8183.  ..O.OO.O.....
  8184.  .O.OO........
  8185.  .O..O........
  8186.  .O..OO.......
  8187.  ....OO.......
  8188.  OO.O..O......
  8189.  .OO.OOO......
  8190.  .O....O......
  8191.  ..OOO.O......
  8192.  ......O......
  8193.  ...O.OO......
  8194.  ...OOO.......
  8195.  .............
  8196.  ......O......
  8197.  ....OO.......
  8198.  ....OO.......
  8199.  .............
  8200.  .....OOO.....
  8201.  .....OOO.....
  8202.  .............
  8203.  ..OOO........
  8204.  ..O.O........
  8205.  .............
  8206.  .OOO.........
  8207.  .OO..........
  8208.  ...O.........
  8209.  .OO..........
  8210.  ..O.O........
  8211.  ...O.........
  8212. |
  8213. |
  8214. |The structure of the middle 3 rows in the above spaceship intrigued me, and
  8215. |I then looked for more components that joined in that same manner.  The
  8216. |following shows the results.  At the top is the smallest terminating
  8217. |component that contains that connection (about 20 rows).  Below that is
  8218. |a symmetrical component which includes a middle piece which is also in
  8219. |some period 2 spaceships, but which here acts as period 3 (about 26 rows).
  8220. |Below that is another symmetrical component (about 40 rows).  And at the
  8221. |bottom is another copy of the termination component.
  8222. |
  8223. | [Period 3 spaceship with components connected in common manner (speed c/3)]
  8224. [spaceship139]
  8225.  ....O..
  8226.  ...O.O.
  8227.  ..OO...
  8228.  ...O...
  8229.  ..O.O..
  8230.  ..O....
  8231.  .O.....
  8232.  .O.O...
  8233.  .O.O...
  8234.  ..OOOO.
  8235.  ....O.O
  8236.  ....O.O
  8237.  ...O...
  8238.  ...OOO.
  8239.  .O.....
  8240.  .OOO...
  8241.  ..OOO.O
  8242.  ....O..
  8243.  ....O..
  8244.  ....OO.
  8245.  .......
  8246.  ....OO.
  8247.  ....O..
  8248.  ....O..
  8249.  ..OOO.O
  8250.  .OOO...
  8251.  .......
  8252.  .O.OOO.
  8253.  O..O...
  8254.  .O.O...
  8255.  ..O..OO
  8256.  .....OO
  8257.  ....OO.
  8258.  ...O.O.
  8259.  ..O....
  8260.  ...O.O.
  8261.  ....OO.
  8262.  .....OO
  8263.  ..O..OO
  8264.  .O.O...
  8265.  O..O...
  8266.  .O.OOO.
  8267.  .......
  8268.  .OOO...
  8269.  ..OOO.O
  8270.  ....O..
  8271.  ....O..
  8272.  ....OO.
  8273.  .......
  8274.  ....OO.
  8275.  ....O..
  8276.  ....O..
  8277.  ..OOO.O
  8278.  .OOO...
  8279.  .......
  8280.  .O.OOO.
  8281.  O..O...
  8282.  .O.O...
  8283.  ..O..OO
  8284.  .....OO
  8285.  ....OO.
  8286.  ...O.O.
  8287.  ...O...
  8288.  ..O..O.
  8289.  ..OOO.O
  8290.  .O..O..
  8291.  ..OOOOO
  8292.  ..O..O.
  8293.  ...OOOO
  8294.  .OO....
  8295.  ...OOOO
  8296.  ..O..O.
  8297.  ..OOOOO
  8298.  .O..O..
  8299.  ..OOO.O
  8300.  ..O..O.
  8301.  ...O...
  8302.  ...O.O.
  8303.  ....OO.
  8304.  .....OO
  8305.  ..O..OO
  8306.  .O.O...
  8307.  O..O...
  8308.  .O.OOO.
  8309.  .......
  8310.  .OOO...
  8311.  ..OOO.O
  8312.  ....O..
  8313.  ....O..
  8314.  ....OO.
  8315.  .......
  8316.  ....OO.
  8317.  ....O..
  8318.  ....O..
  8319.  ..OOO.O
  8320.  .OOO...
  8321.  .O.....
  8322.  ...OOO.
  8323.  ...O...
  8324.  ....O.O
  8325.  ....O.O
  8326.  ..OOOO.
  8327.  .O.O...
  8328.  .O.O...
  8329.  .O.....
  8330.  ..O....
  8331.  ..O.O..
  8332.  ...O...
  8333.  ..OO...
  8334.  ...O.O.
  8335.  ....O..
  8336. |
  8337. |
  8338. |A few months ago Hartmut Holzwart did a little searching for cylindrical
  8339. |components for period 3 spaceships.  He found an interesting partial result,
  8340. |but could not finish it.  Recently I looked at it and found a way to tame it.
  8341. |
  8342. |Here is the finished object.  It is a dense c/3 spaceship, which can be made
  8343. |as wide and as long as desired.  Hartmut had found both of the repeatable
  8344. |components in the center.  The thin stabilizing pieces on the sides of the
  8345. |front are just the terminating component of the spaceship shown above.
  8346. |At least one column of the repeating tagalongs is required to stabilize
  8347. |the front of the spaceship.  So here is a case where the first column of
  8348. |tagalongs aren't really tagalongs, but extra copies of the same component
  8349. |are!
  8350. |
  8351. | [Dense period 3 spaceship (speed c/3)]
  8352. [spaceship140]
  8353.  ....O ..............................................................
  8354.  ...O.O..............................................................
  8355.  ..OO................................................................
  8356.  ...O................................................................
  8357.  ..O.O...............................................................
  8358.  ..O.................................................................
  8359.  .O..................................................................
  8360.  .O.O................................................................
  8361.  .O.O................................................................
  8362.  ..OOOO..............................................................
  8363.  ....O.O.............................................................
  8364.  ....O.O.............................................................
  8365.  ...O................................................................
  8366.  ...OOO..............................................................
  8367.  .O..................................................................
  8368.  .OOO................................................................
  8369.  ..OOO.O.............................................................
  8370.  ....O...............................................................
  8371.  ....O...............................................................
  8372.  ....OO..............................................................
  8373.  ....................................................................
  8374.  ....OO.....OO.O.O.O....OO.O.O.O....OO.O.O.O....OO.O.O.O....OO.O.O.O.
  8375.  ....O..O..O...O..OO...O...O..OO...O...O..OO...O...O..OO...O...O..OO.
  8376.  ....O.OO.O.....O.....O.....O.....O.....O.....O.....O.....O.....O....
  8377.  .....OOO..O......O.O..O......O.O..O......O.O..O......O.O..O......O.O
  8378.  .....OO.....OO..OO.O....OO..OO.O....OO..OO.O....OO..OO.O....OO..OO.O
  8379.  .......O...O...O.......O...O.......O...O.......O...O.......O...O....
  8380.  .....OO....O.OOO...O...O.OOO...O...O.OOO...O...O.OOO...O...O.OOO...O
  8381.  ......O.O..O...........O...........O...........O...........O........
  8383.  ....................................................................
  8385.  ......O.O..O...........O...........O...........O...........O........
  8386.  .....OO....O.OOO...O...O.OOO...O...O.OOO...O...O.OOO...O...O.OOO...O
  8387.  .......O...O...O.......O...O.......O...O.......O...O.......O...O....
  8388.  .....OO.....OO..OO.O....OO..OO.O....OO..OO.O....OO..OO.O....OO..OO.O
  8389.  .....OOO..O......O.O..O......O.O..O......O.O..O......O.O..O......O.O
  8390.  ....O.OO.O.....O.....O.....O.....O.....O.....O.....O.....O.....O....
  8391.  ....O..O..O...O..OO...O...O..OO...O...O..OO...O...O..OO...O...O..OO.
  8392.  ....OO.....OO.O.O.O....OO.O.O.O....OO.O.O.O....OO.O.O.O....OO.O.O.O.
  8393.  ....................................................................
  8394.  ....OO.....OO.O.O.O....OO.O.O.O....OO.O.O.O....OO.O.O.O....OO.O.O.O.
  8395.  ....O..O..O...O..OO...O...O..OO...O...O..OO...O...O..OO...O...O..OO.
  8396.  ....O.OO.O.....O.....O.....O.....O.....O.....O.....O.....O.....O....
  8397.  .....OOO..O......O.O..O......O.O..O......O.O..O......O.O..O......O.O
  8398.  .....OO.....OO..OO.O....OO..OO.O....OO..OO.O....OO..OO.O....OO..OO.O
  8399.  .......O...O...O.......O...O.......O...O.......O...O.......O...O....
  8400.  .....OO....O.OOO...O...O.OOO...O...O.OOO...O...O.OOO...O...O.OOO...O
  8401.  ......O.O..O...........O...........O...........O...........O........
  8403.  ....................................................................
  8405.  ......O.O..O...........O...........O...........O...........O........
  8406.  .....OO....O.OOO...O...O.OOO...O...O.OOO...O...O.OOO...O...O.OOO...O
  8407.  .......O...O...O.......O...O.......O...O.......O...O.......O...O....
  8408.  .....OO.....OO..OO.O....OO..OO.O....OO..OO.O....OO..OO.O....OO..OO.O
  8409.  .....OOO..O......O.O..O......O.O..O......O.O..O......O.O..O......O.O
  8410.  ....O.OO.O.....O.....O.....O.....O.....O.....O.....O.....O.....O....
  8411.  ....O..O..O...O..OO...O...O..OO...O...O..OO...O...O..OO...O...O..OO.
  8412.  ....OO.....OO.O.O.O....OO.O.O.O....OO.O.O.O....OO.O.O.O....OO.O.O.O.
  8413.  ....................................................................
  8414.  ....OO.....OO.O.O.O....OO.O.O.O....OO.O.O.O....OO.O.O.O....OO.O.O.O.
  8415.  ....O..O..O...O..OO...O...O..OO...O...O..OO...O...O..OO...O...O..OO.
  8416.  ....O.OO.O.....O.....O.....O.....O.....O.....O.....O.....O.....O....
  8417.  .....OOO..O......O.O..O......O.O..O......O.O..O......O.O..O......O.O
  8418.  .....OO.....OO..OO.O....OO..OO.O....OO..OO.O....OO..OO.O....OO..OO.O
  8419.  .......O...O...O.......O...O.......O...O.......O...O.......O...O....
  8420.  .....OO....O.OOO...O...O.OOO...O...O.OOO...O...O.OOO...O...O.OOO...O
  8421.  ......O.O..O...........O...........O...........O...........O........
  8423.  ....................................................................
  8425.  ......O.O..O...........O...........O...........O...........O........
  8426.  .....OO....O.OOO...O...O.OOO...O...O.OOO...O...O.OOO...O...O.OOO...O
  8427.  .......O...O...O.......O...O.......O...O.......O...O.......O...O....
  8428.  .....OO.....OO..OO.O....OO..OO.O....OO..OO.O....OO..OO.O....OO..OO.O
  8429.  .....OOO..O......O.O..O......O.O..O......O.O..O......O.O..O......O.O
  8430.  ....O.OO.O.....O.....O.....O.....O.....O.....O.....O.....O.....O....
  8431.  ....O..O..O...O..OO...O...O..OO...O...O..OO...O...O..OO...O...O..OO.
  8432.  ....OO.....OO.O.O.O....OO.O.O.O....OO.O.O.O....OO.O.O.O....OO.O.O.O.
  8433.  ....................................................................
  8434.  ....OO..............................................................
  8435.  ....O...............................................................
  8436.  ....O...............................................................
  8437.  ..OOO.O.............................................................
  8438.  .OOO................................................................
  8439.  .O..................................................................
  8440.  ...OOO..............................................................
  8441.  ...O................................................................
  8442.  ....O.O.............................................................
  8443.  ....O.O.............................................................
  8444.  ..OOOO..............................................................
  8445.  .O.O................................................................
  8446.  .O.O................................................................
  8447.  .O..................................................................
  8448.  ..O.................................................................
  8449.  ..O.O...............................................................
  8450.  ...O................................................................
  8451.  ..OO................................................................
  8452.  ...O.O..............................................................
  8453.  ....O...............................................................
  8454. |
  8455. |
  8456. |The rows containing long strings of ON cells can be slid with respect to
  8457. |each other left or right by 2 cells, and the spaceship will still work.
  8458. |
  8459. |I searched for a way to tame one copy of the front component of the above
  8460. |spaceship, without needing the required tagalong.  This is shown below.
  8461. |
  8462. | [Period 3 spaceship with required tail (speed c/3)]
  8463. [spaceship141]
  8464.  ....O....................................
  8465.  ...O.O...................................
  8466.  ...O.O...................................
  8467.  ...O.....................................
  8468.  ..OO.....................................
  8469.  ..O.O....................................
  8470.  .........................................
  8471.  .OOO.....................................
  8472.  .OOO.....................................
  8473.  .........................................
  8474.  ....OOO..................................
  8475.  ....OO...................................
  8476.  .........................................
  8477.  ...OOO...................................
  8478.  ..O..O...................................
  8479.  .OOO.OO..................................
  8480.  ....OOO..................................
  8481.  .........................................
  8482.  ....O....................................
  8483.  ....OOO.....O............................
  8484.  ...........O..O..........O...............
  8485.  ....OOO...OO...O..OO....OO...............
  8486.  ....O.....OO...O..OO..OOOOO.OOO.......O.O
  8487.  .....OO.OO........OO.O........O.O...O..O.
  8488.  .....OO....O..O.OOOO.O.O..OO....O.O.O..OO
  8489.  ...........O..OO......O....O..OOO........
  8490.  ......O.....OO.O............O............
  8491.  ......O.O................................
  8492.  ......O.O................................
  8493.  .......O.................................
  8494. |
  8495. |
  8496. |The last 19 columns of this spaceship are the same as the back component
  8497. |of the weaving wicktrailer shown in article 3 that connects to the "turtle"
  8498. |spaceship.  So the tail of this spaceship can be made arbitrarily long by
  8499. |inserting more components of that wicktrailer before the end.
  8500. |
  8501. |Unfortunately, the completion crosses the line between the two rows of 3
  8502. |cells at the front.  So the bottom part of this spaceship cannot be used to
  8503. |terminate itself symmetrically, or be placed at the edges of the dense c/3
  8504. |spaceship.  But if an extension component from one of the previously shown
  8505. |spaceships is inserted between the two rows of 3 cells, then there is room
  8506. |to do these things.  For example:
  8507. |
  8508. | [Period 3 spaceship with parts connected by extension component (speed c/3)]
  8509. [spaceship142]
  8510.  ........O.................................
  8511.  .......O.O................................
  8512.  ......OO..................................
  8513.  ........O....OO.O...............O.........
  8514.  ......OO....O.....OO...O...OOO..OOO.......
  8515.  ......OOO..O...O.OO.O.O....OO..O.O..O...OO
  8516.  .....O.OO.O.O...OO....O......O.O..O.O.OO..
  8517.  .....O..O...O.....O....OO..O..OOO.......O.
  8518.  .....OO......O.OO..OO.........O...........
  8519.  ...........OOO...........OO...............
  8520.  .....OO...................................
  8521.  .....O....................................
  8522.  .....O....................................
  8523.  ...OOO.O..................................
  8524.  ..OOO.....................................
  8525.  ..........................................
  8526.  ..O.OOO...................................
  8527.  .O..O.....................................
  8528.  ..O.O.....................................
  8529.  ...O..OO..................................
  8530.  ......OO..................................
  8531.  .....OO...................................
  8532.  ....O.O...................................
  8533.  ...O......................................
  8534.  ....O.O...................................
  8535.  .....OO...................................
  8536.  ......OO..................................
  8537.  ...O..OO..................................
  8538.  ..O.O.....................................
  8539.  .O..O.....................................
  8540.  ..O.OOO...................................
  8541.  ..........................................
  8542.  ..OOO.....................................
  8543.  ...OOO.O..................................
  8544.  .....O....................................
  8545.  .....O....................................
  8546.  .....OO...................................
  8547.  ...........OOO...........OO...............
  8548.  .....OO......O.OO..OO.........O...........
  8549.  .....O..O...O.....O....OO..O..OOO.......O.
  8550.  .....O.OO.O.O...OO....O......O.O..O.O.OO..
  8551.  ......OOO..O...O.OO.O.O....OO..O.O..O...OO
  8552.  ......OO....O.....OO...O...OOO..OOO.......
  8553.  ........O....OO.O...............O.........
  8554.  ......OO..................................
  8555.  .......O.O................................
  8556.  ........O.................................
  8557. |
  8558. |
  8559. |That ends the summary of new results for period 3 c/3 spaceships.  Now I
  8560. |will go on to period 4 spaceship results.  Firstly, I will give the new
  8561. |results for the slow period 4 spaceships which travel at c/4.
  8562. |
  8563. |In September 1992 Hartmut Holzwart found a c/4 spaceship with a new type of
  8564. |front end.  This is shown below.
  8565. |
  8566. | [Spaceship with required tagalong (speed c/4)]
  8567. [spaceship143]
  8568.  .O..OO............O.....OO..............
  8569.  O..O....O.....O..O.O....OO..............
  8570.  .O.....OO....O.OOO...O..OO..OO..........
  8571.  ..OO....O.O....O......OO...OO.OO.O......
  8572.  ..O........OO...O.O.....O..OOOOO........
  8573.  .OO.O....O.......O...OOOO..O..OOOOOO....
  8574.  ..O.O........O...O......O..OO....O.O..OO
  8575.  ...O.O....OOOOOO.OO..................O..
  8576.  ........................................
  8577.  ...O.O....OOOOOO.OO..................O..
  8578.  ..O.O........O...O......O..OO....O.O..OO
  8579.  .OO.O....O.......O...OOOO..O..OOOOOO....
  8580.  ..O........OO...O.O.....O..OOOOO........
  8581.  ..OO....O.O....O......OO...OO.OO.O......
  8582.  .O.....OO....O.OOO...O..OO..OO..........
  8583.  O..O....O.....O..O.O....OO..............
  8584.  .O..OO............O.....OO..............
  8585. |
  8586. |
  8587. |The last 20 columns of this spaceship are very similar to a tagalong that
  8588. |appeared in a previously known spaceship.  The difference in the tagalongs
  8589. |is in the spacing between the halves, and the position of the cells in the
  8590. |last 3 columns.  In the spaceship shown here, this isn't a tagalong since
  8591. |the spaceship requires the tagalong to survive.
  8592. |
  8593. |The last 3 columns of the tagalong shown above can be reversed and the
  8594. |tagalong will still work.  This same rearrangement works on several other
  8595. |tagalongs that have the same end.  The rearrangement is shown below.
  8596. |
  8597. | [Possible rearrangement of last few columns of above spaceship]
  8598.  O.O......
  8599.  O.....O..
  8600.  OOOOO..OO
  8601.  ..O.O....
  8602.  .........
  8603.  .........
  8604.  .........
  8605.  ..O.O....
  8606.  OOOOO..OO
  8607.  O.....O..
  8608.  O.O......
  8609. |
  8610. |
  8611. |Hartmut later found a second known tagalong that also can be used to support
  8612. |the new front end.  This is shown below.
  8613. |
  8614. | [Spaceship with alternative required tagalong (speed c/4)]
  8615. [spaceship144]
  8616.  .O..OO............O............O.
  8617.  O..O....O.....O..O.O...OO..O.OOOO
  8618.  .O.....OO....O.OOO....O..OO.....O
  8619.  ..OO....O.O....O......O.OO......O
  8620.  ..O........OO...O.O..........OOOO
  8621.  .OO.O....O.......O....OO.O.....O.
  8622.  ..O.O........O...O...OO..........
  8623.  ...O.O....OOOOOO.OO....OOOO......
  8624.  .................................
  8625.  ...O.O....OOOOOO.OO....OOOO......
  8626.  ..O.O........O...O...OO..........
  8627.  .OO.O....O.......O....OO.O.....O.
  8628.  ..O........OO...O.O..........OOOO
  8629.  ..OO....O.O....O......O.OO......O
  8630.  .O.....OO....O.OOO....O..OO.....O
  8631.  O..O....O.....O..O.O...OO..O.OOOO
  8632.  .O..OO............O............O.
  8633. |
  8634. |
  8635. |Hartmut also found some new tagalongs for previously known c/4 front ends.
  8636. |Several of these are shown below.
  8637. |
  8638. | [Several different front ends for old period 4 spaceship (speed c/4)]
  8639. [spaceship145]
  8640.  ...........O......................O................
  8641.  .........O..OO...OO.....OO.......OOOO..........OOO.
  8642.  .......OOO......OOOO...O........OO.O...............
  8643.  .O..O...O.......O...O.OO...O.O.........OO...OO..OO.
  8644.  .O..O.O.OO......OOOO..OO...OO...O.....OO.O.O.OOOO..
  8645.  OO........O.OO..O..O...O.....O.............O.O.....
  8646.  .O.OO.OOOO.OO.O..OO.....OO....OO......OO....OOO..O.
  8647.  .O..........OO........................O....O.OO.O.O
  8648.  .O.OO.OOOO.OO.O..OO.....OO....OO......OO....OOO..O.
  8649.  OO........O.OO..O..O...O.....O.............O.O.....
  8650.  .O..O.O.OO......OOOO..OO...OO...O.....OO.O.O.OOOO..
  8651.  .O..O...O.......O...O.OO...O.O.........OO...OO..OO.
  8652.  .......OOO......OOOO...O........OO.O...............
  8653.  .........O..OO...OO.....OO.......OOOO..........OOO.
  8654.  ...........O......................O................
  8655. |
  8656. |
  8657. |
  8658. [spaceship146]
  8659.  .........O..OO...OO.....OO.......OOOO..........OOO.
  8660.  .......OOO......OOOO...O........OO.O...............
  8661.  .O..O...O.......O...O.OO...O.O.........OO...OO..OO.
  8662.  .O..O.O.OO......OOOO..OO...OO...O.....OO.O.O.OOOO..
  8663.  OO........O.OO..O..O...O.....O.............O.O.....
  8664.  .O.OO.OOOO.OO.O..OO.....OO....OO......OO....OOO..O.
  8665.  .O..........OO........................O....O.OO.O.O
  8666.  .O.OO.OOOO.OO.O..OO.....OO....OO......OO....OOO..O.
  8667.  OO........O.OO..O..O...O.....O.............O.O.....
  8668.  .O..O.O.OO......OOOO..OO...OO...O.....OO.O.O.OOOO..
  8669.  .O..O...O.......O...O.OO...O.O.........OO...OO..OO.
  8670.  .......OOO......OOOO...O........OO.O...............
  8671.  .........O..OO...OO.....OO.......OOOO..........OOO.
  8672.  ...........O......................O................
  8673. |
  8674. |
  8675. |
  8676. [spaceship147]
  8677.  ...........O.............................O............
  8678.  .........O..OO...OO.....OO..........OO..O.O...........
  8679.  .......OOO......OOOO...O.......O.O.OOOO.OOOO..........
  8680.  .O..O...O.......O...O.OO...O.OOO....OO.OO..OOO....O.O.
  8681.  .O..O.O.OO......OOOO..OO...OO.O.......O........O.OO..O
  8682.  OO........O.OO..O..O...O.....O..........O.....OOO....O
  8683.  .O.OO.OOOO.OO.O..OO.....OO............OO......OO......
  8684.  .O..........OO.......................O................
  8685.  .O.OO.OOOO.OO.O..OO.....OO............OO......OO......
  8686.  OO........O.OO..O..O...O.....O..........O.....OOO....O
  8687.  .O..O.O.OO......OOOO..OO...OO.O.......O........O.OO..O
  8688.  .O..O...O.......O...O.OO...O.OOO....OO.OO..OOO....O.O.
  8689.  .......OOO......OOOO...O.......O.O.OOOO.OOOO..........
  8690.  .........O..OO...OO.....OO..........OO..O.O...........
  8691.  ...........O.............................O............
  8692. |
  8693. |
  8694. |
  8695. [spaceship148]
  8696.  ...........O.............................O........
  8697.  .........O..OO...OO.....OO..........OO..O.O.......
  8698.  .......OOO......OOOO...O.......O.O.OOOO.OOOO......
  8699.  .O..O...O.......O...O.OO...O.OOO....OO.OO..OOO....
  8700.  .O..O.O.OO......OOOO..OO...OO.O.......O........OOO
  8701.  OO........O.OO..O..O...O.....O..........O.....OO.O
  8702.  .O.OO.OOOO.OO.O..OO.....OO............OO......OOO.
  8703.  .O..........OO.......................O............
  8704.  .O.OO.OOOO.OO.O..OO.....OO............OO......OOO.
  8705.  OO........O.OO..O..O...O.....O..........O.....OO.O
  8706.  .O..O.O.OO......OOOO..OO...OO.O.......O........OOO
  8707.  .O..O...O.......O...O.OO...O.OOO....OO.OO..OOO....
  8708.  .......OOO......OOOO...O.......O.O.OOOO.OOOO......
  8709.  .........O..OO...OO.....OO..........OO..O.O.......
  8710.  ...........O.............................O........
  8711. |
  8712. |
  8713. |The last 16 columns of this spaceship are the same as the back of a spaceship
  8714. |that was shown near the end of article 4.  But here the back end connects to
  8715. |the rest of the spaceship in a different way.
  8716. |
  8717. [spaceship149]
  8718.  ...........O..............................O............
  8719.  .........O..OO...OO.....OO..........OO..OO.............
  8720.  .......OOO......OOOO...O.......O.O.OOOOO..O............
  8721.  .O..O...O.......O...O.OO...O.OOO....OOOOO.O..OOO.O.O...
  8722.  .O..O.O.OO......OOOO..OO...OO.O.........O.OO..OOOO...O.
  8723.  OO........O.OO..O..O...O.....O...........OO...........O
  8724.  .O.OO.OOOO.OO.O..OO.....OO................OOOOOOOOOOO.O
  8725.  .O..........OO.........................................
  8726.  .O.OO.OOOO.OO.O..OO.....OO................OOOOOOOOOOO.O
  8727.  OO........O.OO..O..O...O.....O...........OO...........O
  8728.  .O..O.O.OO......OOOO..OO...OO.O.........O.OO..OOOO...O.
  8729.  .O..O...O.......O...O.OO...O.OOO....OOOOO.O..OOO.O.O...
  8730.  .......OOO......OOOO...O.......O.O.OOOOO..O............
  8731.  .........O..OO...OO.....OO..........OO..OO.............
  8732.  ...........O..............................O............
  8733. |
  8734. |
  8735. |All of the base slow spaceships shown so far have had odd symmetry.  In
  8736. |October 1992, Hartmut Holzwart found the first base c/4 spaceship that had
  8737. |even symmetry.  This is shown below.
  8738. |
  8739. | [First slow period 4 spaceship with even symmetry (speed c/4)]
  8740. [spaceship150]
  8741.  ............................
  8742.  ..........O...OO.OO.........
  8743.  ........OOO........O........
  8744.  ..O...OO.O..O.OO............
  8745.  OO...OOO..OOOO..O...O..OOO..
  8746.  ..O...OOO...O...O...OOO...OO
  8747.  ..........OO....OOO...O...OO
  8748.  ......OO.OO....O.....OO.O...
  8749.  ......OO.OO....O.....OO.O...
  8750.  ..........OO....OOO...O...OO
  8751.  ..O...OOO...O...O...OOO...OO
  8752.  OO...OOO..OOOO..O...O..OOO..
  8753.  ..O...OO.O..O.OO............
  8754.  ........OOO........O........
  8755.  ..........O...OO.OO.........
  8756. |
  8757. |
  8758. |Hartmut has found several other c/4 spaceships with even symmetry.  They
  8759. |show a range of separations between the front pair of traffic lights
  8760. |predecessors.  These spaceships are shown below.
  8761. |
  8762. | [Other slow period 4 spaceships with even symmetry (speed c/4)]
  8763. [spaceship151]
  8764.  ..................O....
  8765.  ..O.OO.........OO..O...
  8766.  OO...O.........OO.O....
  8767.  ..O.O..........OOOO....
  8768.  ......OOO..OOOOO.......
  8769.  ......OO..O.O.O.O...OO.
  8770.  ........OOOOO.O.O...O.O
  8771.  .........OO...OOOO..O.O
  8772.  ..........O.O.O.OOO.O..
  8773.  ..........O.O.O.OOO.O..
  8774.  .........OO...OOOO..O.O
  8775.  ........OOOOO.O.O...O.O
  8776.  ......OO..O.O.O.O...OO.
  8777.  ......OOO..OOOOO.......
  8778.  ..O.O..........OOOO....
  8779.  OO...O.........OO.O....
  8780.  ..O.OO.........OO..O...
  8781.  ..................O....
  8782. |
  8783. [spaceship152]
  8784.  ...........O......OO...
  8785.  ...........OO.OO..OOO.O
  8786.  ...........O....O...O.O
  8787.  ..............OO..OOO.O
  8788.  ..O...OOO.........OO...
  8789.  OO...OOO..O.O..........
  8790.  ..O...OOOOOO.O.........
  8791.  .............O.........
  8792.  ......OO...............
  8793.  ......OO...............
  8794.  .............O.........
  8795.  ..O...OOOOOO.O.........
  8796.  OO...OOO..O.O..........
  8797.  ..O...OOO.........OO...
  8798.  ..............OO..OOO.O
  8799.  ...........O....O...O.O
  8800.  ...........OO.OO..OOO.O
  8801.  ...........O......OO...
  8802. |
  8803. |
  8804. [spaceship153]
  8805.  ..........O.................
  8806.  ........OO..................
  8807.  .....O.O.O.O.........OOO..OO
  8808.  ..O..O....O....O...OO.OOOO..
  8809.  OO...OO....O...O...O.....O.O
  8810.  ..O..OO.......O.OO.OOOOO.OO.
  8811.  ....O..O....OOO.OO.......O..
  8812.  .....OO......OO.O...OO.O....
  8813.  ....................OO..OO..
  8814.  ....................OO..OO..
  8815.  .....OO......OO.O...OO.O....
  8816.  ....O..O....OOO.OO.......O..
  8817.  ..O..OO.......O.OO.OOOOO.OO.
  8818.  OO...OO....O...O...O.....O.O
  8819.  ..O..O....O....O...OO.OOOO..
  8820.  .....O.O.O.O.........OOO..OO
  8821.  ........OO..................
  8822.  ..........O.................
  8823. |
  8824. |
  8825. |Hartmut found very few tagalongs for these even symmetrical spaceships.
  8826. |Tagalongs are only known for the last spaceship shown above.  The two known
  8827. |tagalongs are shown below.
  8828. |
  8829. | [Two tagalongs for slow period 4 spaceship with even symmetry (speed c/4)]
  8830. [spaceship154]
  8831.  ..........O..............................
  8832.  ........OO...............................
  8833.  .....O.O.O.O.........OOO..OO...........O.
  8834.  ..O..O....O....O...OO.OOOO.......OO..OO..
  8835.  OO...OO....O...O...O.....O.O..O.OO.O.O.O.
  8836.  ..O..OO.......O.OO.OOOOO.OO..OO.OOOO.O.O.
  8837.  ....O..O....OOO.OO.......O.........OO...O
  8838.  .....OO......OO.O...OO.O.............O..O
  8839.  ....................OO..OO...............
  8840.  ....................OO..OO...............
  8841.  .....OO......OO.O...OO.O.............O..O
  8842.  ....O..O....OOO.OO.......O.........OO...O
  8843.  ..O..OO.......O.OO.OOOOO.OO..OO.OOOO.O.O.
  8844.  OO...OO....O...O...O.....O.O..O.OO.O.O.O.
  8845.  ..O..O....O....O...OO.OOOO.......OO..OO..
  8846.  .....O.O.O.O.........OOO..OO...........O.
  8847.  ........OO...............................
  8848.  ..........O..............................
  8849. |
  8850. |
  8851. [spaceship155]
  8852.  ..........O................................
  8853.  ........OO.................................
  8854.  .....O.O.O.O.........OOO..OO...............
  8855.  ..O..O....O....O...OO.OOOO..........O......
  8856.  OO...OO....O...O...O.....O.O.......OO....OO
  8857.  ..O..OO.......O.OO.OOOOO.OO......O...O.OOOO
  8858.  ....O..O....OOO.OO.......O...O..O......O...
  8859.  .....OO......OO.O...OO.O......O..O.O...O...
  8860.  ....................OO..OO..O..O...........
  8861.  ....................OO..OO..O..O...........
  8862.  .....OO......OO.O...OO.O......O..O.O...O...
  8863.  ....O..O....OOO.OO.......O...O..O......O...
  8864.  ..O..OO.......O.OO.OOOOO.OO......O...O.OOOO
  8865.  OO...OO....O...O...O.....O.O.......OO....OO
  8866.  ..O..O....O....O...OO.OOOO..........O......
  8867.  .....O.O.O.O.........OOO..OO...............
  8868.  ........OO.................................
  8869.  ..........O................................
  8870. |
  8871. |
  8872. |No wide and short c/4 spaceships have been found yet, nor has a base c/4
  8873. |spaceship which is non-symmetrical been found yet.
  8874. |
  8875. |Near the end of October 1992, the first example of a new type of Life object
  8876. |was found by Hartmut Holzwart and Dean Hickerson.  This new type of object
  8877. |is now called a "wickstretcher", for reasons that will become obvious.
  8878. |
  8879. |The first wickstretcher found is shown below.  At the left is a period 4
  8880. |c/4 spaceship component that was found by Hartmut Holzwart.  As it moves
  8881. |leftwards it leaves behind a thin wick which has period 5 (but which appears
  8882. |to move at the speed of light).  Without a terminating component at the back
  8883. |of the wick, the wick decays at the speed of light and ends up destroying
  8884. |the spaceship component.  No moving termination component is known for the
  8885. |wick to finish making a c/4 spaceship.  But Dean Hickerson found a period 5
  8886. |stationary termination component for the wick which stabilizes it, which is
  8887. |seen at the right.  In the generation shown here, the wick itself is almost
  8888. |nonexistent, but quickly becomes apparent as the object is run.
  8889. |
  8890. | [First example of a "wickstretcher" known]
  8891. [spaceship156]
  8892.  ...................................OO..........OO........
  8893.  ...................O................O...OO.O..O.O........
  8894.  .............O.OO.OO...............O...O.O.OOOO.O.OO.....
  8895.  .............O...O.OO..........O...OO..O.O......O..O.....
  8896.  ..O...OOO....OOOOO.O.O.O......O.O....O.O..OOOOOO.O.......
  8897.  OO...OOO..O.OO.....O.O.O.......O.....O.O.......O.OO......
  8898.  ..O...OOOOOO..........O.....O.....OO.O...O..OO.....O.OO.O
  8899.  .................O......O.......O..O.OO..O..O.O..OOO.O.OO
  8900.  ......OO.......OO......O.OO.OOO.......O.......O.....O....
  8901.  ......OO.......OO......O.OO...OOOO.O..O.O.O...O.O.OO.....
  8902.  .................O......O...OO.....O.OO.OO.O...OO.O......
  8903.  ..O...OOOOOO..........O......O..OO.O...O...O........O....
  8904.  OO...OOO..O.OO.....O.O.O...O....OO.OOO.O...OO......OO....
  8905.  ..O...OOO....OOOOO.O.O.O...OO.........O..................
  8906.  .............O...O.OO................O...................
  8907.  .............O.OO.OO.................OO..................
  8908.  ...................O.....................................
  8909. |
  8910. |
  8911. |A month later Dean Hickerson found a smaller version of the termination
  8912. |component, which is shown below.  Like the previous terminator, this one
  8913. |is unsymmetrical.  (Dean had looked for symmetrical terminators, but none
  8914. |were found.)
  8915. |
  8916. | [Smallest version of "wickstretcher"]
  8917. [spaceship157]
  8918.  .................OO..............................
  8919.  .............OO....O.............................
  8920.  ............OOO.O................................
  8921.  O.OO..OO...O...OOOO.O.O....OO.......OO...........
  8922.  O....OO..O........O.OOO....O....OO.O..O.OO.O.....
  8923.  O.OO....OO.OO....O...........O...O.O.OO.O.OO.....
  8924.  ......O.......O.............OO.....O..O.O...OO...
  8925.  .....O.........O.O....OOO...O....O..O.O.OOO...O..
  8926.  .....O.........O.O....OOO.OO.O..OO.O.O...O..OO.O.
  8927.  ......O.......O.............OO.O...OO....OO....O.
  8928.  O.OO....OO.OO....O..........O........OO.O.O.OO.OO
  8929.  O....OO..O........O.OOO........O...O...OO.O..O.O.
  8930.  O.OO..OO...O...OOOO.O.O.......O.O...OO....O..O.O.
  8931.  ............OOO.O..............O.....O.OOO....O..
  8932.  .............OO....O.................O.O.........
  8933.  .................OO...................O..........
  8934. |
  8935. |
  8936. |These two wickstretchers are the only known use of the orthogonal non-
  8937. |standard speed spaceships to create objects which grow arbitrarily large.
  8938. |The search for true puffers for non-standard speed spaceships is still
  8939. |unsuccessful.
  8940. |
  8941. |
  8942. |As this article was being prepared, Hartmut Holzwart found another
  8943. |reasonably small slow period 4 spaceship.  This is shown below.  The front
  8944. |end of this spaceship is the same as in some previous spaceships shown in
  8945. |article 4, but the back end is much smaller.
  8946. |
  8947. | [Newest slow period 4 spaceship (speed c/4)]
  8948. [spaceship158]
  8949.  .......O..................
  8950.  .....OO...................
  8951.  .......O...OO.....OO......
  8952.  .....OOO...OO....O.....O..
  8953.  ....OO..........OO.OOO..OO
  8954.  ..O....O...O.O.O.OOO.O....
  8955.  OO....O..O.O.OO.OO........
  8956.  ..O..OOO..................
  8957.  ..........................
  8958.  ..O..OOO..................
  8959.  OO....O..O.O.OO.OO........
  8960.  ..O....O...O.O.O.OOO.O....
  8961.  ....OO..........OO.OOO..OO
  8962.  .....OOO...OO....O.....O..
  8963.  .......O...OO.....OO......
  8964.  .....OO...................
  8965.  .......O..................
  8966. |
  8967. |
  8968. |That ends the discussion of the new results for slow period 4 spaceships.
  8969. |Now I will go on to the new results for the period 4 spaceships which move
  8970. |at the standard speed of c/2.  Most of these new spaceships are tagalongs of
  8971. |a convoy of standard spaceships, or almost-spaceships.
  8972. |
  8973. |Hartmut found some new tagalongs for pairs of almost-spaceships with several
  8974. |different separations, all of which are symmetrical.  The spaceships below
  8975. |have a separation of one cell between the almost-spaceships.
  8976. |
  8977. | [Two period 4 spaceships (speed c/2)]
  8978. [spaceship159]
  8979.  ....................O.O......
  8980.  ...........OO.....OO....O....
  8981.  ..........OOOO....OO.....OO..
  8982.  .O.......O.O.OO.O....OOO.OOOO
  8983.  O.....O.OO.....O..OOO.OO.....
  8984.  O.....OOO....O......OO.O.O.O.
  8985.  OOOOO.O.O..OO....O....OO.....
  8986.  ........O.O.O...O......O.O...
  8987.  ........O.O..................
  8988.  ........O.O.O...O......O.O...
  8989.  OOOOO.O.O..OO....O....OO.....
  8990.  O.....OOO....O......OO.O.O.O.
  8991.  O.....O.OO.....O..OOO.OO.....
  8992.  .O.......O.O.OO.O....OOO.OOOO
  8993.  ..........OOOO....OO.....OO..
  8994.  ...........OO.....OO....O....
  8995.  ....................O.O......
  8996. |
  8997. |
  8998. |
  8999. [spaceship160]
  9000.  .....................O..O.O.O..........
  9001.  .....................O....O.O..........
  9002.  ..............OO.OO..O.....O...........
  9003.  .O........OOO...OO.O..O...O.......OOOO.
  9004.  O.....O..OO...........O...O.......O...O
  9005.  O.....OOO.O.O..O.......OO.O......O.....
  9006.  OOOOO.O.O.O.O..O..........OO..O.OOOO..O
  9007.  ........O.O...O............OOOO.OO.....
  9008.  ........O.O............................
  9009.  ........O.O...O............OOOO.OO.....
  9010.  OOOOO.O.O.O.O..O..........OO..O.OOOO..O
  9011.  O.....OOO.O.O..O.......OO.O......O.....
  9012.  O.....O..OO...........O...O.......O...O
  9013.  .O........OOO...OO.O..O...O.......OOOO.
  9014.  ..............OO.OO..O.....O...........
  9015.  .....................O....O.O..........
  9016.  .....................O..O.O.O..........
  9017. |
  9018. |
  9019. |In the above spaceship, the last seven columns are actually a tagalong and
  9020. |can be removed.  The tagalong is made of two standard spaceships pushing
  9021. |ahead little bits of "dirt".
  9022. |
  9023. |The following is a tagalong to four standard spaceships.  The separation of
  9024. |one cell for the front two spaceships is the same as that used for the
  9025. |Schick engine.
  9026. |
  9027. | [Four standard spaceships with period 4 tagalong (speed c/2)]
  9028. [spaceship161]
  9029.  ..........OOOO....
  9030.  .........OOOOOO...
  9031.  ........OO.OOOO...
  9032.  .........OO.......
  9033.  ..................
  9034.  ..............O...
  9035.  ............O.....
  9036.  OOOO.......O...O..
  9037.  O...O.....OO....O.
  9038.  O.......O..O......
  9039.  .O..O..OOO.O..O...
  9040.  ......OO..OO..O..O
  9041.  .O..O..OOO.O..O...
  9042.  O.......O..O......
  9043.  O...O.....OO....O.
  9044.  OOOO.......O...O..
  9045.  ............O.....
  9046.  ..............O...
  9047.  ..................
  9048.  .........OO.......
  9049.  ........OO.OOOO...
  9050.  .........OOOOOO...
  9051.  ..........OOOO....
  9052. |
  9053. |
  9054. |For a separation of seven cells, Hartmut Holzwart found that two LWSSs can
  9055. |support a particularly small tagalong.  This one could possibly have been
  9056. |found manually.
  9057. |
  9058. | [Small period 4 tagalong for two LWSSs (speed c/2)]
  9059. [spaceship162]
  9060.  OOOO.....
  9061.  O...O....
  9062.  O........
  9063.  .O..O....
  9064.  .........
  9065.  .....OOOO
  9066.  ....O..O.
  9067.  ....O..O.
  9068.  ....O..O.
  9069.  .....OOOO
  9070.  .........
  9071.  .O..O....
  9072.  O........
  9073.  O...O....
  9074.  OOOO.....
  9075. |
  9076. |
  9077. |The same two LWSSs also can support a larger tagalong, as shown below.
  9078. |This tagalong has a nice set of sparks at the back.
  9079. |
  9080. | [Two LWSSs supporting a larger tagalong (speed c/2)] 
  9081. [spaceship163]
  9082.  OOOO..............
  9083.  O...O.......OOO...
  9084.  O.......OOO..OOO..
  9085.  .O..O..OOOO..OOO..
  9086.  ......OOO.....OO..
  9087.  ....OO....OO..OOO.
  9088.  ...O.OO.O.OO..O.OO
  9089.  ..O......O..O.O.O.
  9090.  ..O..O.....O..O.OO
  9091.  ..O......O..O.O.O.
  9092.  ...O.OO.O.OO..O.OO
  9093.  ....OO....OO..OOO.
  9094.  ......OOO.....OO..
  9095.  .O..O..OOOO..OOO..
  9096.  O.......OOO..OOO..
  9097.  O...O.......OOO...
  9098.  OOOO..............
  9099. |
  9100. |
  9101. |The sparks from the above tagalong can support a number of other tagalongs.
  9102. |Some of these are shown below.  In the phases shown here, some of the
  9103. |connections appear very tenuous.
  9104. |
  9105. | [Various tagalongs to a tagalong of two LWSSs (speed c/2)]
  9106. [spaceship164]
  9107.  OOOO..................
  9108.  O...O.......OOO.......
  9109.  O.......OOO..OOO......
  9110.  .O..O..OOOO..OOO......
  9111.  ......OOO.....OO......
  9112.  ....OO....OO..OOO.....
  9113.  ...O.OO.O.OO..O.OO....
  9114.  ..O......O..O.O.O..O.O
  9115.  ..O..O.....O..O.OO....
  9116.  ..O......O..O.O.O..O.O
  9117.  ...O.OO.O.OO..O.OO....
  9118.  ....OO....OO..OOO.....
  9119.  ......OOO.....OO......
  9120.  .O..O..OOOO..OOO......
  9121.  O.......OOO..OOO......
  9122.  O...O.......OOO.......
  9123.  OOOO..................
  9124. |
  9125. |
  9126. [spaceship165]
  9127.  ...................O.O...................O.O...
  9128.  OOOO..............O.....................O..O.O.
  9129.  O...O.......OOO...O..O....OOO..........OO.....O
  9130.  O.......OOO..OOO..OOO.OO.O.OO.OO......O....O..O
  9131.  .O..O..OOOO..OOO......OO.O.O.OO...OO.OOOOO.O.O.
  9132.  ......OOO.....OO.....O...O.O...................
  9133.  ....OO....OO..OOO.....OO.OOOOOOOOO...OOO.OOO..O
  9134.  ...O.OO.O.OO..O.OO.....OO................OOO..O
  9135.  ..O......O..O.O.O........OOOOOOOOOOOO..O.......
  9136.  ..O..O.....O..O.OO.....................OO......
  9137.  ..O......O..O.O.O........OOOOOOOOOOOO..O.......
  9138.  ...O.OO.O.OO..O.OO.....OO................OOO..O
  9139.  ....OO....OO..OOO.....OO.OOOOOOOOO...OOO.OOO..O
  9140.  ......OOO.....OO.....O...O.O...................
  9141.  .O..O..OOOO..OOO......OO.O.O.OO...OO.OOOOO.O.O.
  9142.  O.......OOO..OOO..OOO.OO.O.OO.OO......O....O..O
  9143.  O...O.......OOO...O..O....OOO..........OO.....O
  9144.  OOOO..............O.....................O..O.O.
  9145.  ...................O.O...................O.O...
  9146. |
  9147. |
  9148. |In the following spaceship, the final tagalong is supported by a set of
  9149. |two close sparks from the first tagalong.  Those sparks could be provided
  9150. |by two LWSSs instead, but that turns out not to work because the sparks from
  9151. |the LWSSs two generations later destroy the MWSSs.  So you need this large
  9152. |spaceship (or ones with similar sparks) in order to support the last tagalong.
  9153. |
  9154. | [Period 4 spaceship with simple tagalong to a tagalong (speed c/2)]
  9155. [spaceship166]
  9156.  OOOO................OO....
  9157.  O...O.......OOO....OO.OOO.
  9158.  O.......OOO..OOO....OOOOO.
  9159.  .O..O..OOOO..OOO.....OOO..
  9160.  ......OOO.....OO..........
  9161.  ....OO....OO..OOO.........
  9162.  ...O.OO.O.OO..O.OO...OO.OO
  9163.  ..O......O..O.O.O....O....
  9164.  ..O..O.....O..O.OO...O....
  9165.  ..O......O..O.O.O....O....
  9166.  ...O.OO.O.OO..O.OO...OO.OO
  9167.  ....OO....OO..OOO.........
  9168.  ......OOO.....OO..........
  9169.  .O..O..OOOO..OOO.....OOO..
  9170.  O.......OOO..OOO....OOOOO.
  9171.  O...O.......OOO....OO.OOO.
  9172.  OOOO................OO....
  9173. |
  9174. |
  9175. |In the following two tagalongs in the series, the only difference is in the
  9176. |last few columns.  In the first spaceship, the tail is actually of period 2.
  9177. |But in the second spaceship, the last few columns revert back to period 4.
  9178. |
  9179. | [Two period 4 spaceships with interesting tagalongs (speed c/2)]
  9180. [spaceship167]
  9181.  ...................O.O.......O.O............
  9182.  OOOO..............O.........O.OO............
  9183.  O...O.......OOO...O..O....O..............O.O
  9184.  O.......OOO..OOO..OOO.OO.O.O.O..........O..O
  9185.  .O..O..OOOO..OOO......OO.O.O.OO........OO...
  9186.  ......OOO.....OO.....O...O.O.OO..OOO..O...O.
  9187.  ....OO....OO..OOO.....OO.O...OO.O....OOO.O..
  9188.  ...O.OO.O.OO..O.OO.....OO.....O.O...O.......
  9189.  ..O......O..O.O.O........OOOOO...OOOOOOOOO..
  9190.  ..O..O.....O..O.OO..........................
  9191.  ..O......O..O.O.O........OOOOO...OOOOOOOOO..
  9192.  ...O.OO.O.OO..O.OO.....OO.....O.O...O.......
  9193.  ....OO....OO..OOO.....OO.O...OO.O....OOO.O..
  9194.  ......OOO.....OO.....O...O.O.OO..OOO..O...O.
  9195.  .O..O..OOOO..OOO......OO.O.O.OO........OO...
  9196.  O.......OOO..OOO..OOO.OO.O.O.O..........O..O
  9197.  O...O.......OOO...O..O....O..............O.O
  9198.  OOOO..............O.........O.OO............
  9199.  ...................O.O.......O.O............
  9200. |
  9201. |
  9202. |
  9203. [spaceship168]
  9204.  ...................O.O.......O.O...........O.O..
  9205.  OOOO..............O.........O.OO..........O..O..
  9206.  O...O.......OOO...O..O....O..............OO.....
  9207.  O.......OOO..OOO..OOO.OO.O.O.O..........O...O...
  9208.  .O..O..OOOO..OOO......OO.O.O.OO........OOO.O....
  9209.  ......OOO.....OO.....O...O.O.OO..OOO..O.........
  9210.  ....OO....OO..OOO.....OO.O...OO.O....OOOOOOO....
  9211.  ...O.OO.O.OO..O.OO.....OO.....O.O...O........O.O
  9212.  ..O......O..O.O.O........OOOOO...OOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
  9213.  ..O..O.....O..O.OO..............................
  9214.  ..O......O..O.O.O........OOOOO...OOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
  9215.  ...O.OO.O.OO..O.OO.....OO.....O.O...O........O.O
  9216.  ....OO....OO..OOO.....OO.O...OO.O....OOOOOOO....
  9217.  ......OOO.....OO.....O...O.O.OO..OOO..O.........
  9218.  .O..O..OOOO..OOO......OO.O.O.OO........OOO.O....
  9219.  O.......OOO..OOO..OOO.OO.O.O.O..........O...O...
  9220.  O...O.......OOO...O..O....O..............OO.....
  9221.  OOOO..............O.........O.OO..........O..O..
  9222.  ...................O.O.......O.O...........O.O..
  9223. |
  9224. |
  9225. |Hartmut Holzwart found another series of spaceships which are tagalongs to
  9226. |four standard spaceships, and which are no longer symmetrical, but which are
  9227. |glide-reflective.  Some of these are shown below.
  9228. |
  9229. | [Four LWSSs with various large tagalongs (speed c/2)]
  9230. [spaceship169]
  9231.  ........O..O.....................................
  9232.  .......O.........................................
  9233.  .O..O..O...O...........................O.........
  9234.  O......OOOO.......................O...O....O.O...
  9235.  O...O...............O....OO.O..OOOOO.OO..OO...OO.
  9236.  OOOO..........O..OOOOO.OO.....OO.....OOOO....O...
  9237.  .......O..O...O.OO......OOO..O.O..OOO..O....O....
  9238.  ......OO.OO.OO...OOOO.O.OO.OO..O..O.OOO.....O....
  9239.  .....O.O.O........OOO.O..OOO...OO......O...OO....
  9240.  .....O...OO.OOO...........OOO..OO........O.O.OO.O
  9241.  .....OO.OO....OOO........OO.O..OO......OO.....OO.
  9242.  .....OO.O.O.OO.OO...OO.........OO.O..O.....O...O.
  9243.  ............OOO..OO...O.O....O..O..OOO..O.....O..
  9244.  .O..O..OO...OO.O...O...O...O..O.OO.OO.OO.OO......
  9245.  O..............O...O....OOO.O.O.........O..OO....
  9246.  O...O...O..O.....O.O..OO.O.....OOO...OOO...OOO..O
  9247.  OOOO...O.........................O....OOOO.OO..O.
  9248.  .......O...O...........................O.........
  9249.  .......OOOO......................................
  9250. |
  9251. |
  9252. |
  9253. [spaceship170]
  9254.  ........O..O..................................
  9255.  .......O........................O.OO....OO.OO.
  9256.  .O..O..O...O.................OOOO.OO....OO....
  9257.  O......OOOO.......OO........OO...O..OOOOO..OO.
  9258.  O...O...........OOOO.......OOO..O...O..O......
  9259.  OOOO..........O.O...O..OOO..O..OO...O...O.....
  9260.  .......O..O...O......O.O.OO.............O.....
  9261.  ......OO.OO.OO.....O.OOO.O.OO........OO.O....O
  9262.  .....O.O.O.........O.OO...............OOOO.O.O
  9263.  .....O...OO.OOO..OOO.O.O.O...............O....
  9264.  .....OO.OO....OOO..OO..O.O............OOO.....
  9265.  .....OO.O.O.OO.OO......O.O.O..........OO..OO..
  9266.  ............OOO.O..........OO........O..OO.OO.
  9267.  .O..O..OO...OO.OO...OOO.O..OOOO.......O..OO...
  9268.  O..............O.OO.OO.OOO..OOO...O..O..OOO...
  9269.  O...O...O..O....OOOO.OO.OO.OO.OO....OO.OOO....
  9270.  OOOO...O....................O......O...O......
  9271.  .......O...O.................OOO.O.....OOO.O..
  9272.  .......OOOO....................O.OO.......O...
  9273.  ..........................................O...
  9274. |
  9275. |
  9276. |In the last spaceship of this series, the tagalong breaks apart into two
  9277. |components which do not react with each other.  Each one of these components
  9278. |becomes symmetrical, which is unusual.
  9279. |
  9280. | [Four LWSSs with tagalong which splits and becomes symmetrical (speed c/2)]
  9281. [spaceship171]
  9282.  ........O..O...................................
  9283.  .......O................OO.........OO.OO...OO..
  9284.  .O..O..O...O..........O........OOO.OOO..O..O..O
  9285.  O......OOOO.........OOO...O..O..O..O.....O....O
  9286.  O...O...........O...O.O....OOOO.OO....O..O.O...
  9287.  OOOO..........O.OOOO....OO.O.O..O..O.....O....O
  9288.  .......O..O...O.........OO.....OOO.OOO..O..O..O
  9289.  ......OO.OO.OO....O.O.....O........OO.OO...OO..
  9290.  .....O.O.O.......O....OOO......................
  9291.  .....O...OO.OOO..O..O.O........................
  9292.  .....OO.OO....OOO..............................
  9293.  .....OO.O.O.OO.O..OO..OOO......................
  9294.  ............OOO.O..O....O.......OO.O..O..O.O..O
  9295.  .O..O..OO...OO.OOOOO....OOO.....OOO.O.O....O..O
  9296.  O..............O...OO..O..O..O.O.....OO.....OO.
  9297.  O...O...O..O....OO.O.O....O.O.OO..OOO...O..O...
  9298.  OOOO...O............O........O.O.....OO.....OO.
  9299.  .......O...O..........OOOO......OOO.O.O....O..O
  9300.  .......OOOO.....................OO.O..O..O.O..O
  9301. |
  9302. |
  9303. |Here is another spaceship in a series started in article 5, where a known
  9304. |front end connects to several large components.  Like those other spaceships,
  9305. |this spaceship is glide-reflective.
  9306. |
  9307. | [Period 4 spaceship with large components (speed c/2)]
  9308. [spaceship172]
  9309.  ...................................................................O.O
  9310.  ..OOO.................................................OO..........OO.O
  9311.  .OOOO....................O..O........................OO.OO.O.....O....
  9312.  OO.....................OOO..O............O..O.........O.OO.....OO.OO..
  9313.  .O.OO.................O.....O.......O....O...O......O.O....O.O.O.O....
  9314.  ..OO.OO.O...OOO.....OO.OOO.O.......OO....O.........OO.O.OO..O.O.OO....
  9315.  ......O..OO.OO.O...O.O..OO.O......OOOOOOO.O.O......O.O.O..OO..OO......
  9316.  ....OOO.OO...OO..O...OO....O.........OO.O.O.O..OOO.O.O.O..O..O.O......
  9317.  ....OOO.....O...O.O...O.OO...OO..O........O.O...OO.O.O.O...O.OO.......
  9318.  ......O.OO.O.O...............O.OO..O.OOO.O.O....O.O.O.O....O..OO......
  9319.  ....OO.......OOO..OO.O..O......OO.OOO...OO.O.OO..O..O.O.OO....OO......
  9320.  ...OO.OOO.....O...O.O....O....O...OO.....O.O.....O..O.O....O.OO.......
  9321.  ..O...OO....OOOO.....OO..OO...O....O....O...O......OO..O.OO...........
  9322.  .OO.O.O......OO......OO.............O...OO.O........OO.O...O.O.O......
  9323.  OO..O.O................OOOO...O...........O..........O.OOO...O.OOOO...
  9324.  .OO.......................OO.O........................O....O....OOO...
  9325.  ....OO................................................OOOOO..........O
  9326.  .......................................................OO..........OO.
  9327. |
  9328. |
  9329. |Finally, Hartmut Holzwart found another small symmetrical period 4 spaceship.
  9330. |This produces sparks on the outside edge like a HWSS.
  9331. |
  9332. | [Small period 4 symmetrical spaceship (speed c/2)]
  9333. [spaceship173]
  9334.  ..OO.OOOOOO.
  9335.  .OOOO......O
  9336.  OO..........
  9337.  .O.........O
  9338.  ..OOO.O.....
  9339.  ....O.......
  9340.  ....O.......
  9341.  .....O......
  9342.  ....O.......
  9343.  ....O.......
  9344.  ..OOO.O.....
  9345.  .O.........O
  9346.  OO..........
  9347.  .OOOO......O
  9348.  ..OO.OOOOOO.
  9349. |
  9350. |
  9351. |The length of the tails in the above spaceship cannot be shortened to
  9352. |produce the MWSS or LWSS style of sparks.  But the tails can be lengthened
  9353. |if they are supported by standard spaceships.  This is shown below.
  9354. |
  9355. | [Longer period 4 spaceship supported by two standard spaceships (speed c/2)]
  9356. [spaceship174]
  9357.  ......OO......
  9358.  .....OO.OOO...
  9359.  ......OOOOO...
  9360.  .......OOO....
  9361.  ..............
  9362.  ..............
  9363.  ..............
  9364.  ..OO.OOOOOOO..
  9365.  .OOOO.......O.
  9366.  OO............
  9367.  .O..........O.
  9368.  ..OOO.O...O...
  9369.  ....O.........
  9370.  ....O.........
  9371.  .....O........
  9372.  ....O.........
  9373.  ....O.........
  9374.  ..OOO.O...OO..
  9375.  .O...........O
  9376.  OO............
  9377.  .OOOO........O
  9378.  ..OO.OOOOOOOO.
  9379.  ..............
  9380.  ..............
  9381.  ..............
  9382.  .......OOOO...
  9383.  ......OOOOOO..
  9384.  .....OO.OOOO..
  9385.  ......OO......
  9386. |
  9387. |
  9388. |That ends the discussion of new period 4 spaceships.  Now I will go on to
  9389. |the single new result for period 5 spaceships.  On December 5, 1992, Hartmut
  9390. |Holzwart found a period 5 spaceship which travels at 2c/5.  This is only
  9391. |the second such base spaceship known.  Unlike the first spaceship which was
  9392. |found by Dean Hickerson, this one has even symmetry.
  9393. |
  9394. | [Second known period 5 spaceship (speed 2c/5)]
  9395. [spaceship175]
  9396.  ...O............
  9397.  .O.O....O.......
  9398.  OO.OOO...O....O.
  9399.  .OO.O........O.O
  9400.  ......OO...OOO..
  9401.  .....O...O......
  9402.  ......OO....OOOO
  9403.  ......OO.OOOO.OO
  9404.  ................
  9405.  ................
  9406.  ......OO.OOOO.OO
  9407.  ......OO....OOOO
  9408.  .....O...O......
  9409.  ......OO...OOO..
  9410.  .OO.O........O.O
  9411.  OO.OOO...O....O.
  9412.  .O.O....O.......
  9413.  ...O............
  9414. |
  9415. |
  9416. |No period 5 spaceship has been found which travels at c/5.
  9417. |
  9418. |That ends the discussion on period 5 spaceships.  Now I will move on to
  9419. |the period 96 c/12 Cordership.  In article 1 of my series, I showed Dean
  9420. |Hickerson's Cordership which travels diagonally at c/12.  I neglected to
  9421. |give a few useful pieces of information about it.
  9422. |
  9423. |Firstly, the back four switch engines can be moved backwards by any multiple
  9424. |of eight cells, if extra blocks are also inserted on the sides to continue
  9425. |the obvious pattern.  This is because the only use of the back four switch
  9426. |engines is to delete the blocks left by the other switch engines.  So this
  9427. |allows an arbitrarily large spaceship to be constructed which moves diagonally
  9428. |at c/12.  And where there is room, the phase of the back switch engines can
  9429. |be adjusted with respect to the other switch engines.
  9430. |
  9431. |Secondly, the Cordership will still work if the back four switch engines are
  9432. |moved backwards by one or two cells.  (In fact, any combination of the four
  9433. |back switch engines can be moved backwards by two cells.)
  9434. |
  9435. |Thirdly, a Cordership can be made larger by inserting more switch engines
  9436. |into each row of switch engines.  This lets you make a Cordership which is
  9437. |as wide as you want.
  9438. |
  9439. |Lastly, if one switch engine is moved one cell backwards with respect to an
  9440. |adjacent one, then a block will be produced behind the two switch engines.
  9441. |By adjusting the positions of the back switch engines, from 1 to 3 blocks
  9442. |can be produced.  These blocks can be used to support other rows of switch
  9443. |engines to produce very large compound Corderships.
  9444. |
  9445. |Below is a compound Cordership which illustrates an extra row of switch
  9446. |engines connecting two Corderships which each leave behind single blocks.
  9447. |Since this is a large object, the picture has been compressed.  Each dollar
  9448. |sign represents ten periods.  Simply use an editor to replace each dollar
  9449. |sign by ten periods to reconstruct the full picture.
  9450. |
  9451. | [Two period 96 Corderships connected by switch engines (speed c/12)]
  9452. [spaceship 176]
  9453.  $$$.....OO$$$$$$$$$$$$$...
  9454.  $$$.....O...OO$$$$$$$$$$$$.........
  9455.  $$$....O......O.......OOO$$$$$$$$$$$........
  9456.  $$$..OOOOO...O.....OOO$$$$$$$$$$$$.
  9457.  $$$.....O...O......OOO$$$$$$$$$$$$.
  9458.  $$$..O..O$.O$$$$$$$$$$$$..
  9459.  $$....OO.......OO$$$$$$$$$$$$$.....
  9460.  $$....OO$$$$$$$$$$$$$$....
  9461.  $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
  9462.  $$$$$........O$$$$$$$$$$$.
  9463.  $$$$$........O$$$$$$$$$$$.
  9464.  $$$$$........O$$$$$$$$$$$.
  9465.  $$$$$......OO$$$$$$$$$$$..
  9466.  $$$$$.....OOO$$$$$$$$$$$..
  9467.  $......OO$$$........OO$$$$$$$$$$$..
  9468.  $......OO$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$..
  9469.  $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
  9470.  $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
  9471.  $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
  9472.  $$$$$........O$$$$$$$$$$$.
  9473.  $$$$$.......O$$$$$$$$$$$..
  9474.  $$$$$........O$$$$$$$$$$$.
  9475.  ........OO$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
  9476.  ........OO$$$......O$$$$$$$$$$$$...
  9477.  $$$$.....O.O$$$$$$$$$$$$..
  9478.  $$$$....OO.OO$$$$$$$$$$$$.
  9479.  $$$$.......OO$$$$$$$$$$$$.
  9480.  $$$$.OO$$$$$$$$$$$$.......
  9481.  $$$$...O..OOO$......O.O.......OOO$$$$$$$$$..
  9482.  $$$$.OO.O$$.O.....OOO$$$$$$$$$.....
  9483.  OO$$$$.O..O$$.....OOO$$$$$$$$$.....
  9484.  OO$$$$.O$$.........O$$$$$$$$$......
  9485.  ....O.......O$$$.OO$$$$$$$$$$$$....
  9486.  ...O.O.....OOO$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$......
  9487.  ..O..O..OOOO.OO$$$O$$$$$$$$$$$$....
  9488.  ........O..OOO$$.........OO.OO$$$......O$$$$$$$$.....
  9489.  .....O..OO..O$$$.O$$$.........O$$$$$$$$.....
  9490.  ...O.O.OO$$$........O$$$......O$$$$$$$$.....
  9491.  ....O$$$$O$..O.OO$$OO$$$$$$$$......
  9492.  $$$$.........O.O......O.OOO$........OOO$$$$$$$$......
  9493.  $$$$$.O....O.O....O$........OO$$$$$$$$......
  9494.  $$$$........O...O.O......OO$$$$$$$$$$.......
  9495.  $$$$$OO..O..O...O$$$$$$$$$$........
  9496.  $$$$$.O...OO.O$$$$$$$$$$$.
  9497.  $$$$$.......O.O$$$$$$$$$$$
  9498.  $$$$$.......O.O$$....O$$$$$$$$.....
  9499.  $$......O$$$$$......O.O$$$$$$$$....
  9500.  $$.....OOO$$$$$....O..O$$$$$$$$....
  9501.  $$....OO.OO$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.
  9502.  $$.....OOO$$$$$$$$$$$$$$..
  9503.  $$......O$$$$$......O..O$$$$$$$$...
  9504.  $$....O.O$$$$$....OOO.OO$$$$$$$$...
  9505.  $$...OOOO$$$$$...O..OO$$$$$$$$.....
  9506.  $$...O$$$$$......O..O$$$$$$$$......
  9507.  $$$$$$$$.O.O$$$$$$$$......
  9508.  $$...OO.OO$$$$$$$$$$$$$$..
  9509.  $$..O.....O$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.
  9510.  $$...O...O$$$$$$$$$$$$$$..
  9511.  $$......O...O.......O$$$$$$$$$$$$$.
  9512.  $$.........O.O.....OOO$$$$$$$$$$$$$
  9513.  $$........O..O..OOOO.OO$$$$$$$$$$$$.........
  9514.  $$$....O..OOO$$$.........OO$$$$$$$$.........
  9515.  $$$.O..OO..O$$$$OO$$$$$$$$.........
  9516.  $$.........O.O.OO$$$$$$$$$$$$$.....
  9517.  $$$O$$$$$$$$$$$$$.........
  9518.  $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
  9519.  $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
  9520.  $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
  9521.  $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
  9522.  $$$$$$$.OO$$$$$$$$$.......
  9523.  $$$$$$$.OO$$$$$$$$$.......
  9524.  $$$$$...O$$$$$$$$$$$......
  9525.  $$$$$..OOO$$$$$$$$$$$.....
  9526.  $$$$$.OO.OO$$$$$$$$$$$....
  9527.  $$$.........OO$.OOO$$$$$$$$$$$.....
  9528.  $$$.........OO$..O$$$$$$$$$$$......
  9529.  $$$$$.O.O$$$$$$$$$$$......
  9530.  $$$$$OOOO.........OO$$$$$$$$$$.....
  9531.  $$$$$O$..OO$$$$$$$$$$.....
  9532.  $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
  9533.  $$$$$OO.OO$$$$$$$$$$$.....
  9534.  $$$$.........O.....O$$$$$$$$$$$....
  9535.  $$$.OO$.......O...O$$$$$$$$$$$.....
  9536.  $$$.OO...O.......O........O$$$$$$....OO$$$$$
  9537.  $$$.....O.O.....OOO$$$$$$$..O...OO$$$$......
  9538.  $$$....O..O..OOOO.OO........OO$$$$$$O......O.......OOO$$$.....
  9539.  $$$$O..OOO.........OO$$$$$........OOOOO...O.....OOO$$$........
  9540.  $$$.......O..OO..O$$$$$$$...O...O......OOO$$$........
  9541.  $$$.....O.O.OO$$$$$$$....O..O$.O$$$.........
  9542.  $$$......O$$$$$$$OO.......OO$$$$$..
  9543.  $$$$$$$$$$.......OO$$$$$$.
  9544.  $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
  9545.  $$$$$$$$$$$$$$.O$$........
  9546.  $$$$$$$$$$$$$$.O$$........
  9547.  $$$$$$$$$$$$$$.O$$........
  9548.  $$$$$$$$$$$$$.........OO$$.........
  9549.  $$$$$$$$$$$$$........OOO$$.........
  9550.  $$$$$........O$$$$OO$$$........OO$$.........
  9551.  $$$$$.......OOO$$$.........OO$$$$$$.........
  9552.  $$$$$......OO.OO$$$$$$$$$$.........
  9553.  $$$$$.......OOO$$$$$$$$$$$
  9554.  $$$$$........O$$$$$$$$$$$.
  9555.  $$$$$......O.O$$$$$$$$..O$$........
  9556.  $$$$$.....OOOO$$$$$$$$.O$$.........
  9557.  $$$$$.....O$$$$$$$$.....O$$........
  9558.  $$$$$$$$$.OO$$$$$$$.......
  9559.  $$$$$.....OO.OO$$$.OO$$$......O$$$$
  9560.  $$$$$....O.....O$$$$$$.......O.O$$$.........
  9561.  $$$$$.....O...O$$$$$$.......OO.OO$$$........
  9562.  $$$$$........O...O.......O$$$$$.........OO$$$........
  9563.  $$$$$$.O.O.....OOO$$$$$..OO$$$$....
  9564.  $$$$$$O..O..OOOO.OO$$$$$...O..OOO$......O.O.......OOO.........
  9565.  $$$$$$......O..OOO$$$$$..OO.O$$.O.....OOO$..
  9566.  $$$$$$...O..OO..O$..OO$$$$.O..O$$.....OOO$..
  9567.  $$$$$$.O.O.OO$......OO...O.......O$$.........O$$.........O$...
  9568.  $$$$$$..O$$....O.O.....OOO$$.........OO$$$$.
  9569.  $$$$$$$$......O..O..OOOO.OO$$$$$$$.
  9570.  $$$$$$$$$..O..OOO$$$O$$$$.
  9571.  $$$$$$$$.........O..OO..O$$.........OO.OO$$$......O..
  9572.  $$$$$$$$.......O.O.OO$$$....O$$$.........O..
  9573.  $$$$$$$$........O$$$$.O$$$......O..
  9574.  $$$$$$$$$$$$........O$..O.OO$$OO...
  9575.  $$$$$$$$$$$$$..O.O......O.OOO$........OOO...
  9576.  $$$$$$$$....O$$$$.........O....O.O....O$........OO...
  9577.  $$$$$$$$...OOO$$$$.....O...O.O......OO$$....
  9578.  $$$$$$$$..OO.OO$$$$......OO..O..O...O$$.....
  9579.  $$$$$$$$...OOO$$$$........O...OO.O$$........
  9580.  $$$$$$$$....O$$$$$.....O.O$$.......
  9581.  $$$$$$$$..O.O$$$$$.....O.O$$....O..
  9582.  $$$$$$$$.OOOO.........OO$...O$$$$$......O.O.
  9583.  $$$$$$$$.O$..OO$..OOO$$$$$....O..O.
  9584.  $$$$$$$$$$.......OO.OO$$$$$........
  9585.  $$$$$$$$.OO.OO$$..OOO$$$$$.........
  9586.  $$$$$$$$O.....O$$..O$$$$$......O..O
  9587.  $$$$$$$$.O...O$$.O.O$$$$$....OOO.OO
  9588.  $$$$$$$$....O$$.OOOO$$$$$...O..OO..
  9589.  $$$$$$$$$$......O$$$$$......O..O...
  9590.  $$$$$$$$......OO$$$$$$$......O.O...
  9591.  $$$$$$$$......OO$........OO.OO$$$$$.........
  9592.  $$$$$$$$$$.....O.....O$$$$$........
  9593.  $$$$$$$$$$......O...O$$$$$.........
  9594.  $$$$$$$$$$.........O...O.......O$$$$........
  9595.  $$$$$$$$$$$..O.O.....OOO$$$$.......
  9596.  $$$$$$$$$$$.O..O..OOOO.OO$$$$......
  9597.  $$$$$$$$$$$.......O..OOO$$$.........OO......
  9598.  $$$$$$$$$$$....O..OO..O$$$$OO......
  9599.  $$$$$$$$$$$..O.O.OO$$$$$..
  9600.  $$$$$$$$$$$...O$$$$$......
  9601.  $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
  9602.  $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
  9603.  $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
  9604.  $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
  9605.  $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$....OO$....
  9606.  $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$....OO$....
  9607.  $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
  9608.  $$$$$$$$$$$$$.....O$$$....
  9609.  $$$$$$$$$$$$$....OOO$$$...
  9610.  $$$$$$$$$$$$$...OO.OO$$$..
  9611.  $$$$$$$$$$$$$....OOO$$$...
  9612.  $$$$$$$$$$$$$.....O$$$....
  9613.  $$$$$$$$$$$$$...O.O$OO$$..
  9614.  $$$$$$$$$$$$$..OOOO$OO$$..
  9615.  $$$$$$$$$$$$$..O$$$.......
  9616.  $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
  9617.  $$$$$$$$$$$$$..OO.OO$$$...
  9618.  $$$$$$$$$$$$$.O.....O$$$..
  9619.  $$$$$$$$$$$$$..O...O$$$...
  9620.  $$$$$$$$$$$$$.....O$$$....
  9621.  $$$$$$$$$$$$$........OO$$$
  9622.  $$$$$$$$$$$$$........OO$$$
  9623. |
  9624. |
  9625. |By combining the techniques for modifying Corderships, very large and
  9626. |complicated spaceships can be constructed which travel diagonally at c/12.
  9627. |
  9628. |That ends the discussion of the Cordership.  Now I will summarize the new
  9629. |developments for large period spaceships and puffers.  The new results
  9630. |found here are by me.
  9631. |
  9632. |Firstly, it is possible to fill in some of the gaps in large period puffers.
  9633. |These gaps are the periods below about 1100, above which the glider-turning
  9634. |methods can produce any period which is a multiple of 4.
  9635. |
  9636. |The pattern below is a puffer with a period of 360.  It produces several
  9637. |pairs of blocks, and a small pile of random debris.  It is constructed from
  9638. |two period 120 backwards rakes and a blinker puffer.  The first pair of
  9639. |gliders from the rakes ignite the blinker fuse, and the rake's period is
  9640. |high enough so that further gliders from the rakes miss the fuse and just
  9641. |form blocks.  That is, until the fuse burns out and a new row of blinkers
  9642. |is created to begin the process again.
  9643. |
  9644. |[Period 360 puffer (speed c/2)]
  9645. [spaceship 177]
  9646.  .................................OO...............................
  9647.  ..O..O.....OO...................OO.OOO............................
  9648.  .O........OOOO...................OOOOO............................
  9649.  .O...O...OO.OO....................OOO.............................
  9650.  .OOOO.....OO......................................................
  9651.  .........................OO...................................OO..
  9652.  ........................O....O..............................O....O
  9653.  ........................OO...O.............................O......
  9654.  .....OO........OO......O.OOO..O............................O.....O
  9655.  ...OO.OO.......OO.....OOO....OO............................OOOOOO.
  9656.  ...O..O..........O.....O.OO.O.....................................
  9657.  ...O..O.........O.......OOO.......................................
  9658.  ....OO...................OO.......................................
  9659.  ..................................................................
  9660.  ..................................................................
  9661.  ..O..O............................................................
  9662.  .O.........OO...............OO.................O..................
  9663.  .O...O....OO.OOO...........OO.OO..............OOO.................
  9664.  .OOOO......OOOOO............OOOO...O.....OOO......................
  9665.  ............OOO..............OO...O.OO...OOO...OO.................
  9666.  .................................O...O........OO..................
  9667.  .............................OO...O.OO...OOO......................
  9668.  ............................OOOO...O.....OOO......................
  9669.  ...........................OO.OO..................................
  9670.  ............................OO....................................
  9671.  ..................................................................
  9672.  ..................................................................
  9673.  ....................................................O.............
  9674.  ..................................................O...O...........
  9675.  .................................................O................
  9676.  .................................................O....O...........
  9677.  .................................................OOOOO............
  9678.  ..................................................................
  9679.  ..................................................................
  9680.  ..................................................................
  9681.  ..................................................OO..............
  9682.  .................................................OO.OOO.O.........
  9683.  ..................................................OOOOOOO.........
  9684.  ...................................................OOOOO..........
  9685.  ..................................................................
  9686.  ......................................................OO..........
  9687.  ....................................................O....O........
  9688.  ...................................................O..............
  9689.  ...................................................O.....O........
  9690.  ...................................................OOOOOO.........
  9691.  ..................................................................
  9692.  ..................................................................
  9693.  ..................................................................
  9694.  ..................................................................
  9695.  ..................................................................
  9696.  ............................OO....................................
  9697.  ...........................OO.OO..................................
  9698.  ............................OOOO...O.....OOO......................
  9699.  .............................OO...O.OO...OOO......................
  9700.  .................................O...O........OO..................
  9701.  ............OOO..............OO...O.OO...OOO...OO.................
  9702.  .OOOO......OOOOO............OOOO...O.....OOO......................
  9703.  .O...O....OO.OOO...........OO.OO..............OOO.................
  9704.  .O.........OO...............OO.................O..................
  9705.  ..O..O............................................................
  9706.  ..................................................................
  9707.  ..................................................................
  9708.  ....OO...................OO.......................................
  9709.  ...O..O.........O.......OOO.......................................
  9710.  ...O..O..........O.....O.OO.O.....................................
  9711.  ...OO.OO.......OO.....OOO....OO............................OOOOOO.
  9712.  .....OO........OO......O.OOO..O............................O.....O
  9713.  ........................OO...O.............................O......
  9714.  ........................O....O..............................O....O
  9715.  .........................OO...................................OO..
  9716.  .OOOO.....OO......................................................
  9717.  .O...O...OO.OO....................OOO.............................
  9718.  .O........OOOO...................OOOOO............................
  9719.  ..O..O.....OO...................OO.OOO............................
  9720.  .................................OO...............................
  9721. |
  9722. |
  9723. |The particular pattern above can be squeezed down thinner than is shown, but
  9724. |I left it spread out so that you can easily play with it as described below.
  9725. |
  9726. |By moving the blinker puffer forwards (leftwards) by 12 cells (and adding 6
  9727. |produced blinkers), a puffer is created with a period which is 480, which is
  9728. |120 more than the original.  This process can be repeated as desired to
  9729. |create a puffer of any period which is 360 + 120 * N.
  9730. |
  9731. |By using other period rakes, some more of the missing puffer periods can
  9732. |probably be constructed in the "large period gap".  But this method can
  9733. |obviously only produce puffers which are multiples of the rake's periods.
  9734. |The period has to be large enough so that the second pair of gliders can
  9735. |clear the burning fuse (the period 120 shown here seems just large enough).
  9736. |
  9737. |In article 6 of my series, I described how to construct large period
  9738. |spaceships which use pairs of gliders to ignite a blinker trail.  I have
  9739. |since discovered that a single glider will suffice for the ignition, if
  9740. |the collision is perturbed by an accompanying spaceship.  So the large
  9741. |period puffers do not have to be symmetrical, they can instead be one-sided.
  9742. |
  9743. |Below is a puffer with period 1340 which illustrates how the one-sided
  9744. |ignition works.  Because the puffer is long, it is given in compressed form.
  9745. |Use an editor to replace each dollar sign by ten periods to reconstruct the
  9746. |full picture.
  9747. |
  9748. [spaceship 178]
  9749.  $$$.OOOO$$$$$$$$$$$$$$..
  9750.  $$$.O...O$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.
  9751.  $$$.O$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.....
  9752.  $$$..O..O$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.
  9753.  $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.......
  9754.  $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.......
  9755.  $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.......
  9756.  $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.......
  9757.  $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.......
  9758.  $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.......
  9759.  $....O$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$..
  9760.  $..O...O$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
  9761.  $.O$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.....
  9762.  $.O....O$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
  9763.  $.OOOOO$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.
  9764.  $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.......
  9765.  $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.......
  9766.  $O$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$......
  9767.  .OO.O...OO.OO$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$....
  9768.  O..OOOOO.O$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.......
  9769.  O..O.OO.OO$....O$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$..
  9770.  OO...OOO.OO......OO.O..O.O$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.
  9771.  ..O......OO.....O.O.OOOO.O$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.
  9772.  .........OO.OOO.O$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
  9773.  ..O......OO.....O.O.OOOO.O$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.
  9774.  OO...OOO.OO......OO.O..O.O$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.
  9775.  O..O.OO.OO$....O$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$..
  9776.  O..OOOOO.O$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.......
  9777.  .OO.O...OO.OO$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$....
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  9780.  $$$$$...O$$$$$$$$$$$.........O..O
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  9782.  $.O....O$$$......OOOOO$$$$$$$$$$$....O...O
  9783.  $.O$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$OOOO.
  9784.  $..O...O$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
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  9787.  $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.......
  9788.  $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.......
  9789.  $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.......
  9790.  $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.......
  9791.  $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.......
  9792.  $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.......
  9793.  $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.......
  9794.  $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.......
  9795.  $$$$$$$$$$$$$....OOOOOO$$$.......
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  9807.  $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.......
  9808.  $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.......
  9809.  $$$$$$$$$$$$......OOOOOO$$$$.....
  9810.  $$$$$$$$$$$$......O.....O$$$$....
  9811.  $$$$$$$$$$$$......O$$$$$
  9812.  $$$$$$$$$$$$.......O....O$$$$....
  9813.  $$$$$$$$$$$$.........OO$$$$......
  9814. |
  9815. |
  9816. |Moving the back two HWSS backwards and outwards by 6N cells, and also moving
  9817. |the back LWSS backwards by 12N cells, will produce a puffer whose period is
  9818. |increased by 120N, and which attempts to leave 3N more blinkers.
  9819. |
  9820. |If the top LWSS is removed, and replaced with a LWSS in the symmetrical
  9821. |position to the one at the bottom, then the puffer will also produce a
  9822. |backwards traveling glider.
  9823. |
  9824. |This concludes my addendum to the Spaceships in Conway's Life series.
  9825. |I would like to thank Harold McIntosh, Hartmut Holzwart, and especially
  9826. |Dean Hickerson for reviewing this article.